Shipping Guidelines Notification and Transfer of Shipments to Shipping Companies The sender has to process the shipment according to the indicated shipping modes and transfer them to the specified shipping company (see page 5). The transfer of shipments to the specified shipping companies must be carried out in such way that the indicated delivery date is met. The shipping company must be notified by phone of fax, indicating the number of packages, their volume and weight no later than 4pm on the day before loading in case of consolidated cargo and no later than 10am on the day of shipment in case of parcel shipments. Partial and full loads as well as textile shipments must be announced to the shipping company at least 24 hours before pick up. The transit time of a shipment from the loading ramp of the sender to the ramp of the receiver must be no longer than 48 hours. The shipping company is obligated to notify the central and regional stations regarding shipments at least 24 hours before delivery, specifying the receiving station, department, order number as well as the number of packages / palettes. Transit deliveries are carried out within a certain time window, which must be coordinated with the responsible logistics provider. Each shipment must be accompanied by a delivery note. Delivery notes that are transmitted electronically or by Fax must show the avis number. Shipments to Central Logistics Operations Ancillary storage equipment used by Karstadt Warenhaus GmbH must be utilized for shipments to logistics operations, observing cargo space optimization (see “packaging requirements”). All items must be packed non-mixed (packing unit = box or palette). Similar packing units must contain the same amount of individual items. Mixed palettes must be labeled as such. Very small quantities can be combined, providing that the inner package is properly labeled. These packing units must be labeled as such. All packages must have a sticker, which can be obtained from central purchasing. In addition, packages can be provided with a bar code label (GTIN, NVE SSCC). Seite 1/15 Shipping Guidelines The ancillary storage equipment should be coordinated with central purchasing. In case of missing delivery deadlines (early or late delivery), the seller will be invoiced with costs incurred for special treatment and additional expenses. Delivery to Branch Centers Ancillary storage equipment used by Karstadt Warenhaus GmbH or reusable transport containers in sizes 01 or 52 must be utilized for shipments to branch centers, observing cargo space optimization. All packages must have a sticker. Mixed palettes must be labeled as such. Delivery Date The delivery date indicated in the order is the day of receiving the shipment in the station named by us, independent of the delivery terms. The merchandise must be shipped in time to adhere to the agreed delivery date. If the delivery date cannot be kept, the ordering station must be notified immediately. Partial Delivery We do not accept partial delivery. We are entitled but not obligated to return partial deliveries to the seller on his account and at his own risk. The same is true for exceeding delivery amounts, for the entire exceeded amount or parts thereof. Seite 2/15 Shipping Guidelines Addressing the Shipping Papers All shipments must indicate the company, station or department number. It is an important part of the receiving address. Filiale Karstadt Warenhaus GmbH 01/009/060 Kurfürstendamm 231 10719 Berlin Regionales Logistik Center für Filiale Branchenzentrum Warenverteilzentrum Karstadt Warenhaus GmbH 01/009/060 c/o DHL Solutions Fashion GmbH Regionales Logistik Center Am Wald 1 16515 Oranienburg Karstadt Warenhaus GmbH 01/466/Abt. c/o DHL Solutions Fashion GmbH Branchenzentrum Mode Hafenstrasse 70 45356 Essen Karstadt Warenhaus GmbH 01/470/Abt. c/o DHL Solutions Retail GmbH Warenverteilzentrum Gießerstrasse 5 59425 Unna Delivery Time Slots and Delivery Limitations of our Stations Due to structural or organizational limitations the guidelines indicated in the station search must be strictly adhered to during delivery. This is true for site access limitations (time or structure related) as well as the delivery of particular commodity groups. Instructions given by the receiving staff must be followed. Expenses occurring on the part of shipping companies or sellers due to wrong delivery will not be reimbursed, if those expenses could have been avoided by following the respective instructions. Seite 3/15 Shipping Guidelines Delivery Terms The delivery conditions agreed by the seller and buyer are binding and must be indicated in the shipping papers. Settlement of freight charges advanced by the shipper in case of delivery condition ex works is not permissible (by invoice or otherwise) and will not be accepted by us (except for postal parcels with transport insurance). Transport Insurance The seller may, at his own cost, insure shipments for which he bears the transportation risk. He is obligated to notify, if he has not provided for a shipping insurance. Expenses for additional insurance will not be accepted by us. Even if the seller bears the transportation risk, he is obligated to indicate the insurance value of the shipment in order to safeguard the buyer’s insurance rights. Insurance Coverage in Case of Returns to the Supplier All freight collect return shipments to suppliers will lose automatic insurance protection as of August 1, 2004. If the shipper wishes to retain insurance coverage, he has to place an order. Dangerous Goods according to GGVSEB (ADR/ RID) The transfer of shipments subject to dangerous goods regulations must be carried out according to the dangerous goods rules applicable to the carrier in their updated version, independent of the delivery conditions. All items of the respective regulation must be strictly adhered to without exception. This applies to all shipments packed and shipped according to 3.4 or 3.5 ADR/RID. Dangerous goods must be packed or filled and labeled according to regulations and – if required by dangerous goods regulations – furnished with the proper papers. A separate delivery not must be made out for dangerous goods, including the information “Dangerous Goods”. When announcing a shipment including dangerous goods, the information regarding dangerous goods must be made as well. Dangerous goods must be delivered separately on palettes. The respective packages must be labeled as dangerous goods according to 3.4, 3.5 or 5.1 and 5.2 ADR/RID. Seite 4/15 Shipping Guidelines Dangerous Substances according to the Hazardous Goods Directive When shipping products subject to the Hazardous Goods Directive to Karstadt GmbH, the first shipment must include an updated safety datasheet according to REACh-directive (EC) No. 1907/ 2006. The required information can be obtained from annex II of the directive. Should the composition of such product change, the next delivery must include an updated safety datasheet. The products must be rated and packed according to the applicable regulations in their updated versions, the Hazardous Goods Directive. All packages must be properly labeled. Shipping Modes – National Ground Transport The following overview of shipping modes and the shipping companies to be used are binding for all shipments. The names and addresses of the contracted companies are listed on the following pages, whereas the selection of the respective shipping company is governed by the shipping mode. The selected shipping modes must be applied independent from the agreed delivery conditions. However, the delivery conditions between seller and buyer must be generally adhered to. Only order forms (shipping order/shipping papers) of the stipulated shipping companies must be used. The heaviest package within a certain shipment governs the mode of shipment. Seite 5/15 Shipping Guidelines Overview of Shipping Modes: Package and Weight Range Shipping Mode Remarks Up to 6 packages per shipment of 15 kg per package (max. 90 kg) Packages with transport insurance DHL Express Vertriebs GmbH & Co. OHG maximum and minimum dimensions must be observed (see labeling rules) Above that up to 2,500 kg or up to 3,2 loading meters (8 palette spaces / 16 m³) Above that up to 2,500 kg or up to 3,2 loading meters (8 palette spaces / 16 m³) More than 2,500 kg or up to 3,2 loading meters (8 palette spaces / 16 m³) Consolidated goods, lying textiles Nationwide through DHL Solutions Fashion GmbH, contact according to "pick up order for textiles" Any shipment size Hanging garments shipment Consolidated goods, other merchandise (non-textile) Partial or full loads Nationwide through the indicated contracted shipping companies Nationwide through DHL Solutions Fashion GmbH, Unna "pick up order for partial or full loads" Bundesweit über die DHL Solutions Fashion GmbH, Contact according to "pick up order for textiles" Parcel Shipment Parcel Service Address: Deutsche Post AG GB Corporate Account Management Paket/ Express International 53105 Bonn Service-Hotline: +49 (0) 180/ 3221122 Fax: +49 (0) 180/ 3221155 Seite 6/15 Shipping Guidelines Weights, Dimensions and Amounts Maximum Weight: 15 kg per parcel (maximum) Block shape dimensions: Minimum dimensions: 15 x 11 x 1 cm Maximum dimensions: 120 x 60 x 60 cm Roll shape dimensions: Minimum dimensions: length 15 cm, diameter: 5 cm Maximum dimensions: length 120 cm, diameter: 15 cm, weight: 5 kg Number of Parcels: 6 parcels per receiving station / delivery (maximum) Parcels exceeding the maximum dimensions (bulky goods) or the maximum weight limit as well as more than 6 parcels per delivery to a station must be shipped through contracted shipping companies as consolidated freight. When exceeding the maximum dimensions, the content column of the shipping’s company’s shipping note must show a respective remark (e.g. “too large for parcel shipment). If delivery condition “ex works” has been agreed, the parcel sticker must indicate “ex works” (not “freight collect”). Settlement of freight charges through invoice or otherwise is not permitted (except for postal parcels with transport insurance). Parcel stickers will be made available by the local customer service of the parcel / express international branch. Each parcel sticker must include the company, station and department number (UN/ BST/ ABT). Seite 7/15 Shipping Guidelines In case of shipments containing more that one parcel, the number of parcels in the shipment must be shown on the parcel sticker. Parcels ready for pick up must be announced to the appropriate local customer service of the branch parcel/express, international on the day before. For questions regarding the processing of parcel shipments, please contact Deutsche Post AG. Partial and Full Loads Shipments exceeding 2,500 kg or 3,2 loading meters (8 palette spaces) or 16 m³ must be processed as partial/complete loads through DHL Solutions Fashion GmbH. Such shipments must be announced to DHL Solutions Fashion GmbH by fax 48 hours before transfer, providing information on weight/volume and the expected amount of loading meters. DHL Solutions Fashion GmbH will provide a notification form “pick up order for partial and complete loads” for this purpose. Adress DHL Solutions Fashion GmbH Giesserstr. 5 59425 Unna Phone / Fax André Kaczmarek Phone: +49 / (0)2303-678-2258 Fax: +49 / (0)2303-678-2379 Mobil: +49 / (0)160-939 63 082 [email protected] Ralf Duve Phone: +49 / (0)2303-678-2375 Fax: +49 / (0)2303-678-2379 Mobil: +49 / (0)171 565 31 03 [email protected] Seite 8/15 Shipping Guidelines Textile Logistics Textile shipments (hanging or lying) must be announced to and carried out by DHL Fashion Solutions GmbH exclusively. For the office serving your location please refer to the “overview according to ZIP codes”. In order to ensure pick up on the following day (Friday to Monday), the following notification periods must be adhered to: Monday through Thursday: 8am to 3pm Friday: 8am to 2.30pm Shipment must be carried out by DHL Solutions Fashion GmbH. Every shipment (lying or hanging) must be furnished with a separate shipping order. Lying Textiles Special pre-printed shipping orders are available for the pick up of lying textiles. These order forms can be ordered by fax at +49 (0) 201/ 806-1839, providing the required amount. Hanging Textiles Since these shipments are logged using the printed bar codes, shipping orders with or without space for the type of garment as well as clips with two removable bar code stickers are available. Optimus Logistics or KATRANS shipping order forms are still valid (new DHL Solutions Fashion GmbH forms will be made available after the Optimus Logistics and KATRANS forms have been used up). DHL Solutions Fashion shipping orders for hanging textiles can be ordered by fax free of charge at +49 (0) 201/ 806-1893, providing the required amount. Seite 9/15 Shipping Guidelines Basic Information Apart from the basic information such as the sender’s address it is required to state the company, station and department number (UN/ BST/ ABT) in the address field. Also, a separate shipping order must be completed for each department. The order number must be shown on all delivery notes and freight notes. For questions please call the textile transport department of DHL Solutions Fashion GmbH at: +49 (0) 201/ 806-1823 or +49 (0) 201/ 806-1856 Seite 10/15 Shipping Guidelines Shipping–Area ZIP Code Address of Contracted Shipper 18000 – 28999 29303 – 29328 29345 – 29348 29365 – 29365 29500 – 31223 31225 – 31868 DHL Solutions Fashion Nord 01000 – 17999 29000 – 29229 29331 – 29342 29351 – 29364 29367 – 29499 31224 – 31224 34000 – 34699 37000 – 39999 98500 – 99999 DHL Solutions Fashion Ost 32000 – 57000 DHL Solutions Fashion West Rungedamm 32 21035 Hamburg Am Wald 1 16515 Oranienburg 35000 – 35999 40000 – 53999 56000 – 56799 57000 – 59999 Hafenstr. 70 45356 Essen 66000 – 66999 67601 – 67678 67686 – 67728 67745 – 67746 67751 – 67799 70000 – 79999 DHL Solutions Fashion Karlsruhe 36000 – 36999 54000 – 55999 56800 – 56869 60000 – 65999 67000 – 67599 67680 – 67685 67729 – 67744 67748 – 67749 67800 – 69000 97000 – 97999 DHL Solutions Fashion Darmstadt 80000 – 96599 DHL Solutions Fashion Süd An der Roßweid 21 76229 Karlsruhe Bismarckstr. 133 64293 Darmstadt Oskar–von–Miller Str. 2 Phone/ Fax: Tel.: +49 (0) 40/ 4192849-250 Fax: +49 (0) 40/ 4192849-143 Tel.: +49 (0) 3321/ 457-0 Fax: +49 (0) 03321/ 457-300 Tel.: +49 (0) 201/ 806–2271 or – 1246 Fax: +49 (0) 201/ 806–1083 Tel.: +49 (0) 721/ 61840–32 Fax: +49 (0) 721/ 61840–33 Tel.: +49 (0) 6151/ 86062–85 Fax: +49 (0) 6151/ 86062–86 Tel.: +49 (0) 8121/9955-420 or – 418 Fax: +49 (0) 8121/9955-429 85551 Kirchheim Seite 11/15 Shipping Guidelines Übersetzung der Bildinhalte: Unternehmensnummer: company number Betriebsstellennummer: station number Abteilungsnummer: department number Anschlusskunden: connected customers Entspricht Haus/Filialnummer: same as house or branch number Filiale Karstadt Warenhaus GmbH 01/009/060 Kurfürstendamm 231 10719 Berlin Regionales Logistik Center für Filiale Branchenzentrum Warenverteilzentrum Karstadt Warenhaus GmbH 01/009/060 c/o DHL Solutions Fashion GmbH Regionales Logistik Center Am Wald 1 16515 Oranienburg Karstadt Warenhaus GmbH 01/466/Abt. c/o DHL Solutions Fashion GmbH Branchenzentrum Mode Hafenstrasse 70 45356 Essen Karstadt Warenhaus GmbH 01/470/Abt. c/o DHL Solutions Retail GmbH Warenverteilzentrum Gießerstrasse 5 59425 Unna Musteranschriften: sample addresses Filiale: branch Regionales Logistikcenter für Filiale: regional logistics center for branch Branchenzentrum: industry center Warenverteilzentrum: merchandise distribution center Seite 12/15 Shipping Guidelines Seite 13/15 Shipping Guidelines ZUORDNUNG POSTLEITZAHLEN ZUM ZUSTÄNDIGEN ABHOLSPEDITEUR SAMMELGUT NATIONAL von PLZ bis PLZ Nr. VG 01001 03095 01 03096 03100 13 03101 03171 01 03172 03197 13 03198 03205 01 03206 03226 13 03229 03238 01 03239 03246 13 03249 03253 01 04001 04688 04 04701 04749 01 04751 04889 04 04891 04938 01 06001 06295 04 06300 06313 39 06317 06318 04 06319 06369 39 06385 06386 04 06388 06578 39 06601 06809 04 06811 06840 39 06842 06928 04 07301 07338 99 07341 07368 95 07371 07500 99 07501 07646 04 07701 07778 99 07801 07819 04 07901 08359 95 08361 08399 04 08401 08439 95 08441 08459 04 08461 08648 95 09001 09669 01 10001 12999 80 13000 15528 13 15529 15537 13 15538 15569 13 15711 15758 13 15806 15864 13 15868 15889 13 15890 15898 13 15907 15938 13 16201 16868 13 16901 16949 19 17001 17509 17 18001 18299 19 18301 18609 17 19001 19417 19 20001 21739 22 21741 21789 28 22001 22969 22 23501 23829 24 23831 23919 22 23921 23999 19 24001 24999 24 25301 25499 22 25501 25999 24 26001 26489 28 26491 26909 49 Name VG Klipphausen Wustermark Klipphausen Wustermark Klipphausen Wustermark Klipphausen Wustermark Klipphausen Landsberg Klipphausen Landsberg Klipphausen Landsberg Irxleben Landsberg Irxleben Landsberg Irxleben Landsberg Irxleben Landsberg Erfurt Oberkotzau Erfurt Landsberg Erfurt Landsberg Oberkotzau Landsberg Oberkotzau Landsberg Oberkotzau Klipphausen Berlin 2 Wustermark Wustermark Wustermark Wustermark Wustermark Wustermark Wustermark Wustermark Wustermark Parchim Altentreptow Parchim Altentreptow Parchim Hamburg Bremen Hamburg Neumünster Hamburg Parchim Neumünster Hamburg Neumünster Bremen Meppen von PLZ bis PLZ Nr. VG 26911 28879 28 29201 29399 30 29401 29499 19 29501 31868 30 32001 32839 33 33001 33039 34 33041 33829 33 34001 34639 34 34640 35768 35 35771 35799 56 36001 36369 34 36370 36399 60 36401 36469 99 37001 37299 34 37301 37359 99 37401 37449 34 37501 37649 30 37651 37699 34 38001 38126 30 38154 38154 39 38159 38159 30 38162 38162 39 38165 36165 30 38170 38170 39 38173 38304 30 38312 38319 39 38321 38321 30 38322 38327 39 38329 38330 30 38350 38399 39 38400 38479 30 38481 38489 39 38501 38729 30 38801 39599 39 39601 39619 19 39621 39649 39 40001 40224 47 40225 40225 50 40227 40549 47 40589 40599 50 40625 40699 47 40721 40789 50 40801 40885 47 41001 41334 52 41335 41363 47 41364 41379 52 41460 41542 50 41564 41564 47 41565 41569 50 41701 41849 52 42001 42477 57 42478 42489 47 42490 42499 50 42501 42579 47 42601 42929 50 44100 44287 57 44289 44894 57 45001 45481 47 45501 45665 57 45669 45701 47 Name VG von PLZ bis PLZ Nr. VG Name VG von PLZ bis PLZ Nr. VG Bremen 45702 45711 57 Hagen 59590 59590 33 Hannover 45712 45721 47 Duisburg 59597 59609 58 Parchim 45722 45739 57 Hagen 59701 59955 58 Hannover 45768 47929 47 Duisburg 59959 59969 35 Bielefeld 48001 48167 58 Menden 60001 63879 60 Malsfeld 48203 48231 33 Bielefeld 63881 63939 97 Bielefeld 48232 48249 58 Menden 64201 64297 60 Malsfeld 48250 48282 49 Meppen 64310 64319 67 Marburg 48283 48291 33 Bielefeld 64320 64331 60 Koblenz 48300 48329 58 Menden 64332 64342 67 Malsfeld 48336 48336 33 Bielefeld 64343 64347 60 Maintal 48341 48341 58 Menden 64348 64385 67 Erfurt 48346 48351 33 Bielefeld 64386 64390 60 Malsfeld 48356 48356 58 Menden 64391 64407 67 Erfurt 48361 48361 33 Bielefeld 64409 64546 60 Malsfeld 48366 48366 58 Menden 64548 64560 67 Hannover 48367 49090 49 Meppen 64561 64572 60 Malsfeld 49109 49124 33 Bielefeld 64573 64759 67 Hannover 49134 49134 49 Meppen 64801 64859 60 Irxleben 49143 49152 33 Bielefeld 65001 65399 56 Hannover 49163 49170 49 Meppen 65401 65510 60 Irxleben 49176 49176 33 Bielefeld 65516 65629 56 Hannover 49179 49179 49 Meppen 65701 65936 60 Irxleben 49186 49186 33 Bielefeld 66001 66399 54 Hannover 49191 49191 49 Meppen 66400 66439 67 Irxleben 49196 49201 33 Bielefeld 66440 66459 54 Hannover 49205 49205 49 Meppen 66460 66503 67 Irxleben 49214 49328 33 Bielefeld 66504 66504 76 Hannover 49341 49849 49 Meppen 66505 66509 67 Irxleben 50101 51597 50 Köln 66510 66839 54 Hannover 51598 51598 57 Hagen 66840 66868 67 Irxleben 51643 51688 50 Köln 66869 66871 54 Hannover 51701 51709 57 Hagen 66872 66915 67 Irxleben 51766 51789 50 Köln 66916 66916 54 Parchim 52001 52539 52 Würselen 66917 66919 67 Irxleben 53001 53359 50 Köln 66920 66986 76 Duisburg 53401 53579 56 Koblenz 66987 66989 67 Köln 53581 53919 50 Köln 66990 66999 76 Duisburg 53921 53949 52 Würselen 67001 67346 67 Köln 54201 54689 54 Sehlem 67352 67378 76 Duisburg 55001 55299 67 Worms 67401 67759 67 Köln 55381 55629 56 Koblenz 67801 69259 67 Duisburg 55701 55779 54 Sehlem 69401 69439 74 Würselen 56001 56829 56 Koblenz 69441 69518 67 Duisburg 56831 56869 54 Sehlem 70001 71409 70 Würselen 57071 57234 57 Hagen 71501 71739 74 Köln 57250 57250 35 Marburg 72001 72299 70 Duisburg 57258 57258 57 Hagen 72301 72369 79 Köln 57271 57271 35 Marburg 72371 72419 70 Würselen 57290 57290 57 Hagen 72421 72479 79 Hagen 57299 57339 35 Marburg 72481 72539 89 Duisburg 57341 57439 58 Menden 72541 73278 70 Köln 57462 57489 57 Hagen 73301 73499 89 Duisburg 57501 57648 56 Koblenz 73501 73779 70 Köln 58001 58579 57 Hagen 74001 74999 74 Hagen 58636 59229 58 Menden 75001 75015 76 Hagen 59241 59329 33 Bielefeld 75020 75031 74 Duisburg 59331 59519 58 Menden 75032 75045 76 Hagen 59521 59558 33 Bielefeld 75046 75050 74 Duisburg 59581 59581 58 Menden 75051 75053 76 Seite 14/15 Name VG Bielefeld Menden Menden Marburg Maintal Gochsheim Maintal Worms Maintal Worms Maintal Worms Maintal Worms Maintal Worms Maintal Worms Maintal Koblenz Maintal Koblenz Maintal Sehlem Worms Sehlem Worms Karlsruhe Worms Sehlem Worms Sehlem Worms Sehlem Worms Karlsruhe Worms Karlsruhe Worms Karlsruhe Worms Worms Öhringen Worms Renningen Öhringen Renningen Herbolzheim Renningen Herbolzheim Weißenhorn Renningen Weißenhorn Renningen Öhringen Karlsruhe Öhringen Karlsruhe Öhringen Karlsruhe von PLZ bis PLZ Nr. VG 75054 75059 74 75101 75339 76 75351 75399 70 75401 75449 74 76001 76891 76 77601 79879 79 80001 83739 85 84001 84129 93 84130 84130 85 84131 84389 93 84401 84579 85 85001 85072 90 85073 85077 85 85078 85080 90 85081 85084 85 85085 85104 90 85105 85107 85 85108 85117 90 85119 85119 85 85120 85122 90 85123 85123 85 85125 85139 90 85201 86368 85 86381 86381 89 86391 86399 85 86405 86405 89 86415 86420 85 86424 86424 89 86438 86438 85 86441 86441 89 86444 86447 85 86450 86450 89 86453 86456 85 86459 86459 89 86462 86462 85 86465 86491 89 86492 86492 85 86494 86494 89 86495 86495 85 86497 86502 89 86504 86504 85 86505 86507 89 86508 86511 85 86513 86514 89 86517 86517 85 86519 86519 89 86521 86579 85 86601 86650 89 86651 86653 90 86654 86879 89 86880 86989 85 87401 89619 89 90001 92369 90 92401 94579 93 95001 95709 95 96001 96199 90 96201 96529 95 97001 97999 97 98501 98718 99 98721 98749 95 99001 99998 99 Name VG Öhringen Karlsruhe Renningen Öhringen Karlsruhe Herbolzheim Unterschleißheim Neutraubling Unterschleißheim Neutraubling Unterschleißheim Nürnberg Unterschleißheim Nürnberg Unterschleißheim Nürnberg Unterschleißheim Nürnberg Unterschleißheim Nürnberg Unterschleißheim Nürnberg Unterschleißheim Weißenhorn Unterschleißheim Weißenhorn Unterschleißheim Weißenhorn Unterschleißheim Weißenhorn Unterschleißheim Weißenhorn Unterschleißheim Weißenhorn Unterschleißheim Weißenhorn Unterschleißheim Weißenhorn Unterschleißheim Weißenhorn Unterschleißheim Weißenhorn Unterschleißheim Weißenhorn Unterschleißheim Weißenhorn Unterschleißheim Weißenhorn Nürnberg Weißenhorn Unterschleißheim Weißenhorn Nürnberg Neutraubling Oberkotzau Nürnberg Oberkotzau Gochsheim Erfurt Oberkotzau Erfurt Shipping Guidelines KONTAKTDATEN FÜR TRANSPORTANMELDUNGEN SAMMELGUT BUNDESWEIT VG Name VG Vertragsspediteur Strasse PLZ Ort Ansprechpartner Telefonnummer Faxnummer E-mail 1 04 13 17 19 22 24 28 30 33 34 35 39 47 49 50 52 54 56 57 58 60 67 70 74 76 79 85 89 90 93 95 97 99 Klipphausen Landsberg Wustermark Altentreptow Parchim Hamburg Neumünster Bremen Hannover Bielefeld Malsfeld Marburg Irxleben Duisburg Meppen Köln Würselen Sehlem Koblenz Hagen Menden Frankfurt Worms Renningen Öhringen Karlsruhe Herbolzheim Unterschleißheim Weißenhorn Nürnberg Neutraubling Oberkotzau Gochsheim Erfurt Unitrans Hauptvogel GmbH DHL Freight GmbH DHL Freight GmbH Spedition Gertner GmbH Krüger & Voigt GmbH DHL Freight GmbH Herbert Voigt GmbH & Co KG DHL Freight GmbH DHL Freight GmbH Wahl GmbH & Co. Spedition und Logistik DHL Freight GmbH DHL Freight GmbH Unitrans bei Magdeburg GmbH DHL Freight GmbH Georg Boll GmbH & Co. KG DHL Freight GmbH DHL Freight GmbH DHL Freight GmbH DHL Freight GmbH DHL Freight GmbH DHL Freight GmbH DHL Freight GmbH DHL Freight GmbH DHL Freight GmbH DHL Freight GmbH DHL Freight GmbH DHL Freight GmbH DHL Freight GmbH DHL Freight GmbH DHL Freight GmbH Scherbauer Spedition GmbH Spedition Leupold GmbH Leupold Spedition - Logistik GmbH DHL Freight GmbH An der Unitrans 3 Brehnaer Str. 8 Bremer Ring 13 Gewerbehof 16 Schwarzer Weg 6 Auf der Hohen Schaar 7 Krokamp 87 Ludwig - Erhard - Str. 44 Stelinger Str. 6 Gildemeisterstr. 150 Pliwastr. 3 Afföllerstr. 82 Gewerbestr. 20a Am Blumenkampshof 81 Schützenhof 40 - 77 Geestemünder Str. 2 De - Casperi - Str. Gewerbegebiet August - Horch - Str. 2 - 4 Meisenweg 26 Meisenweg 26 Gutenbergstr. 15 Mittelrheinstr. 19 Industriestr. 28 Leimengrube 9 Pfannkuchestr. 12b Breisgauallee 10 Franz - Lehner - Str. 11 Daimlerstr. 43 Duisburger Str. 8 Oberheisinger Str. 7 Am Saaleschlösschen 7 Jakob - Panzer - Str. 8 An der Flurscheide 12 01665 06188 14641 17807 19370 21107 24539 28197 30419 33689 34323 35039 39167 47059 49716 50735 52146 54518 56070 58708 58708 63477 67550 71272 74613 76185 79336 85716 89264 90451 93073 95145 97469 99098 Klipphausen Landsberg Wustermark Altentreptow Parchim Hamburg Neumünster Bremen Hannover Bielefeld Malsfeld Marburg Irxleben Duisburg Meppen Köln Würselen Sehlem Koblenz Menden Menden Maintal Worms Renningen Öhringen Karlsruhe Herbolzheim Unterschleißheim Weißenhorn Nürnberg Neutraubling Oberkatzau Gochsheim Erfurt Steffen Schönfuß Torsten Handrich Thomas Fahrig Sebastian Osterland Sven Markwart Grit Stromberg Christian Reucher Michael Bauckner Annette Graeber Christian Sabath Rebecca Sprenger Melanie Tittmann Dennis Lange Dirk Elbers Frank Hanzlik Wolfgang Schwarz Bernd Franken Birgit Thiel Ute Dott Christian Todt Christian Todt Michael Spielmann Margot Lichter-Ahnen Martina Klotz Peter Schorowski Alexandra Haustein Heike Herbstritt Ariane Siegwardt Silke Sonner Verena Milewski Steffen Herbst Michael Schaller Ulrike Fiedler Christian Czerwinski 035204-97720 034602-26820 033234 240 400 03961/271-110 0387-1624116 040-22924106 04321/873-1531 0421/5238-230 0511 27990-251 05205/755-126 05661/9285-400 06421-964519 039204 879 19 0203 / 9328-212 05931 / 402201 0221/ 74 93-115 02405-63212 06508/ 91 55-12 0261-898170 02373/ 958-400 02373/ 958-400 06109/ 379-200 06242/509-158 07159/934-270 07941/988320 0721/97225-27 07643/ 904-235 089/ 320 101-577 07309-928280 0911/ 9633-120 09401/5226-235 09286/947-15 09721/ 6442 - 13 0361/4930429 035204-97721 034602-26720 033234 240 429 03961/271-190 0387 - 16241-10 040-22924190 04321/873-200 0421/5238-301 0511 27990-469 05205/755-125 05661/9285-940 06421-964580 039204 879 90 0203 / 9328-127 05931 / 402 92 0221/ 74 93-191 02405-63205 06508/ 91 55-66 0261-89844170 02373/ 958-124 02373/ 958-124 06109/ 379-222 06242/509-360 07159/934-410 07941/988329 0721/97225-52 07643/ 904-229 089/ 32 101-570 07309-928289 0911/ 9633-290 09401/5226-249 09286/7158 09721 / 6442 - 44 0361/49304-13 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Seite 15/15 Vertretung Ansprechpartner Eva Häntzsch Elvira Karl Norbert Weingärtner Karin Wolff Torsten Jordan Dieter Münstermann Katharina Heil Lars Schröder Manfred Henneberg Alexander Lipke Christina Frey Julia-Isabelle Löchel Wilfried Bammel Nina Meck Michael Schwenker Marc Ehret H.D. Seifert Frank Olbermann Wolfgang Schuth Dennis Feldmann Dennis Feldmann Volker Engelmann Stefan Montag Silke Moser Anne Schmidt Werner Glasmacher Dieter Schindler Hans Jürgen Hell Jochen Stecher Klaus Bindner Matkus Haseneder Florian Leupold Christian Schüller Michael Hess Telefonnummer Faxnummer E-mail 035204-9770 034602-26816 033234 240 414 03961/271-335 3871624140 040-22924410 04321/873-1521 0421/5238-140 0511 27990-300 05205/755-167 05661/9285-402 06421-964543 039204 879 14 0203 / 9328-131 05931 / 4022 69 0221/ 74 93-165 02405-63256 06508/ 91 55-39 0261-898455 02373/ 958-460 02373/ 958-460 06109/ 379-203 06242/509-172 07159/934-274 07941/988310 0721/97225-11 07643/ 904-200 089/ 320 101-222 07309-928-241 0911/ 9633-201 09401/5226-142 09286 / 947-38 09721/6442-31 0361-49304-21 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 035204-97721 034602-26814 033234 240 419 03961/271-190 0387 - 16241-49 040-22924496 04321/873-1529 0421/5238-302 0511 27990-329 05205/755-220 05661/9285-940 06421-964580 039204 879 99 0203 / 9328-127 05931 / 402 92 0221/ 74 93-166 02405-63455 06508/ 91 55-33 0261-89844455 02373/ 958-299 02373/ 958-299 06109/ 379-222 06242/509-370 07159/934-405 07941/988419 0721/97225-65 07643/ 904-229 089/ 32 10107309-928-249 0911/ 9633-290 09401/5226-149 09286 / 7158 09721/6442-11 0361-49304-13 [email protected] [email protected]
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