Exotenzucht – Haag Urs Haag, Oberer Esch 9, 88348 Bad Saulgau Germany Home: www.exotenzucht-haag.de www.facebook.de/exoteCBucht mail: [email protected] phone: 0151 – 1213 5620 Stocklist Exotenzucht – Haag // 15.08.2016 Special offer for Terraristika Hamm 10.09.2016: 05 x Avicularia diversipes, 2.-3. molt 40,05 x Avicularia spec. Peru Purple, 2.-3. molt 30,05 x Avicularia spec. Tarapoto, 2. molt 65,05 x Avicularia versicolor, 2.-3. molt 35,10 x Avicularia versicolor, 2.-3. molt 65,05 x Brachypelma annitha, ca. 1cm Body: 50,05 x Brachypelma smithi, ca. 1 cm Body: 35,05 x Harpactira pulchripes, 2 molt 250,05 x Monocentropus balfouri, 3 molt 75,10 x Monocentropus balfouri, 3. molt 130,05 x Ornithoctonus aureotibialis, 2. molt 20,05 x Phormingochilus everetti, 3. molt 200,05 x Psalmopoeus irminia, 3 molt 20,- Wholesale offer for Terraristika Hamm 10.09.2016: (price ask by email….) 25 x Avicularia spec. Tarapoto, 2 molt 30 x Acanthoscurria geniculata, males with about 3 cm body 50 x Brachypelma smithi, males with about 3 cm body 100 x Brachypelma smithi, mixed sex with 1 cm body 20 x Monocentropus balfouri, 3. molt 50 x Ornithoctonus aureotibialis, 2. molt 50 x Psalmopoeus irminia, 3. molt (Alle Preise in Euro. Angebote gültig solange Vorrat vorhanden, bzw. bis zum Erscheinen einer neuen Preisliste. Weitergehende Bestimmungen entnehmen Sie bitte den AGB auf www.exotenzucht-haag.de) Seite 1 Birdspiders / Tarantulas: Spiderlings and juveniles (not sexes) : Avicularia diversipes, CB 2016, 2. molt St. 10,- // 5 x 45,Avicularia spec. peru purple, CB 2015, 2.-3. molt St. 8,- / 5 x 35,Avicularia spec. Tarapoto, CB 2016, 2. molt St. 18,- // 5 x 75,Avicularia spec. britisch Guyana, CB 2016, 1. molt St. 6,- // 5 x 25,Avicularia versicolor, CB 2016, 2.-3. molt St. 8,- / 5 x 35,Avicularia versicolor, CB 2015, 4.-5. molt St. 15,Brachypelma annitha, CB 2014, ca. 1 cm Body: St. 12,- // 5 x 55,- // 10 x 100,Brachypelma smithi, CB 2014, ca. 1 cm Body: St. 8,- // 5 x 35,Cyriocosmus chicoi, CB 2015, 2.-3. molt St. 8,Harpactira pulchripes, CB 2016, 2.-3. molt St. 55,- // 5 x 250,Haplocosmia himalayana, CB 2015, 3. molt St. 12,- // 5 x 50,Monocentropus balfouri, CB 2015, 3. molt St. 18,- // 5 x 80,- // 10 x 150,Ornithoctonus aureotibialis, CB 2016, 2. molt St. 6,- // 5 x 25,- // 10 x 45,Phormingochilus everetti, CB 2016, 2.-3. molt St. 45,- // 5 x 200,Psalmopoeus irminia, CB 2015, 3. molt : St. 6,- // 5 x 25,Theraphosa stirmi, CB 2015, 3. molt St. 50,- females (juvenil to adult): 0.1 Acanthoscurria geniculata, adult: St. 65,0.1 Acanthoscurria geniculata, ca. 5 - 6 cm Body: St. 45,0.1 Acanthoscurria geniculata, ca. 4 cm Body: St. 35,0.1 Acanthoscurria geniculata, ca. 3 cm Body: St. 25,0.1 Avicularia spec. british Guyana, adult: St. 40,0.1 Avicularia aurantiaca, XL adult: St. 100,0.1 Avicularia spec. tarapoto, adult: St. 100,0.1 Brachypelma smithi, about 2,5 – 3 cm Body: St. 25,0.1 Cyriopagopus schiodtei, about 2,5 cm Body: St. 25,0.1 Ephebopus murinus “Skelettvogelspinne”, adult: St. 55,- // subadult St. 45,0.1 Lasiodora parahybana, about. 3-4 cm Body : St. 25,0.1 Monocentropus balfouri, subadult, ca. 3 – 4 cm Body: St. 70,0.1 Nhandu chromatus, XL adult: St. 65,0.1 Nhandu chromatus, adult: St. 55,0.1 Ornithoctonus aureotibialis, XL adult: St. 65,0.1 Ornithoctonus aureotibialis, adult: St. 55,0.1 Ornithoctonus aureotibialis, subadult: St. 45,0.1 Poecilotheria smithi, adult: St. 70,0.1 Poecilotheria vittata, adult: St. 70,0.1 Poecilotheria subfusca, subadult: St. 70,0.1 Poecilotheria miranda, adult: St. 70,0.1 Poecilotheria miranda, adult: St. 70,0.1 Pamphobeteus ultramarinus, adult: St. 150,- (Alle Preise in Euro. Angebote gültig solange Vorrat vorhanden, bzw. bis zum Erscheinen einer neuen Preisliste. Weitergehende Bestimmungen entnehmen Sie bitte den AGB auf www.exotenzucht-haag.de) Seite 2 0.1 Pamphobeteus spec. Machala, adult: St. 75,0.1 Psalmopoeus cambridgei, subadult (ca. 5 cm Body) St. 30,0.1 Theraphosa stirmi, about 6 cm Body: St. 130,0.1 Theraphosa stirmi, XL adult breeding female: St. 250,- Males (juvenil to adult): 1.0 Acanthoscurria geniculata, about 3 cm Body: St. 10,1.0 Brachypelma smithi, about 3 cm Body: St. 15,1.0 Cyriopagopus schiodtei, about 2,5 cm Body: St. 12,-m 1.0 Heteroscodra maculata, semi to subadult: St. 15,1.0 Lasiodora parahybana, about 3 cm Body : St. 10,1.0 Pamphobeteus spec. Machala, subadult: St. 25,- Millipedes: (both sex available Archispirostreptus gigas (Giant millipedes): adults with 13 – 18 cm: 15,Archispirostreptus gigas (Giant millipedes): XXL animals 20+ cm 20,Odontostreptus spec. Camerun, (grey striped millipedes) smaller species with about 5 – 8 cm: 8,- // 5 x 35,Mardonius spec. Camerun, about 15 cm: 12,- // 5 x 50,- Mantis: FAQ: Shipment season starts at beginning of April (depending on temperature), no shipment during the winter months All prices are in € (Euro) Payment is possible by bank transfer or western union money transfer (no paypal) Payment has to be done in advance Shipment is possible in most countries of the world (you have to check the customs regulations of your country) Minimum order is 50,- € Shipment can be done by small uninsured airmail parcel (15,- €) Orders over 1500,- € can be sent by air cargo animal transport. (airport to airport) Spiders are packed in the best possible way and sent in isolated styrofoam boxes to protect of cold and heath. the risk of shipment is on side of the the recipient, no guarantee on alive arrival possible (Alle Preise in Euro. Angebote gültig solange Vorrat vorhanden, bzw. bis zum Erscheinen einer neuen Preisliste. Weitergehende Bestimmungen entnehmen Sie bitte den AGB auf www.exotenzucht-haag.de) Seite 3
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