COURSE DIRECTOR PD Dr. J-‐F. Cornelius* HONORED GUESTS Prof. Dr. P-‐A. Winkler** PD Dr. J. Lehmberg*** UKD FACULTY Prof. Dr. H-‐J Steiger, Chairman* PD Dr. K. Beseoglu* PD Dr. A. Petridis* PD Dr. M. Rapp* Dr. S. Sarikaya-‐Seiwert* Dott. A. Tortora* *KLINIK FÜR NEUROCHIRURGIE, HEINRICH HEINE UNIVERSITÄT, DÜSSELDORF ** DIREKTOR DER KLINIK FÜR NEUROCHIRURGIE, CHRISTIAN-‐DOPPLER UNIVERSITÄT, SALZBURG *** KLINIK FÜR NEUROCHIRURGIE, KLINIKUM RECHTS DER ISAR, TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT MÜNCHEN U K D microneurosurgic a l h a n d s - o n c o u r s e 2 0 1 6 The UKD microneurosurgical hands-on course 2016 is addressed to residents and young neurosurgeons interested in skull base and neurovascular techniques. The aim of the course is to review the most common neurosurgical approaches focusing on the anatomical details during a 3 days step-bystep dissection course. The course will be held in English. Course fee including lunch, refreshments and gala dinner : 700€ [Geben Sie ein Zitat aus dem Foroder registration and information: Dokument die Zusammenfassung [email protected] eines interessanten Punkts ein. Sie können das Textfeld an einer beliebigen 01.08.2016 Stelle im Deadline: Dokument positionieren. Verwenden Sie die Registerkarte Course venue:wenn Department of Anatomy 'Zeichentools', Sie das Format des I, Universitätsstr. 40225möchten.] Düsseldorf. Textfelds 'Textzitat'1,ändern Suggested accomodation in Düsseldorf: NH Düsseldorf City, Kölner Str. 186-188, D40227 Düsseldorf. Düsseldorf 8-10 september 2016 Neurosurgical Department Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf Moorenstrasse 5 40225 Düsseldorf, Germany Telefon: +49 (211) 81-17911 Programm THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH 8:00 W elcome 8:15 Pterional approach 8:45 Hands-‐on laboratory 10:15 Sylvian fissure and basal cisterns 10:45 Hands-‐on laboratory 12:15 Lunch 13:15 Orbito-‐craniotomy 13:45 Hands-‐on laboratory 15:15 Anterior clinoidectomy and the cavernous sinus 15:45 Hands-‐on laboratory 17:45 Adjourn FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH 8:15 Subtemporal approach and anterior petrosectomy 8:45 Hands-‐on laboratory 11:45 Transcallosal approach 12:15 Lunch 13:15 Hands-‐on laboratory 15:15 Retrosigmoid craniotomy and the cerebellopontine cistern 15:45 Hands-‐on laboratory 17:45 Adjourn 20:00 Dinner with faculty SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10TH 8:30 Telovelar and infratentorial supracerebellar approaches 9:00 Hands-‐on laboratory 12:00 Lunch 13:00 Cerebral revascularization 13:30 STA-‐MCA bypass-‐ Hands-‐on laboratory 15:00 Final discussion and debriefing 15:30 Adjourn
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