www.daslahntal.de BAD LAASPHE Clear streams, rivers and mountains up romantic journey Invitation to a to 700 m highmoisty fields and smooth P OPULAR DESTINATIONS LAHN DILL MOUNTAINS In the heart of Hessen, framed by the rivers Lahn and Dill, lies the nature hills. Bad Laasphe is the door to the • Mushroom museum and radio museum Wittgenstein mountains. Enchantingly • Path of myths and legends Bergland). The mountain range land- knot together from its source at Sieg, • Path of fairytales ”Little Rothaar“ (”Kleiner Rothaar”) scape with historic half-timbering Lahn and Eder here the Rothaarsteig resort Lahn Dill Mountains (Lahn-Dill- towns and remote villages offer a close- P OPULAR DESTINATIONS This Kneipp health spa is located in • Premium-trail park with Lahn-Dill-mountain-path (90 km) and extra tours the heart of the beautiful nature park • ADFC-bicycle journey region with attractive cycle routes facilities, e.g. the spa garden with herbs, Lahn-Dill-Bergland and is known as being a rambler’s paradise. The Kneipp basins for arm and foot treatment as meshed net of 20 premium trails. been a pleasant health spa since the • Path of experience for man and dog • Dream tours on horseback Whether being an experienced rambler • High quality health offers Try and relax. Many deseases of the beginning of the 20th century and • Walk of sculptures or a newcomer – here you can hike spinal column, joints and rheumatic offers Kneipp at premium class level • Educational trail of planets on highest level. We recommend our ex- • Cultural highlights and idyllic half-timbering towns meets the Lahn trail. Bad Laasphe has today. The extensive gardens with won- well as the barefoot path invite you: problems can be treated by means of • Rothaarsteig-trace, Valley Ilse path (“Ilsetal”) cellent net of signposted bicycle routes Kneipp’s lessons. Take a time out at the derful ponds offer a picturesque view to for excursions on bicycle or e-bike Lahn-Dill-Bergland thermal bath where the historic, half-timbering old town • Boxbach‘s path according to ADFC-guidelines. Several you can relax perfectly. and its church from the 11th century. beautiful destinations invite you for www.tourismus-badlaasphe.de www.lahn-dill-bergland.de long discovery tours. Idyllic Lahn Valley Tourism associations/ Districts Bad Laasphe Solmser Land Phone +49 2752 898 [email protected] www.tourismusbadlaasphe.de Phone +49 6442 910-0 [email protected] www.solms.de Lahn-Dill-Bergland Phone +49 2776 801-15 [email protected] www.lahn-dill-bergland.de Marburg und Marburger Land Braunfels Phone +49 6442 9344-0 [email protected] www.braunfels.de Weilburg und Romantische Mittellahn Phone +49 6471 31467 [email protected] www.weilburg.de Phone +49 6421 9912-0 info@marburgLimburg tourismus.de www.marburg-tourismus.de Phone +49 6431 6166 [email protected] Bad Endbach www.limburg.de Phone +49 2776 801-13 Diez [email protected] Phone +49 6432 501275 www.bad-endbach.de [email protected] Lumdatal www.urlaub-in-diez.de Phone +49 6407 91090 Nassau [email protected] Phone +49 2604 9525-0 www.daslumdatal.de [email protected] Gleiberger Land www.nassau-touristik.de Phone +49 641 9390-1763 Bad Ems [email protected] Phone +49 2603 9415-0 www.gleiberger-land.de [email protected] Gießen www.bad-ems.info Phone +49 641 3061890 Lahnstein [email protected] www.giessen-entdecken.de Phone +49 2621 914171 touristinformation@ Wetzlar lahnstein.de Phone +49 6441 99-7755 www.lahnstein.de [email protected] www.wetzlar-tourismus.de Phone +49 271 333-1020 [email protected] www.siegerlandwittgenstein-tourismus.de Marburg-Biedenkopf Phone +49 6421 9912-0 [email protected] www.marburg-tourismus.de Landkreis Gießen Phone +49 641 9390-1767 [email protected] www.giessener-land.de • Art and culture house “Alte Schule“ with Kneipp museum and even next-door the Amöneburg biggest connected wooded area in Hesse basin, rarely wooded, with imposing • Premium hiking trail “Viertälerweg“, hiking marathon of Bad Endbach farm village, lively country towns and • Nordic walking park connects both. You will find important • Climate walking trails for healthy walking the river Lahn, which harmonically historic evidences and there are no limits in regard to active relaxation here. • Unique migraine compact cure throughout Germany The mysterious Burgwald is a real hiker’s • Mountainbike flow trail with roller coaster feeling and historic plateaus of the Marburg land. paradise and bikers will enjoy the prolific P OPULAR DESTINATIONS The university town Marburg is not only P OPULAR DESTINATIONS • Hiking: more than 700 km marked trails • Elizabeth’ Church coveries: Industrial progress and monu- cultural spot in this region. The Elizabeth’ • Landgrave’s palace ments in Lollar, a castle and an historic old • Cycle trails: Extensive cycle net from family-friendly up to demanding Church, the Landgrave’s palace and the • Tower of Emperor Wilhelm town in Staufenberg, the Roman castle • Cultural inheritance: Evidence of Bonifatius (Amöneburg, Münchhausen) and Huguenots (e.g. Burgwald, Rauschenberg) • Fairytales: Otto Ubbelohde‘s original motive for the illustration of Grimm‘s Fairytales (e.g. Wetter, Lahntal) picturesque old town dominate the scene. City’s life is coined by the over 485 years old university. Marburg, this means both an historic and a modern, alive and cos- • Historic old town • Botanical garden at Lahnberge • Chemikum Nordeck in Allendorf and the numerous old churches in the municipality Rabenau, especially the “Dom der Rabenau“ in Londorf. mopolitan city with a lot of flair at the same time. P OPULAR DESTINATIONS The castles Vetzberg and Gleiberg are the • Lollar: Gout tower, villa Buderus two symbols of the Gleiberg Land, built • Staufenberg: historic old town, castle Dünsberg towers above all and opens a • Allendorf: Castle Nordeck, 50s museum, artists court Arnold over lovely villages up to the university city • Rabenau: „Dom der Rabenau“ in Londorf, cycle trail LumdaWieseck with sculptures made of basalt lava on steep volcanic cones. The 500 m tall marvellous view from its lookout tower Gießen and to the old free city Wetzlar. www.stadtlandlahn.de www.marburg.de and Lollar, which reward us with a variety of options for Just behind Wetzlar the Solms Land welcomes us with its The Marburg Land is characterized by its fertile meadows and exploring the area and beautiful impressions of nature. villages Leun, Solms und Greifenstein. www.daslumdatal.de • Water sports, wakeboarding, water skiing and surfing at the Heuchelheimer See • Native museums • Gail'scher Park, Biebertal Rodheim-Bieber • Golden-Oldies-festival, with music, flea market and oldtimer-exhibition of the 50s and 60s The university town Gießen offers unique P OPULAR science museums such as Mathematikum • Mathematikum, the first mathematical museum in the world you can join or the original laboratory of Justus Liebig. You can find a botanic garden (Botanischer Garten), cultivated in 1609 in the heart of the city. The municipal theatre, built in 1907, is always worth a visit. You can enjoy drama performances as well as dance and music theatre there. The art gallery Gießen, Gießen‘s art track and several galleries show contemporary art. Soon the lovely beech wood forests and the countryside of to be made in the traditional mining at the mine “Grube magnificent rustical small towns as well as pulsating young the Gleiberg Land cast their spell over us. Uncovered Fortuna“. Accompanied by former miners, one appreciates cities. circular walls around the Dünsberg and numerous arsenals authentic impressions of the everyday worklife of a miner, show the great importanceduring the Celtic area. 150 metres far below. • Liebig-museum, original laboratory of the worldfamous chemist Justus Liebig • Upper hesse museum, a rich collection of three historic buildings Again and again the picturesque old town P OPULAR with its unique cathedral impresses every • Historic old town visitor. The Lottehaus reminds of the stay • Cathedral of Wetzlar of Goethe and his famous novel “Die Leiden des jungen Werther“. Optical • Lottehaus, memories of Goethe’s stay at Wetzlar phenomenons can be discovered at the • Viseum and optic parcours “Optikparcours“ and the “Viseum“. • Collection of LemmersDanforth, european living culture from Renaissance and Baroque • Botanic garden, a green jewel and place of silence in the city DESTINATIONS www.giessen-tourismus.de www.wetzlar-tourismus.de Nature &culture Numerous museums and memorials remind you of Goethe’s stay. Hesse). Discover charming villages with half-timbering flair, DESTINATIONS WETZLAR • Monastery Schiffenberg, a traditional, popular destination in the country www.gleiberger-land.de Visitors are offered colourful attractions. Fascinating views are Further south the old university DESTINATIONS GIESSEN • Celtic gate and Celtic farm at the Dünsberg‘s foot • Rose’s magic: Hommage to their namesake in Rosenthal the magnificent forest Burgwald (the biggest woodland in P OPULAR • Wood + technic museum, Wettenberg-Wißmar offer. Half-timbering in Feudingen The idyllic Lumda valley offers nice dis- a geographic, but also a spiritual and towns and villages such as Rabenau, Allendorf, Staufenberg The national GEOPARK Westerwald-Lahn-Taunus includes a region of a specially geographic, scenical, cultural and historic quality. Here you can find and discover more than 400 million years of geological history and Greifenstein Castle with its Baroque church and the German over 2000 years of mining history. Gleiberg land Weekly market in Gießen Bad Ems Old city of Braunfels Earl castle in Diez Ship tunnel in Weilburg town Marburg, which houses one of Our next destination is the university town Gießen, where Bell Museum, which is well-known beyond the borders of the the most tradition-rich universities Justus Liebig researched for almost three decades and where Lahn-Dill region, invite you for a visit. The outdoor centre Where marble, stone and iron speeks... ...and where clay plays some music. of Germany within its walls, invites the Museum for Mathemathics promises Lahntal in Allendorf has developed into a popular tourist The unique national GEOPARK Westerwald-Lahn-Taunus captivates you by its you. “Maths made easy”. Further down the Besides many historical sights you river Lahn we discover traces of Johann will find a stimulating young and Wolfgang von Goethe, whose experiences colourful culture. in the old free city Wetzlar inspired him Coat of arms of the Supreme Court of the Reich in Wetzlar attraction for families and a meeting point for recreational Weilburg, the Lahn has already swollen to a considerable river. Travelling along light limestones, soon we reach In Lahnstein, where the Lahn flows into the Rhine, we even find variety of existing mineral resources – mainly it is a Geopark of raw materials. sports. Water sportsman can look forward to quite an experience here: the castle and garrison town Diez with its splendid Roman traces. In the beginning of the first century the Romans Since the very early history, mining and processing of raw materials have played the only ship tunnel in Germany, deeply driven in solid rock. Baroque Castle Oranienstein, the ancestral castle built a defence here, connecting to the limes. The climatic health resort Braunfels enchants visitors with its A canoe tour through this considerable historical monument of the Orange. Dark forests, crowned by castles Our little journey through the Lahn Valley ends here, and to write his book for the young people fairytale castle positioned high up above the city, the historic promises exciting moments. Further on to the romantic small and stately homes, form the further river course. together with a warm welcome we invite you to your own “The Sorrows of Young Werthers“. market place ensemble and the carefully restored half- town Runkel and its Castle, occupied even today, which tells Further down the Lahn we find the vineyards for very special voyage of discovery through the Lahn Valley. timbered houses. stories of wild and feuding times. Always an experience vineyards for the “Lahn wine” unspoilt-romantic Lahn Valley with Soon one sees the famous seven- town Selters, whose mineral springs enjoy a good reputation tower Cathedral of Limburg in the Our next destination is Nassau, native town of the Lord vom und its lovely low mountain landscape: worldwide. distance, where one can admire zum Stein with its really magnificent castle. After a short • by hiking Soon we reach the venerable Ba- colourful Romanesque frescos. journey one is soon welcomed by Bad Ems, one of Germany’s • cycling roque Royal Seat Weilburg with its The lovely old town casts a spell most important health resorts. From this point there are only • on boat imposing castle and one of the most on us with its narrow streets and a few kilometres left until we reach the river Rhine and we • by train on the Lahn Valley route have to say goodbye to the Lahn. Rothaar Mountains and meanders through the Wittgensteiner Hessian’s forest-rich city, which medieval centre invites linge- Mountains behind its source. Within shady forests it runs along ring. To the right of the Lahn opens up one of the most beautiful castle gardens in Germany. alleys full of corners and with the well-known spa Bad Laasphe. Below Wittgenstein Castle, beautiful low mountain landscapes: the nature park Lahn Dill Every summer they provide an stylish restored half-timbered you can marvel at the many well-preserved half-timbered Mountains with their numerous leasure-time activities. The appropriate setting for the famous houses in an incomparable unit houses in the old town. Salzböden cycleway is recommended for cyclists. castle concerts of Weilburg. At you can hardly find elsewhere. iron as well as with clay is the basis for all prosperous economic and cultural development and so to speak the thread passing through the entire Geopark. For more information: www.geopark-wlt.de You can enjoy and discover the Further along the Romantic Middle Lahn we arrive at the little Further down the river Lahn one arrives at Biedenkopf, a particular role for the people of this region. Working with marble, stone and the “Lahn wine” in one of the smallest winegrowing areas of Germany. The more than 240 km long river Lahn rises in the charming Lahntal Tourismus Verband e. V. Brückenstraße 2, 35576 Wetzlar Germany Phone: +49 6441 309980 E-mail: [email protected] facebook.com/lahntal w w w. d a s l a h n t a l . d e More information overleaf Lahn-Dill Lahn source Phone +49 6441 407-1762 [email protected] www.lahn-dill-kreis.de Castle Gleiberg Roman forum Waldgirmes Elizabeth Monastery in Marburg Neptune fountain in Weilburg Cathedral of Limburg King Konrad WesterwaldLahn-Taunus Phone +49 6431 296-221 [email protected] www.landkreislimburg-weilburg.de SOLMS LAND BRAUNFELS ROMANTIC MIDDLE LAHN Lahn-Taunus WEILBURG LIMBURG DIEZ NASSAU BAD EMS LAHNSTEIN Phone +49 6432 501275 [email protected] www.lahn-taunus.de The region of Solms devoted itself to the P OPULAR DESTINATIONS Up above the Lahn valley, on top of the ba- P OPULAR DESTINATIONS Imposing castles characterize the land- active tourism. Here you can find the most • Public mine Grube Fortuna salt rock, throwns the fabulous castle of beautiful sections of the river Lahn by • Bell tower Castle Greifenstein Braunfels with its merlon silhouette, greet- • Castle Braunfels with Prince family museum scape of the romantic middle Lahn area with its municipalities Hadamar, Löhn- canoe and of the Lahn cycle track, where • Monastery Altenberg ing every visitor from a distance. Nearby • Historic old town the impressive castle there is the picturesque old town, renovated with loving care • Health resort garden "Herrengarten" the Ul valley cycle track leads softly to the DESTINATIONS No doubt – even at first sight: This has been • Hadamar: Historic old town, glass museum and rose garden built on a rock head and surrounded by the berg, Merenberg, Runkel, Villmar and • Löhnberg: Laneburg river Lahn, dominates the scene of the city. Weinbach. The worldwide famous Lahn • Merenberg: Castle Merenberg The park, together with the market place, marble was mined in Villmar and the • Runkel: Castle Runkel is the cultural and social centre of atten- • Villmar: National geotope UNICA-marble ashlar tion. Everywhere you go, there are so many • Weinbach: Castle ruin Freienfels route, a bend of the Lahn trail is also part • Observatory Burgsolms and the marvellous garden of the health • Deer park „Tiergarten“ surrounding area. UNICA-Marble ashlar, a Lahntal Tourismus Verband e. V. of the National GEOPARK Westerwald- resort. All the year round it offers numerous • City museum Obermühle precious natural monument, gives a view Office Lahn-Taunus as the Montanrad route. The • Geo sport STEIN-STARKESERLEBNIS SOLMS cultural events for everybody. Braunfels – • 18-hole-golf course into a Devionian reef. The glass museum instructive and even pleasurable geotopes • City museum Leun the health spa to breath in – it’s an ideal and the rose garden in Hadamar invite you BasaltPARKours in Beilstein, the wellfare holiday resort for lovers of culture, nature for a cultural and relaxing stay. fountain Gertrudisbrunnen and the Karls- and active vacationists. www.daslahntal.de [email protected] facebook.com/lahntal P OPULAR the home of kings and graves. The palace, • Industrial and local museum Burgsolms Brückenstraße 2 35576 Wetzlar Germany • Thermal baths and 5**** sauna premium facilities is its variety. Here you will find the health and hiking. The Kneipp spa submits its guests a wide heights of the Westerwald. The Bergmanns Phone +49 6441 309980 Fax +49 3212 1239508 The special charme of the Marburg land Our side trip to the idyllic Lumda Valley takes you to small Die Heilige Elisabeth von Thüringen SiegerlandWittgenstein DESTINATIONS GLEIBERG LAND LUMDA VALLEY MARBURG Taking a cure, feeling well – Bad Endbach dedicated itself to Erleben Enjoyund anderholen relax Cities & areas Come with us on a voyage of discovery through the natural-romantic Lahn Valley, a landscape offering unspoilt nature and culture rich in tradition even today. P OPULAR www.bad-endbach.de DISCOVER AND RECOVER Tourism organization in the Lahn Valley MARBURG LAND WITH BURGWALD BAD ENDBACH sprudel in Biskirchen are as worth seeing. P OPULAR DESTINATIONS The almost completely preserved half- • Mining and city museum of the oldest half-timbering houses in • Crystal cave at Kubach Germany. The late Romanic cathedral of P OPULAR DESTINATIONS A picturesque old town at the Lahn with P OPULAR DESTINATIONS Relaxation and free time pleasure is what • Limburg Cathedral Earl castle and collegiate church, the • Half-timbering old town Baroque castle Oranienstein, tiny varying • Diocesan museum with cathedral treasury shops with a range of high quality, cosy • Numerous concerts and theatre events a relaxing shopping trip. Diez makes you • Guided tours with different subjects feel like a discoverer. • Festivals and markets of Baron vom und zum Stein or the You are very welcome! • Parks and gardens landmark of the city: The parent castle out and dip into nature. Whether on foot, • Climbing forest Nassau-Oranien. on bike or in a canoe on the Lahn. But • Ice sports hall sights around the palace park. Or you go • Baroque palace with park timbering medieval old town owns some • Deer park „Tierpark Weilburg” • Historic old town • Unique ship tunnel in Germany the 13th century with 7 towers can be seen from all around as it thrones on top of a steep rock above the Lahn, being the landmark of the city. cafés and nice restaurants invite you for P OPULAR DESTINATIONS The imperial resort Bad Ems – a world- • Baroque castle Oranienstein you’ll find in Nassau. Whether you prefer • Castle Nassau-Oranien famous health resort – fascinates by its • Museum in the Earl castle hiking, cycling or canoeing, everything is • Limes fort in Pohl unique architecture of spas and already • Romantic old town possible in Nassau. Cosy cafés invite you • Monastery Arnstein tempted emperors, tsars and kings to stay. to stay. The town hall, built in 1609 is as fascinating as the Stein Castle, the statue • Rafting on the river Lahn • City and castle tours • Festivals and markets • Baron vom Stein park • Signposted rambling net The spa building with marble hall and theatre, the oldest casino in Germany, the Russian Orthodox church and the Baroque baths palace are thrilling, as well as the UNESCO world heritage Roman Limes and – especially for relaxation – the historic spa first please have a look below ground and garden. High-class events like music discover the under- and wonderworld in festivals, theatre, exhibitions and of Germany’s unique calcit crystal cave. course Germany’s biggest flower proces- P OPULAR DESTINATIONS • Special health, wellness and beauty offers. Thermal bath Ems with the “swimming sauna“ on the Lahn. • Fountain hall, try the famous mineral water of Ems Discover the town on the Rhine and the P OPULAR river Lahn, the gateway to the Middle • Lahneck’s Castle Rhine and the romantic Lahn Valley. • Historic Lahn Inn Discover the variety of possibilities for • Monastery “Johanneskloster” spending an eventful and relaxed day – no matter whether you choose to experience DESTINATIONS • Castle “Martinsschloss” • 18-hole championship colf course “Denzerheide" the historic city centre or medieval • Wonders of nature Rupertsklamm and Rheinsteig life at Lahneck Castle. Try the delightful • Hospital chapel Sankt Jakobus • Health resort railway, one of the steepest cable railways in the world delicacies or hike along the Rhine landing • Indoor and outdoor swimming pool stage “Rheinsteig”. • Shipping and rafting • Historic spa garden, pleasure railway “Kaiserbahn“ sion are performed in this scenery all www.solms.de Published by: Lahntal Tourismus Verband e. V., Layout and production: GEBAUER Werbeagentur GmbH, Gießen, status 03/2016 www.braunfels.de www.romantische-mittellahn.de www.weilburg.de www.limburg.de www.urlaub-in-diez.de www.nassau-touristik.de over the year. www.bad-ems.info www.lahnstein.de er es W as s Hatzb a ch Wo hr a Schwa l tr e ff Rothaarstei eg Krebsbach nd Lahn Sch enb ad ach Ga An nd Bieber i le ch sb ac h c he lde n ste in Wohra ot Wett e h Ulmb ac Holzbach ch den D e uts c h e n Wa nd e rv e rba For more information: www.daslahntal.de/wandern For more information: www.daslahntal.de/radwandern Water hiking Towns and culture r gebauer.de b Ahrb ach h ac id b a ch 12 Ober-Mörlen BAD NAUHEIM Us a E Weinb ach F Elbbach ein Kl ch rb a Aubac h d Wörsdorf ert 15 Hünstetten fizi Aubach r W Discover and conquer culture Do you feel like experiencing Become a forensic detective! new perspectives? You will It will lead you back to earliest detect river areas and mea- contemporary history: You dows, steep slopes of Wester- will find traces of the Celts and wald and Taunus, castle ruins, of the Roman limes (UNESCO palaces and villages in a dif- world heritage), of medieval ferent way: As an observer, castles and palaces. Important watching the wonderful pa- churches and monasteries norama slowly passing by. At contrast with nowadays mo- the same time, it offers a lot dern cultural variety. Theaters, of variety: Sluice gates, locks museums, regional sights and or paddling through Ger- events are worth being dis- many’s unique ship tunnel in covered. Varied and eventful – Weilburg. A great kind of de- that’s the Lahn valley! lightful nature. LEGEND Winterstein 482 Motorway Wehrheim Federal road Riedelbach ch Walsdorf Esch Filsen USINGEN HausenAnspach Pferdskopf 663 Steinfischbach Wallrabenstein Steinfurt Country road Neu-Anspach Würges 16 Aarbergen D e uts c h e n W a nd e Weilrod BAD CAMBERG D omba Z e r ti Beuerbach Wernborn Wilhelmsdorf Oppertshofen Steinkopf 518 ch Osterspai ch Berstadt Fauerbach Pfaffenwiesbach Palmbac h KATZENELNBOGEN lb a d Sat e ert Kirberg Riedgr aben Langenhain Eschbach h fizi Hünfelden Burgschwalbach Rückershausen Laub a Rod a.d. Weil Kuhbett 526 -Selters Ober- rsba Wö Rhein Dachsenhausen Aar Mühl bach Klingelbach Singhofen h ac nb Ask for brochures or download at www.daslahntal.de/prospekte Spay s ba ch se Ha Find us at facebook.de/lahntal BOPPARD h ba c Oberfell Alken BRAUBACH Brey Ho m RHENS 17 Heringen Haintchen Obbornhofen Nieder-Mörlen Hundstadt Hardtküppel 384 ör E-mail: [email protected] Nieder- Nieder-Weisel raben wiesen g Ostheim Münster Eisenbach D Maulbeerkopf 398 www.daslahntal.de Ober- Werschau Dauborn Hahnstätten ach hlb Mü Unterkünfte | Freizeitangebote | Städte & Kultur | Pauschalangebote Waldesch Mühlb ach l z b ach Niederfell Fax: +49 3212 1239508 im Lahntal Su Mensfelden Wase n b a ch Scheuern LAHNSTEIN Phone: +49 6441 309980 NASSAU Weinähr Obernhof 16 Em sb a ch ba ch Eis en Latt- Fauerbach Grävenwiesbach Laubusba ch -Brechen MÜNZENBERG e lb Weyer Inheiden Wölfersheim bac h Wolfenhausen Nieder- Mensfelder Kopf 314 Niederneisen Lahn Villmar HUNGEN etter 18 Au ASTGEB QUALITÄTSG ur 11 Villingen h bac els Lay LIMBURG 14 Linter Balduinstein Laurenburg Laubuseschbach Ennerich Eschhofen Holzappel Winden Dausenau Hasselborn Blessenbach Aumenau Hausberg 486 den ba v er by boat Ruppertsburg Wetter Espa h h ac Winningen brochures, please order here: Herzlich Willkommen Altendiez Kemmenau Mosel Dieblich Dietkirchen sbac ch Enjoy nature LICH Rockenberg Solm rw de LAUBACH Langsdorf Griedel Heidenkopf 404 n wa Lahn Lauter Bellersheim Brandoberdorf ch nba ide Ble Groß-Eichen Queckborn ch Wetterfeld G BUTZBACH Waldsolms Weilmünster Elkerhausen Arfurt Pohlgöns Kleebach Cleeberg TÄTS QUALI ur Mücke Flensungen Ettingshausen Gambach Ebersgöns Weinbach Fürfurt Oberkleen ch Mi Wolken Weil Ruppertenrod Kirchgöns Köhlerberg 425 Lahn-DillBergland-Pfad 19 Extratouren res wanderbaan d de ut sc hl ER res wanderbaan d de ut sc hl W E G 10 Niederkleen Kraftsolms Gräveneck Lindenholzhausen Fachingen BAD EMS 17 Nievern Wetzb ach Pfaffendorf RUNKEL bac h em Qu Altenkirchen Dorf-Güll Holzheim c Karthause Gaudernbach You will always keep the over- Ermenrod W Langgöns Oberwetz Kubach intensive. individual route planning. Nieder-Ohmen Göbelnrod Nonnenroth Grüningen t Güls We would appreciate sending you DIEZ Heistenbach 15 Arzheim de tal. ch KOBLENZ D sb a DOWNLOA Isselbach Welschneudorf Aremberg Ehrenbreitstein Niederwetz Schöffengrund flora and fauna even more network of roads allows an Weste rw aldsteig Elpenrod Weitershain ac h Noll 371 Lumda Steinbach Hochelheim rience nature’s beauty. A tight g GRÜNBERG Burkhardsfelden Ascher s Garbenteich corners and let you experience Klein-Eichen Lindenstruth Pohlheim Volpertshausen ch Metternich AK Koblenz Solm Bassenheim 13 Wiesb a OR Odersbach Gießener Südkreuz Hüttenberg Reiskirchen Philippstein Leihgestern Hörnsheim Bonbaden h Rechtenbach WatzenbornSteinberg all lead through silent, hidden region invite you to expe- posting of all cycle tracks Ober-Bessingen Lüc k e n b a Hoch-Weisel Arzbach Eitelborn ach 12 ic nt e a l d n om id Lah R Dehrn M Seelbach Gückingen Oberelbert h ba c ms Laufdorf ttbach Mö e www.daslahnt al.de Immendorf Elz e lb r Stoppelberg 401 Schwalbach Weil eg.d Urbar Rübenach AVAILABLE F Offheim ne Oberndorf ch rba erw l.de Neuhäusel So n Linden beautiful routes beside: They with special subjects of every view by best possible sign- Hainbach m Fernwald Lützellinden friendly. Pay attention to the tracks and the extra tours and routes. Oh Saasen Hausen numerous recognized hiking Lehnheim GIEßEN Kleinlinden Dutenhofen Allendorf ing, very varied, very family- NiederGemünden AD Reiskirchener Dreieck 8 Atzbach Lahn valley. Little exhaust- with pulsating cities. Also the Burgwaldpfad 11 Extratouren Atzenhain Rödgen Kinzenbach Nauborn SOLMS Hirschhausen Niedertiefenbach r Aa nd nwa hn hnta Kesselheim MülheimKärlich 9 Steindorf Appenbörner B Reiskirchen Heuchelheim h ac .lah ww w a .dasl ww al.de www.daslahnt und Kultu r Kadenbach ch Schupbach Holler Niederelbert Simmern im Lahntal Ahlbach G w hn rn Fuß nde zu erwa La .dasla www ge HADAMAR WEILBURG Beselich Steinbach Oberweyer bach e ba Löhnberg Allendorf Obertiefenbach E r bach Nentershausen nbach lze ie D c a -F n le erho ad em R d t i m tiv im Kanunießen Geschichte Hillscheid Oberzeuzheim Niedererbach Horressen Montabaurer Höhe e b r ic 545 hs St Die Lahn MONTABAUR Hills ch e er B i d ac h ein Rh Kettig VALLENDAR Dreikirchen er 11 Lin de BRAUNFELS l Ise tb Heiligenroth Tiefenbach Merenberg Heckholzhausen Steinefrenz Girod WETZLAR Oberbiel Münchholzhausen Lahn a ch Großen-Buseck k Wies ec Annerod ch ba n ach Hintermeilingen Hundsangen Elgendorf ach Thalheim Niederzeuzheim RuppachGoldhausen Bi Gastgeberverzeichnis Bannberscheid Lahr Ellar Elbtal Wallmerod Moschheim Niederbiel c BENDORF Kaltenengers St. Sebastian Salz bach Meudt LEUN ba HÖHRGRENZHAUSEN Frickhofen Dorndorf Au b ch reiste Urmitz Dernbach Salz l erb Wieseck combined nature, Felda Merlau Buseck through the multi-facetted spoiled Ehringshausen Bleibenrod AK Gießener Nordkreuz Alten-Buseck built Lahn biking trail leads cinates by a diversity of un- Kretenberg 384 Beuern Launsbach Zell Bernsfeld Geilshausen K re b ba s ch Lahn valley hiking route fas- Burg- G e m ü n d e n Gemünden ( F e l d a ) Rabenau LOLLAR Krofdorf Wels c h bach Biskirchen d Grun Engers ba AD Dernbach Herschbach Dill Wißmar Herrmannsberg 331 Londorf ba h 18 B rex WIRGES Staudt Kammerforst HeimbachWeis Niederahr Siershahn h elbac M a ss Nauort Gladbach NEUWIED RANSBACHBAUMBACH Sessenbach Oberahr Ke r k ach nb Sa y Oberbieber Niederbieber dern Wan K a n n e n b ä c k e r l a n d Leutenrod Isenburg Wied n ander Radw Großmaischeid Is e Anhausen Waldbrunn Elbgrund ch E i s e n ba Burgen & Schlös ser Beulstein 483 Helferskirchen Deesen HermannLahnau stein Naunheim Waldgirmes Dorlar Albshausen Niedershausen Hausen Dornburg h Kleinmaischeid Rengsdorf er Wilsenroth Vö Hardert ASSLAR n a berg 9 Heimertshausen HOMBERG could wish for – The well- (Ohm) Rüddingshausen Daubringen Gleiberg Königstuhl 348 n ba ch Stockhausen Waldernbach Berzhahn Guckheim Hahn am See Blasbach Berghausen d RodheimBieber AK Wetzlarer Kreuz Faulbac Kuhnhöfen S a y nbach Kreuzberg 411 Winkels Neunkirchen Willmenrod Rüscheid Ehlscheid Melsbach Kaden Irmtraut 10 L Gontershausen Mardorfer Kuppe 405 Angenrod Globerg 344 Appenrod ch STAUFENBERG Ruttershausen Ober-Gleen Everything, a biker’s heart mouth – The good 290 km Antriftsee Z e r ti Dernbacher Kopf 427 Gemünden Wengenroth Kölbingen Allendorf h Mengerskirchen 7 -Fellingshausen arb Erbenhausen Deckenbach Treis a.d. Lumda Odenhausen Wetten- Ohmes Nieder-Ofleiden Leidenhöfer Kopf 393 d DIERDORF K a lle nba c Elsoff WESTERBURG ch Selters Bonefeld n Wasserwander Freilingen ba Sayn ch ba ch Laster b a Straßenhaus Elb Wölferlingen Holzbach Niederhofen Rodenroth Oberrod Seck Waldmühlen n Hartenfels Wiesensee Westernohe Werdorf Dünsberg 498 lb e Schw a Herschbach Maruth So l Ehringshausen Holzhausen L m a Ulm Beilstein s Langenhahn Raubach Katzenfurt Greifenstein ch Bla s ba Dreifelden Altenberg 442 inger Bac chl h Be Freirachdorf “Mathematikum” in Gießen Königsberg Lemp Kölschhausen Edingen Mademühlen Pottum Hohensolms Dreisbach Breitenbach RENNEROD S c hafbach StockumPüschen Rotenhain Dreifelder Weiher Rehbach Krombachtalsperre HellenhahnSchellenberg Dreisbach e b Biebertal Wiß m ach d Wie Ni s t e r Höhn Enspel Driedorf Rehe Nistertal Steinebach a. Wald Narrow-gauge and colliery railway museum in Solms Sinn rg Frankenbach Fohnbach Großaltenstädten bach Gusternhain Fleisbach Alpenrod Erda Hohenahr Unnau Hartenfelser Kopf 479 Ak en ett Wei b a ch Bellersdorf Hörbach Kirchvers KIRTORF Schweinsberg Mardorf a Valley d m L u ALLENDORF(Lumda) ch A Schönbach Fuchskaute 656 Gehlert ”Golden Oldies” in Wettenberg ac me r Sch el de Willingen Vers Aar ba off a n fe N an ze Ro ba S Hof orf md Merkenbach Mündersbach Mittenaar Ballersbach ch A u bach Aar HERBORN Lehrbach Hachborn 6 ö nsb ac h Net ie Ket zerb ach Breitscheid Seibelsdorf Gleen Roßdorf Ebsdorf Leidenhofen Dreihausen hm Zwester O Wahlen Niederklein L a n d Heskem Niederwalgern G Eder h Dreis d en c hwa rz ter in ßkle Jo Raurischholzhausen Fronhausen ac h Wil s b Aartalsee AMÖNEBURG Ebsdorfergrund Altenvers Arnsheim STADTALLENDORF Wittelsberg h Bernsburg Gleimenhain 4 e Niederweidbach Offenbach Bicken ba c Lohra Langenstein dream Hiking from the source to its insteig Rhe BAD MARIENBERG e Nis öd Hemmerich 470 Schwin gbach Bölsberg Nisterburg r - S Bischoffen St a dt er- Norken Nis te Els ch ba Ra Kl Kirburg Burg Uckersdorf Mornshausen Erdhausen A Moischt Gisselberg Nellenberg 345 by bike the silent Merzhausen ra Wie m rx Cappel Niederweimar Oberweimar We Seelbach Schröck Cyraxweimar Willinghausen (Hessen) Ohm We Liebenscheid e ine Nister HACHENBURG Lahn-Dill-MountainsThermal baths in Bad Endbach Siegbach Dill Langenbach Nauroth ch rba Ockershausen Weidenhausen Günterod Oberweidbach Eisemroth Friedewald Ohe Weimar NEUSTADT Active relaxation Großseelheim MARBURG 5 Elnhausen Allna Siegbach Niederscheld Oh lf b a Ru Donsbach Langenaubach Derschen Neunkhausen Atzelgift e DILLENBURG HAIGER a r b u r g M Bauerbach Marbach r lge Wa Emmerzhausen Rosenheim Tring er S Oberscheld Niederdresselndorf BAD Hartenrod ENDBACH 3 Walk Wiera Wasenberg KIRCHHAIN GLADENBACH b alz Weitefeld he e Ils Nanzenbach Burbach Holzhausen Angelburg 609 S Manderbach Eibach hhell e r Buc Discover & enjoy Frohnhausen Daaden Steinebach Elkenroth Bahnhof Hirzenhain Eschenburg h 589 nbac Sechshelden Allendorf r ach L Hirzenhain Wasserscheide lle He Da a den b Seelbach Wahlbach Hohenseelbachskopf 504 Biersdorf Rodenbach a Holzhausen Frechenhausen Wissenbach ser HERDORF Schutzbach Niederdreisbach Würgendorf Gilsbach ach ßb n h Hemmrich 561 Ha r Zeppenfeld Wiederstein Altenseelbach Alsdorf Gebhardshain Fellerdilln a Struthütten l Gils Grünebach bach Wi ff Ur E lb Neunkirchen de Nor Scheuerfeld Sim bach Anzefahr Wehrda sbac h M o u n t a i Bottenhorn n s 2 Runzhausen i l lLixfeld D burg Wilden Salchendorf Michelbach Caldern Rimberg 497 8 Momberg Erksdorf Netz bach e BETZDORF ach sb Eibelshausen La Treysa as Speckswinkel Himmelsberg Bürgeln Cölbe hn Wält er Steinperf dw Emsdorf Goßfelden n Angelburg ein hw fe Sc Windhahn Eschen- Weidelbach Dillbrecht Wilnsdorf Gönnern Simmersbach Dill Wilgersdorf Josbach RAUSCHENBERG Sarnau Sterzhausen Niedereisenhausen Oberhörlen Steinbrücken Josbach Mengsberg Schönstadt Lahntal Dautphe Roth Halsdorf Albshausen Cycling tourism Hiking Itzenhain Burgholz Wolzhausen te m Wohra Buchenau Friedensdorf S t e f f e n b e r g Hommertshausen Dautphetal e Ewersbach Tiefenrother Höhe 551 Rinsdorf b Holz ac h Willmenroth 1 hölz Eisen Pfannenberg 499 Brachbach Dietzhölzetal Dietz eff ntr Be Muders- Eiserfeld bach Rittershausen Gernsdorf e g G Sie t Kirchen H eck e bach Kombach Wolfgruben Strang Teufelsberg 397 Gliserberg R (Hessen) Eckelshausen Mandeln Irmgarteichen Oberdielfen Die Oberdieten Hainchen Rudersdorf Obersdorf Breidenbach Sebbeterode Langendorf haf of former times. B ox b Schlierbach Schiffe lb a ch Bracht WETTER Warzenbach THE LAHN VALLEY (Wohra) Wohratal Amönau Fischelbach Weiß dream of nature – even today. Katzwinkel Wiesenbach Densberg Hundshausen Hertingshausen Tauschenberg 407 Oberrosphe Gilsa Schönstein GEMÜNDEN W e ts c Niederschelden Niederschelderhütte e Eisenhardt 482 ph Dreisbach Niderfischbach Flammersbach Niederdielfen Anzhausen Mellnau h Nordhöll 641 Rosp h i sb Treisbach Per f h Simtshausen B Hesselbach ac then b W er As Deuz SIEGEN her Ba c h L Lahnquelle Nenkersdorf Jeust 581 Burgwald Niederasphe 7 Doddenhausen Jesberg Münchhausen Breidenstein Gr. Ahlertsberg 645 n ah Weidenau Gosenbach Sackpfeife 674 Schiffelborn Wüstegarten 675 ROSENTHAL Wasserberg 412 Weifenbach BIEDENKOPF Nemp h e Roda Frohnhausen ach g Sie Walpersdorf Achenbach takes his time, can still enjoy the silent 1 Banfe Ernsthausen Wollmar Tr e Obernautalsperre e lch rB Netphen Kaan-Marienborn Harbach p BAD LAASPHE Seelbach Oberfischbach great attraction to this day. Whoever Feudingen r B a ch Lin d e n h öfe FREUDENBERG La a s Niederlasphe Wallau Tiefenbach A Rückershausen Benfe Birlenbach 2 Oberndorf Hainbach Dreis Wo llm ar Holzhausen Buchholz 643 Stein 644 Wiesenfeld (Eder) Laisa Bärenkopf 680 Puderbach Oberste Henn 674 e ph Obersetzen Geisweid Reddelhausen h Bottenbach BATTENBERG b Löffelberg 457 c ba h c Unglinghausen Weis e n bach Rüppe r sba ndo rf Buschhütten 6 Activities in c hw alm Hohes Lohr 657 Haina Burgwald Eder ac Allenbach Kredenbach KREUZTAL Hünsborn Sassenhausen Bottendorf Rennertehausen HATZFELD(Eder) e Leis Hillnhütten e Benf Fe r Weidenhausen Leimstruth Halgehausen Dodenau 5 Bad Zwesten Bergfreiheit Allendorf (Eder) Richstein Ferndorf Fellinghausen Arfeld Löhlbach FRANKENBERG (Eder) ba c h Röddenau Elsoff Dotzlar Vormwald Lützel Altenhof Schwarzenau h Raumland ühlb ach Altm Dahlbruch Erndtebrück er Eichen ol d sp a ch Röhrberg 547 Schameder d Schönau Birkelbach 4 Ba ch Li n a ch e dgr Rie ab en M enne rba c Hermeskopf 611 Breitenbachtalsperre Hohe Warte 645 Berghausen er n Elb Müsen and lovely mountain forests kept its own houses tell a story of the hustle and bustle sp e h Kindelsberg 618 BAD BERLEBURG r Röspe orf Trupach with tiny alleys and quaint half-timbered Heinsberg Strauchelberg 626 HILCHENBACH Littfeld Krombach Ede Brachhausen Altenkleusenheim 3 The idyllic Lahn Valley with quiet places culture of the Lahn Valley. Lovely old towns ac eb Hoher Wald 655 Aue Rö Lümke 624 Büschengrund asteries and cathedrals pay tribute to the r Wi tfe Neuenkleusenheim m ch Silb e rba Lit THE ROMANTIC LAHN VALLEY Proud castles, impressive churches, mon- ch r Ba rge Welcome to Welschen-Ennest Milsenberg 670 el b Nitz Hei nsbe hr s häu Elbri g Benolpe Railway line with station Schmitten Seelenberg Arnoldshain 14 13 0 5 km 10 km For more information: www.daslahntal.de/wasserwandern For more information: www.daslahntal.de/kultur
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