Zurich - Campus Zentrum, Lagerstrasse School of Applied Linguistics Centre of German as a Foreign and Second Language (DaF/DaZ) Phone +41 58 934 60 90, [email protected], www.zhaw.ch/linguistik/daf Li m m School of Applied Psychology IAP Institute of Applied Psychology Phone +41 58 934 83 33, [email protected], www.zhaw.ch/iap at School of Engineering, Zurich Section Phone +41 58 934 82 43, [email protected], www.zhaw.ch/engineering alle e Zur ich Bah ns Tram we e hl Lö se fstr nho Bah se gr Ura ha nz en nias Zurich Campus Zentrum, Lagerstrasse Tram uai ra ss e rweg Stadt hausq uai r st B le ic h e L im m a tq e ke School of Applied Psychology IAP Institute of Applied Psychology ZA Militärstrasse 46 l Ta N Limmat School of Applied Linguistics Centre of German as a Foreign and Second Language (DaF/DaZ) ZL Lagerstrasse 41 Tram Paradeplatz Zurich Mühlegasse tras ab Ge en ss ne ra lle e e trass ustra s ss ac Selna ai rq u S l ih a tr hofs che cke Bahn u ff a Uraniastrasse Tram l Ta Sta lbrü sse Sih rasse P Sc e Tram ass Si en rn Tram se Ka ass Central en se tz ab We r d st rstr tras fpla rgr ene uss Tram nho Schip fe Bad gha sse Walchebrücke Li m m at qu ai Zeu tra ile as Tram ms ion t r. se Landesmuseum tat lpo st rg. ras str se in S seu Se ras rst Re rst Ma ite isc litä Fre Mi ge Mu Sih . hü tzg Eis ZL La se Bahnhof quai ZA Tram W ei nb er gs tra ss e opa ras ga sse Eur llst Sih Zo lqua i Address details overleaf School of Engineering, Zurich Section ZL Lagerstrasse 41 Entrances to buildings Zurich − Campus Zentrum, Lagerstrasse School of Applied Linguistics Postal address: ZHAW, Zentrum Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Theaterstrasse 17, Postfach, CH-8401 Winterthur Building code and address: ZL Lagerstrasse 41, 8004 Zürich School of Applied Psychology IAP Institute of Applied Psychology Postal address: ZHAW, IAP Institut für ANgewandte Psychologie Vorname Name, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, Postfach 707, CH-8037 Building code and address: ZA Militärstrasse 46, 8004 Zürich School of Engineering, Zurich Section Lagerstrasse 41, Postfach, CH-8021 Zürich Postal address: Bachelorstudiengang Architektur und Bauingenieurwesen (berufsbegleitend) Lagerstrasse 41, Postfach, CH-8021 Zürich Building codes and addresses: ZL Lagerstrasse 41, 8004 Zürich Directions: • • • • 5 minutes' walk from Zurich Main Station (exit Sihlpost) Tram 3 or 14 to Kaserne stop Bus 31 to Kaserne stop Gessnerallee car park
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