Stand: 20.08.2016 Herbst 2016 A-Z Übersichtsliste 'Midsize-Magnolien' Info: Pflanzengrößen zwischen 130cm bis 250cm werden bei uns immer stärker nachgefragt. Wir bemühen uns ständig, dieses Angebot zu erweitern und in jeder Saison interessant zu gestalten. Diese Liste ist eine einfache A-Z Übersicht zu Beginn der Herbst-Saison. Standardsorten können zudem auch in anderen Größen angefragt werden. Wir werden diese Liste nicht aktualisieren! Alle Details & Preise zu den hier gelisteten Angeboten finden Sie unter Der Versand der Pflanzen kann innerhalb der gesamten EU erfolgen. Sollten Sie Fragen und Wünschen haben, senden Sie uns bitte eine E-Mail oder rufen uns an. Vielen Dank Der Zwischenverkauf bleibt vorbehalten. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Autumn 2016 A-Z Overview 'Midsize-Magnolias' Info: We have an increasing demand for midsize-container plants in the range between 130cm and 250cm. Much efforts have been done during the last years, to provide even more rare varieties in larger sizes - even if most exist as single specimen or in very small numbers. This list is just an overview at the beginning of the autumn-season Important: The list will not be updated until december! Please find further details and prices on We are able to ship plants within the European Union. Do not hesitate to send us your questions or demands by E-Mail or phone. Thank you very much. Subject to prior sale. Magnolia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 24 Below (grandiflora) A.E.Bold Aashild Kalleberg (xwieseneri) acuminata acuminata x cylindrica (Kehr) Aiken County (virginiana) Alba Superba (xsoulangiana) Albatross Alex Alexandrina All Spice Alta (grandiflora) Amber amoena (ex Wespelaar) Angels Landing (ex Weinheim) Angustifolia (grandiflora) Ann Anna Anne Rosse Cont: Höhe: c12 c7,5 c10 c20 c7,5 c20 c15 c10 c10 c7,5 200+ 190 250 260 180 250/300 180 150 170 200 c5 c12 c7,5 c10 c25 c10 c7,5 c7,5 c5 130 160/180 140 200+ 200/220 140 180/200 160 160+ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Ann's Delight Anya Aphrodite Apollo Archangel ashei (macrophylla ssp.) ashei x macrophylla Asian Artistry Athene Atlas Atlas x Caerhays Belle (ex Weinheim) Atlas x Star Wars (ex Weinheim) Aurora australis (virginiana) Badenweiler (ex Weinheim) Badenweiler (ex Weinheim) Banana Split Barbara Cook (dawsoniana) Beugnon (x soulangiana) Big Ben Big Dude Big Dude Billowing Cloud Binette biondii biondii (Hillier, 960216C) biondii 'Henan' (#98522, Wespelaaar) Birgitta Aurora Bjuv (cylindrica) Black Swan Black Tulip Black Tulip Black Tulip x Holland Red (SWE) Black Tulip x Serene (ex Weinheim) Black Tulip x Vulcan (fastigiate, ex WH) Black Tulip x Vulcan seedlg. 02 (ex WH) Blackberry Rose (ex Weinheim) Blanchard (grandiflora) Bloomfield (tripetala) Savage Bloomfield x obovata Savage Blue Opal (acuminata) Blushing Belle Brenda Brett Briar (sargentiana) Brixton Belle Broadleas (sargentiana) Bronwyne brooklynensis x acuminata 95205 Brozzonii (xsoulangiana) Bucklands c10 c10 c10 c7,5 c7,5 c7,5 c10 c7,5 c10 c12 c7,5 c7,5 c12 c5 c10 c15 c10 c7,5 c12 c10 c10 c7,5 c7,5 c7,5 c10 c20 c7,5 c7,5 c10 c7,5 c12 c30 c12 c7,5 c10 c10 c7,5 c25 c10 c10 c20 c5 c30 c7,5 c7,5 c7,5 c7,5 c7,5 c7,5 c5 c7,5 280 200 180 190+ 170 200+ 160 250 230 230 150 200 220/240 200/220 190 220 140 140 180+ 170 190+ 200/220 150+ 180+ 240 360 170 190 200/220 180 230+ 300/320 180 180+ 150 180 140 175+ 130 130+ 175/200 160 250 160 160 180 180 180 140 200 130 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 Burgundy Burgundy Spire Burgundy Star Burgundy x Vulcan (lt, ex Weinheim) Burncoose (Diva) Burncoose Purple Busey (acuminata) Butterbowl C4 (Nigra x Messel polypl.) KEHR Caerhays Belle Caerhays Surprise Cairn Croft Cameo Candy Cane Carlos Cathryn Cecil Nice Cedullo Chamaeleon Champaign (xloebneri) Charisma Charles Carlson Charles Coates Charles Raffill (camp.xmollic.) Charles Raffill x denudata Charming Lady Chindit (dawsoniana) Chrysanthemiflora Chrysanthemiflora Stamm 120cm Chrystal Chalice Chrystal Tulip Chyverton Red (dawsoniana) Cleopatra Coates (xsoulangiana) Coimbra (xsoulangiana) Colossus x Oriental Charm Concolor (salicifolia) Connor Cool Cassis (ex Weinheim) Copeland Court (Diva) Coral Lake Coral Reef Cotton Candy Crescendo Cuckoo Cup Cake cylindrica (ex Wespelaar) cylindrica (Holden arb, ex Anhui,China) cylindrica x Darjeeling Daphne Dark Diva c7,5 c12 c15 c10 c5 c5 c7,5 c12 c10 c20 c5 c15 c10 c10 c7,5 c10 c20 c20 c30 c15 c5 c5 c10 c25 c25 c10 c5 c35 c12 c10 c10 c5 c12 c7,5 c7,5 c7,5 c10 c10 c7,5 c25 c10 c5 c10 c7,5 c12 C7,5 c10 c7,5 c7,5 c12 c7,5 200 240 200/220 180 180 130 130 200 150 230 180 190 180 160 190+ 220 300 220/240 270 130 130 230 200 200 320 220 200 130/150 160 170 200+ 190 260/280 200 130 200 170 190 160 300 140 140 130+ 170 200+ 200 200 130+ 140+ 240 140 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 Dark Shadow Darkest Purple x Betty Jessel (ex WH) Darrel Dean David Clulow David Clulow x spreng.elong. (WPL #98137B) Daybreak Daybreak Deep Purple Dream delavayi Delia Williams Delicatissima denudata Diva (sprengeri) Diva x Lennei Alba (B) Diva x Picture doltsopa Double Diamond (denudata) Early Rose Edith Bogue (grandiflora) Eleanor May Eleonore Speer (ex Weinheim) Elisa Odenwald Elizabeth elongata (sprengeri var.) Morris Arboretum elongata (sprengeri) Emma Cook Encore (xloebneri) Eric Savill ernestii Eskimo Eskimo Eternal Flames Ethel Hillier (campb.) Eva Maria Exmouth (grandiflora) F.J.Williams FAIRY 'Blush' Felicity Felix Jury Felix Jury Fire (China) Fireglow First Love Flaming Heart Flamingo fordiana Forrest's Pink Forrest's Pink x Lesley Jane Frank Gladney Frank's Masterpiece Frank's Masterpiece x Rominas Pink (ex WH) C7,5 c10 c7,5 c25 c7,5 c12 c30 c7,5 c20 c10 c5 c20 c15 c7,5 c25 c10 c12 c7,5 c15 c20 c10 c15 c20 c10 c7,5 c7,5 c7,5 c5 c10 c10 c20 c7,5 c15 c10 c15 c10 c5 c7,5 c25 c5 c12 c10 c10 c5 c7,5 C5 c7,5 c35 c10 c10 c12 170 250 200 200/220 190 200 300 190 170 180 140 260 200 150 280 200/220 260 180/200 200 230 170 140 260/280 250 130 130+ 150 180 200/220 200/220 200 200+ 180/200 250 200 150+ 140 180 200/220 160+ 270 170+ 190 160+ 140 170+ 150 260 170 180 190 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 Fukuju (Nakamura 2) Full Ecipse Galaxy Genesis x virginiana (Kehr R20-24) Genie Genie George Henry Kern Gere (denudata) Ghislaine Ghislaine (ex Wespelaar) Ghost Ship (denudata) Gill Day Glauca (virginiana) Gold Crown Gold Cup Gold Star Golden Endeavour Golden Gala Golden Gift Golden Girl (Kehr) Golden Joy Golden Pond Golden Rain Golden Sun Goldfinch Goliath (grandiflora) Green Bee Green Mist (xloebneri) Green Snow Greenfinch Gretel Eisenhut Harold Hillier (campbellii) Hattie Carthan Havener (virginiana) Heaven Scent Helena (ex Weinheim) Henry Hicks (virginiana) Hohmann (cylindrica x ?) Honey Belle (ex Wespelaar) Honey Flower (ex Wespelaar) Honey Liz Honey Tulip Hot Flash Hot lips Hot Pants Hot Pants Seedling (Wespelaar 98130-C) Hot Pants x David Clulow (ex Wespelaar) Ian's Red Ice Chrystal (virginiana) Illini Gold Illini Moonlight c7,5 c7,5 c35 c7,5 c12 c30 c35 c25 c10 c25 c10 c7,5 c15 c10 c35 c20 c15 c7,5 c15 c70 c35 c7,5 c10 c10 c10 c30 c10 c7,5 c7,5 c7,5 c7,5 c5 c5 c10 c15 c25 c5 c25 c7,5 c7,5 c10 c30 c7,5 c20 c10 c7,5 c7,5 c5 c35 c7,5 c7,5 140 200+ 200-250 150+ 160/180+ 275/300 150-175 270 170 240 160 200 150+ 140 240 200 180/200 170 220/240 280/300 230 200/220 140 130 190 240 200/220 220 190 140+ 130+ 170+ 180+ 200/220 270 240 160 300/320 240 170+ 200 260/280 160+ 300 180 160 170 200 200-250 200 140 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 Iolanthe Isis (kobus fastigiate) Ivory Chalice Ivory Chalice Ivory Jewel J.C.Williams Jade Lamp (denudata) Janaki Ammal Jane Platt Jane Platt x Leonhard Messel (ex Weinheim) Jermyns (salicifolia) Joe McDaniel John Bond (cylindr. X c ampb. ?) Joker (ex Weinheim) Joli Pompon Jon Jon (JG3) Judy Carlson Judy Zuk Just Jean Karin Kate Brook (syn. 'Milliken') Katja Landler (ex Weinheim) Kay Parris (grandiflora) Keiskei (stellata) Kinju (acuminata) Kittiwake Koban Dori (acuminata) Kronos (ex Weinheim) L.A.21 (Gresham) laevifolia 'Achteraan' laevifolia 'Free Spirit' laevifolia 'Kunming' laevifolia 'Select' (France) laevifolia 'Summer Snowflake' laevifolia 'Velvet & Cream' laevifolia 'Woodbanks' Lagniappa Lamellen Pink (campbellii) Lanhydrock (campb.mollic.) Lanhydrock (sprengeri) Laura Saylor Leda Legacy Legend Lemon Star Lennarth Johnsson Lennei (xsoulangiana) Lennei Alba (xsoulangiana) Lennei x (Pegasus x Darjeeling) DL Lennei x Daybreak Leonard Messel (xloebneri) c12 c5 c30 c7,5 c7,5 c25 c10 c10 c35 c7,5 c20 c10 c10 c7,5 c10 c5 c7,5 c10 c10 c7,5 c10 c10 c30 c7,5 c7,5 c10 c30 c10 c10 c10 c5 c12 c25 c5 c10 c25 c7,5 c5 c20 c5 c7,5 c7,5 c7,5 c5 c10 c7,5 c20 c7,5 c7,5 c10 c20 160/180 200/220 300/320 170+ 240+ 230 230 130 160 150 160/180 200 200 190 200+ 150 200 220 140/160 150 150 180 200cm+ 130 130 170 200 170 170 200/225 120 120+ 160/180 130 200/225 160/180 200/220 240 260/280 230 140 150 200/220 200/220 170 190 200/220 200 140 170 150-175 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 Lesley Jane (xloebneri) Lili Diva Liliputian (xsoulangiana) Lilleny Limelight Little Form (kobus) Little Geisha (liliiflora, ex Weinheim) Livingstone Lois Lombardy Rose (xsoulangiana) Lotus Louisa Fete (salicifolia) Lu Shan Lucious Lucy Carlson Maarten Maarten x Felix Jury (ex Weinheim) macrophylla Mag's Pirouette (xloebneri) Mahogany Glow Mainstreet (grandiflora) Manchu Fan Manchu Fan x Leda (ex Wespelaar) Manchu Fan x spreng. elong. (WPL 98129-B) Manchu Fan x Vulcan (seedling2, Weinheim) March Til Frost Margaret Helen Marguerite Mark Jury Marwood Spring (sprengeri) Mary Slankard (sprengeri) Maryland Maryland Maryllin Maya (bokrijk) Melon Sky (ex Weinheim) Merrill (xloebneri) Michael Rosse Michiko Rengo (sieboldii) Milky Way Miss Honeybee Miss Jack (salicifolia) mollicomata (ssp. Campb.) Momoyu (xsoulangiana) Moondance Moonglow (syn. Wilson, virginiana) Morris Fragrant (kobus) Mossman's Giant Nelly (ex Weinheim) Nigra (liliiflora) Norman Gould c7,5 c7,5 c15 c10 c7,5 c7,5 c10 c10 c7,5 c7,5 c7,5 c15 c10 c7,5 c7,5 c7,5 c10 c10 c10 c10 c25 c10 c7,5 c10 c10 c25 c10 C7,5 c7,5 c12 c7,5 c10 c40 c5 c7,5 c7,5 c20 c10 c5 c20 c5 c7,5 c5 c7,5 c15 c10 c7,5 c7,5 c10 c20 c35 160 150 160 170 200/220 180 160 240 150 200 150 240 150+ 140 170 200 240 160 220 180 240/260 160 230 170 190 180/200 170+ 240 220 200/220 160+ 120/150 300 180+ 130 160 150-175 140 170+ 250 160 130/150 200 180 240/260 270 160 130 180 125-150 175-200 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 Northern Belle (virginiana) obovata obovata officinalis officinalis biloba xwieseneri officinalis var. Biloba (officinalis x obovata) x tripetala (WPL92104A) Old Port Olivia Olmenhof (xthompsoniana) Orchid Oscar Ossie's Yellow Pastel Sunset (DL) Patriot (acuminata) Pat's Delight Patty (ex Wespelaar) Paul Cook Peachy Pegasus Peppermint Ice Peppermint Ice Peregrine Peter Smithers (Gresham) Petit Chicon Petit Form (tripetala) Phelan Bright Philip Tregunna Philo (blue) Phils Masterpiece Pickard's Chrystal Pickard's Coral Pickards Garnet o.p. (ex Weinheim) Pickard's Glow Pickard's Maime Pickard's Ruby Pickards Ruby x Felix Jury Hornau (ex WH) Pickard's Ruby x J.C.W (large tree) Pickard's Ruby x Werrington (xxl-leaves) Pickard's Schmetterling Pickard's Snow Queen Pickard's Standish Pickard's Stardust Pickard's Sundew Pickard's Sundew x Vulcan #1 Pickard's Sundew x Vulcan #1 Pickard's Sundew x Vulcan #1 (ex WH) Pickard's Sundew x Vulcan #3 Pickard's Sundew x Vulcan #3 Picture (xsoulangiana) Pierce's Park (acuminata) c7,5 c35 c5 c7,5 c15 c20 c10 c7,5 c12 c7,5 c7,5 c7,5 c7,5 c7,5 c10 c10 c10 c10 c10 c30 c10 c5 c10 c10 c10 c7,5 c10 c25 c7,5 c7,5 c10 c7,5 c10 c35 c10 c12 c10 c10 c10 c10 c5 c15 c5 c7,5 c10 c10 c10 c10 c10 C7,5 c7,5 160 400 150+ 200 240 220 160 200+ 230 180 200/220 200/220 150 150 240 150+ 260 190 200/220 200/220 140+ 110 130 190+ 150+ 160 230 280 130 200+ 150 200+ 160 200+ 160 180/200 160 160 170 200 160+ 150+ 180 200/220 180 190 190 140 160 180 130 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 Pink Beauty Pink Butterfly Pink Fruity Pink Goblet Pink Kobus Pink Parchment (zenii) Pink Royalty Pink Surprise Pink Surprise x Coral Reef Pink Tilkin (Bokrijk) Pinkie Plum Pudding Porcelain Dove Princess Margaret Pristine #512 Pseudokobus (Kobushi-Modoki) Purple Breeze (ex Wespelaar) Purple Eye Purple Eye x Darjeeling (ex Wim Rutten Garden) Purple Globe Purple Platter Purple Prince Purple Sensation Purple Star R20-1 (Kehr) Raspberry Fun (xloebneri) Raspberry Ripple Rebekka's Perfume (ex Weinheim) Red As Red Baron Red Lady (ex Weinheim) Red Lion Rob Bayly Robert's Dream (xproctoriana) Rodica (xsoulangiana) Rogow (kobus) Romina's Pink (ex Weinheim) Rose Marie Rose Quartz (DL) Rose Superb (xsoulangiana) Rosea (xproctoriana) ex Wespelaar Roseanne Rouged Alabaster Royal Alma Royal Flush (Gresham) Royal Purple Rubra (stellata) Rubra (xveitchii) Rustica Rubra Ruth Salem Fastigiata c25 c10 c7,5 c20 c3 c25 c7,5 c7,5 c7,5 c25 c7,5 c7,5 c12 c5 c25 c5 c7,5 c7,5 C10 c20 c7,5 c10 c10 c20 c10 c7,5 c7,5 c10 c20 c35 c10 c5 c7,5 c7,5 c7,5 c35 c7,5 c7,5 c10 c10 c5 c10 c10 c7,5 c12 c7,5 c35 c12 c7,5 c7,5 c25 240 190 130 250 150+ 260 200 190 160 220 180 200/220 230 160 240 180 200+ 160 230 280/300 200 240 200/220 250 180/200 160 170 160+ 280 175/200 160 200/220 150 130 180 175-200 160 200 150 190 180 130 250 240 230 150 200 200 220 180+ 180/200 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 salicifolia San Jose Sangreal Santa Rosa (virginiana) Sara Koe Sarah's Favourite sargentiana var.robusta x cuminata Satisfaction Savage Splendor Sayonara Scented Silver Sentinel Serene Shirazz Shirleys Perfume Sidbury (campbellii) sieboldii x tripetala polyploid Silk Road sinostellata Slavin's Snowy (xproctoriana) Sleeping Beauty (acuminata) Snowdrift (xloebneri) Solar Flair Sonia Dobner (Atlas x Star Wars) Southern Belle Spectrum sprengeri var. sprengeri (#84329 Wespelaar) sprengeri var. sprengeri (#85053 Wespelaar) Spring Rite Star Wars Star Wars x Atlas (1) ex Weinheim Star Wars x Blood Moon (ex Weinheim) Star Wars x Vulcan (ex Weinheim) Strawberry Shake (ex Weinheim) String of Pearls subcordata 'Doppelblütig' Suishoren (Nakamura) Sulphur Cuckatoo Summer Lady (ex Weinheim) Summer Solstice Sun Ray Sun Spire Sun Sprite (Kehr) Sundance Sunsation Sunsation Sunset Swirl Suntown Susanna van Veen Swede Made (xwieseneri) Sweet Merlot c7,5 c7,5 c10 c7,5 c7,5 c7,5 C7,5 c30 c7,5 c35 c30 c10 c10 c20 c12 c10 c12 c25 c10 c7,5 c20 c7,5 c15 c5 c10 c50 c10 c10 c10 c12 c7,5 c10 c10 c10 c7,5 c7,5 c10 c10 c10 c7,5 c7,5 c10 c10 c25 c120 c20 c35 c10 c25 c7,5 c7,5 130 150 200 140 130 200/220 130 270 170 200 180+ 230+ 200/220 300/350 200 130 180 160 180 130 280/300 160 200+ 140 250 250-300 130 250 180+ 250 230 180 170 260 230 160 160 170 160+ 130 150 170 170 280 280 175-200 200 200+ 240 180 240 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 Sweet Simplicity (xsoulangiana) Sweet Sixteen (L.A.16) Sweet Valentine Sweetheart Sybille Theodora Thomas Messel Thousand Butterflies Tiffany Timeless Beauty (syn. Monland) Tina Durio Titan Tor (xgotoborgensis clone 2) Toro x Gorgeous Touch of Class Tranquility Treyve (grandiflora) tripetala Two Stones (Kehr) Ula Vairano Valley Splendor (dawsoniana) veitchii x denudata (Clone1) Venus (ex Weinheim) Verbanica (xsoulangiana) Vico Multitepal (sargentiana) virginiana x Bloomfield Vulcan Wada's Memory (xkewensis) Westonbirt (diva) White Elegance (kobus) White Mystery White Rose (xloebneri) wieseneri wieseneri 'Hillier Clone' Wildcat (xloebneri) William Watson wilsonii Wim Rutten Woodsman x Elizabeth (Kehr) Yaeko Yellow Bird Yellow Bird x Gorgeous Yellow Bird x White Rose Yellow Fever Yellow Lantern Yellow River Yellow Sea Yuchelia c15 c25 c20 C7,5 c10 c25 c20 c10 c12 c20 c10 c10 c7,5 c7,5 c7,5 c7,5 c15 c30 c35 c7,5 c20 c7,5 c7,5 c10 c5 c15 c7,5 c10 c25 c10 c7,5 c5 c7,5 c10 c20 c35 c10 c20 c7,5 c7,5 c12 c20 c7,5 c10 c30 c20 c7,5 c7,5 c7,5 300 320 300/350 190 190 200 260 200 200+ 180/200 200 140 130 190 220+ 180 200+ 320 140/160 140 320 150 150 170 180 200/220 130 200/220 160 190 180+ 200+ 160 200/220 130 200-250 160 160 170 130 200+ 260+ 200 230 260 200-250 200 180 240
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