The challenge of involvement in reflective teaching: Three case studies from a teacher education project on conducting classroom discussions on socio-scientific issues Wolfensberger B., Piniel J., Canella C., Kyburz-Graber R. Institute of Upper Secondary and Vocational Education, University of Zürich, Beckenhofstrasse 35, CH8006 Zürich, Switzerland Abstract: The purpose of this qualitative study was to learn more about how teachers deal with a reflective teaching approach aimed at developing their competencies in analysing and facilitating classroom discussions on socio-scientific issues. Three cases of teachers' journeys through the project are reconstructed and characterised. We posit that each teacher benefited from the project according to his or her individual situation, needs and learning style. A number of modifications to the project design are proposed and can be summarised by the idea of assisting teachers more closely and more individually as they pass through the reflective teaching process. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Author Keywords: Discussion (teaching technique); Natural sciences; Professional development; Reflective teaching; Socio-scientific issues; Teacher education Year: 2010 Source title: Teaching and Teacher Education Volume: 26 Issue: 3 Page : 714-721 Link: Scorpus Link Document Type: Article Source: Scopus Authors with affiliations: 1. Wolfensberger, B., Institute of Upper Secondary and Vocational Education, University of Zürich, Beckenhofstrasse 35, CH8006 Zürich, Switzerland 2. Piniel, J., Institute of Upper Secondary and Vocational Education, University of Zürich, Beckenhofstrasse 35, CH-8006 Zürich, Switzerland 3. 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