Kyokushin Dojo Oath The Kyokushin dojo kun was written by Mas Oyama with the help of Eiji Yoshikawa, the author of Musashi, a book about the life and times of Japan's greatest warrior, Miyamoto Musashi. The book provided much of Mas Oyama's inspiration during his mountain training days. At the end of each training session, all students and instructors kneel in seiza in rank order. The chief instructor then designates someone, usually the most senior student, to recite the oath in the local language or in Japanese. Each line is recited by the designated person, with pauses at the ends, during which the whole class repeats it. We will train our hearts and bodies, for a firm unshaken spirit. We will pursue the true meaning of the Martial Way, so that in time our senses may be alert. With true vigor, we will seek to cultivate a spirit of self-denial. We will observe the rules of courtesy, respect our superiors, and refrain from violence. We will follow our religious principles, and never forget the true virtue of humility. We will look upwards to wisdom and strength, not seeking other desires. All our lives, through the discipline of Karate, we will seek to fulfill the true meaning of the Kyokushin Way. The oath is then concluded by the senior student, who says the following lines, with everyone responding with a bow and resounding OSU! Shinza (shrine) ni REI Sosai Oyama ni REI Hanshi/Shihan/Sensei/Sempai ni REI (once for each level of yudansha rank present) Otagai ni REI Keiko yame, tatte kudasai (formal end, stand up) Student responds with "Domo arigato gozai masita" (formal 'thank you' after Sosai, Sensei, Otagai ni) Kyokushin Dojo Oath do jo kun 道場訓 hitotsu wareware wa shinshin wo renma shi 一 、吾々は心身を錬磨し kakko hubatsu no shingi wo kiwa me ru ko to 確固不抜の心技を極めること hitotsu wareware wa bu no shinzui wo kiwame 一 、吾々は武の神髄を極め ki ni hasshi kan ni bin na ru ko to 機に発し感に敏なること hitotsu wareware wa shitsujitsu goken wo motte 一 、吾々は 質実 剛健を以て jiko no seishin wo kanyo su ru ko to 克己の精神を涵養すること hitotsu wareware wa reisetsu wo omo n ji chojo wo keishi 一 、吾々は礼節を重んじ長上を敬し sobo no huru ma i wo tsutsushimu ko to 粗暴の振舞いを 慎む こと Kyokushin Dojo Oath hitotsu wareware wa shinbutsu wo touto bi 一 、吾々は 神仏 を 尊 び kenjo no bitoku wo wasu re za ru ko to 謙譲の美徳を忘れざること hitotsu wareware wa chisei to tairyoku to wo kojo sa se 一 、吾々は智性と体力とを向上させ koto ni nozo n de ayama ta za ru ko to 事に臨んで 過 たざること hitotsu wareware wa shogai no shugyo wo karate no michi ni tsuji 一 、吾々は生涯の修行を空手の 道 に通じ kyokushin no michi wo matto su ru ko to 極真 の 道 を全うすること
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