Dr. Oskar Peterlini, PhD. Contract Professor Born 1950 in Bozen-Bolzano, after the Grammar School he studied first Law in Modena, graduated then in Economics and Social sciences at the University of Innsbruck, specialised in Portfolio management at the Institute of Finance New York, registered as Investment adviser at the Securities and Exchange Commission in Rome. After a long institutional career he awarded, in 2010 a doctorate on the Faculty of Political and Social Science at the University of Innsbruck, recognised after additional researches as PhD by the Italian State, with a thesis about the Italian constitutional reforms and their effects on the special autonomy of South Tyrol, as well as with a research about the Effects of electoral systems on language minorities. Languages: German, Italian, English, basic knowledge of Japanese. In addition to his scientific research, he experienced the stations of public institutions personally: Member of the Regional Parliament of Trentino-South Tyrol from 1978 till 1998 he served as its President from 1988 to 1998. He was also Chairman of the Budget and Economic legislative Committee of the Province of Bozen from 1983 to 1993. In the Nineties he created an innovative complementary pension system, based on the three pillar social security for the Trentino South-Tyrol. He led this PensPlan group, pension funds, a joint-stock Company and an investment Company, as their CEO till 2001. From 2001 to 2013 he was a MP (Senator) of its autonomous Region in the Italian Parliament, Club chairman, delegate to the Central European Initiative (with 18 member States), and member of various Committees, among them for Constitutional Affairs, where he took part in the reform debates of the Constitution and the electoral law with its own bills: http://leg16.senato.it/leg/16/BGT/Schede_v3/Attsen/00017624_iniz.htm He has a distinguished background as a guest speaker on Universities in Italy and abroad (Budapest, Rome, Innsbruck, Macau, Wien, Oradea, Hong Kong). Since 2011 he is teaching Public law, and since 2016 also Political Science at the Free University of Bozen Bolzano. He is author of several books and publications relating to the constitutional reforms in Italy, about federalism and electoral systems, about protection of minorities and the Special Statute of this North-Italian Autonomous Region, as well as about the new pension system: https://unibz.academia.edu/OskarPeterlini Deutsch Geboren 1950 in Bozen, humanistische Matura, Wirtschafts- und Rechtsstudien, Magister der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Innsbruck; Portfoliomanagement in New York; Staatsprüfung und Eintragung bei der Börsenaufsicht CONSOB als Anlageberater; Forschungsdoktorat an der Fakultät für Politikwissenschaften und Soziologie in Innsbruck, mit einer Dissertation über die Verfassungsreformen in Italien und die Auswirkungen auf die Sonderstatute, sowie ein Forschungsprojekt über die Wahlsysteme und deren Auswirkungen auf sprachliche Minderheiten. Sprachen: Deutsch, Italienisch, Englisch, Grundkenntnisse in Japanisch. Zusätzlich zu seiner wissenschaftlichen Forschung hat er wichtige Stationen des öffentlichen Rechtes auch persönlich erfahren: Von 1978 bis 1998 Abgeordneter zum Südtiroler Landtag und Regionalrat Trentino Südtirol, von 1988 bis 1998 dessen Präsident (und alternierend Vize), 1983 bis 1993 Präsident der Landtags-Kommission für Wirtschaft, Haushalt und Finanzen; Ideator und Projektleiter des regionalen Rentenprojekts PensPlan, des Laborfonds und des Plurifonds, 1997-2001 Gründer und Geschäftsführer des Centrums für regionale Zusatzrenten und der Sparverwaltungs-Gesellschaft PensPlan Invest AG. Von 2001 bis 2013 Südtiroler Parlamentarier im Senat in Rom, Clubobmann der parlamentarischen Fraktion „Per le Autonomie“, Delegierter in der Central European Initiative (mit 18 Mitgliedsstaaten), Mitglied in verschiedenen Ausschüssen, u.a. im Verfassungsausschuss, wo er an den Reformdebatten der Verfassung und des Wahlgesetzes mit eigenen Gesetzentwürfen teilnahm: http://leg16.senato.it/leg/16/BGT/Schede_v3/Attsen/00017624_iniz.htm Seit 2011 lehrt er an der Universität Bozen Verfassungsrecht, 2013 Landesrecht und Recht der Autonomien, seit 2016 auch Politikwissenschaft. Bücher und Veröffentlichungen, sowie Gastvorlesungen an inländischen und internationalen Universitäten (Budapest, Rom, Innsbruck, Macau, Wien, Oradea, Hong Kong) über Verfassung, Autonomie und Föderalismus, Wahlsysteme und Rentenfonds: https://unibz.academia.edu/OskarPeterlini Italiano Nato a Bolzano nel 1950, studi di diritto ed economia, laureato in scienze economiche e sociali a Innsbruck, specializzato in Portfolio Management presso l’Institute of Finance a New York, esame di Stato in Italia con la qualifica di promotore finanziario registrato presso la CONSOB. Ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca (Ph.D), con una tesi sulla Riforma della Costituzionale italiana e gli effetti sulle autonomie, nonché un progetto di ricerca sui Sistemi elettorali e le minoranze linguistiche, presso l’Università di Innsbruck Lingue: italiano, tedesco, inglese, conoscenza di base di giapponese. Oltre alla sua ricerca scientifica, ha vissuto le stazioni di diritto pubblico personalmente: Dopo una pluriennale attività istituzionale quale Consigliere regionale e provinciale (capogruppo SVP, Presidente della Commissione Economia e Bilancio, membro del Comitato d’Intesa Stato–Provincia), culminata nel 1988 con l’elezione a Presidente del Consiglio regionale, ha promosso un innovativo modello di previdenza complementare, denominato PensPlan, e una società per la gestione del risparmio Pensplan Invest SGR, delle quali era amministratore delegato. Dal 2001 al 2013 ricoprì la carica di Senatore della Repubblica, Presidente di Gruppo parlamentare, delegato alla Central European Initiative (con 18 Stati membri) e membro di varie Commissioni, tra altre della Commissione Affari Costituzionali, dove prese parte ai dibattiti sulla riforma della Costituzione e la legge elettorale con propri disegni di legge: http://leg16.senato.it/leg/16/BGT/Schede_v3/Attsen/00017624_iniz.htm Dal 2011 insegna all’Università di Bolzano Diritto costituzionale, Diritto regionale e dal 2016 anche Scienza politica. Vanta un prestigioso curriculum come referente universitario in Italia e all’estero (Budapest, Roma, Innsbruck, Macau, Wien, Oradea, Hong Kong), oltre che una folta serie di pubblicazioni che spaziano dal diritto pubblico, in particolare dall’autonomia, il federalismo, la riforma costituzionale e i sistemi elettorali, alla previdenza complementare: https://unibz.academia.edu/OskarPeterlini Branzoll, 6.8.2016
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