2015 Ridge Vineyards – Kalifornien Ridge Futures 2015 Monte Bello - Harvest Report The vines enjoyed a growing season gentler than the prior three. Although short on rainfall – and a continuation into the fourth year of drought – there was some rain in late spring. Cover crops, crucial for providing nutrients, grew well, imparting greater health to the vines. While the May rains were welcome, flowering was disrupted, causing poor fruit set in many blocks. Average summer temperatures at Monte Bello fell below normal, summer fog kept the nights cool. Once veraison was complete, we assessed the crop, and did minor thinning in the three petit verdot parcels. August´s warm weather pushed ripeness along. A small test-pick of a young chardonnay parcel showed flavors developing at lower brix, and we quickly harvested the twelve remaining lots. (The timing was ideal: red fermentations would finish soon, and the presses would be needed.) Within a week of barreling down the chardonnay juice, natural yeasts began fermenting, filling the room with a magnificent apple- and pear-like aroma. Now that most lots are dry, we have tasted through the cellar, the vintage looks promising. Through next summer, the barrels will be “worked” (lees stirred and topped off every few weeks). Next August, we will taste and determine the assemblage. Zinfandels early harvest allowed us to finish picking Geyserville grapes by September 9. Again, timing was ideal: the crush equipment could be reconfigured for sorting Monte Bello fruit. After several years of overlap between varietals, this better separation between zinfandel and cabernet harvest dates permitted the majority of Monte Bello parcels to be sorted. This was important, for we were able to remove the unusually high percentage of green/immature “shot” berries – a result of the disrupted flowering. Summer weather fluctuated wildly between hot and cold. Overall, temperatures were below average in this vintage. The most important heat, as fast as flavor and tannin development were concerned, came in September. As in summer, the September heat waves were short-lived and followed by cool weather, giving the vines recovery time. Ridge Vineyards Inc. E.u.M. Müller GmbH Grazer Straße 71, 8522 Gross St. Florian Tel: +43 (0) 3464 2234 / Fax: +43 (0) 3464 211625 E-Mail: [email protected] / Homepage: www.eum-mueller.at 2015 Ridge Vineyards – Kalifornien Ridge Futures THE MOST ADMIRED WINE BRAND OF THE U.S. Once again in 2015, Ridge is one of the World´s Most Admired Wine Brands according to Drinks International. This year Ridge ranked #7 in the world and was the highest ranked North American winery. Wein Weinbaugebiet Verf. Jahrgang Bewertung EM / AG Preise exkl. MwSt. € je Flasche Ridge Monte Bello H12 Santa Cruz Mountains 0,375 l 2015 95-98 Punkte / demnächst 53,00 € netto/netto Ridge Monte Bello H6 Santa Cruz Mountains 0,75 l 2015 95-98 Punkte / demnächst 104,00 € netto/netto Ridge Monte Bello H3 Santa Cruz Mountains 1,50 l 2015 95-98 Punkte / demnächst 210,00 € netto/netto Ridge Monte Bello H1 Santa Cruz Mountains 3,00 l 2015 95-98 Punkte / demnächst 464,00 € netto/netto Ridge Monte Bello H1 Santa Cruz Mountains 6,00 l 2015 95-98 Punkte / demnächst 927,00 € netto/netto Jahrgang Bewertung Preise exkl. MwSt. Wein Weinbaugebiet Verf. Ridge Monte Bello Chardonnay Santa Cruz Mountains 0,75 l 2013 demnächst 48,00 € netto/netto Ridge Chardonnay Estate Santa Cruz Mountains 0,75 l 2014 demnächst 41,00 € netto/netto Ridge Petit Sirah Santa Cruz Mountains 0,75 l 2014 demnächst 31,00 € netto/netto Ridge Lytton Springs Santa Cruz Mountains 0,75 l 2014 demnächst 35,00 € netto/netto Ridge Geyserville Santa Cruz Mountains 0,75 l 2014 demnächst 35,00 € netto/netto E.u.M. Müller GmbH Grazer Straße 71, 8522 Gross St. Florian Tel: +43 (0) 3464 2234 / Fax: +43 (0) 3464 211625 E-Mail: [email protected] / Homepage: www.eum-mueller.at Bestellung Flaschen Bestellung 2015 Ridge Vineyards – Kalifornien Ridge Futures Hiermit bestelle ich oben angeführte Weine an meine Lieferanschrift: Name: Adresse: Telefon und Fax: E-Mail: Datum: Unterschrift des Käufers: Primeur – Verkaufsbedingungen Bestellmodus: Wir bitten zu beachten, dass bei einer eventuellen Monte Bello Bestellung – 1:1 ein anderer Ridge Wein zu kombinieren ist. Das bedeutet z.B. 1/6er Kiste Monte Bello + 1/6er Ridge Wein Ihrer Wahl. Zahlung: Nach Auftragserteilung erhalten Sie von uns eine Proforma Rechnung, die wir Sie bitten, binnen 8 Tagen bei uns eintreffend zu begleichen. Erst nach Zahlungseingang ist Ihr Primeur-Kauf rechtsgültig! Sollte die Zahlung nicht rechtzeitig erfolgen, behalten wir uns vor, die Weine anderen Interessenten zu verkaufen. Lieferung: Vor Auslieferung der Weine werden Sie von uns verständigt. Die Weine werden sodann von uns gewissenhaft und bruchsicher verpackt und mittels Spedition auf Euro-Paletten zugestellt. Ab einem Nettowarenwert von € 1.000,- liefern wir die Weine in Österreich frei Haus, ansonsten werden die Transportkosten laut Auslage extra verrechnet. Bewertungen: EM = Eva Müller, Bewertung maximal 100 Punkte AG = Antonio Galloni, Nachfolger von Robert Parker, Bewertung maximal 100 Punkte Angebot unverbindlich - Solange der Vorrat reicht. Ihr Auftrag erhält mit der pünktlichen Zahlung unserer Proformarechnung Gültigkeit! Druckdatum: 02.08.2016 E.u.M. Müller GmbH Grazer Straße 71, 8522 Gross St. Florian Tel: +43 (0) 3464 2234 / Fax: +43 (0) 3464 211625 E-Mail: [email protected] / Homepage: www.eum-mueller.at
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