5 Team City [Team Stadtmitte] Rüsterstraße 5, 60325 Frankfurt [email protected] +49 (6)9 1700240 Open hours: Thu 2 – 5 p.m. (Other days by appointment) In case of insufficient German or English skills, please arrange for a translator or notify the Legal-Team in advance. LEGAL ADVICE General notice: not all of the advisors are lawyer. But in case you need support by a lawyer contact can be made. Please try to send all relevant german or foreign documents in advance via mail and in anonymised form to the Legal-Team. If you worry about the costs: you can apply for „Beratungshilfe” at the Amtsgericht or „Verfahrenskostenhilfe” 1 Amnesty international – Consultation on asylum support www.amnesty-frankfurt.de Leipziger Straße 17 , 60487 Frankfurt U4,U6,U7,16—Bockenheimer Warte [email protected] +49 (0)69 496149 Legal-Team / Teachers on the Road IG-Metall-Haus, Wilhelm-LeuschnerStraße 69 – 77, 60329 Frankfurt Individual case consultations and background information about your rights. Every second Thursday of the month, please make an appointment in advance via email: [email protected] or call +49 (0)1521 7301032 4 Academic Experience Worldwide www.aeworldwide.de / english Seehofstraße 3, 60594 Frankfurt Open exchange between students and highly qualified asylum seekers, refugees raising voices, equal tandems between highly qualified refugees and students, German classes, coaching sessions. No official opening hours. Please contact and make an appointment: [email protected] Emails will be read: Mon – Tue 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Please contact: Mrs. Jasna Robbel +49 (0)69 94344431 Consultation hours: Mon 10 – 12 and 1.30 – 3 p.m. Thus 10 – 12 and 2 – 4 p.m. Languages: German, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian and Turkish PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT 11 International consultation hours Frankfurt at the public health office [Amt für Gesundheit] gesundheitsamt.stadt-frankfurt.de Breite Gasse 28, 60313 Frankfurt Treatment anonymous if desired. Knowledge of German not required. HEALTH CARE FOR PEOPLE WITHOUT PAPERS OR FROM OTHER EUROPEAN COUNTRIES Malteser – Medical support for immigrants [Malteser Migranten Medizin] at Markus Hospital [Agaplesion Markus Krankenhaus] – Medicentrum / Ärztehaus, Entrance next to the drugstore, 2nd floor, Wilhelm-Epstein-Straße 2, 60431 Frankfurt +49 (0)69 95334547 Mon 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. (during consultation hours only) 8 Protestant advisory and therapie centre [Evangelisches Zentrum für Beratung und Therapie am weißen Stein] Eschersheimer Landstraße 567, 60431 Frankfurt Consultation hours: Mon 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Wed 2 – 4 p.m., Thu 1 – 3 p.m. Evangelisches Zentrum für Beratung und Therapie am weißen Stein and Evangelisches Zentrum für Beratung in Höchst Both centres can connect you with Socius. There are voluntary workers who help / assist asylum-seekers with everyday life and for example accompanying you to an administrative office. Find contact info under „Psychological Support” and „Social Councelling for Migrants” at this flyer. Get.Together – Café Idsteiner Straße 91, 60326 Frankfurt Regular Café – Meeting Point for refugees, migrants, supporters and all interested people at the „Mehrgenerationenhaus” in Frankfurt-Gallus. Find next dates here: facebook.com / get.together.frankfurt International Social Councelling Centre for families [Internationales Familienzentrum e.V. / Psychosoziales Zentrum] www.ifz-ev.de Ostendstraße 70, 60314 Frankfurt Parents and Child-Café For parents with children (0 – 6 years) Wednesday 3 – 6 p.m., 2nd floor, Mrs. Amina Osman Languages: German, Swahili Social service and counselling for refugees independant of residence permit status. Miniclub intercultural For parents with children (1 – 3 years) Thusday 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., 2nd floor, Mrs. Sabina Hanschur Languages: German, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian Playing and reading with parents and children Tuesday 9.30 a.m. – 13.30 p.m., Friday 2.30 – 6 p.m., 3. floor Mrs. Christa Petkovsek Language: German MINORS Opening hours: Mon – Fri 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Mon – Thu 3 – 5 p.m. Open consultation hours: Mon 9.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m., Thu 2 – 5.30 p.m. (appointments by arrangement) Fatra e.V. – Frankfurt Association for Trauma and Exile [Frankfurter Arbeitskreis Trauma und Exil] Berger Straße 118, 60316 Frankfurt +49 (0)69 499174, [email protected] Meet in Bockenheim [Begegnen in Bockenheim] www.beinbo.de Leipziger Straße 91, 60487 Frankfurt Opening hours: Mon – Fri after making an appointment. Therefore contact: Mr. Kurt Heilbronn [email protected] / ifz-ev.de +49 (0)69 7137789 - 0 / -150 Counselling and therapy for refugees. +49 (0)69 5302291 [email protected] Teenager without boarders [Jugendliche ohne Grenzen] Empowerment of refugees individual voices through different projects. Please contact: [email protected] / jogspace.net +49 (0)172 2888938 8 è Definition of the term „Residenzpflicht / räumliche Beschränkung” (mandatory residence): After your registration as asylum seeker and obtainment of the „BÜMA” certificate you have to stay in your allocated district (§56 AsylG). Thus you are not allowed to travel to other cities for a period of min. 3 months and max. the duration of your duty to live in a reception institution („Aufnahmeeinrichtung”). This can take up to 6 months or longer if you are from a safe country of origin (EU, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania Kosovo, Ghana, Senegal) In some exceptional cases it is possible to get an exit permit at the competent Foreigners’ Registration Office (§§57, 58 AsylG). You also have the permission to go to appointments with the court or government agencies. Please notice: after the abolishment of the „Residenzpflicht” you are still obligated to live at the place that was assigned to you („Wohnauflage”). Teachers on the Road nksnet.wordpress.com Voluntary support in daily life for asylum seekers. Please contact: [email protected] +49 (0)173 8315758 7 13 è Only the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees („BAMF – Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge”) decides on your case. Neither the supervisor, nor the social workers, nor the securities at the camp / facility can stop your case. MENTORING 11 Social counselling for migrants and refugees. +49 (0)69 5302291 [email protected] 12 Frauenhaus Frankfurt www.frauenhaus-ffm.de Berger Straße 31 – 33, 60316 Frankfurt Brings people from different cultures together through events and group activities. They are part of a campaign group for refugee children. Anna-Katharina Honecker [email protected] [email protected] +49 (0)171 7083650 Opening hours: Thu 6 p.m. – 8.p.m. è In Germany everyone is equal before the law and has the same rights. Teachers on the road nksnet.wordpress.com Helping asylum seekers with integration by organising German courses for free. Please contact: [email protected] +49 (0)173 8315758 INTERACTION Team Höchst Königsteiner Straße 8, 65929 Frankfurt [email protected] +49 (0)69 31408814 Mon 9 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. Students’ consultation Consultation hours: Tues 5 – 7 p.m. [email protected] 10 International social councelling centre for families [Internationales Familienzentrum e.V. / Migration und Familie] www.ifz-ev.de Ostendstraße 70, 60314 Frankfurt +49 (0)69 9434440 They provide information about: Immigration and employment; finding shelter & accommodation; kindergarten & school; unemployment; retirement & health; how to contact public authorities such as the Youth Welfare Office, the Social Welfare Office… Team City [Team Stadtmitte] Rüsterstraße 5, 60325 Frankfurt [email protected] +49 (0)69 1700240 Mon 9 – 12 a.m., Thu 2 – 5 p.m. Get.Together – Café for women Idsteiner Straße 91, 60326 Frankfurt Regular Café – Meeting Point with special dates only for women at the „Mehrgenerationenhaus” in Frankfurt-Gallus. Find next dates here: facebook.com / get.together.frankfurt Information Center for women who suffer from domestic violence and abuse. [email protected] +49 (0)69 48986551 15 Please make an appointment if possible: Internationale.sprechstunden@ stadt-frankfurt.de +49 (0)69 21245241 Consultation hours: Mon 8 – 12 a.m., Thu 8 – 12 a.m. (Wed starting at 2 p.m. for Romanian speakers) BERAMÍ www.berami.de Burgstraße 106, 60389 Frankfurt free hotline within Germany +49 (0)800 1301040 calling from abroad +49 (0)69 91301040 Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 9 a.m. – 12.30 p.m., Thu 2 – 5.30 p.m. (The hotline is most of the time in German, so it will be helpful to have a translator at your side.) Consultation hours: Wed 6 – 8 p.m. 2 9 beramí helps you with contacts and infos about the German procedure of recognition of foreign academic degrees & different kinds of qualifications & professions. Their offer is especially intended for refugees who fear human rights violations in their home countries. They offer: individual case consultations / attendance of meetings with public authorities / background infor-mation about the human rights situation in various countries. 8 HEALTH CARE FOR PEOPLE IN AN ASYLUM PROCESS ACADEMIC / JOB MATTERS 3 14 Caritas [Caritasverband Frankfurt e.V. Beratung für Migranten] www.caritas-frankfurt.de 6 13 Opening hours: Mon, Tue, Thu 9 a.m. – 1.p.m., 2 – 5 p.m. Wed 2 – 5 p.m., Fri 9 – 1 p.m. Open consultation hours: Mon 8.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. Thu 2 – 5 p.m. SOCIAL COUNSELLING FOR MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES 5 Protestant advisory centre – Höchst [Evangelisches Zentrum für Beratung in Höchst] www.frankfurt-evangelisch.de Leverkuser Straße 7, 65929 Frankfurt [email protected] +49 (0)69 759367240 GENERAL RIGHTS International social councelling centre for families [Internationales Familienzentrum e.V. / Migration und Familie] www.ifz-ev.de Ostendstraße 70, 60314 Frankfurt, +49 (0)69 9434440 They offer advisory services to families and their members in different stages of their lifes. There are courses for families with (small) children. Themes: Health & Nutrition; Parenting & Infant development; Leisure activities (handicrafts, cooking, excursions …) Languages: German, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Swahili FREE INTERNET ACCESS Freifunk Frankfurt map.ffm.freifunk.net On this website you can find open WIFI spots in Frankfurt.They are located on a map, so you can find free internet access near you easily. Status as of Dec 2015 | Subject to change. | Graphic and Support by LOVE PAINTER/U9 – facebook.com/lovelovepainter The Special Migration Services team provides support regarding every aspect of the asylum process: Registration as asylum seeker; interviews withGerman asylum authority (BAMF); Dublin-System; Counselling for rejected asylum seekers and persons with „Duldung”; voluntary return; and much more. Advice & important contacts for refugees and asylum seekers in Frankfurt FIND ALL THE INFORMATION & MORE AT THIS WEBSITE SOON: WWW.REFUGEES.GUIDE FOR GENERAL INFORMATION AND QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT [email protected] OR CALL +49 (0)1521 7533709 7 GERMAN COURSES IMPRINT Uli Tomaschowski, Konkrete Solidarität Frankfurt | Höchster Schloßplatz 3, 65929 Frankfurt, [email protected] KNOW. YOUR . RIGHTS . Caritas [Caritasverband Frankfurt e.V. Beratung für Migranten] www.caritas-frankfurt.de OFFERS FOR WOMEN ADVICE ABOUT THE ASYLUM PROCESS è You have the right to remain silent („Aussageverweigerungsrecht”), although the refusal of statement within the scope of an asylum procedure might be of disadvantage for you. For instance, as a citizen of ” a safe country of origin” („Sicherer Herkunftsstaat”), you are even obligated to meet burden of proof, („Beweispflicht”) that means to hand in any evidence of your prosecution (§§15, 29 a AsylG). è Always keep your ID (identity document) with you. In case of police control, the police officers are allowed to take you to the police station if you don’t have your ID with you. In case of trouble please contact: www.copwatch.org IMPORTANT ADVICE è Do not use public transportation without a valid ticket. è Asylum Seminar – Interview Training („Asylseminar – Interviewtraining”): Be prepared for the interview. To see all 42 questions in different languages please visit: nksnet.wordpress.com /asylum (Don‘t worry about the long waitingtime. It is between 1 – 2 years at the moment, depending on the country of origin.) è For citizens of Eritrea, Syria and Iraq there is a rapid procedure with only eight questions in written form and in most cases without an interview. Eriteans can contact Mekri for advice. Mekri, Every Thursday from 6 – 8 pm. DGBJugend-Club, Wilhelm-LeuschnerStraße 69, 60329 Frankfurt (Entrance at the back of the house) è You have the right to obtain a copyof all papers and original documents you hand in to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees(„BAMF”).Generally you should get your passport back after the application for asylum. YOUR RIGHTS IN THE ASYLUM PROCEDURE („ASYLVERFAHREN“) è After your registration as asylum seeker you will have the chance to hand in your application of asylum. If you entered the EU via another Memberstate, you will first be in the „Dublin-procedure” and receive a letter about the competence of Germany for your case after the first interview. After that you will be invited for a second interview and the BAMF will send you a letter about the decision in the asylum procedure. è You have the right to be provided with a translator in a language you speak well. If you wish, you can also bring your own translator. As a woman you have the right to a female translator and also to be questioned by a woman ! è You can bring a person of trust / a friend if you announce it to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees („BAMF”) in time. è If you have a special need of protection (e.g. in case of torture, trauma, persecution due to gender / sexuality, or if you are minor), you have the right to obtain professional help to assist you). Inform / ask your personal administrator at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees („BAMF”). DEPORTATION WARNING è IMPORTANT Always check your mail! – You have to react within a week in case of a deportation letter ! (§§ 34 ff. AsylG) è If you receive a yellow notice / Dublin III notice you also have one effective week left to find a lawyer for an official complaint against it atthe administrative court („Verwaltungsgericht”) ! You should apply for asuspension of the deportation [(§ 80 (5) VwGO]. è For assistance in finding a lawyer in Frankfurt, please check infos under „legal advice” at this flyer. For information on how to stop deportations please visit: nodeportation.antira. info / materialien or contact: vga@ antira.info / +49 (0)152 13048937 MINORS è Information concerning unaccompanied minors: if you see minor asylum seekers (under 18 years of age) without adult accompaniment at your facility, please immediately contact: [email protected] or +49 (0)173 8315758 è If you are younger than 16 years of age and also „unaccompanied”/ without family, you need a legal guardian („Vormund”) to guide you in your asylum process. In that case you also have to urgently inform the„Multicultural Center”(see on thisflyer, under „minors”). If you are under 18 years of age and without adult accompaniment you should get youth support („Jugendhilfe”), which can provide you with school registration, legal assistance and separate housing. FIND HERE A COLLECTION OF MOST IMPORTANT RIGHTS: W2EU.INFO t r. Inheidener Be rge rS St r. berger Str. Str. 38 üd er - n tr. Br R hö ns 55 64 n n 46 Orten 38 38 e Gag rnstr. Freili Freiligrath str. st r. sc he l nH 3 en 2 man nstr. Eyt elw ein s t r. Gr us on str . n Rh ön str. str Pa . rla me Car nts l-He str icke . -We Röderb Ostp ergw g arks eg tr. n Holz ln Stockheimer Str. Inheiden er Florstädter Str. talozzistr. s Pe grath str. Ring elstr. rS tr . do rfe R oß er rg zb u ür W ra lle e Andreaestr. n St r. St r. n ch e n ba itte ls W n Ketteler allee U4 Be rg er 38 Str. ch e Se ck ba 43 Ringelstr. G g we nd Sa TheobaldChrist-Str. n n allee r L an ds n n Siemensstr. 45 ieic hst r. Dre str. Land ne n str . n Ma ria n Lettigkautweg str . se n Borne mann . n n ch As en af f S str teinh . au an n Di elm n Grethenweg Tucholskystr. str n n Darmstä d ter ich s St tein r. er Kr an n tr. d n e rg al le rs bu ün t he Str. n Martin-Luther- str. Grüne Str. S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S 8 S9 18 l n Dreieichs tr. Paradies gasse n Brüc kens tr. n n La nd s M ör fe ld Hasenpfa n Rendeler Str. n Co m eniu s str. Welteraustr. lintstr. Rot e lle Luis en str. an la ge Ober main n e 14 Ignatz-B ubis-Brü ck Alte Brücke Brücken str. St r. Op pe nh eim er n heimer La ndstr. str . Oppen l St r. er r. Ha ns -T ho ma -S t e ll e ya nn ed Ke Im P rüf lin g n tr. Land s r rg a Fests Lange Str. 18 e Str. 14 Lang Schützenstr. Mu sik an n hofstr. Klingerstr. Mainstr. Frie db Anla erger ge nMercatorstr. Sc he ffe l st r. nPorzellan Str. macher- n Kurt- Schu n bu ün th er s G tr. Frie La d b e nd rge str . r Bäcke rweg rn e Ei se U5 Rotl ints tr. n 30 Rot lint 12 18 n Friedberger Landstr. n n Fahrgasse Frie n dberg e Kleiststr. r-S tr . ne W ag Ri ch ar d- Oed er Humboldt str. Schäferg. n imer Str. Gr. Eschenhe zer str. n Weg eder Weg 36 O Esc hen str . Schillerstr. Gr. Hirs ch graben r. U2 Ka ise rst U1 sstr. n Fried en str. 36 n Oeder Weg n n Börsens tr. Kl. Hoc hstr. Kaise rhofs tr. Meis enga sse ch inze r S tr. Ho Ma Humboldt n n se Auf d e Körn r erwie n n nT Oeder 64 n e lag an au nu s tr. 6 5S ers S9 K le tte nb erg str . n n nl Brem Helg 64 7 5 olän d Str. er er S tr . Wöhler str. nLiebigstr. linda u ln achstr. ostr. Ulmenstr. S4 S tstr . Arn d Feuerb Brenta n nstr. n lsso hn Niedena u l str. n Arndtst r. n Senc kenb Sen erga cken nlag berg e anla ge Beethoven end e Ulmenstr. den au S8 Palmen gartenstr. n Gräfs tr. Gräfs tr. tr. ulzba ch-S Linde olfs tr. n nGräfstr . st r. Hom burg er S tr. Jun gstr . Kies str. Kies str. Nauh eime r Str. Schumann str. W Am ra fe n La nd g en K pl ürf at ur z st Lud H ei ng ar te n iu Ju l Ku rfü rs te n er str . st r. en Kü r fu rs t str. Oberl indau M iq an sSa St chs r. - Leo nha rds n n ss tr. Emil-S Bocken e lle ue la g n St r. er Gi nn he im r. Gi nn he im er ro ßw itz -S tr. Am 34 4 0 S6 n St Ro hm n str. n n n n n n n nn n n n n n n n 30 3 2 D gr iebs un dw e n n n ald Barckh ausstr . Nie Klü b n n n Ko nr ad -B W eg Mittl. l n n Var re achstr. S3 l Pas sa van t n ler n n Ti ro l n n n n r-S tr. n n n n nomme78 n nl n O sk ar -S n n n n n n n n 21 n n n n n n n 19 n n St r. n n tr. 32 n n n nStr. bru nn n n n n n n n Emser Str. n M50 Feuerb n n n l Ku rfü rs st ten r. n n Ed er s n n Kuhw Unt er n n S2 n l Karlstr. n Ke nn ed ya lle e tr. ollweg-S rlic h- Bethm.-H kweg n Meet in Bockenheim [Begegnen in Bockenheim] Leipziger Straße 91, 60487 Frankfurt n l - Eh Bärengarten al er w 15 n n n n S1 n n nn n n nn l Rh ei n n n n n n n str. n l n n n Spec n lka g elb we er -M 48eg ul- Im Weg üh hn na iner 60431 Frankfurt M Hü an g we h Jo ls de m de en nHa47 n n International consultation hours Frankfurt at the public health office [Amt für Gesundheit] Breite Gasse 28, 60313 Frankfurt n Rudererdorf FRANKFURT CITY MAP f Au W rweg n n Pa weg 46 Mainwasen Lokalbf/Darmstädter Landstr. Speck str. Wendelsplatz Koch en gäßch Lettigkautweg 5 r rä e Balduinstr. b de O r Fußweg n Geleitsstr. 0 n 5 n Landstr. Offenbacher 81 Südbf/Mörfelder Landstr. 15 1 6 1 8 Südbf/Mörfelder Landstr. HenningerDielmannstr. Turm 47 Südbahnhof S5 S6 U1 U2 U3 U8 19 45 47 48 Darmstädter Landstr. Seehofpark 2014 61 78 653 OF-50 Mitte Wertheimer Str. Großer Hasenpfad 4 56 n e Hain n n l n n Hoh ensta ufen str. n n n n n n Schumannstr. W Ha ilh uf elm f-S tr. n e Im Bärengarten 46 rger Mühlberg errnufer 31 . iusstr Franz lenbe l . . n n n Strah r. st of eh Se 46 Mühlenwerke ck n . str ic k hm Sc rü lb el n Heister-/Seehofstr. n n nl . str n n n n n r. yst Schmickstr. Main 64 n n Osthafenplatz s on n r. st n tr y-S Ma n Str. n rth yfa Ma 45 Deutschherrnbrücke 50 55 r. dst an rL str. Am Damm ue na Ha n n n n n brunnenstr. n n n n öd el he im er n n Pfingst n ach graben . dle Lin Ostbahnhof/ Honsellstr. Deutschh 64 tr Schwedlerstr. p-S ap H n f ho n n 55 tr. ks ar tp s O b Weis n n n r. -H nd na rdi Fe str. Zum Brommenhof n r. n n n n n R n n lst ke Ki n U6 Ostbahnhof str. Eyssen n Galvanistr. n . str Sim son ls t Ostbf./Danziger Platz n n Juc hos tr. y ob c Ja tr . ds al ibe w rs . str Galvanistr. l n n Habsburgerallee Hagen Ostbahnhof/ Sonnemannstr. n z Ge weg erg erb Röd nHonsellstr. . nnstr n ve r. Raeinst st n tr. ns . an austr 32 ait W tr. n 32 Rh s ön n r lstädtetr. S Kesse Ostbahnhofs tr. r. lm str. eg rgw be ich Sch n e Au h Da idt - n a ne m U6 str. tstr. Howald . ckstr Son 8 ee sch m ps . ilip Ph er Str ruh nig . r Str Dö imer he str. Bären nd Oste rim G m n hr OSTEND St e Bornheim Eissporthalle/Festplatz er Landwe n ee all Parlamentsplatz ltz all er rg bu bs Ha rlCa . bko Str Ja iorn Ju u Pf Wa ld all n . r. St n Landstr. Zobelstr. e Wind n Philipp- Reis-Str. str. wald r. St rtbe tr. Al e l -S t r it ch Ka W es Saa l F lbu rlrga ler llee Ka tte Ke n er ch ba ls str n r te n A 11 er Röd r ge tlin r. Et St n d tä . Brüder-Krkhs. 14llee 31 Hanauer n n Lokalbahnhof Brücken-/Textorstr. of ol s n ho r. lm st He Zoolog. Garten U7 B. ClementineKrkhs. 14 r he ac ls b ti te W Sche idswa ldstr. r st Waldschmidtstr. st ng ger S tr. 12 Reinganum Freiligrathstr. wa lds tr. . estr g In cke 46 e Se n rtin Ma hstr Bruc n n 18 im ornhe n ids Linn 32 Sc he kime Grz rbrü Flöße n 30 n 36 18 15 16 Buch BORNHEIM Bornheim er Landwe hr Zoo U6 tr. Uhlands n 30 36 str. n Bode . tr stedts n n 9 be str. Stresemannallee 17 l ee Südbf./Schweizer Str. S3 Schweizer Str./ 14 4 n . s tr n Eckhard tstr. l Alt-B r. r St ld wa n er rg bu ns r A Wasserweg n Zum Apothekerhof Heister-/Siemensstr. Affentorplatz Steg 19 tr. a ll S4 Mörfelder Landstr. 64 55 0 5 Oppenheimer Landstr. n n str. tr. ns n n S er li ck nn ma 78 n U2 U U8 3 eiz Bö se re hw 6 Sc n 15 1 str. w do ha str. Sc rn ste Holbein-Schule Achenbachstr. nitz Lau tr. n U1 Schwanthalerstr. Burnitzstr. y cha Sou str. ins ach ran str. Ch lb e St n n . str rer Dü Ho 16 n n Elisabethenstr. Lau g t nd . r a tr . str mb s ns Re be Ru . str ub ha Sc 15 19 n e ih F r tr . s ge in Us tr. ch Ei ias Be str. Thüri n n U4 38 alb urg tr. str r S Spessartstr. . ge r M ain Be Fech ku enh. rs tr. Str. Oskar-von-M iller-Str. 45 46 38 Löwengasse r Str. Saalburg-/Wittelsbacherallee r. St er rg rts tr. ald sc hm idt nstr. 31 Frankensteiner Platz Schweizer-/Gartenstr. Lokalbf/Hedderichstr. Lokalbf/ Textorstr. Schweizer Platz 45 tr. rS ste n r. gst Ste e eiz ein n tte hü str. BERAMÍ Burgstraße 106, 60389 Frankfurt hw Sc lb Ho en i es W Universitätsklinikum n Otto-Hahn-Platz 21 17 k e 16sbrüc 1F2rieden 46 hn Re igdw Lu . r St n 55 50 61 60 65 64 12 n e n tte hü str. en n tr. ers nd Za Stresemannallee/ Gartenstr. 46 n Gronaue Panoramabad s r. illing Turmst r. Sp gasse G n n Im r. St an rm Ge W Hospital zum Hl. Geist nstr. Obermai se r. tst ies en u s r. hle st Sc r. nst str. Rottweiler Platz n k rüc inb ma ter lus r. st el os W Baseler Platz Städel 46 n n er ruh Str. rl s Ka 2 15 Un M in Ma n U4 U5 Untermainbrücke Hauptbahnhof Südseite 64 Vogelweidstr. Main-NeckarBrücke 3 r. st er ron Th Str. Hallenbad n 34 hac Ib ing üf l Pr . str ide He Habsburger-/ W ing Wittelsbacherallee e . Schwanen ndstr str. Oste Aussicht er Lich Str. . Königswart er str. Ostendstr. n gas g 4S6achsen hauserL 12 Rückertstr. hneigrabenstr. rw tte Pe eg w nd Sa Hölderlinstr. n Börneplatz/ Stoltzestr. Rec nnma tr . ns he . tr. Hö str izs er . ibn ch str Le ma er ier au nh pe ha Sc Ba r. st rg dstr . Rotes-KreuzKrkhs. n n n ornstr. Bethanien-Krkhs. t ers n n La n Pfingstweidstr. n n Höhenstr. r. St er r g eg e B w en Ka t nts He t r. ge lst r. 12 Allerheiligentor burgpark h le Sc il Ze 11 1tto8nnstr. Bu Mous o P An lag e str . Usinger Str. sse n ga Eule Prüfling 103 Löwengasse Bornheim Mitte Löwengasse Saal b n str. de g ei u H r rg sbe 34 43 bel Hartmann- Burgstr. str. W hardstr. Ga Eber ie se Ibach-Str. ns 1 . 03 tr. str 3 Ernst-May-Platz 14e eil Sa n a G rtstr g we te ei Br heiligenst r. . str alm e ss tr. 14 um Ba Heiligkr euzgasse n tr. Weidenbornstr. Weide nb Günthersburgpark r. e le al ld hi tr. ers Se ile r es w eg Schöne Aussicht Schöne Mainkai c hs ot R rd He ile rs tr. n r Fah rkt kma g we um Ba Fried be rg er Zeil 18 Wec e rg BeHe rm Albusstr. Dominikaner gasse Dom/Römer se Saalgas U4 e lag An . er Str str. Dom . str Dom Her ba ch k El n n er eim nh 12 n s rg Bu heim er tr. Hessendenkmal rS Ge rich ts str. Aller lsb erg str. ba Merianplatz en Zeil Battonnstr. n n Landstr. e rg. n n n tr. Spohrs . Lenaustr. r. Weberst n Se r. St n 12 32 Born . Gauß str Mau erw eg rs tge Böt . achstr Rohrb Günthersburgallee Me ria ns tr. tr. ns rte gaArn steine r Str. Nibelungenplatz/FH Günthers- Rothschildallee Vo ge . Str er Hall Friedberger Platz Rotteck h bac rt Ha r. Kreutzerst tr Lorzings r. Gluckst heimer s ngas Hase r Eiserner Steg r. Spohrst tr. Brahmss Ecken . nB er Ste Eisern kai erg Friedb Brönnerstr. str Münchener Str.rmain te Un n Hauptbahnhof/Münchener t Str. u tr. tle r-S . Brönner str. en Katz e pfort . che n Börneplatz se GasHist. Museum kai Main ain Willy-Brandt-Platz Alte M Str. ge anla rmain fstr Ho ge pur Lim i inka Ma rstr. Webe . U4 U5 Hand Hebelst r. le lbe Vi Reineck str. gasse ges Tön r e An d t mark Klein alle h Neue e Kräm g. Sand eid Schn asse wallg 11 n Unte nWeser-/ n be gra tr. str. nn ma th Be e s s ga Münz ma n str n . tr. lands tr. Kosels Konstablerwache lz str. tz Bu tr. erts Gell r. Egenolffst tr. Zeißels Alte Gasse r S ner Römer/Paulskirche 1a2ubach Berli g. Buch er inz Ma n Be th Alte Gasse rstr hstr Bleic Zeil b . Lie enstr u f ra ue Ne e lag an t r. e rs ais K gr Kornmarkt r. sst allu l Anla an str. Steph Ho rgstr. Scheffeleck MaingauKrkhs. nUnterweg ge er we g n Musterschule Es Peterskirche . Stift Schwa Wie rs Pete tr. s heim er ge Krö r. G ße Gro U8arkth U3Rolß. mHirasbcen Schleidenstr. Un t Hauptwache nn weg ittel Jahnstr. Sternstr. r. Blumenst dst str. rdend tr. hofs Neu Rappstr. Oberweg Bornwiesenweg M n tr. ns r. h st aube Hoc T 32 NORDEND Mittel weg n Lan z ut Tr furt Im ank Fr ner str. Hermannstr. n en er heim Gärtnerweg ge Marien- nallee Krkhs. u Glaub Adlerflychtstr. Oberweg s wie n Im lager Sachsen furt Frank 36 elu n Glauburgstr. rgstr. Stalburgstr. e . rsn str Le ing err m m Sö eg r r. ha e fst F ic ho rod n n e ke im F in Le Es ch ers tr. ers Qu Fell Kepler . urgstr nLandstr rn Bo Körner r. st tr ds er eim u Glaub n . s tr tr. us Eschenheimer Tor r ue nge Ne lesi se h as Sc g K r. b rz Schwa Nib Rohrbachstr.N/o Friedberger Landstr. rgstr. rz bu enh Eck nstr. an Ba Im Trutz Leerbachstr. tr. ers . str be El r. st 12 Str. 1M1ünchener ia Justin H am m t es in Neu e Ro Goethestr thofs . tr. r sto nu au llus Ga es W r. sst en Kastani allee Grüneburgweg . w n str. kar Nec H anstr. nsa Ha . achstr Reuterweg n T Hynspergstr. H am m U3 n He Garvinusstr. Leerb n Ta u n tr. n . st r gstr. kstr. enec Eyss s Land U2 e 64 e lag an us un Ta a dd Ni Hynsper er heim Eschers alle n n n r ie Ma . s tr Weserstr. nusstr. tr. ers Kais alle e hospital Cronstettenstr. Fa S t l ke ns r. tei ne r Rat-Beil-Str. Gle ims tr. Richardn Wagner-Str. tr. Rat-Beil-S Deutsche tr. hlo els Sc ndBürgerNationalbibliothek ä H Lessingtr. . ergers ngstr rstenb sga FüGymnasium Wolf 36 Adlerflychtplatz r. rst r. Taunusanlage ue Ne tr. ers ss 3o6lzhausenstr. n ten Fürs rstr. e berg heimer Anlage n tr. tr . 32 nHolzhausen-Park tr. Annas nstr. . Vogtstr 64 n Land s ein Frauenst str. n nsa g dau nl er . str be El el os n nu tr. ens DiakonissenKrkhs. Gärtnerweg Guiollettstr. . tr as u Ta n ft er W fe Ha r rge lbe Str. ide He Gutleut-/ Heilbronner Str. er onn tr. ilbr S He m n rg nbe rd e Ha n Heilbronner Str. Ca x e tt nst Cro ause Holzh Elsheimer Str. hofweg . str er es d Nid M n r rte ga utt St n Behördenzentrum Gutleut Hafenstr. str. 15 80 70 33 Not on the map . mstr Mele Emil-ClaarStr. . fenstr Stau rS . enstr Stett uß euha Eppsteiner Str. Rotfeder-Ring x nstr. Teleman in Oberl indau Unterl W r. dst sten We 64 n e Reuterw n 36 in-Str. nau r tst Ha 75 dau r. Parkst in Oberl str. Liebig 36 -Ste rr-vom Wiese str. s Po U8 U1 tr. Siolis Str. Freihe y ign tr. tos Ot tr. igs dw Lu Hbf/Karlstr. . under Strals Str. Str. Siebert August- Sav U n 4 Hauptbahnhof 10 12 15 20 30 32 34 40 50 55 60 61 64 65 70 80 S7 U5 33 37 n Zanderstr. On the map tr. e alle nsa Ha er Str. Rostock Wismarer Siolis Sebastian-Rinz-Str. tr. str. ds an rL ze n i a tr. Hafen 12 10 17 . 11 Speyerer Str. tr. ds an 5 Rüsterstr. Platz derRepublik Erle Miquel-/Kelergestr. b Adickesallee str. . erstr Kronberger Str. Wöhlerstr. Niedenau Bo ck en Alte Oper he im Kett en Guiollettstr. str. str . M rL ze ain M U7 nd str . Francois-Mitterand-Platz 16 lf do Ru Str . str n n LWestend a en Bertramstr. st n U Deutsch öherfer Sc Färbe str. Krkhs. h u s tr r D herrnufer reik . Sc Sachsentr. La l s s r t Gr tr e s öni hi ai oß gs inz Po ffe hausen. u nk e a i e n G a M str. rs ch tr. um Deutsch Rit us ha herrnufer ter Sc Museum für Le Sch ulstr angewandte Kunst gass . g Klap e e perg Wa rw . tr. Kleinllstr. se ers Neuer W i elm tzi as Brück e all . ilh ka Me e W n Str S W chif n Gerbermühlstr. ai . fers str. ai nk Architekturmus. mer str er m t r. ai Wille er eim . nt umKommunikationsmus. . tr nh r s t a n r Strahlenberger Weg U ls h ke er Ma Heistst de nec Sc r. Dan Stä tr . St s r te r. . Län str. Heis str . de r kow en g e str Gutz str. tr. art we g erwe . r. üc k r t r G t chs s b Länd S r t lbru ns o t u h e x . ü i e dstr M ed T n tle i a a r L n u Müh F s tr G hö nk lberg er er m Sc Mor ai . rd im Str. Auf de er Di m gen nte he r. ch O es Liebieghaus au nn r. ofst f ba . U ter thaler t a . . h h r r t r s . t r c t Am fen M n r S ns n weg hs t e rs ba es xto wa cke n rte eric ich h s in l e e e d a ch c f e t T n d f e r. S G e h O H c er Sp St S La nd . tr s st s n Mü d r. ri . i n u hlb tr La Q s r e i rg e . r. eg a r d t l . w K e tr n f rs e s r Sch l n reye t e . rs r el h tr. str lei g Mö tr. te for ei c hs we -S r. Ge ch ac tr. st en Sp or or BaUS HERE Academic Experience Worldwide advisory support for 7 Protestant 10 Malteser – Medical 12 W Fatra e.V. – Frankfurt Association MEET hs – Höchst rpf ulb centre en od 4 ext c t a i . a T r r e r eg t K K a gs W de für Beratung 3, 60594 Frankfurt immigrants for Trauma and Exile [Frankfurter Th GSeehofstraße str. [Evangelisches Zentrum din [Malteser Migranten en ed in Thorwaldsen H B at Markus Hospital de Arbeitskreis Trauma und Exil] g in Höchst] Leverkuser Straße 7, Medizin] y l k s in 1 tz ie s Amnesty international – R Os [Agaplesion str. 5 Vo Caritas [Caritasverband Frankfurt e.V. r65929 Markus Krankenhaus] Berger Straße 118, 60316 Frankfurt ai str. Frankfurt ge Burnitz de we Consultation on asylum support Burnitzstr. n-K fe lw Beratung für Migranten] Wilhelm-Epstein-Straße 2, g ter ot eid S Leipziger Straße 17, 60487 Frankfurt R 13 Get.Together – Café 8 International social councelling TeamstrCity [Team Stadtmitte] or 60431 Frankfurt Henningerd o . e r turm rge Rüsterstraße 5, 60325 Frankfurt centre for families [Internationales Idsteiner Straße 91, 60326 Frankfurt Th 2 Legal-Team / Teachers on the Road bu tr. 11 Protestant advisory and therapie Familienzentrum e.V. / Migration S Es IG-Metall-Haus, Wilhelm-Leuschnerch 6 Caritas 14 Frauenhaus Frankfurt [Caritasverband Frankfurt e.V. und Familie] Ostendstraße 70, 60314 centre [Evangelisches Zentrum für en Straße 69 , 60329UniversitätsFrankfurt ba Beratung für Migranten] Team Höchst Frankfurt Beratung und Therapie am weißen Berger Straße 31 – 33, 60316 Frankfurt ch klinikum s tr. Königsteiner Straße 8, 65929 Frankfurt Stein] Eschersheimer Landstraße 567, n ee in Rhe str. Str. erger Kronb n Hohenstaufenstr. . nstr n 21ndstr. chstr. Friedri Adickesallee nHolzhausenstr. Böhme Grü neb urg weg WESTEND s igny n n Osloer Str. all l n Schwalbacher Str. . str de n . l s tr r. rst ye Kle n e alle n ke rg be n ke an Fr Fran r. fst rho lle He ge Galluswarte . Str ten Gu r nze ble Ko o err nd Gü fna Hu n Kölner Str. tr. hs . er Kostheimtr. S 11 Landstr. Mainzer er Köln Str. 50 Wo igstr. Altkön 36 Bettinaplatz F. -E Fr be ied r tric An hla Eb g er t-A e nla ge Güterplatz n Dubliner Str. Haus Gallus 21 n n rrstr n Idsteiner llee Frankena Kriegkstr. n Str. Hatters tr. S heimer er Sidling Str. cher Str. Schwalba n n 13 Idsteiner Str. 46 r ere ey Sp K no Paul-Hindemith-Schule DB-Zentrale n Den Haager Str. ic inr He Nied 40 Europagarten/Messe West ernhausener Str. LudwigErhardAnlage ichsweg Hemmer S3 S4 S5 S6 n Westendstr. Festhalle/Messe n n Stephensonstr. str . tina Bet Messe Kettenhofweg r. Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage Varrentrapp eli us Ketten hofw eg tr. ovens Beeth n n enau 17 Schuberts tr. heim er Senckenbergmuseum Co rn Sav llee Schubertstr. S U6 cke n n Th.-Heuss -A Al lee str. ind chw Bo r. dst sten We 16 St . richstr str. n Varrentrappstr. ig t- str. s G eo rg -V o l Myliu . str Wies pp tra berg N n llee Fa lk ein e 36 n nbergerstr. n Fürste angst Wolfsg n n 75 str. ng Bremer Platz 75 lfsga rstr. Altkönigstr.iner Str. e Eppst Palmengartenstr. 36 50 n Landstr. 75 Mertonstr. 36 32 sa Adicke lck Voe cker Lübe . Str Bremer Str. Feldbergstr. F Fried n Ha mb ur ge r U4 50 75 Bockenheimer 3e6ld n yer-Str. . ertstr Ross Siesmayerstr. Bockenheimer Warte 1 n 16 ertstr. Adalb 6 3 32 . HermannWendel-S tr. 30 32 34 46 75 50 Miquel-/ Hansaallee er Str. Lübeck Palmengarten n Grüneburgweg n Miquelallee Uni Campus Westend Mitscherlichplatz 75 em Kl r. st Adalbert-/Schloßstr. Jordanstr n Am Damm graben tr. n Miquelallee Lübecker Str. e tr. ayers Siesm Falkstr. s en 3 ien 2 s n Grüneburgpark tr. ayers Siesm n So ph qu Mi nn n Emser Str. Philipp-Reis-Str. Fa lks tr. n Nauheimer Str.Robert-Mayer-Str. Meitner -Str. 50 Se es tr. Robert-Ma Kuhwaldstr. Lise- str. St r. 16 75 7la5llee n 32 Ditmarstr. Palmengarten ee n ro ße er ye r-S tr. lee 11 32 75 Grüneburgpark ll elina Ohmstr. 50 n G ip zig eo rg -S pe l ela qu Mi en lob str . p Zep Fränklins tr. l Le str. loß 17 . rs t r ma sch z t str Cre . lle e en st r. Sch Voltastr. U7 z at pl ert Adalb ac he r So ph i G tr. ßs hlo Ohmstr. U6 Str . . Str 6 7 Kr eu zn er rg Sc n 16 Westbahnhof bu ar Fa lks tr. r. St 32 e alle st r nKass . nele 32 36 73 n r Sntr. Fr au itm ar e lin pp Ze te n D n rra e le r. St Kurfürstenplatz W e Ba ng er r. Leipziger Str. n n de n t lts s as G lg roß üh e M S ch Se w es äl tr. m er 73 ge un uf a K tr. tr. Leipzig M er 15 e tr. rS el in a al in s Juliusstr. z lat to -P Ot ewe Lo n hö Sc ie Fr l pe Schönhof en p Ze tr. . gasse Ze pp str. nus Ber Fa lks tr. sa Ba r. ps m re st ra G o Fl n el sg ye r-S tr. n tr. ps em Gr n Ap p . Br allee BOCKENHEIM s n Kirchplatz Metz er lar itz Str. Fr eo rg -S pe Allee St. Elisabeth-Krkhs. en lob str . Frauenfriedenskirche oßstr. lin 16 n So ph ien str pe Rücker- Sophienstr. p n Franz- G An Fr au n Ze 34 ho fs 10 Universitätssportanlagen Jüd. Friedhof Miquelallee n Frankfurt map 2015 nOffen
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