や 登・ INTERNA丁 iONAL :SO 123 STANDARD Third ed1lon 2001-o5-15 Rubber latex Latex de caoutchouc - - Sampling Echantittonnage ¨ ︺ ・ ・ ・・ ■ ,ざ ギトギ : 粗上上」止1壼 二ilJl. r.11‐ 1・ ″ ι 1. i::・ 1. 嗜 雹 蒟屹 繭 趙 軋量 巫 18 1ⅢⅢI I 1 脚1 I8 == == == [: l=旧旧0 旧 l ︲︲ ︲ 1 0 l l l I i l l Ⅲ I 0 l l ︲ ︲ ︲ l︲ Ⅲl l ⅢⅢ回O S lⅢ l ⅢⅢⅢ l ︲ │ ヽ ■■│.││ 11■ 「 : : │ . 藝S罐 1 1 Reference ntlmber lS0 123:2001(E) ◎ IS0 2001 ′F IS0 123:2001(E) PDF disciaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. jrt accorJance with Adobe's licensing policy, this Iile mav be printr , ,;iewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installec on lhe computer perlormi;g ihe edilr downloading lhis tjle, parlies accept therein1he responsibllity of not infi-inging Adob,e's licensing policy- The ISO Ceniral Secretariat ac,: .ro liability in this area. Adobe is a trademark ot Adobe Syslems Incorporaled. .i,.creation parameters Details of the software products used to cleale this PDF file can be found in the General lnfo relalive to the iile, i: were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suttable for use by ISO member , . .,-s. ln lhe unlikely evenl that a problem relating to itis found,please inform the central Secretariat at the address given below 一 ﹄ 一一 一 ︰ , │:J争 :∫ 琴1霧 o iso 2001 All rights reserved Unless,otherwise specrfied, no part of this publicalion may be reproduced or utilized in any i, n or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from ejlher lSo at the duuresS below or lSO,s member body in the counlry of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 . CH-121 1 Geneva 20 Tel +412274901 11 Fax +41 227490947 E― mall copyright@isO ch ` Veb www soch Pttnted in Swltzerand ト , ◎ IS0 2001-A‖ nghts reserved iS0 123:2001(E) a P 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and delinitions 4 Principle Apparatus Sampling Labelling the laboratory sample and the test sample Sampling report │ ” 1 1 1 2 2 3 7 8 Contents ′ │ rio ◎ IS0 2001-Al r ghis reserved ・ ュダ■ ´´ 冬 ISO電 盆312001(E) Foreword iSO(the internaIOnal organization for Standardizalon)iS a wOndwide federalon of na経 ←■1,standards bodies(lSO member bodies).The"ork of preparing lnterna」 onal Standards is nOrmally carried ottt ll■ ■蜃gh ISO teChnical cOm_ mhtees.Each member body interested in a subieCt fOr which a technicai committee h3■ right to be represented on that committee.lnternational organizations,9overnmental凛 sOn wnhlso,also tale partin the work.lSO collaborates cloSely wlh the lnternalonal霊 (IEC)on a‖ matters of electrotechnical standardization. ■,len established has the ■ ,‐ 90Vernmental,in liaト 11争 teChnical COmmission :■ ■ F■ 1(〉 International Standards are drafted in accoだ ance with the rし les given in the iSO/1EC Dire● tives,Part 3. ③曝ember bodies ibr voting. Draft lnternational Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to tれ Publication as an international Standard requires approval by atleast 75° /。 of the rnernも er bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements Of this:nternational Standard may be the subiect of patent面 ghts.:SO shall n6t be held reSponSible foridentifying any or all such patent‖ 9hts: lnternalonal Standard IS0 123 was prepared by Technical Commtttee lSo/TC 45,R″ Sθ わ油θrubberわ dυsrry. Subcommittee SC 3,Paw marerials rincruding lale,for υ bわ er and″ わわer ρЮdtFCrs, This third edition canceis and replaces the second edition(iS0 123:1985),whiCh has♭ 吟中R technica‖ y revised.The principal differences lle in more precise definitions and specifications forthe frequency tl sampling.in addition,the method of homogenizing and samp‖ ng latex in drums fittё d with bungs has been modifi3も :む take account of practical considerations. : F ::桑 .■ 1 ◎ ISC)2001-A‖ rigl,ts rese,ved :S012312001(E) iNTERNAT:ONAL STANDARD Rubber latex - Sampling ■ 一 一 一 ■ 一 一 , ¨ 一 ¨ 一・ ︲ 一 ・ 一 ・ ¨︶ 畢 一 .〓 t , 一 ︲ ︶ ・一 一一一 一 ︲ ´ r・ 一 ﹂ 一 “一 ︲ 一 一 一 一一 一 一 一 一・ 一 一 一 ‘ 一 ・ Scope 一 一一 一一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 1 ・〓〓 ﹂ 一一 . ,・〓 WARNING… …Persons using this:nternational Standard should be familiar with normal laboratory practice. This standard does not purportto address a‖ of the safety problems,if any associated with its use.itis the responsibi:ity ofthe userto establish appropriate safety and health practices and to ensure compliance with any nationa:regulatory conditions. This lnternational Standard specifies procedures for sampling natural rubber latex concentrate and for sampling synthetic rubber latices and artificial latices. lt is also suitable for sampling rubber latex contained in drums, tank cars or tanks. The procedures may also be used for sampling plastics dispersions. 2 Normative references The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this lnternational Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this lnternational Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative ciocument referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain registers of currently valid lnternational Standards. ISO 124:1997 , Latex, rubber IS0 706:1985,Pυ bわ er - Determination of total solids content. larex― Derermわ ar′ ορο′εοagυ rtrm θοttrettr作 訂θye κSttυ O九 g――Parrブ f rθ ttθ ttrS ar7d reS″ 月 IS0 3310‐ 1:2000,7bsi s′θyes― ―乃 cわ /7iCa′ re9υ ′ ISO 15528:2OOO, Paints, varnishes and raw materials for paints and varnishes 3 ttsr s′ θyes - οF merar wic c′ Orわ . Sampling. Terms and definitions For the purposes of this lnternational Standard, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 lot a definite quantity of latex processed or produced under conditions which are presumed uniform NOTE A lot may be in one or more containers or vessels. For example, it may consist oi several drums of latex. 3.2 sample a quantity oflatex that has been drav.ln from a lot つ 0 laboratory sample a quantity oflatex intended forlaboratory inspect on and testing and that is representative of the lot ,ダ・ O ISO 2001 _´ - All riEhts Teserved 舶 ´ iS0 123:2001(E) 3.4 test sample a quantity of latex suitable for testing, obtained by straining the laboratory sampp, NOTE The laboratory sample, not the test sample, is used for the determination of coagutum content (. + 6.5.s). 3.5 test porticn a quantity of latex taken from the test sampie.(3.4) oi' laboratory sample (3.3), for tlie purpose ,-i a single specific test, for example the amount actually weighed out from the test sampte for a single determination cl iotal solids content 3.6 coagulum contenUsieve residue coarse foreign matter and flocculated rubber retained under the conditions of the Lest age aperture width of 'tB0 pm * 10 pm complying with ISO 3310_1 (lso 706) on a filter with aver- NorE ln the context of examination of latex shipments, bulk deliveries, etc., this is what is gener.ally understood by ,,coagulum,,. Pieces of latex skin and coagulated rubber should not be included in the laboratory sample. 4 Principle 念 £∬ 騎電 器よ b° rat° ry 5 mmデ :.垣 of the latex. The test sample is prepared by straining the 壺中■半 子 :些 Apparatus 5.1 Stirrer, for homogenization of latex in drums. For open-headed drums, use either 5.1.1 or 5.1.2. For drums fitted with a bung, see 5'1'1 Plunger, consisting of a perforated, chrome-plated or stainless-steel disc of diameter approximately 150 mm, with smooth-edged holes of diameter approximately 10 mm. 5'1'2 Motor-driven stirrer, capable ︰︰ of operating at a speed of 5 radls to 21 radls (50 r/min to 200 r/min). 董 鑢 “ ︲ ⋮ A suitable type of motor-driven stirrerconsists of a stainless-steelpropellerof 110 mm minimum diameter, mounted on a stainless-steel shaft sufficiently long for the propeller to be ai a distance of about one-tenth the depth of the latex from the bottom of the drum. ︰ ︰ 1 ︰ vortex. ︲ lf desired, two propellers may be used on the same shaft, in which case the lower one shall meet the foregoing requirements as regards position. The rotational frequency inurr ui such as to give a brisk turnover without cierting , ⋮ of rotating a drum at :il∬:::蹂 蟹│::L温 ま♀J製 ∬ F鳳 :箔 罰iよ れ」はま approximately l rad/s represenね Ive sam● e ttOm a knOwn 5.2.l Sampling tubes fOrlatex in drurns Use either5 2 1 l or5 2 1 2 千 議志i誌 臨 ぶ 亀乱曹翼詰客凛宵掘 [ 試:ぼ 悧 爾楓il而藤腕 y誓 乳 ξ 2 O ISO . r1 - Alt rights reserved ⋮ :こ hTIピ 1翼 メ霞 (optional, see 6.4.1.s), capable ⋮ (10 r/min). ⋮ 5'1'3 Motor-driven drum roller iS0 123:2001(E) NOTE lnsertirrg piovides a ci'oss-section of the latex at all depths as a sample' a tube open at both ends into rhe latex eifeciiveiy approximately 25 rnm and length at least 1 m' the bot5.2.1.2 Sampling tube, stainless stee!, o{ internal drameter of a suitable cie','ice is grven in Figure 1' A ilrawing tom of which can be opened or closed by rernote conirci. 5.2.2 Sampling deviees for latex in tank cars on tanks or 5'2'2'2 ii the depth is less than 3 m' Use if the depth o{ the iatex is 3 m or rT]oi"e. Use either 1 dm3, closed by a lid or bung that can be Cylindrical sta!nless-steel vessel, of capacity approximately Lounled ior iniertion io the :"equired depth' A device similar opened by remote control. such a vessel ,uy o" rigidly given in lSo 15528' is suitable. A variety of otf,er suitable devices for samoling are to that shown in Figure 2 to 5.2 1'2 but length 3 m' the bottom s.2.2.2 Sampling tube, stainless steel, of internal dianreter 25 mm, similar of 機・ ・ which can be opened or closed by remote control' tube or vessel. The beakers shall be shockBeakers, of capacity 2 dm3, to receive the iatex {ronr the sampling to iatex' inei't resistant and have a smooth inner surface that is chemically 5.3 shall havf a smooth inner surface and be Sampie botiles, of capacity I dm3, with screw caps. The bottles and some types o{ plastic are suitable materials' Thin made of materiai that is chemically resistant to latex. Glass flexible containers shall not be used' 5.4 NOTE For purposes o{ trans-shipment. narrow-necked containers with a deep thread are r-'r*ferable' stainless-steel wire or synthetic cloth inert 10 pm, compiying with ISO 3310-1 ' 5.5 Filter, of 180 pm ︱薔︲ 6 :t to latex, with :rin average aperture width of Sampling 疹,l At a‖ Genera] stages of sampling,avoid introducing air intO the latex and keep expOSure of llte latex tO airto a minirnum. 6.2 「 requency of Sampling 6.2.l 6.盆 .盆 ise l」 nless othenハ ノ fiedin 6 2 2 and 6.2.3 agreed,sampling sha‖ be Carried out atthe frequency sFI■ 匡very lot Shall be sampled 器 3∬ 1牌 『 iFt:iL諄 :脚 Ifr点 話 :fⅧ brr:緊 鳳T惚 lRF龍 ).ま 悧 ば棚懸1ず 驚棚 twelve,seven from siXty‐ 10uF,etC) yithd「 a、ヘ ノ n at hich the samples are to beヽ へ Selectthe containers iromぃ ノ randorll th「 ol.1lhOutthe cOnsignment. 5寧 prelittlinarv exanl:nat:◎ 隅 η 119,9rOSS COag_llur■ Exanline the lateX ViSua‖ y,and record the presence of Crealη . :,l alnlJ fo′ 毒ign matter 3 O ISO 200'1 - All righls reserved IJ iS0 12312001(E) y e K l 2 Handle Spllng 3 4 Ttlbe Guides lor valve rod 5 Simple valve 「 19贖 ξむ l― 基 島il,P甘 J『 19こ 饉藤e ,摯『 0「 畑醜 s,tattR cars議 羮哉 3]魂 a::ey talltts tttot tO憲 O, 3ale) lSr' .'0Ci - All rights ieserved : Key 1 i-jandle (manuai +ornpi-essioi-i opens iid) 2 Fods 3 Lid 4 Container r:i appropriaie size a Suitable length for"taking sample r..;Or rsirucirolI i nater tat. siatnlesai steel F:sure 2ヽ ―ヽ頸x晏 :魂 貯ie ⑬f 8:atex― sattp:i『 19 dev:こ 舎 ag ISO 200 J - Ali rlghts ieserve.i J lS① 123:2001(E) 6"4 Sampling from drums 6.4.竜 Homogenizatio恥 6.4.1.l Homogenize the latex manua‖ y as specified in 6 4 1 2 o「 ate,by means of a drum ro‖ er as specifled in 6 4 1 5. mechanica‖ y as specified in‐ 1 1 3or,if appropri― 1fthe drum is ofthe open― head type,remove the end head ancl agitate the contents lir ilileast 5 miil,pref― erably by tteans of a perforated stainless― steel plunger(5 1 1) Alternatively,agitate the contents ofthe drum by means olthe rnotor‐ driven stirrer(11 2)ior」 O minto ho― nnoQenize the latex Avoid excessive stirring. 6.4,1.4 1fthe drum is ofthe closed― head typre fitted with a bung and contains!ess than 2° 。ai「 space,then manual its side and「 ollit to and i「 oと ・ 111ly lor ilot iess than or rnechanical homogenizatioln is impractical.Lay the drum ol― ‐ ■ r to stand for about 1■ erly uppermost and al 1 0 rnin Turn the drum so thatitis standing on the end vyhich ttva3 10「 1 5 rrliPI,then「 epeat the folling operation for a furthe「 1 0 mlrl Alternatively,lf a single drum is tO be sampled“ on_―t drurn「 o‖ erfor 24 h at abouttt rad/s(10″ min) is permissible to homogenize the la,`tx by「 o‖ ing the drtlm 6.4.2 Taking the laboratory salrnple(see 3・ 3) General After the latex has been homogenized (see 6.4.1), take the sample without deiay as specifierd in or, using a clean, dry sampling tube (5.2.1). Take care to avoid the inclusion of any gross coagulurn or skin with the sample. Sampiing from a singie ttru圃 lnsertthe sampllng tube(521),open at both ends,slowly into the Crum untilit reaches the l● itonl Then close the 「iterts tl_ら ιl,an,OFv 3な「千 le boitle 15 4)Re― =● '口 ple bottle,leaving an a r space of 2,8to 5,6 peat the operation until sufficientiatex has been obialned io lillthe sal■ ofthe volume(to al10VV forthermal expanslon),and screvvthe cap fけ「Fly Onio the bottie upper end oft卜 le tube wllln the stopper,withdraw it and i「 3■ sier tlモ NOttE liis irrpOrtantthatthe saih口 e bottle is almost f_lli and a rt ght Sarnpling fronl several drums Where sampling ofthe same lot oflatex from several drums is to be carried out,for example in 10%sampling(see iex wnhdrawn i「 olla each drum may 623),and it has been agreed thatthe samples may be blended,the amount ofl島 be reduced proportionately ln this case,the indivldual sanlples sha i be combinet i「 i a beaker(53)and stirred briefly to ensure uniformlty and the resultantlaboratory samples boltled(multiple sample3 may be required,for example for arbitration) 6.5 Sampl:ns fr◎ 6.5.¶ 齢 tank cars attd tanks Soneral Sarooles are in tia‖ v taken f「 onl 1lfferer:t depth3 1● 号 F311「 NOttE For fixed tanks, estab ishing su table conditions homogeneity each tirne a salη ple is taken 軋 F‐ thュ ││IF lal,IIュ 11,"o● 、 ″hich resu t in homogenelty 手 :Ⅲ e● [:s │ハ ll lnake it unnec,ssary to check for 、 O 1SO 2CC1 - All rights reserved 一 暉 ︼ り3e the sainpling vessel(522電 ,0「 1. I ., il二 =:, 〓 ︱︰ ︰ ヽ 響 6.S.2,電 す :=;:111費 ■一 一 ど曾 ︲・‘尋〓ヽ・︲ 1らi、 6.5.2 Sampling operation iS0 12312001(E) Sampling tube(5222)as apprOpriate 盗 ]亀 nt::続 籠 i:田 1贈 I旱 :混 』:鳥 :ピ ね:(‖ :w:ξ ∬ 出 lltttT:ば 寵 ir鵠 儡 壇檸龍 │::£ ¶ the contents to a beaker(53)TranSferthe latex tO a sample bOttle(54)leaving an air space of 2 96 to 5 『 9も the cap Fi「 1311y onto the botile :据 よ Screw 乳 寵:烏僣 ど 温:穐 :当 胤誦t,ll謬 lFt寵 )鳳hT織『 私:W鷺 1::よ O and'° m hebeabゎ he sam¨ bぬ し yT滉 讐ξ 燈 ng an arspace d :魁 諾∫ :器 漱:讐牌 £l:宙 iよ :鳥 ]亀 n町:∬ :1:1:]器 │:Pt階 ri首 ,電 a゛ 6.5.3 Testing for hOmogeneity iakeseparatesalllplesapprOxirnatelyloommfrolrthetopsurfaceandloornmfromthebottomsurfaceofthelatex 瀬 髭 h塑 樵 酬 弱 鮮 I蠅 l場J鰐 from the top and the bOttom agree wlthin this tOlerance 暴 i距 謂 :憩 憲 孵 粥 謝 li隠 壇 J 6.5.4 Taking the labOratory sample Aller he degree d hOmOgene‖ y specttod h a53 has b=tttli∬ 「iξ 響¶よ:憑醤:精 牌: 常 ∬混理 1篤 esam口 eS h a beak釘 優 O and Pぽ rs蹴 f:]精 棚獅Ъ 鞘寵T『累首 ttir:群 l轟 超 滉 』:"InehehЮ は ?暦 t誦 ::凧 :竃 ♀ ぽ ξ lT柁 £ ‰機動il∴ 織 ぞ穐::瞭∫ i認 鷲 1:楓 よ rhebdbmendhettOpen approximately halfway betⅥ /een the tOp and centre ofthe bよ ::ツ :i」 [::鷺 :な lλ 6.5.5 Coagulum content T卜 le coaguiulT cOnterli(1〔 3こ)706,sllali be dete「 iTlirieO oFl ihe iabolatOly sa,ll口 le tsee 3 3) 6.6 PFepaFat[0瞼 orthe test samp[e ::翻 :「 ∬譜 ∬1∫ 軍Lf」『 ‖讐 RЪ ]:l甦 l首 :1進 明 i[堰 l,肌 ζ よ 謝穐(認 濡T富 e e h h d嘗 &雪 Yn:]肥:堰 7 LQbelling the laboratory sample and the test samp[e The samples sha‖ be clearly labe‖ ed and cOntain On the labelthe fo‖ O、へ /ing lnformatloni a) a deSCription ofthe material; さ)t「 le size and Pariiculars oithe cOnsignrnent(la‐ lk― lA/390■ C) the designat on“ laboratory sarrple“ o「 ,tailた ,3れ ip,bar「 ei o「 儘:u t71,: “ test sample'and thE relerence ntimbei of tlne salη plei d)the Consigno「 : e)the place of samplin9: 1) the llate ol saimpllngi g)the name Ofthe sampler Dls0 2001-AI「 t ighis reserved J :SΦ 弩23]2001(厘 ) S SamOling report 丁he sa1lnp ing report shall colltain the fo‖ ooヘ ノ ing inforlη ationi a) a reference to this lnteFnatiOrlal(3tandardi b) all details necessary forthe identificatlon of the material sampled; C, the frequency oi sampling; d) a reCOrd Of creaming;visible gross coagじ lum,skin and foreign matter(if any)preSentin the originai container; e) ar)y unusualfeatures noted during the sampling; f) a reCOrd へ 、 /hether or not the tank car or tank hornogeneity: 、 ヘ ノ as initia‖ y homogeneous and the acilon taken to achieve g) any Operatlon notincluded in this lnternational Standard or regarded as optional 0. O r.3C 20Cl - All rights reserved :S012312001(E) iCS 83.040.:⑬ Prce based on 8 pages O IS0 2001-AII百 ghts reserved ・
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