BG MI, 220 -220 450- Watt BG 75 PI, 220 450 BG75 75 MI, - 450WW BG 75 MI, 220 - 450 Watt » Motor BG 75 mit integrierter MasterStand-alone Netzwerk funktionalität Master » Die Kommunikation zwischen mehreren Antrieben kann über digitale I/Os oder CANopen-Schnittstelle erfolgen » Durch den integrierten magnetischen In krementalgeber mit einer Auflösung von 4x1024 Pulsen pro Umdrehung werden ein großer Drehzahlbereich und eine hohe Positionier- genauigkeit erreicht » Der Motor wird mit Sinuskommutierung betrieben 0,06 A 0,06 0,06 AA 0,03 0,03 0,03 BG 75x75 MI 12.1 8.3 16.0 11.2 12.7 Nominal torque/ Nennmoment Ncm*) 61 71 76 98 116 A 5.7 5.7 7.2 7.2 9 Stall torque/ Anhaltemoment Ncm**) 195 250 220 365 410 No load speed/ Leerlaufdrehzahl rpm 4450 4400 4340 4100 3825 W**) 400 415 580 785 950 Ncm A-1***) 6.4 11 5.9 10.8 11.3 A**) 50 ****) 50 ****) 50 ****) 50 ****) 50 ****) gcm2 240 240 440 440 620 kg 1.6 1.6 2.2 2.2 2.8 Peak current/ Zulässiger Spitzenstrom (2 sec.) Rotor inertia/ Rotor Trägheitsmomentt Weight of motor/ Motorgewicht Recommended speed control range/ Emphohlener Drehzahlregelbereich rpm Characteristic Characteristicdiagram diagram/ Belastungskennlinien / Belastungskennlinien *) DJw = 100 K; **) JR = 20°C ***) at nominal point/ im Nennpunkt ****) limited by sofware/ durch Software begrenzt 35 35 7000 7000 35 7000 7000 35 35 7000 35 7000 ϑRϑ=R20°C = 20°C ϑ == 20°C ϑRR=ϑ 20°C 30 30 6000 ϑ==80K 20°C RR20°C 6000 ΔϑΔϑ El 30 6000 30 6000 El ==80K 30 30 6000 6000 Δϑ 80K Δϑ == 80K ΔϑΔϑ El 80K J = f (M) El =El N = f (M) El80K 25 25 100100 5000 JJ == ff (M) 5000 NNN===fff(M) (M) ηη (M) (M) J = f (M) 25 100 5000 5000 25 25 η 25 100100 100 5000 5000 NN == ff (M) η J = f (M) η (M) η J = f (M) 20 20 80 80 4000 4000 20 4000 20 20 80 80 4000 20 80 80 4000 4000 15 15 60 60 3000 3000 15 3000 15 15 60 60 3000 15 60 60 3000 3000 10 10 40 40 2000 2000 10 2000 10 10 40 40 2000 10 40 40 2000 2000 5 5 20 20 1000 1000 ILimit=35A ILimit=30A ILimit=50A ILimit=50A 55 55 20 1000 20 20 1000 I =35A ILimit=50A IILimit=50A 20 1000 1000 IILimit=30A MN MN ILimit Mmax Limit=50A Mmax Limit=35A Limit=30A ILimit=50A 0 0 0 0 0 0 M M M M M M N Mmax N N 20080 N 250100 300120 350140 400160 450 max max 180 500200 Mmax 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 50 20 10040 15060 00 00 50 500 200 Ncm 50 20 10040 15060 20080 250100 300120 350140 400160 450180 500 20 100 40 150 60 200 80 250 100 300 120 350 140 400 160 450 180Ncm 200 Ncm Ncm Ncm Ncm Modular System/ Modulares Baukastensystem AE 65 » All attachments also fully in the motor housing availbale./ Alle Anbauten auch vollständig im Motorgehäuse erhältlich. Connector with cable, 12-pin | Angled positions adjustable (up to ± 45° turnable)/ Anschlussleitung mit Winkeldose, 12-polig | Winkelposition einstellbar (bis ± 45° drehbar), Page/ Seite 107 Connector with cable, 4-pin/ Anschlussleitung mit Dose, 4-polig, Page/ Seite 107 Cover/ Verschlussdeckel, Page/ Seite 107 Starter Kit BGxx CI (CANopen), Page/ Seite 112 BG 75x25 PI,MI, 24 V BG BG 75x25 24V BG 75x25 75x25 MI, MI, 24V 24V 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Standard/ Standard On request/ auf Anfrage 35 76 | Visit for further product information/ Besuchen Sie für weitere Produktinformationen 30 7000 7000 7000 ϑR = 20°C ϑ = 20°C 20°C 6000 » Worm gearbox/ ΔϑϑEl RR==80K 30 6000 30 6000 Δϑ ΔϑElEl == 80K 80K N = f (M) Schneckengetriebe 120 100 SG 5000 NN == ff (M) (M) SG 120, (8 - 30 Nm), η J = f (M) 25 5000 25 100 100 5000 η Page/ Seite 99 J = f (M) η J = f (M) 80 4000 20 80 4000 20 80 4000 60 3000 15 60 3000 15 60 3000 40 2000 10 40 2000 10 40 2000 20 1000 ILimit=30A ILimit=50A 55 20 1000 20 1000 IILimit=30A IILimit=50A MN Limit=30A Limit=50A Mmax MN M 0 0 N max 20 40 60 M80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Mmax 00 00 00 0 00 20 40 60 80 200 20 40 60 80 100 100 120 120 140 140 160 160 180 180 Ncm 200 Ncm Ncm 35 35 35 35 30 30 7000 7000 7000 6000 6000 6000 35 35 35 35 35 30 30 30 30 30 25 25 25 100 100100 25 25 100 100 20 20 20 80 80 80 20 80 20 80 15 15 15 60 60 60 15 60 15 60 10 10 10 40 40 40 10 40 10 40 55 20 55 20 20 20 5 20 00 0 00 0 00 0 0 (A) current/StromI I(A) current/Strom (A) current/Strom I(A) current/Strom current/Strom I I(A) E 300 R/A PLG 75 rated speed/Drehzahl n (rpm) ratedspeed/Drehzahl speed/Drehzahlnn(rpm) (rpm) rated » Accessories/ Zubehör current/Strom I (A) current/Strom I (A) (A) current/Strom current/Strom I I(A) (A) current/StromI I(A) current/Strom efficiency/Wirkungsgrad η (%) η efficiency/Wirkungsgrad efficiency/Wirkungsgrad (%)(%) ηη(%) efficiency/Wirkungsgrad efficiency/Wirkungsgradηη(%) (%) efficiency/Wirkungsgrad rated speed/Drehzahl n (rpm) rated speed/Drehzahl n (rpm) rated speed/Drehzahl (rpm) rated speed/Drehzahl nn(rpm) ratedspeed/Drehzahl speed/Drehzahlnn(rpm) (rpm) rated BG 75 MI efficiency/Wirkungsgrad η (%) efficiency/Wirkungsgradηη(%) (%) efficiency/Wirkungsgrad ME integrated, Page/ Seite 104 PLG 60, (5 - 25 Nm), Page/ Seite 92 PLG 63, (5 - 100 Nm), Page/ Seite 93 PLG 75, (25 - 160 Nm), Page/ Seite 94 current/Strom I (A) (A) current/StromI I(A) current/Strom Page/ Seite 102 E 300 R/ A, Page/ Seite 102 AE 65, Page/ Seite 104 » Planetary gearbox/ Planetengetriebe PLG 60 PLG 63 +0.012 FR [N] 500 600 F [N] FR [N] 400 R 600 500 600 300 500 400 500 200 400 300 400 100 300 200 300 0 200 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 100 0 200 1000 [rpm] 100 0 100 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 0 [rpm] 3000 00 1000 2000 4000 5000 6000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 [rpm] [rpm] Pin Pinassignment assignment/ Pinbelegung / Pinbelegung 1 ... Rated speed/ Nenndrehzahl E 90 R FR [N] 600 Permissible shaft-load/ Permissible shaft-load/ Zulässige Wellenbelastung Permissible shaft-load/ Permissible shaft-load/ Zulässige Wellenbelastung Zulässige Wellenbelastung Radial-/ axialloads on the end of the shaft Zulässige Wellenbelastung B BB Ø 32 -0.05 ØØ 32 -0.05 32 -0.05 Ø 45 (Ø 4.66, 13 tief) (Ø 4.66, 13 tief) ØØ 45 45 (Ø 4.66, 13 tief) Ø 56 (Ø 5.61, 13 tief) 13 tief) ØØ 56 5.61, 13 tief) 56 (Ø(Ø 5.61, Ø 60 (Ø 5.61, 13 tief) (Ø 5.61, 13 tief) ØØ 60 60 (Ø 5.61, 13 tief) Motor L BG 75x25 MI L 115±0.5 Motor Motor L BG 75x50 MI 140±0.5 L BGMotor 75x25 115±0.5 75x25 115±0.5 BG 75x75 MI 140±0.5 165±0.5 BG 75x25 115±0.5 BGBG 75x50 75x50 ϑR = 165±0.5 20°C140±0.5 BG 75x50 140±0.5 BGBG 75x75 ϑ = 20°C BG 165±0.5 20°C BG 75x75 75x75 165±0.5 ΔϑϑEl RR==80K Δϑ ΔϑElEl == 80K 80K J = f (M) 7000 70007000 7000 ϑ == 20°C 7000 ϑRR ϑ 20°C ϑ = 20°C 20°C RR = 6000 Δϑ ϑ 20°C 60006000 El RR= ΔϑΔϑ ==80K 80K 6000 = 80K El Δϑ El 6000 J = f (M) El ΔϑElEl == 80K 80K 5000 J = f (M) J = f (M) η N = f (M) 50005000 η η J = f (M) N = f (M) N = f (M) 5000 η N = f (M) 5000 NN == ff (M) J = f (M) η (M) J = f (M) 4000 40004000 4000 4000 3000 30003000 3000 3000 2000 20002000 2000 2000 1000 ILimit=35A ILimit=50A 10001000 ILimit =35A ILimit =50A 1000 IILimit =35A IILimit =50A 1000 IILimit=35A IILimit MMN M =50A Limit=35A Limit=50A =35A =50AMmax Limit Limitmax NM 00 M M N Mmax 500 M M 50 100 MNNN 200 Mmax 00 00 max 80 100150 120 160200250 200250300 240300350 280350400 320400450 360max 400 00 40 50 150 450 500 0 Ncm 50 500 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 0 40 100 80 150 120 200 160 250 200 300 240 350 280 400 320 450 360 Ncm 400 Ncm Ncm Ncm BG 75x50 V BG 75x50PI, MI,4040V BG BG 75x50 75x50 MI, MI, 40 40 V V 35 ϑR = 20°C ϑ = 20°C 20°C ΔϑϑEl RR==80K Δϑ ΔϑElEl == 80K 80K 30 35 35 30 30 7000 35 35 7000 35 7000 7000 35 35 7000 ϑ = 20°C 35 7000 35 7000 35 7000 ϑRRϑ =20°C 20°C 20°C ϑ =ϑ ϑ ==100K 20°C RR = Rϑ 20°C 6000 30 Δϑ 20°C ϑ =80K 20°C 30 6000 WRRRR=== ϑ 20°C 30 30 60006000 ΔϑΔϑ == 100K Δϑ ==W80K 30 6000 El Δϑ 100K 30 6000 El 30 6000 Δϑ 80K W 30 6000 Δϑ ===80K Δϑ 80K El Δϑ El El N = fN(M) El = 80K 100 5000 25 J = f (M) = f (M) 25 100 5000 25 25 100 5000 N = f (M) η N = f (M) J = f (M) η N = f (M) 100 5000 J = f (M) η N = f (M) 25 100 5000 J == ff (M) (M) J = f (M) N = f (M) 25 100 5000 25 100 5000 η N = f (M) J η 25 100 5000 N = f (M) η == ff (M) J = fJJ (M) η ηη (M) 80 4000 20 20 80 4000 20 80 4000 80 4000 20 20 80 4000 20 80 4000 20 80 4000 20 80 4000 60 3000 15 15 60 3000 15 60 3000 60 3000 15 15 60 3000 15 60 3000 15 60 3000 15 60 3000 40 2000 10 10 40 2000 10 40 2000 40 2000 10 10 40 2000 10 40 2000 10 40 2000 10 40 2000 20 1000 555 20 1000 20 1000 =35A ILimitI=50A=50A 20 1000 55555 Limit=30A IILimit 20 1000 Limit=50A 20 1000 20 1000 =35A IILimit 5 20 1000 Limit IIIILimit =50A =35A MN MMN M Mmax Limit Limit=30A LimitII=50A =30A =50A Mmax max Limit Limit N 00 000 000 M M M Mmax M M Mmax N N 0 Mmax N80 N M100 maxM max 40 50 80 75 120 160 200 150 240 175 280 200 320 225 360 M250 400 25 125 0000 0000 00 0000 N max 20 40 60 100 120 140 160 180 200 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 0 0 0 Ncm Ncm 000 20 40 60 80 180 200 40 50 80 75 120 160 200 120 240 140 280 160 320 225 360 Ncm 400 25 125 150 175 200 250 20 40 60 100 80 100 100 120 140 160 180 200 Ncm Ncm Ncm Ncm Ncm BG 75x50 PI, 24 V current/StromI I(A) (A) current/Strom current/StromI I(A) (A) current/Strom current/Strom I(A) Torque constant/ Drehmomentkonstante 30 ±1 30 30 ±1±1 Centring/ Zentrierung Centring/ Zentrierung DM4 DIN332 Zentrierung DM4 DM4 DIN332 DIN332 7000 7000 35 7000 7000 35 7000 7000 30 6000 6000 30 30 6000 6000 30 30 assignment/ 6000 6000 Pin N = f (M) Pinbelegung 25 100 25 100 5000 N = f (M) 5000 NN == ff (M) (M) η η J = f (M) J = f (M) 25 25 100 100 5000 5000 25 100 100 5000 5000 η η NN == ff (M) JJ == ff (M) 12-Pin SignalSignal 4-Pin Signal 25 /4-Pin Power 5-Pin Signal 12-Pin Signal Power | Signal CAN η12-Pin JJ == ff (M) η 5-Pin (M) (M) (M) 12-Pin Signal 4-Pin Power // Signal 5-Pin CAN 12-Pin Signal 4-Pin Power Signal 5-Pin CAN 20 20 80 80 4000 4000 1 n.c. A A 20 IN0 G AI+ G 1 UPower 20 80 80 4000 1 n.c. 4000 IN 0 yellow AI + pink 1 U A20 G AI+ 1 UPower 20 80 1 80 IN04000 14000Power n.c. n.c. 2 1 B A IN1IN0 H G AI-AI+ 2 UPower Ballast n.c. IN 1 blue H AI violet 2 Ballast black 2 n.c. IN1 H AI2 Ballast 2 n.c. 15 15BB 60 60 3000 3000 IN13000 AI2 2 n.c. 3 3 BallastGNDPower n.c. C B15 IN2 J H ULogic 15 60 60 15 60 33000 60 IN2IN 3000 30002 n.c. C15 J U 3 3 n.c. brown J ULogic 3 3 red4 GND GNDPower 3 GNDPower n.c. 4 ULogic Logic Power Earth PC D10CC 40 IN3IN2 K J GND Logic 10 40 2000 2000 4 D IN3 K GND 4 blackEarth Earth 42000 CAN-H IN3IN 4 Earth CAN-H green-yellow 4 CAN-H green K Logic GNDLogic4 Logic 10 40 40 2000 E DD10 OUT1 L K IN4GND 5 PC 10 10 40 40 2000 20003 E OUT1 L IN4 5 CAN-L OUT1 IN4L 5 CAN-L greyM L IN 4 red-blue 5 CAN-L F 5EE 20 OUT2 OUT3 5 20 1000 1000OUT 1 ILimit=50A ILimit=35A ILimit=50A F OUT2 M OUT3 55 20 20 1000 1000 F 55 OUT2 M OUT3ILimitI=30A=30A 20 20 1000 1000 I =50A IILimit=35A IILimit=50A F OUT 2 grey-pink M M ILimit OUT 3 white Limit =30A I =50A =35A =50AMmax M M Limit Limit Limit Limit NM max NM M M 0 0 0 0 0 0 MNN with Mmax NN accordance max max 80 120 160 EN 200 60034 240 280 320 360 400 20 40 60 M80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Mmax 00 00 00 00 00 0 In 40 00 0 accordance with EN 60034 00 In 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 00 20 40 60 80 200 In accordance with EN 60034 Ncm 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 20 40 60 80 100 100 120 120 140 140 160 160 180 180 Ncm 200 Belastungskennlinien gezeichnet nach EN 60034 Ncm Ncm Ncm Ncm In accordance with/ Belastungskennliniengezeichnet gezeichnetnach nachEN EN60034 60034 Belastungskennlinien Characteristic diagram/ Belastungskennlinien Belastungskennlinien gezeichnet nach EN 60034 35 35 ratedspeed/Drehzahl speed/Drehzahln n(rpm) (rpm) rated rated speed/Drehzahl (rpm) n(rpm) rated speed/Drehzahl rated speed/Drehzahl nn(rpm) Maximum output power/ Maximale Abgabeleistung 35 LL FA=Fr/3axialloads for Lh10 =on 20.000 h of the shaft Radial-/ the end Radial-/ axialloads on Radial-/ axialloads on the the end of of the the shaft shaft for L = 20.000 h end FA=Fr/3 h10 =Fr/3 for L = 20.000 h F Radial-/ Axialkräfte am Wellenende FAA=Fr/3 for Lh10 = 20.000 h h10 F =Fr/3 für L = 20.000 h Radial-/ Axialkräfte am Wellenende A h10 35 Radial-/ am Radial-/ Axialkräfte amhWellenende Wellenende FA=Fr/3 für Axialkräfte Lh10 = 20.000 F = 20.000 h ϑR = 20°C FAA=Fr/3 =Fr/3 für für L Lh10 = 20.000 h h10 ϑ = 20°C 20°C 30 ΔϑϑEl RR==80K Δϑ ΔϑElEl == 80K 80K efficiency/Wirkungsgradηη(%) (%) efficiency/Wirkungsgrad efficiency/Wirkungsgrad (%) efficiency/Wirkungsgrad (%) efficiency/Wirkungsgrad ηηη(%) *) L 26 26 33 7000 7000 7000 6000 6000 6000 35 70 30 35 35 60 25 30 30 20 25 25 100 100 100 80 20 20 15 60 10 15 15 current/Strom I (A) current/StromI I(A) (A) current/Strom Ncm*) 3 rated speed/Drehzahl n (rpm) ratedspeed/Drehzahl speed/Drehzahlnn(rpm) (rpm) rated 3700 1 rated ratedspeed/Drehzahl speed/Drehzahlnn(rpm) (rpm) ratedspeed/Drehzahl speed/Drehzahlnn(rpm) (rpm) rated rated speed/Drehzahl n(rpm) 3900 33 efficiency/Wirkungsgrad η (%) efficiency/Wirkungsgradηη(%) (%) efficiency/Wirkungsgrad 4050 3 efficiency/Wirkungsgradηη(%) (%) efficiency/Wirkungsgrad efficiency/Wirkungsgradηηη(%) (%) efficiency/Wirkungsgrad (%) efficiency/Wirkungsgrad 3820 rated speed/Drehzahl n (rpm) ratedspeed/Drehzahl speed/Drehzahlnn(rpm) (rpm) rated 3900 Friction torque/ Reibungsmoment efficiency/Wirkungsgrad η (%) efficiency/Wirkungsgradηη(%) (%) efficiency/Wirkungsgrad rpm*) AA* Ø 32 -0.05 Ø 32 -0.05 32 -0.05 45 Ø (M5,Ø9+2tief) 9+2tief) 45 ØØ (M5, (M5, 9+2tief) 45 (M6, 9+2tief) 56 Ø 9+2tief) 56 Ø (M6, (M6, 9+2tief) 6056Ø Ø(M6, 9+2tief) 9+2tief) 60 ØØ (M6, (M6, 9+2tief) 6075 ±0.5 75 ±0.5 75 ±0.5 current/Strom I (A) (A) current/StromI I(A) current/Strom *) Nominal speed/ Nenndrehzahl » Brakes & Encoder/ Bremsen & Anbauten E 90 R, Ø 15 15 ØØ15 40 current/Strom I (A) current/StromI I(A) (A) current/Strom 40 1 Woodruff key/1 Woodruff Passfeder Woodruff key/ key/ Passfeder A 5x5x22 Passfeder AA 5x5x22 5x5x22 26 Centring/ 40 5 10 10 20 0 55 0 00 80 80 50 40 rated speed/Drehzahl n (rpm) A 24 Connector/Stecker M12, 5-pin Connector/Stecker Connector/Stecker M12, M12, 5-pin 5-pin efficiency/Wirkungsgrad η (%) efficiency/Wirkungsgradηη(%) (%) efficiency/Wirkungsgrad Nominal current/ Nennstrom 40 1(+) 1(+) 1(+) 2 22 60 60 40 40 20 20 30 20 10 00 BG 75x50 MI, 24VV BG BG 75x50 75x50 MI, MI, 24 24 V 7000 35 35 35 7000 7000 ϑ = 20°C 35 7000 7000 35 35 7000 ϑR =R20°C ϑ == 20°C ϑ=RR=20°C 20°C ϑ 6000 30 Δϑ 100K ϑRR=Δϑ 20°C 30 30 6000 6000 W=80K Δϑ == 100K El 30 6000 6000 30 Δϑ 100K W 30 6000 W80K Δϑ = Δϑ = 80K El El 5000 J = f (M) J = Jf (M) N = f (M) 25 25 25 1001001005000 = f (M) J = f (M) η η 5000 JJ == ff (M) == ff (M) 25 5000 N = NNNf (M) (M) (M) 25 25 100 100100 5000 5000 η η η η N == ff (M) (M) 4000 20 20 2080 80 804000 4000 20 4000 20 20 80 80 80 4000 4000 3000 15 15 1560 60 603000 3000 15 3000 15 15 60 60 60 3000 3000 2000 10 10 1040 40 402000 2000 10 2000 10 10 40 40 40 2000 2000 1000 5 5 5 20 20 201000 ILimit=35A ILimit=50A 1000 55 5 20 1000 20 20 1000 1000 I =35A IILimit=50A MN MN M ILimit Mmax Mmax Limit=35A Limit=50A M 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 M M M N M250 max M N M225 max N max 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 N max225 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400200200 450 500 00 0 00 0 00 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 250 Ncm 00 0 50 500 225Ncm 250 5025 100 10050 150 15075 200 200100 250 250125 300 300150 350 350175 400 400200 450 450 500 Ncm Ncm Ncm Ncm 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 35 35 30 30 25 25 100 20 20 15 15 10 10 55 00 BG 75x75 PI,MI, 4040V V BG 75x75 BG BG 75x75 75x75 MI, MI, 40 40 V V ϑR = 20°C ϑ = 20°C 20°C for further product information/ Besuchen Sie für weitere Produktinformationen | 77 Visit ΔϑϑWRR==100K Δϑ ΔϑWW == 100K 100K 100 100 80 efficiency/Wirkungsgrad η (%) efficiency/Wirkungsgradηη(%) (%) efficiency/Wirkungsgrad VDC 3(-) 3(-) 3(-) Connector/Stecker Connector/Stecker M16, 12-pin Connector/Stecker M16, M16, 12-pin 12-pin Ø 14+0.012 k6 +0.001 +0.012 +0.001 ØØ1414k6k6+0.001 Slaves Nominal voltage/ Nennspannung 24 Connector/ Stecker M17, 4-pin (Power) Connector/ Stecker Connector/ Stecker M17, M17, 4-pin 4-pin (Power) (Power) current/Strom I (A) current/StromI I(A) (A) current/Strom BG 75x50 MI rotatable/ rotatable/ drehbar rotatable/ drehbar drehbar current/Strom I (A) current/Strom current/Strom (A)I (A) current/Strom I I(A) current/StromI I(A) (A) current/Strom efficiency/Wirkungsgrad η (%) efficiency/Wirkungsgrad η (%) efficiency/Wirkungsgrad (%) ηη(%) efficiency/Wirkungsgrad efficiency/Wirkungsgradηη(%) (%) efficiency/Wirkungsgrad rated speed/Drehzahl n (rpm) speed/Drehzahl n (rpm) ratedrated speed/Drehzahl (rpm) rated speed/Drehzahl nn(rpm) ratedspeed/Drehzahl speed/Drehzahlnn(rpm) (rpm) rated BG 75x25 MI Data/ Technische Daten Dimensions / Maßzeichnung mm Dimensions ininmm/ Maßzeichnung in mminin Dimensions inmm mm / Maßzeichnung mm 65 ±0.2 4x Ø 5.2 6565±0.2±0.2 5.2 4x4xØØ5.2 » BG 75 Motor with integrated master functionality » Communication between several drives is possible via I/Os or CANopen interface » High positions accuracy and excellent control characteristics due to an integral magnetic incremental encoder with a resolution of 4x1024 pulses per round » The motor operates with sinus commutation 6369 60 40 20 0 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 00
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