Preliminary Program 7th European Zonta Interdistrict Seminar February 03 – 05, 2017 – Vienna/Austria Saturday, February 4th, 2017 Don Bosco Haus, 1130 Vienna, St.Veit-Gasse 25 Registration 8.00 - 9.15 a.m. Welcome 9.30 - 10.00 a.m. - Ingeborg Geyer (Chairperson Vienna Organizing Team) - BM.a.D. Maria Rauch Kallat (Presenter/Moderator) - Karin Nordmeyer (Initiator of the European Seminars) - Sonja Hoenig Shough (President Zonta International) - Silke Kobald (Bezirksvorsteherin/Head of Vienna District 13) Keynotes 10.00 – 10.50 a.m. „ The right to the City - Agenda 2030 / das Recht auf Stadt - die Agenda 2030." Prof. Dr. Walter Siebel and Dr.-Ing. Irene Wiese - v.Ofen The Paneuropean Project Sebastian Kurz, Bundesminister für Europa, Integration und Äußeres der Republik Österreich (scheduled) Coffee break Keynotes and Panel discussion 10.50 - 11.15 a.m. 11.15 - 12.30 p.m. New challenges on the labor market Mag. Bakk. Martina Maurer AMS Österreich, Fachabteilung "Arbeitsmarktpolitik für Frauen" Lunch 12.30 - 2.00 p.m. Workshops 2 p.m. – 3.30 p.m. a. Human Rights Introductory notes by Shams Asadi (Head of the Human Rights Bureau Vienna/Leiterin des Menschenrechtsbüros der Stadt Wien) and Anita Schnetzer-Spranger (ZC Mainz, ZI Council of Europe Committee Chairman) b. Sustainable Development Goals and Zonta’s mission Introductory notes Prof. MD PhD Jadranka Mustajbegovie (ZC Zagreb, University Zagreb) c. Violence against Women Introductory notes by Karin Nordmeyer (ZC Schauinsland, President UN Women National Committee Germany) and Helga Konrad (OSCE Danube Region) scheduled Contributions/Interventions: Presentation of a project supported by ZC Vezprém concerning the organization „Missing children“ d. Job Market Introductory notes by Claudia Gamon (NEOS deputy) and Els v. Winckel (ZC Brussels, ZI UN-Representative Geneva) Workshop reports, wrap up and Closing 4.00 – 5 p.m. Reception at the Rathaus: admittance 7.30 p.m. Side Program Friday, February 3rd, 2017 Get together at Heuriger Schneider-Gössl Sunday, February 5th 10.00 – 12.00 a.m. 12.00 – 1.00 p.m. Guided City tour by bus Museumsquartier: Leopold Museum (guided tour) (Klimt, Schiele, Hoffmann) 7 p.m. List of nearby hotels: (Room contingents) under „Zonta European Seminar“ until October 31, 2016) Don Bosco Haus (26 EZ, 44 DZ):; E-Mail: [email protected] Hotel Cortina **** 1130 Wien, Hietzinger Hauptstr. 134 (Ober St. Veit):;;lang=de Hotel/Heuriger Schneider-Gössl, 1130 Wien, Firmiangasse 9-11 (Ober St. Veit) Austria Trend Parkhotel Schönbrunn**** 1130 Wien, Hietzinger Hauptstr. 10 – 14 www.parkhotel-schö
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