Curriculum studiorum Ralf Lüfter Assistant Professor of Philosophy

Curriculum studiorum
Ralf Lüfter
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Faculty of Economics and Management
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano.
Doctor philosophiae (Dr. phil.)
Leopold Franzens Universität, Innsbruck.
Magister philosophiae (Mag. phil.)
Leopold Franzens Universität, Innsbruck.
- Heidegger und die Frage nach der Geschichte, Epistemata Philosophie
Bd. 522, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2012, 221 p. [ISBN 978-3826049125]
Edited Books:
- Ivo De Gennaro / Sergiusz Kazmierski / Ralf Lüfter (ed.), Wirtliche
Ökonomie. Philosophische und dichterische Quellen, Teilband 1, Elementa
Œconomica Bd. 1, Verlag Traugott Bautz, Nordhausen 2013. [ISBN 978-3883098746]
- Ivo De Gennaro / Sergiusz Kazmierski / Ralf Lüfter (ed.), Ökonomie und
Zukunft,, 2015. [978-88-6046-085-1]
- Ralf Lüfter / Roxana Preda (ed.), Ezra Pounds Economics, Verlag
Traugott Bautz, Nordhausen (scheduled for 2016).
- Ivo De Gennaro / Sergiusz Kazmierski / Ralf Lüfter (ed.), Wirtliche
Ökonomie. Philosophische und dichterische Quellen, Teilband 2, Elementa
Œconomica Bd. 2,
Verlag Traugott Bautz, Nordhausen (scheduled for
- Die Akademie deutsch-italienischer Studien Meran, in: Kulturberichte aus
Tirol, 60. Jahrgang, Innsbruck 2006, p. 161-170.
- Freisichtigkeit, in: Ivo De Gennaro (ed.), Cultura animi. Scritti in onore di
Roberto Cotteri, Collana di Monografie dell’Accademia di Studi italotedeschi, Merano 2010, p. 191-201.
[ISBN 978-88-95423029]
- Bemerkungen zur Kreativität, in: Maurizio Borghi [] (ed.), Eudia. Yearbook for Philosophy, Poetry and Art, anno 5/2011,, Milano
2011, p. 1-7.
[ISSN: 2281-9193]
- Wissen und Information. Die informationstechnische Bestimmung des
Wissens, in: Ivo De Gennaro (ed.), Value. Sources and Readings on a Key
Concept of the Globalized World, Brill, Leiden – Boston 2012, p. 435-450.
[ISBN 978-9-004218161]
- Notizen zu Ezra Pounds Ökonomie, in: Ivo De Gennaro / Sergiusz Kazmierski / Ralf Lüfter (ed.), Wirtliche Ökonomie. Philosophische und dichterische Quellen, Teilband 1, Elementa Œconomica Bd. 1, Verlag Traugott
Bautz, Nordhausen 2013, p. 398-417.
[ISBN 978-3-883098746]
- Notizen zu Ezra Pounds Ökonomie. Vorabdruck, in: Maurizio Borghi
[] (ed.), eudia. Yearbook for Philosophy, Poetry and Art, anno 7/2013,, Milano 2013, p. 1-18.
[ISSN: 2281-9193]
- "This Land turns evil slowly" (Ezra Pound), in: Mario Signore (ed.), Idee.
Semestrale di Filosofia, Scienze Sociali ed Economiche (2013/6),
Milella: Lecce 2013, p. 57-69.
[ISSN 0394-3054]
- Die Zukunft der Nachhaltigkeit, in: Göran Collste [et al.] (ed.), Climate
Change, Sustainability, and an Ethics of an Open Future. Proceedings from
the 50th Societas Ethica Annual Conference 2013, Linköping University
Electronic Press: Linköping 2014, p. 209-216.
[ISSN: 1650-3686]
- Wider besseres Wissen. Ezra Pounds ABC des Lesens in: Mario Signore
(ed.), Idee. Semestrale di Filosofia, Scienze Sociali ed Economiche
(2014/7-8), Milella: Lecce 2014, p. 81-89.
[ISSN 0394-3054].
- The Future of Sustainability, in: Philosophy Study, vol. 3, n. 5, David
Publishing, New York 2015, p. 155-161.
[ISSN 2159-5313]
- Politik - Ethik - Dichtung. Pounds Patria mia, in: Maurizio Borghi []
(ed.), eudia. Yearbook for Philosophy, Poetry and Art, anno 9/2015,, Milano 2015, p. 1-12.
[ISSN: 2281-9193]
- The Future of Sustainability, in: Maurizio Borghi [] (ed.), eudia. Yearbook for Philosophy, Poetry and Art, anno 9/2015,, Milano
2015, p. 1-8.
[ISSN: 2281-9193]
- The Ezra Pound Research Center in Merano, Make it New. The Ezra
Pound Society Magazine, Vol. 2.2, 2015, p. 7.
- Ethik der Globalökonomie. Diagnose einer Krise [Abstract], in: Göran
Collste (ed.) Societas Ethica's Annual Conference 2015: Globalisation and
Global Justice, Linköping University Electronic Press, Linköping 2015, p.
[ISSN: 1650-3686]
- Ivo De Gennaro, Sergiusz Kazmierski, Ralf Lüfter, Gino Zaccaria, Verso
un'edizione scismatica dei frammenti di Eraclito. Il logos e l'essere (parte
I) : Unterwegs zu einer schiedlichen Ausgabe der Fragmente des Heraklit.
Der logos und das Sein (I. Teil), acta acadaemiae maiensis I, in: Maurizio
Borghi [] (ed.), eudia. Yearbook for Philosophy, Poetry and Art, anno
9/2015,, Milano 2015, p. 1-40.
[ISSN: 2281-9193]
- Politik - Ethik - Dichtung. Pounds Patria mia, in: Hans Christian Günther
(ed.), Political Poetry Across the Centuries, Brill, Leiden [et al.], 2016, p.
- Die Welt im Krieg. Ezra Pound und Henry Gaudier-Brzeska, in: Arturo
Larcati (ed.), Tra i due fronti. La Grande Guerra come prova del fuoco per
le amicizie personali e le affinità intellettuali tra scrittori e artisti italiani,
austriaci, tedeschi e francesi, Bautz, Nordhausen [scheduled for 2016].
- Diltheys Traum. Notizen zum Weltanschauungsbegriff, in: Raffaele Russo
[et. al.] (ed.), Eredità di Dilthey nel centesimo anniversario della morte.
Convegno organizzato dall’Università degli Studi di Trento. Dipartimento di
Filosofia, Storia e Beni Culturali, Liguori, Napoli [forthcoming].
- Eigenes - Uneigenes - Fremdes. Plagiarismus und die Frage nach der
Gegenwart der Person, in: Maurizio Borghi / Stavroula Karapapa (ed.), Art
and the Law, Brill, Leiden – Boston [forthcoming].
Editorial work:
- Ivo De Gennaro (ed.), Cultura animi. Scritti in onore di Roberto Cotteri –
Festschrift für Roberto Cotteri, Collana di Monografie dell’Accademia di
Studi italo-tedeschi, Merano 2010.
[ISBN 978-88-95423029]
Academic Theses:
- Mit-sein und Sein-für-Andere. Der Andere in der Philosophie von Martin
Heidegger und Jean-Paul Sartre (master thesis), Innsbruck 1999.
- Martin Heidegger – die Frage nach der Geschichte (doctoral thesis),
Innsbruck 2010.
Selected conference papers:
- „… so muß Eros notwendig ein Philosoph sein“ (Plat. Symp. 204 b 4),
paper presented at the “XX Seminario internationale di studi italo tedeschi
- Le passioni della ragione“, Accademia di Studi Italo-tedeschi Merano,
- Die Thematisierung der Geschichte im Kontext der Scienza Nuova und
des Rückgangs in Möglichkeiten des dagewesenen Daseins, presented at
the „Tagung zum 20jährigen Bestehen der Österreichischen Gesellschaft
für Philosophie“, University of Salzburg, 2005.
- Claus Vittur / dictionnaire (art catalogue), CD-ROM, La Villa 2006.
- Grobkonzept zur Errichtung eines Stadtarchivs Bruneck (in collaboration
with Stefan Lechner), Bruneck 2008.
- Sprache und Gespräch, paper presented at a series of lectures organised by Urania Meran, 2011.
- Diltheys Traum. Bemerkungen zum Weltanschauungsbegriff, paper presented at „Eredità di Dilthey nel centesimo anniversario della morte",
Università degli Studi di Trento, 2011.
- Vermögen und Verbrauch. Motive einer ethischen Ökonomie, paper presented at the research seminar „Phenomenology of Value and the Ethical
Dimension of Economics and Management“, Free University of BozenBolzano, 2011.
- Il nesso tra economia ed etica, paper presentet at „Deine Chance – mit
neuen Perspektiven aus der Krise / La tua chance – uscire dalla crisi con
nuove prospettive“, Unternehmerverband Südtirol – Asso. Imprenditori Alto
Adige, Free University of Bolzano - Bozen, 2012.
- This land turns evil slowly, paper presented at the "XL Seminario internazionale di studi italo-tedeschi – Valori, finanza e sviluppo in Europa e
nel mondo globalizzato", Meran 2012.
- Wie wirtlich ist die Nachhaltigkeit?, Paper presented at the "Research
Day 2013", Free University of Bozen - Bolzano, 2013.
- Wider besseres Wissen. Ezra Pounds ABC des Lesens, paper presented
at the "XLI Seminario internazionale di studi italo-tedeschi – Scuola, conoscenza, formazione e ricerca come presupposti di democrazia, di sviluppo
e di civiltà nel contesto europeo", Meran 2013.
- Authemticity between Philosophy an Tourism, paper presented at the
"CBTS 2013 – Competitiviness, Innovation and Markets. The Multifaceted
Tourists' Role", Free University of Bozen - Bolzano 2013.
- Von der Kunst / Über die Kunst, paper presented at the permanent
seminar "Art and Philosophy", Lé 2013.
- Die Zukunft der Nachhaltigkeit, paper presented at the "Climate Change,
Sustainability, and an Ethics of an Open Future" 50th Societas Ethica Annual Conference, Soesterberg 2013.
- Von der Möglichkeit sich selbst zu genügen, paper presented at the
"Skonsumo festa 2014 - Ricercare l'autosufficienza", Free University of Bozen - Bolzano, Bozem 2014.
- Welt im Krieg. Ezra Pound und Henri Gaudier Brzeschka, paper presented at "Tra i due fronti. La Grande Guerra come prova del fuoco per le
amicizie personali e le affinità intellettuali tra scrittori e artisti italiani, austriaci, tedeschi e francesi", Meran 2014.
- What ought to be? The Future under the condition of an Economy that
is supposed to be sustainable, paper presented at a Lucheon Research
Seminar of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Free University of
Bozen - Bolzano, 2014.
- What is a sustainable Future?, paper presented at the European Science
Foundation "Rights to a green Future" final conference, Utrecht 2014.
- Die Zukunft der Nachhaltigkeit, paper presented at the "Tagung für praktische Philosophie" University of Salzburg 2014.
- Contra naturam, paper presented at: "Ezra Pound International Conference: Ezra Pound and the Green World", Brunnenburg, Dorf Tirol 2015
- Ethik der Globalökonomie. Diagnose einer Krise, paper presented at:
"Globalisation and global Justice", 52nd Societas Ethica annual Conference, Linköping 2015.
- Ethik der Globalökonomie. Diagnose einer Krise, paper presented at "Tagung für praktische Philosophie", University of Salzburg, 2015.
- Vom Fehlen der Utopie. Anmerkungen zu Ezra Pounds "Patria mia", paper presented at "Political Poetry across the Centuries", Akademie
deutsch-italienischer Studien Meran, 2015.
- Können Maschinen denken?, paper presented at a series of lectures organised by Urania Meran, 2015.
- The Artist is always beginning, paper presented at "Kunst im Zwanzigsten
Jahrhundert. Zwischen Klassizismus und Moderne, zwischen privatem und
öffentlichem Raum", Akademie deutsch-italienischer Studien Meran, 2016.
- Was soll die Nachhaltigkeit?, paper prestened at the Cusanus
Hochschule, Bernkastel-Kues 2016.
Research Projects (Complted and Ongoing):
- Mining Economic Knowledge from Non-Economic Sources [together with
Ivo De Gennaro (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano) and Sergiusz Kazmierski (Universität Regensburg)].
- Unearthing a forgotten chapter of the History of Economic Thought. Ezra
Pound's Bocconi Lectures and Economic Writings.
- Trilingual Philosophy for Economists [together with Ivo De Gennaro (Free
University of Bozen - Bolzano)].
- Authenticity in Tourism [together with Marta Disegna (University of
Burnemouth), Linda Osti (Free University of Bozen - Bolzano)].
- Ionische Einblicke (Herakliteische Fragmente) [together with Gino Zaccaria
(Università Commercriale Bocconi, Milano), Ivo De Gennaro (Free University
of Bozen - Bolzano), Sergiusz Kazmierski (Universität Regensburg)].
- Ethics of Environmental Concern.
- German
- Italian
- English
- Ancient Greek
- Latin
- Director, Ezra Pound Research Center, Meran.
- Vice-president, Akademie Deutsch-Italienische Studien Meran.
- Scientific Board, Eudia. Yearbook of Philosophy, Poetry and Art.
- Referente per la Filosofia e Aspetti Interculturali, Humanitas Nova. La biblioteca digitale del Centrum Latinitatis Europae.
- Martin Heidegger Gesellschaft e.V.
- Österreichische Gesellschaft für Philosophie.
- Societas Ethica