Lectures Anne Peters

Teaching, Prof. Dr. Anne Peters (August 2016)
Anne Peters, Teaching
(as of August 2016)
Winter term 2016/2017
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Colloquium: „Einflüsse der Menschenrechte auf andere Gebiete des Völkerrechts“
(together with Prof. Dr. Stefan Kadelbach, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, 22  26
January 2016, Kleinwalsertal).
Summer term 2016
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Colloquium: “Internationales Umwelt- und Tierrecht“ (International Environmental
and Animal Law) (31 May and 1 June 2016).
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Master in Animal Law and Society, Lecture: “Global Animal Law: Cases and
Controversies” (21 and 22 April 2016).
Winter term 2015/2016
Freie Universität Berlin
Colloquium: “Neue Technik und humanitäres Völkerrecht“ (A New Technique and
International Humanitarian Law) (together with Prof. Heike Krieger, 21 23 January
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Colloquium: “Ausgewählte Probleme des internationalen Menschenrechtsschutzes“
(Selected Problems of the International Human Rights Protection) (17  19 November
Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, École de droit
Visiting Professor: “Constitutional Perspectives on the Law of International
Organisations“ (13  22 October 2015).
Summer term 2015
University of Basel
Master in Interdisciplinary Conflict Analysis and Conflict Resolution, Lecture:
“Internationale Streitbeilegung“ (International Dispute Settlement) (1  22 August
Verzeichnis der Lehrveranstaltungen Prof. Dr. Anne Peters (Stand: April 2016)
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Colloquium: “Soziologie der Menschenrechte, insbes. der EMRK-Rechte“ (Sociology of
Human Rights and of ECHR rights in particular) (together with Prof. Dr. Tilman
Altwicker, 27  30 April 2015, Hinterzarten).
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Master in Animal Law and Society, Lecture: “Global Animal Law: Cases and
Controversies” (23  24 April 2015).
Winter term 2014/2015
Freie Universität Berlin
Colloquium: “Theorie der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung: Politisch-philosophische, völkerund europarechtliche Zugänge“ (The study of human-animal relationships from a
perspective of political philosophy, international and European law) (together with
Prof. Bernd Ladwig, 17 October 2014, 29 November 2014, 6  7 February 2015).
Peking University Institute of International Law
Lecture: “New challenges for the ius contra bellum and the ius in bello” (22 October30 October 2014).
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Lecture: “Internationaler und regionaler Menschenrechtsschutz“ (International and
Regional Human Rights Protection).
Colloquium: “Menschenrechtsschutz und Unternehmen“ (Human Rights Protection
and Enterprises) (together with Prof. Dr. Stefan Kadelbach, Goethe Universität
Frankfurt, 25  29 January 2015, Kleinwalsertal).
Summer term 2014
University of Basel
Master in Interdisciplinary Conflict Analysis and Conflict Resolution, Lecture:
“Grundlagen der völkerrechtlichen Streitbeilegung am Beispiel der wichtigsten
internationalen Gerichte und Schiedsgerichte“ (Foundations of international dispute
settlement with a focus on international courts and arbitration courts) (2 days; 29 
30 August 2014).
Université Paris Panthéon Assas, Institut des hautes études internationales
Cours des professeurs invités, Certificat d’études juridiques internationales (CEJI),
Lecture: „Entreprises et droit de l’homme” (5 2-h sessions, 24  28 March 2014).
Verzeichnis der Lehrveranstaltungen Prof. Dr. Anne Peters (Stand: April 2016)
Freie Universität Berlin
Colloquium: “1914: Die ‘Urkatastrophe des 20. Jahrhunderts’ als Katalysator des
Völkerrechts?“ (World War I as a catalyst for international law?) (together with Prof.
Dr. Heike Krieger, 22  24 May 2014).
Winter term 2013/2014
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Master in Animal Law and Society, lecture: “Global Animal Law: Cases and
Controversies” (9  10 January 2014).
Freie Universität Berlin
Colloquium: “Das Individuum im Völkerrecht“ (The Individual in International Law)
(together with Prof. Dr. Heike Krieger, 23  24 January 2014).
Summer 2013
University of Basel
Master in Interdisciplinary Conflict Analysis and Conflict Resolution, Lecture:
“Internationale Streitbeilegung“ (International Dispute Settlement) (22 June and 17
August 2013).
European University Institute, Academy of European Law,
Session on Human Rights Law, Lecture “The Extraterritorial Application of Human
Rights: Towards the Constitutionalization International Law?” (26  27 June 2013).
Summer 2012
University of Basel
Master in Interdisciplinary Conflict Analysis and Conflict Resolution, Lecture:
“Internationale Streitbeilegung“ (International Dispute Settlement) (17  18 August
Spring term 2012 (4h per week due to membership in the National Research
Council and the University Research Council)
University of Basel
Seminar: “Responsibility to Protect” together with Prof. Oliver Diggelmann, University
of Zürich (2h per week).
Lecture: “Internationale Organisationen” (International Organisations) (2h per week).
Verzeichnis der Lehrveranstaltungen Prof. Dr. Anne Peters (Stand: April 2016)
Autumn term 2011 (4h per week due to membership in the National Research
Council and the University Research Council)
University of Basel
Lecture: “Völker- und Europarecht“ (International and European Law) (2h per week).
Lecture: “Internationales Strafrecht und Humanitäres Völkerrecht“ (International
Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law) (2h per week).
Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition 2010/2011 (September
2011 to March 2012).
Summer 2011
International Institute of Human Rights, Strasbourg
Lecture: “Historical Development of International Protection of Human Rights:
Results and Perspectives“ (4h; 5 and 6 July 2011).
University of Basel
Master in Interdisciplinary Conflict Analysis and Conflict Resolution, Lecture:
“Internationale Streitbeilegung” (International Dispute Settlement) (2 days; 24 and
25 June 2011).
Spring term 2011 (6h per week due to membership in the National Research
University of Basel
Lecture and Tutorial: “Vertiefung im Völkerrecht” (Advanced International Law) (2h
per week).
Lecture: “Grundrechtsschutz, Menschenrechtsschutz” (Protection of Fundamental
Rights and Human Rights) (2h per week).
Seminar: “Internationales und Europäisches Arbeitsrecht” (International and
European Labour Law) (2h per week).
Autumn term 2010 (Research term)
University of Basel
Lecture and Tutorial: “Vertiefung im Völkerrecht” (Advanced International Law)
(together with assistant professors). Special Lecture with Mr. Pierre Panchaud,
Assistant General Counsel at the Legal Department of the Bank for International
Settlements (BIS).
Telders International Law Moot Court Competition (October 2010 to April 2011).
Verzeichnis der Lehrveranstaltungen Prof. Dr. Anne Peters (Stand: April 2016)
Summer 2010
International Institute of Human Rights, Strasbourg, 41st Annual Study Session
Lecture: “Historical Development of International Protection of Human Rights:
Results and Perspectives“ (4h; 6 and 7 July 2010).
University of Basel
Master in Interdisciplinary Conflict Analysis and Conflict Resolution, Lecture:
“Internationale Streitbeilegung“ (International Dispute Settlement) (1 day; 27 August
Spring term 2010 (4h per week due to membership in the National Research
University of Basel
Lecture and Tutorial: “Vertiefung im Völkerrecht” (Advanced International Law) (2h
per week).
Lecture: “Grundrechtsschutz, Menschenrechtsschutz“ (Protection of Fundamental
Rights and Human Rights) (2h per week).
Autumn term 2009 (6h per week due to membership in the National Research
University of Basel
Lecture: “Internationales Strafrecht und Humanitäres Völkerrecht“ (International
Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law) (2h per week).
Seminar: “Vom Objekt zum Subjekt? – Die Stellung des Individuums im
internationalen Strafrecht und humanitären Völkerrecht“ (The role of the individual
in International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law) (2h per week).
Tutorial: “Öffentliches Recht für Fortgeschrittene” (Advanced Public Law) (2h per
Summer 2009
University of Basel
Master in Interdisciplinary Conflict Analysis and Conflict Resolution, Lecture:
“Grundlagen der völkerrechtlichen Streitbeilegung am Beispiel der wichtigsten
internationalen Gerichte und Schiedsgerichte“ (Foundations of international dispute
settlement with a focus on international courts and arbitration courts) (1 day; 22
August 2009).
Verzeichnis der Lehrveranstaltungen Prof. Dr. Anne Peters (Stand: April 2016)
Spring term 2009 (6h per week due to membership in the National Research
University of Basel
Lecture: “Die grossen Rechtssysteme der Welt aus der Sicht des öffentlichen Rechts“
(The world’s major legal systems from a public law perspective) (2h per week).
Seminar: “Vertragsrecht aus privat- und völkerrechtlicher Perspektive“ (Contract Law
from a Private Law and International Law perspective) (2h per week).
Tutorial: “Öffentliches Recht für AnfängerInnen“ (Public Law for beginners) (2h per
Autumn term 2008
Research term (funded by the Swiss National Fund).
Summer 2008
University of Basel
Master in Interdisciplinary Conflict Analysis and Conflict Resolution, Lecture:
“Grundlagen der völkerrechtlichen Streitbeilegung am Beispiel der wichtigsten
internationalen Gerichte und Schiedsgerichte“ (Foundations of international dispute
settlement with a focus on international courts and arbitration courts) (1 day; 15
August 2008).
Spring term 2008 (6h per week due to membership in the National Research
University of Basel
Lecture: “Völkerrecht Vertiefung” (Advanced International Law) (Postgraduate — 2h
per week).
“Übungen für Anfänger im öffentlichen Recht“ (Public Law Tutorial for beginners)
(together with Dr. Denise Brühl-Moser) (Undergraduate — 2h per week).
(Comparative Public Law) (together with Prof. Olivier Jouanjan (Strasbourg)) with
students from Basel, Strasbourg and Freiburg i.Br. (2h per week).
Autumn term 2007 (8h per week)
University of Basel
Lecture: “Rechtsvergleichung im öffentlichen Recht“ (Comparative Public Law)
(Postgraduate — 2h per week).
Verzeichnis der Lehrveranstaltungen Prof. Dr. Anne Peters (Stand: April 2016)
Lecture: “Völkerrecht/Europarecht“ (International Law/European Law) (Undergraduate — 4h per week).
Tutorial: “Fallbesprechung im Völkerrecht“ (International Law Case Studies) (together
with Dr. Paul Seger) (Postgraduate — 2h per week).
Summer 2007
University of Basel
Master in Advanced Studies in European Integration at the Institute for European
Studies of the University of Basel, Lecture: “Dispute Settlement“ (1 day).
Summer term 2007 (8h per week)
University of Basel
Lecture: „Schweizerisches Staatsrecht II“ (Advanced Swiss State Law II) (4h per week).
Tutorial: “Schweizerischen Staatsrecht II“ (Advanced Swiss State Law II) (2h per
Seminar: “Völkerrechtliche Grundprobleme am Beispiel des Umweltrechts“ (Basic
International Law Problems with a Focus on Environmental Law) (2h per week).
Winter term 2006/2007 (10h per week)
University of Basel
Lecture: “Schweizerisches Staatsrecht I“ (Swiss State Law for beginners) (4h per
Lecture/Colloquium: “Internationales Strafrecht und humanitäres Völkerrecht“
(International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law) (together with Prof.
Sabine Gless) (2h per week).
Lecture: “Menschenrechtsschutz“ (Human Rights Protection) (2h per week).
Tutorial: “Fallbesprechung im Völkerrecht“ (International Law Case Studies) (together
with Dr. Paul Seger) (2h per week).
Summer term 2006
Research term.
Winter term 2005/2006 (9h per week)
University of Basel
Tutorial: “Öffentliches Recht für Anfänger” (Public Law Tutorial for beginners)
(together with Prof. Felix Uhlmann) (2h per week).
Verzeichnis der Lehrveranstaltungen Prof. Dr. Anne Peters (Stand: April 2016)
Repetitorium öffentliches Recht (Staatsexamen preparation course for Public Law)
(together with Prof. Felix Hafner) (2h per week).
Lecture: “Rechtsvergleichung im öffentlichen Recht“ (Comparative Public Law) (2h
per week).
(Comparative Public Law) (together with Prof. Olivier Jouanjan (Strasbourg) with
students from Basel, Strasbourg and Freiburg i.Br. (Colloquium 2h per week).
Klausurenkurs (exam preparation course) (1h per week).
Summer term 2005 (4h per week due to membership in the University Research
University of Basel
Lecture: “Völkerrecht Vertiefung” (Advanced International Law) (2h per week).
Seminar: “Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht aus öffentlichrechtlicher und
privatrechtlicher Perspektive” (International Economic Law from a Public Law and
Private Law Perspective) (together with Prof. Peter Jung and Dr. Pascal Grolimund) (2h
per week).
Winter term 2004/2005 (4h per week due to membership in the University
Research Council)
University of Basel
Lecture: “Völkerrecht I“ (International Law I) (2h per week).
Tutorial: “Fallbesprechung im Völkerrecht“ (International Law Case Studies) (together
with Dr. Paul Seger) (2h per week).
Summer term 2004 (8h per week)
University of Basel
Lecture: “Schweizerisches Staatsrecht II“ (Advanced Swiss State Law) (4h per week).
Tutorial: “Schweizerischen Staatsrecht II“ (Advanced Swiss State Law) (2h per week)
Seminar: “Terrorismusbekämpfung” (The Fight against Terrorism) (together with
Prof. Markus Schefer) (fortnightly Colloquium – 2h per week).
Winter term 2003/2004 (8h per week)
University of Basel
Lecture: “Schweizerisches Staatsrecht I“ (Swiss State Law for beginners) (4h per
Tutorial: “Schweizerischen Staatsrecht I“ (Swiss State Law for beginners) (2h per
Verzeichnis der Lehrveranstaltungen Prof. Dr. Anne Peters (Stand: April 2016)
Lecture: “Völkerrecht II“ (International Law II) (2h per week).
Summer term 2003 (8h per week)
University of Basel
Lecture: “Schweizerisches Staatsrecht II” (Advanced Swiss State Law) (4h per week).
Tutorial: “Schweizerischen Staatsrecht II“ (Advanced Swiss State Law) (2h per week).
Lecture: “Völkerrecht I” (International Law I) (2h per week).
Winter term 2002/2003 (8h per week)
University of Basel
Lecture: “Schweizerisches Staatsrecht I“ (Swiss State Law for beginners) (4h per
Tutorial: “Schweizerischen Staatsrecht I“ (Swiss State Law for beginners) (2h per
Seminar: “Wirtschaftsvölkerrecht” (International Economic Law) (together with Dr.
Silvio Arioli) (2h per week).
Summer term 2002 (8h per week)
University of Basel
Lecture: “Völkerrecht II” (International Law II) (3h per week).
Lecture: “Allgemeine Staatslehre“ (Theory of the State) (2h per week).
Seminar: “Die Position des Individuums im Völkerrecht” (The Role of the Individual in
International Law) (2h per week).
Klausurenkurs (exam preparation course) (1h per week).
Winter term 2001/2002 (6h per week)
University of Basel
Lecture: “Völkerrecht I“ (International Law) (2h per week).
Seminar: “Internationaler Menschenrechtsschutz” (International Protection of Human
Rights) (together with Prof. Stephan Breitenmoser) (2h per week).
Skiing Seminar: “Minderheitenschutz” (Protection of Minorities) (together with Prof.
René Rhinow) (Intensive Course equivalent to. 2h per week).
Verzeichnis der Lehrveranstaltungen Prof. Dr. Anne Peters (Stand: April 2016)
23.-27. April 2001
University of Tartu, Estonia
Colloquium: “Einführung in die Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention für
Verwaltungsrichter” (Introduction to the European Convention on Human Rights for
judges at administrative courts) (together with Marc Fischbach, jugde at the ECtHR).
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Working Groups: “Deutsches Staatsrecht, Verwaltungsrecht, Verfassungs- und
Verwaltungsprozessrecht“ (German State Law, Administrative Law, Constitutional
Law, and Administrative Procedural Law); Colloquia: “Allgemeine Staatslehre”
(Theory of the State).
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i. Br.
Working Groups: “Deutsches Staatsrecht (Grundrechte)“ (German State Law
(Fundamental Rights)).