z PATTERN Internationa l Horse SHOW July 22nd - 2 4th 2016 z ECuriEs HOFFMann 6, um Tunnel ∙ L-3552 Dudelange 3. SHOW IN WRAL-CIRCUIT 2016 « FEI CRI* & CRI** « NRHA « WRAL/FLSE Show - all breed !! « AQHA « PHAL « FLSE-CHAMPIONSHIP « TOTAL PRICE MONEY 5000 € « FOODTRUCKS ∙ FOOD & DRINKS ∙ PARTY ∙ WESTERN STORE special thanks to our sponsors: www.berendsohn.lu www.qhal.lu S/H. 46 5&U Non-Pro 100$ ADDED 47 1200 100$ ADDED 1600 100$ ADDED 1500 100$ ADDED 44 45 PATTERN 12 PATTERN 12 PATTERN 6 PATTERN 6 2930 Snaffle Hack 4&U $250added Pattern 13 2960 Snaffle Hack. 5&u $100added Pattern 13 13 14 Following NRHA classes run concurrently Friday July 22, 2016 CRI *, ** CRI 11:00 VETCHECK (Jog) CRI WARM-UP Arena reserved for All-Around riders 1 CRI CRI1* FEI-Pattern 1A 2 CRI CRI2** FEI-Pattern 1 16.30-17:30 Payed Warm-up Reining 17:30-19:30 Arena reserved for All-Around riders 19:30-20:15 Arena reserved for Reiners 3 WRAL Any Horse Any Rider Timesheet order of classes may change, please check at the office Dudelange (Luxbg.), July 22-24, 2016 LTD OPEN Inter.OPEN Ltd Non-Pro Inter. Non-Pro OPEN NON-PRO OPEN SENIOR SENIOR SENIOR SENIOR AQHA NRHA NRHA NRHA WRAL AQHA WRAL WRAL APHA AQHA WRAL/FLSE WRAL/FLSE 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 TRAIL WALK-TROT GREEN TRAIL TRAIL TRAIL TRAIL TRAIL TRAIL TRAIL 4202 142004 242002 WP1 4209 4302 RHP1 243002 443000 243000 136000 WRAL AQHA AQHA APHA WRAL/FLSE WRAL APHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA NRHA NRHA NRHA NRHA WRAL WRAL AQHA WRAL AQHA 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 PATTERN 6 PATTERN 6 PATTERN 12 PATTERN 12 HORSEMANSHIP WALK-TROT WESTERN HORSEMANSHIP WESTERN HORSEMANSHIP WESTERN HORSEMANSHIP WESTERN HORSEMANSHIP REINING 100$ ADDED 100$ ADDED 100$ ADDED 100$ ADDED 60 WRAL 58 FLSE 59 FLSE 57 FLSE 349 Freestyle Reining/Shs/Trail RANCH RIDING Championship Final 4207 W. PLEASURE Championship Finals 4206 W. PLEASURE Championship Finals 3805 TRAIL Championship Finals 3806 TRAIL Championship Finals 55 FLSE 56 FLSE Championship Finals Championship Finals 3405 REINING 3406 REINING 53 FLSE 54 FLSE OPEN OPEN YOUTH OPEN OPEN YOUTH OPEN YOUTH BEGINNER AMATEUR YOUTH BEGINNER Novice Amat AMATEUR Ltd Non-Pro Inter. Non-Pro LTD OPEN Inter.OPEN BEGINNER OPEN Novice Amat OPEN 1st Go OPEN BEGINNER Open Novice Amat YOUTH AMATEUR OPEN 1st Go YOUTH YOUTH OPEN OPEN 1st GoYOUTH BEGINNER PATTERN 13 YOUTH 13 U. PATTERN 13 YOUTH 14-18 WESTERN PLEASURE GREEN WESTERN PLEASURE WESTERN PLEASURE WESTERN PLEASURE RANCH RIDING RANCH RIDING Ranch Riding RANCH RIDING RANCH RIDING RANCH RIDING WESTERN RIDING REINING REINING REINING Reining 20$ ADDED Reining 20$ ADDED Saturday July 23, 2016 Evening program 2405 2401 440000 2402 240002 234000 1600 1500 1301 1200 340 3404 3402 3100 3200 WRAL/FLSE WRAL/FLSE WRAL NRHA NRHA OPEN OPEN NON-PRO ROOKIE L2 OPEN OPEN AMATEUR YOUTH Novice Amat YOUTH Novice Amat AMATEUR BEGINNER OPEN BEGINNER AMATEUR OPEN Novice Amat 1st GoYOUTH 1st GoOPEN GREEN REINING Snaffle Hack 4&U $250added Pattern 13 Snaffle Hack. 5&u $100added Pattern 13 Reining $50 ADDED Pattern 13 HUNTER UNDER SADDLE HUNTER UNDER SADDLE HUNTER UNDER SADDLE HUNTER UNDER SADDLE HUNTER UNDER SADDLE HUNT SEAT EQUITATION HUNT SEAT EQUITATION HUNT SEAT EQUITATION 4214 WESTERN PLEASURE WALK-TROT 4204 WESTERN PLEASURE 1st Go 420 WESTERN PLEASURE AA 1st Go 3812 138004 3802 3801 TRL1 238002 3804 380 134004 2930 2960 5310 440 144000 244000 444000 244002 452000 252002 252000 27 28 29 30 31 24 WRAL 25 WRAL/FLSE 26 WRAL/FLSE WRAL AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Saturday July 23, 2016 show start at 8:00 WRAL WRAL AQHA AQHA AQHA WRAL AQHA AQHA AQHA 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 WRAL WRAL AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA WRAL 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 AQHA 115 NRHA 116 NRHA WRAL AQHA APHA AQHA AQHA 101 102 103 104 105 100 WRAL AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA AQHA 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 AT AT AT AT AT HALTER HALTER HALTER HALTER HALTER Trail in Hand ( all ages) TRAIL TRAIL TRAIL SHOWMANSHIP SHOWMANSHIP SHOWMANSHIP SHOWMANSHIP SHOWMANSHIP YEARLING STALLIONS TWO YEAR OLD STALLIONS THREE YEAR OLD STALLIONS AGED STALLIONS PERFORMANCE STALLIONS YEARLING STALLIONS TWO YEAR OLD STALLIONS THREE YEAR OLD STALLIONS AGED STALLIONS PERFORMANCE STALLIONS YEARLING MARES TWO YEAR OLD MARES THREE YEAR OLD MARES AGED MARES PERFORMANCE MARES YEARLING MARES TWO YEAR OLD MARES THREE YEAR OLD MARES AGED MARES PERFORMANCE MARES YEARLING GELDINGS TWO YEAR OLD GELDINGS THREE YEAR OLD GELDINGS AGED GELDINGS PERFORMANCE GELDINGS YEARLING GELDINGS TWO YEAR OLD GELDINGS THREE YEAR OLD GELDINGS AGED GELDINGS PERFORMANCE GELDINGS PATTERN 4 PATTERN11 WESTERN PLEASURE WALK-TROT WESTERN PLEASURE WESTERN PLEASURE WESTERN PLEASURE WESTERN PLEASURE WESTERN HORSEMANSHIP RANCH RIDING RANCH RIDING 134200 REINING Senior 1400 Reining 100$ ADDED 1100 Reining 300$ ADDED 4205 4201 242000 142000 442000 240000 143000 4301 3401 REINING 134100 REINING Junior RNG1 REINING 434000 REINING 234002 REINING 111 LEAD-LINE 10&under 3822 238000 438000 138000 1202 1201 212000 412000 212002 103100 103200 103300 103400 173000 203100 203200 203300 203400 273000 105400 105500 105600 105700 175000 205400 205500 205600 205700 275000 107400 107500 107600 107700 177000 207400 207500 207600 207700 277000 Sunday July 24, 2016 show start at 8:00 OPEN NON-PRO OPEN BEGINNER AMATEUR AMATEUR OPEN YOUTH AMATEUR OPEN AMATEUR AMATEUR OPEN OPEN YOUTH Novice Amat YOUTH OPEN AMATEUR YOUTH OPEN BEGINNER AMATEUR AMATEUR YOUTH Novice Amat OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN AMATEUR AMATEUR AMATEUR AMATEUR AMATEUR OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN AMATEUR AMATEUR AMATEUR AMATEUR AMATEUR OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN AMATEUR AMATEUR AMATEUR AMATEUR AMATEUR Organisation Your competent partners in Luxembourg General Rules and Informations: LATE ENTRIES: Late entries will only be accepted the day before (19:00h) NACHNENNUNGEN: Nachnennungen nur am Vortag der Klasse (19:00 Uhr) INSCRIPTIONS TARDIVES: Inscriptions tardives jusqu’a la veille de la classe (19:00h) Affiliate of the American Quarter Horse Association Association sans but lucratif Siege social Mompach Association sans but lucratif Siege social Mompach Affiliate of the FLSE Affiliate of the NRHA Affiliate of the NSBA SHOW-INFORMATION International Horse SHOW - July 22nd - 24th 2016 Third and last show in WRAL-Circuit 2016 Show Manager: Marcel Kockelmann Judges: Ringstewards: Karin Pauly, Patrick Pauly Show office: tel. 00352 691 729653 Tanja Herrmann-Brateck, Germany Nicolas Perrin, France Doorman: Mike Ries Parcourchef: Marco Stors Vet: FEI-Vet: Dr. Beate Schoof tel. 621 651616 Dr. Jenny Smulders Emergency: 112 Blacksmith: information available at the show office •S how-office is open on Friday July 22nd at 9:30 am and open on July 23rd and 24th at 7:30 am • Classes start on July 23rd and 24th at 8:00 am WRAL Classes: - AQHA rules are applied with following exceptions: • Youth -18 may also enter the Beginner, Ama teur and Open Division. Youth may show twohanded on Snafflebit or Hackamore or onehanded on a Bit even senior horses. • No stallions are allowed in Youth-Classes • The Beginner division is reserved exclusively for competitors who have not won more than 3 times that class ( Results of WRAL Beginner, WRAL-Amateur and WRAL-Open are added, minimum of 3 entries), • Beginner may show twohanded on Snafflebit or Hackamore or onehanded on a Bit even senior horses. • WRAL-Beginner and WRAL-Amateur may run concourently, • In all WRAL-classes the horse does not need to be owned by the competitor. • Trail in Hand APHA rules will be applied Any Horse any Rider • This class may be run on any legal bit with 1 or 2 hands. When the combination entered the show arena, the rider is no more allowed to change hands. • There are no restrictions on NRHA or AQHA etc-earnings for horse and rider, • The horse can only be shown once in this class, • The combination must also enter in an other class on this show, • Correct Western attire is required. AQHA & APHA Classes: • Classes are judged according to their res pective rules. • Rider has to send in the required valid membership card (or buy it at the show) as well as a copy of the horse’s registration certificate. • APHA: Riders and owners must be current APHA-members FLSE classes: (just for FLSE licensed riders): AQHA rules are applied with the following exception: • In Youth and Amateur classes the horse does not need to be owned by the competitor. • The competitor needs to own an FLSE Western or Competition license, the horse does not need be registered. • FLSE-classes may run concurrently with other classes • Reining classes are judge according to FEI Rules CRI* and CRI** • Horses and riders must be nominated by their National Federation; • FEI-rules will be applied (General-, Vet-, Reining -rules etc. see http://www.fei.org/fei/ regulations/reining, … ) • Exact CRI-time schedule will be published at the show office. FLSE-Luxembourgish championships Punkte, 10. Platz 2 Punkte, ab 11. Platz 1 • Reserved to Luxembourgish riders with a Punkt. Bei Punkt Gleichheit (Tie) ist das letzte FLSE-licence. Turnier, letzte Klasse, entscheidend. • Details attached. Luxemburgische Meisterschaft im FREESTYLE REINING, SHS, Trail Westernreiten: Regeln 2016 •P lease give a USB Flash drive or CD at the Die Landesmeisterschaft wird organisiert von Show Office with your music. der FLSE in Zusammenarbeit mit einem von Rights on Photos, Videos etc: der FLSE anerkannten Verein. •W ith the signature, each participant agrees 1) Die Landesmeisterschaft findet an einem that photos and or videos taken on the oder mehreren aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen showground can be published. statt. Die Landesmeisterschaft besteht aus Doping, vaccinations animal welfare: Ausscheidungsläufen und einem Finallauf With sending the entry forms with or without 2) Die Läufe müssen von mindestens zwei ausa signature, each participant accepts that: ländischen Richtern gerichtet werden • All foreign horses (except Belgium and Neth3) Der Teilnehmer muß die luxemburgische Naerlands) need current health papers from an tionalität und eine gültigen Turnier-Lizenz officer Vet. der FLSE besitzen. Jugendliche, welche die •d oping test could be taken (FEI-rules [http:// luxemburgische Nationalität nicht besitzen, fei.org/content/anti-doping-rules ]), müssen zum Zeitpunkt der Teilnahme ihren • v accinations are made according to FLSErules (http://qhal.lu/wp-content/uploads/ Wohnsitz in Luxemburg haben und seit 0201/02/Impfungen.pdf) mindestens 1 Jahr in Luxemburg ansässig •a nimal welfare according to AQHA rules are sein applied (http://aqha.com/About/Content4) Der Besitzer des Pferdes muss eine PostanPages/About-the-Association/Advocacy/ schrift in Luxemburg haben. Fines-and-Penalties.aspx, • for FEI-CRI (http://www.fei.org/sites/default/ 5) Die Regeln entsprechen dem AQHA Rulebook mit folgender Ausnahme: files/R_Stewards_Manual_2009.pdf, http:// www.fei.org/sites/default/files/R_Stewards_ • Reining FEI Regeln. Manual_2009_Annexes.pdf, http://www.fei. • Ein Pferd, das ein Reiter vorstellt, muß nicht org/sites/default/files/R_Stewards_Manual in seinem Besitz sein, (gültig für alle Klas_2009_Annex%20XIV.pdf. ) sen). Paint Trophy is for the High Point winner Anerkennung zum Landesmeister einer of all the APHA Classes. Disziplin: 2016 WRAL CIRCUIT CHAMPION • Der Titel wird immer einer Reiter-Pferd KomRegeln: Laufzeit: Die Wertung zum 2016 WRALbination anerkannt. Die Pferd-Reiter KombiCircuit Champion läuft über die 3 Turniere ornation muß in der (den) Vorausscheidung (en) ganisiert durch die WRAL: April 10, Mai 21-22 und Finale gestartet sein. In den Voraus und Juli 22-24. scheidungen kann ein Reiter bis zu 2 Pferde Preisverteilung: Die Preisüberreichung findet reiten. Im Finale darf der Reiter nur eines während der Generalversammlung Anfang 2017 statt. dieser Pferde reiten. Regelbuch: Es gelten die Regeln des AQHA- • D ie Landesmeisterschaft wird in den OffenRegelbuches 2016 mit den in den General und Jugendklassen ( bis 18 Jahre) und in Rules veröffentlichten Ausnahmereglungen. folgenden Disziplinen abgehalten: Klassengruppen: - Ranch Riding a) Beginner Reining / Ranch Riding b) Beginner Showmanship / Trail in Hand / Trail - Reining Walk-Trot / Horsemanship Walk-Trot / - Trail - Western Pleasure Pleasure Walk-Trot. c) Beginner Trail / Horsemanship / Pleasure • Der Landesmeister in den Jugendklassen d) Amateur Reining / Ranch Riding wird von der FLSE anerkannt. Jugendliche e) Amateur Showmanship / Trail / Horsemandürfen entweder nur in den Jugendklassen ship / Pleasure oder nur in den Offenklassen starten. f) Youth Reining / Ranch Riding g) Youth Showmanship / Trail / Horsemanship • Der Titel des Landesmeisters wird nur vergeben, wenn mindestens 3 Teilnehmern in der / Pleasure Vorentscheidung und mindestens 3 Teil h) Youth Pleasure Walk-Trot i) Open Reining / Ranch Riding nehmern in dem Finallauf gestartet sind. j) Open Trail / Hunter under Saddle / Pleasure • Landesmeister, in der Disziplin Western Bedingungen: Pleasure Youth oder Open, wird die PferdUm in die Wertung zu kommen muss der Reiter/ Reiterkombination mit der höchsten PunktVorsteller Mitglied der WRAL sein, zahl. Bei Punktgleichheit (Tie) nach beiden Die Wertung beginnt erst mit dem Eintritt in die Läufen zählt die höhere Punktzahl im Finale. WRAL, rückwirkend werden keine Punkte anPunktesystem: 1. Platz 12 Punkte, 2. Platz 10 erkannt, Der Reiter/Vorsteller muss auf wenigstens 2 Punkte, 3. Platz 8 Punkte, 4. Platz 7 Punkte, der 3 Turniere in derselben Klassengruppe ge- 5. Platz 6 Punkte, 6. Platz 5 Punkte, 7. Platz startet sein, 5 Punkte, 8. Platz 4 Punkte, 9. Platz 3 PunkDie Resultate der einzelnen Klassengruppen te, 10. Platz 2 Punkte, 11. Platz 1 Punkt und Turniere werden addiert, Landesmeister, in den Disziplinen Trail und In allen anderen Klassen werden die Platzierungen gezählt: 1. Platz 12 Punkte, 2. Platz Reining Youth und Open, wird die Pferd-Reiter 10 Punkte, 3. Platz 8 Punkte, 4. Platz 7 Punk- Kombination die den höchsten Gesamtscore te, 5. Platz 6 Punkte, 6. Platz 5 Punkte, 7. in Vorläufen und Finallauf erreicht. Bei GleichPlatz 5 Punkte, 8. Platz 4 Punkte, 9. Platz 3 stand (Tie) zählt der Score des Finallauf. these classes are sponsored or supported by the following generous companies and friends: 3 4 7 9 12 13 14 15 19 20 22 24 25 26 28 30 31 32 36 37 38 40 42 44 45 46 47 49 50 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 WRAL WRAL AQHA AQHA AQHA NRHA NRHA NRHA WRAL PHAL WRAL/FLSE WRAL WRAL/FLSE WRAL/FLSE WRAL/FLSE NRHA NRHA WRAL WRAL/FLSE WRAL PHAL AQHA AQHA NRHA NRHA NRHA NRHA WRAL AQHA FLSE FLSE FLSE FLSE FLSE FLSE FLSE WRAL 91 92 94 98 100 101 103 104 106 107 110 111 113 115 116 WRAL WRAL AQHA AQHA WRAL WRAL PHAL AQHA WRAL WRAL AQHA AQHA WRAL NRHA NRHA ANY HORSE - ANY RIDER HUNTER UNDER SADDLE HUNTER UNDER SADDLE HUNT SEAT EQUITATION GREEN REINING SNAFFEL/HACK 4&U SNAFFEL/HACK 5&U Reining TRAIL TRAIL TRAIL WESTERN PLEASURE WALK-TROT WESTERN PLEASURE WESTERN PLEASURE REINING REINING REINING WESTERN PLEASURE RANCH RIDING RANCH RIDING RANCH RIDING RANCH RIDING WESTERN RIDING REINING REINING REINING REINING WESTERN HORSEMANSHIP WESTERN HORSEmANSHIP CHAmPION FINALS REINING CHAmPION FINALS REINING CHAmPION FINALS TRAIL CHAmPION FINALS TRAIL CHAmPION FINALS RANCH RIDING CHAmPION FINALS W. PLEASURE CHAmPION FINALS W. PLEASURE FREESTYLE REINING/Trail/ SHS HALTER HALTER SHOWMANSHIP AT HALTER SHOWMANSHIP AT HALTER SHOWmANSHIP AT HALTER TRAIL LEADLINE REINING REINING REINING WESTERN PLEASURE WESTERN PLEASURE WESTERN PLEASURE WESTERN HORSEmANSHIP RANCH RIDING REINING REINING OPEN OPEN YOUTH YOUTH OPEN OPEN NON PRO Rookie L2 AmATEUR OPEN YOUTH YOUTH YOUTH OPEN YOUTH YOUTH 13 U. YOUTH 14-18 BEGINNER OPEN BEGINNER OPEN YOUTH OPEN LTD. NON PRO INT. NON PRO LTD OPEN INT. OPEN AMATEUR YOUTH OPEN YOUTH OPEN YOUTH OPEN OPEN YOUTH OPEN OPEN AMATEUR BEGINNER AMATEUR YOUTH YOUTH YOUTH AMATEUR OPEN YOUTH BEGINNER AMATEUR YOUTH AmATEUR AmATEUR NON-PRO OPEN Cloos & Knaus S.À.R.L Team WMB QHAL/WRAL Eifel Pferdezahnfee Stegmann Saddlery Écuries Hoffmann Écuries Hoffmann Écuries Hoffmann ICP mersch Boeckmann Peinture Phillipps Sàrl Viessmann moll Creek Ranch moll Creek Ranch Garage Collé marcel Kockelmann Baumert Baumert Equiva Mersch Carrelage Trierweiler eQuiaktiv GAmA Design Garage Roby Gruciani LAVAZZA Écuries Hoffmann Écuries Hoffmann W&S 4 horses sarl EquiTrek W&S 4 horses sarl EquiTrek BGL Hanserhof Newel Reitsport Perl, moll Creek Ranch Time Fit Ellange, moll Creek Ranch Reitsport Perl, moll Creek Ranch Time Fit Ellange, moll Creek Ranch Reitsport Perl, moll Creek Ranch Reitsport Perl, moll Creek Ranch Time Fit Ellange, moll Creek Ranch Leopard Baumert BGL Equiva Mersch Berendsohn Arendt Constuctions metallic Arendt Constuctions metallic Nah und Frisch Hülpes Marcel Kockelmann Peinture Phillipps Sàrl Baumert moll Creek Ranch Garage Roby Gruciani Garage Roby Gruciani Equiva mersch maroldt W&S 4 horses Sàrl EquiTrek W&S 4 horses Sàrl EquiTrek Thank you! Thank you to all of our sponsors and friends for the generous support and to all participants who make our shows a big success! interested in becoming a sponsor? Please contact us: [email protected] www.berendsohn.lu CRI 1* Reining (SENIOR / FEI Pattern 1A) X X X FINISH START X X FINISH START X X X X X X X Pattern 1A Horses may walk or jog to the center of the arena. Horses must walk or stop prior to starting the pattern. Pattern 1A Beginning at the center of the arena facing the left wall or fence. 1. Beginning on left lead, complete three circles to the left: the first two circles large and fast; the third circle Horses may walk or jog to the center of the arena. Horses must walk or stop prior to starting the pattern. small and slow. Stop at center of the arena. Hesitate. Beginning at the center of the arena facing the left wall or fence. 2. Complete four spins to the left. Hesitate. Beginningon onleft right lead, complete three circles right: circles large circle 1.3.Beginning lead, complete three circles toto thethe left: the the firstfirst twotwo circles large andand fast;fast; the the thirdthird circle small small and and slow. slow. Stop Stop at at center center of of the the arena. arena. Hesitate. Hesitate. 4. Hesitate. 2. Complete Complete four four spins spins to to the the right. left. Hesitate. 5. Beginning on on right left lead, around the endcircles of thetoarena, run down thetwo rightcircles side oflarge the and arena past 3. Beginning lead,gocomplete three the right: the first fast; thecenter third circle marker, stop andStop roll at back right.of the arena. Hesitate. small and slow. center 6. Continue around thetoend the arena to run down the left side of the arena past the center marker, stop and 4. Complete four spins theofright. Hesitate. roll back to the 5. Beginning onleft. left lead, go around the end of the arena, run down the right side of the arena past center 7. Continue endright. of the arena and run down the right side of the arena past the center marker. marker, stoparound and rollthe back Stop and back up. the end of the arena to run down the left side of the arena past the center marker, stop and 6. Continue around roll back to the left. Rider must dismount thearena bridleand to the judge. 7. Continue around theand enddrop of the rundesignated down the right side of the arena past the center marker. Stop and back up. Rider must dismount and drop the bridle to the designated judge. CRI 2** Reining (SENIOR / FEI Pattern 1) 12/AQHA/134004/GREEN REINING/OPEN 13/NRHA/2930/Snaffle Hack 4&U $250added Pattern 13/OPEN 14/NRHA /2960/Snaffle Hack. 5&u $100added Pattern 13/NON-PRO 15/NRHA /5310/Reining $50 ADDED/Pattern 13/ROOKIE L2 30/NRHA/3100/Reining 20$ ADDED/ PATTERN 13/YOUTH 13 U. 31/NRHA/3200/Reining 20$ ADDED/PATTERN 13/YOUTH 14-18 „Eine saubere Verarbeitung, optimale Passgenauigkeit und die Liebe zum Detail sind die Grundlagen für einen perfekten Sattel.“ Moritz Stegmann 16/WRAL/3812/TRAIL/WALK-TROT/BEGINNER 6 7 5 8 2 1 4 START 1) WALK INTO CHUTE + BACK 2) JOG OUT OF CHUTE 3) GATE 4) WALK POLES 3 5) WALK POLES + BRIDGE 6) Jog, SIDE PASS RIGHT 7) JOG POLES 8) WALK POLES 17/AQHA/138004/GREEN TRAIL/OPEN 19/WRAL/3801/TRAIL /AMATEUR 22/WRAL/FLSE/3804/TRAIL/1st Go /YOUTH 56/FLSE/3806/TRAIL Championship Finals/YOUTH 18/WRAL/3802/TRAIL /BEGINNER 21/AQHA/238002/TRAIL /Novice Amat 5 9 7 10 8 6 7 6 5 4 4 3 1 2 1 2 3 START 1) GATE 2) WALK POLES 3) WALK INTO CHUTE AND BACK 4) JOG OUT + OVER POLES 5) TURN 360˚ EITHER WAY 6) WALK + JOG OVER POLES 7) WALK POLES + BRIDGE 8) LOPE RIGHT 9) SIDE PASS 10) ¼ TURN RIGHT, JOG OUT START 1) WALK INTO CHUTE + BACK 2) JOG OUT 3) GATE EITHER WAY 4) WALK POLES + BRIDGE 5) JOG +SIDE PASS RIGHT 6) WALK POLE + 360˚ + WALK OUT 7) JOG + LOPE LEFT LEAD, JOG 20/APHA/TRL1/TRAIL /OPEN 23/WRAL/FLSE/380/TRAIL/1st Go /OPEN 55/FLSE/3805/TRAIL Championship Finals/OPEN 3 6 2 5 4 1 8 9 START 7 1) WALK POLES + BRIDGE 2) lope right lead 3) SIDE PASS RIGHT 4) jog 3/4 turn 5) jog poles 6) LOPE LEFT LEAD 7) JOG INTO CHUTE + BACK 8) JOG OUT + GATE 9) WALK POLES Tack & Showoutfits Sophienstraße 1 DE 66557 Illingen-Uchtelfangen Telefon: +49 (0) 68 25 - 40 41 239 Mobil: +49 (0) 163 - 24 55 697 Fax: +49 (0) 68 25 - 40 41 239 [email protected] www.Rendiel-Westernstore.de ...und hier vor Ort für Sie da! 29/ WRAL/ 3402/ REINING / BEGINNER X X FINISH X FINISH START X X START X X X X X X X Pattern 1A Horses may walk or jog to the center of the arena. Horses must walk or stop prior to starting the pattern. Pattern 1A Beginning at the center of the arena facing the left wall or fence. 1. Beginning on left lead, complete three circles to the left: the first two circles large and fast; the third circle Horses may walk or jog to the center of the arena. Horses must walk or stop prior to starting the pattern. small and slow. Stop at center of the arena. Hesitate. Beginning at the center of the arena facing the left wall or fence. 2. Complete four spins to the left. Hesitate. Beginningon onleft right lead, complete three circles right: circles large circle 1.3.Beginning lead, complete three circles toto thethe left: the the firstfirst twotwo circles large andand fast;fast; the the thirdthird circle small small and and slow. slow. Stop Stop at at center center of of the the arena. arena. Hesitate. Hesitate. 4. Hesitate. 2. Complete Complete four four spins spins to to the the right. left. Hesitate. 5. Beginning on on right left lead, around the endcircles of thetoarena, run down thetwo rightcircles side oflarge the and arena past 3. Beginning lead,gocomplete three the right: the first fast; thecenter third circle marker, stop andStop roll at back right.of the arena. Hesitate. small and slow. center 6. Continue around thetoend the arena to run down the left side of the arena past the center marker, stop and 4. Complete four spins theofright. Hesitate. roll back to the 5. Beginning onleft. left lead, go around the end of the arena, run down the right side of the arena past center 7. Continue endright. of the arena and run down the right side of the arena past the center marker. marker, stoparound and rollthe back Stop and back up. the end of the arena to run down the left side of the arena past the center marker, stop and 6. Continue around roll back to the left. Rider must dismount thearena bridleand to the judge. 7. Continue around theand enddrop of the rundesignated down the right side of the arena past the center marker. Stop and back up. Rider must dismount and drop the bridle to the designated judge. Ein Decksprung für die bestplatzierte Stute in der Amateur Reining/Ranch Riding im Circuit 2016 39/AQHA/243002/RANCH RIDING/Novice Amat 40/AQHA/443000/RANCH RIDING/YOUTH 112/AQHA/143000/RANCH RIDING/OPEN 1R & 1L 1) Walk in stop 2) S ide pass left across first log, side pass, 1/2 way to the right 3) Walk across logs 4) E xt jog around corner up to half way 5) Jog around corner 6) 3 60˚ turn left & right either direction 7) L ope on right lead down the long side 8) ExtendED lope 9) Change leads simple or flying lope 10) STOP, Hesitate walk 11) Lope left lead around the corner across the arena 12) Extended jog 13) Stop & back 37/WRAL/4302/RANCH RIDING/BEGINNER 41/AQHA/243000/RANCH RIDING/AMATEUR 113/WRAL/4301/RANCH RIDING/AMATEUR 1½ L 1) Walk 2) Jog 3) Extended Jog 4) Lope right lead 5) Extended Lope 6) Stop 1 1/2 Turn left 7) Jog 8) Lope left lead 9) Walk poles 10) Stop & back 36/WRAL/FLSE/4209/RANCH RIDING/1st Go /OPEN 38/APHA/RHP1/Ranch Riding/Open 2R 2L 1) Walk poles 2) Lope right lead 3) Extended lope 4) Stop, 2 x 360˚ right 5) Jog 6) Extended jog 7) Stop, 2x 360˚ left 8) Lope right lead change leads (simple or flying) 9) Lope left lead 10) Jog 11) Extended jog 12) Walk, stop & back Effizient und attraktiv – auch im Preis: Vitodens 200-W. Gas-Brennwert-Wandgerät mit beispielhaftem PreisLeistungs-Verhältnis: • Maximale Energieausnutzung auf kleinstem Raum • Langlebige Inox-RadialHeizfläche aus Edelstahl • Besonders für den Einsatz im Geschoss-Wohnungsbau geeignet Wir beraten Sie gern: odens200-W_2sp_4c.indd 1 01.08.13 16:22 TEL: 36 98 71 LUXEMBOURG WWW.BAUMERT-ENT.LU 2014 46/NRHA/1301/100$ ADDED/PATTERN 12/LTD OPEN 47/NRHA/1200/100$ ADDED/PATTERN 12/Inter.OPEN WWW.LEOPARDNATURAL.COM 60/WRAL/349/Freestyle Trail/OPEN www.berendsohn.lu INTER-CENTRAL PNEU SARL 6 UM MIERSCHERBIERG L-7526 MERSCH WWW.ICP.LU 97/AQHA/238000/TRAIL /AMATEUR 98/AQHA/438000/TRAIL /YOUTH 96/WRAL/3822/Trail in Hand ( all ages)/OPEN 6 4 7 5 7 5 3 8 3 6 2 4 1 1 2 8 9 START END 1) WALK POLE + BRIDGE 2) W ALK IN BOX + 360˚ TURN, WALK OUT 3) JOG POLES 4) JOG AROUND CONE 5) JOG POLES 6) WALK OVER POLE INTO CHUTE AND BACK 7) GATE 8) JOG CONES WALK OUT START END 1) W ALK IN BOX, ¾ TURN RIGHT, WALK OUT 2) JOG OVER POLES 3) LOPE LEFT LEAD 4) JOG POLE INTO CHUTE + BACK 5) GATE 6) WALK +JOG AROUND CONES 7) JOG OVER POLES 8) WALK POLE + BRIDGE 9) WALK IN BOX ¼ TURN LEFT + WALK OUT 99/AQHA/138000/TRAIL /OPEN 3 6 4 5 7 2 9 8 1 START 1) WALK IN BOX, ¼ TURN LEFT 2) RIGHT LOPE OVER POLES 3) J OG OVER POLES INTO CHUTE + BACK 4) GATE EQUIVA Mersch - Reitsportgeschäft END 5) WALK + JOG AROUND CONES 6) JOG POLES 7) LOPE RIGHT LEAD 8) WALK POLE + BRIDGE 9) WALK IN BOX ¾ TURN RIGHT 9 Um Mierscherbierg - 7526 Mersch - Luxemburg - Telefon:+352 26 32 18 27 Öffnungszeiten: Montag - Freitag 9.00 - 20.00 Uhr, Samstag 9.00 - 19.00 Uhr 114/AQHA/134200/REINING Senior/OPEN 116/NRHA/1100/Reining/300$ ADDED/PATTERN11/OPEN LALUX est une marque du Groupe LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE Votre cheval en de bonnes mains Responsabilité Civile, Frais Opératoires, Vie Animaux, Accidents L’Assurance pour Chevaux vous protège contre des pertes financières considérables en cas d’aléa. Nous vous proposons en collaboration avec R+V (VTV) une formule de sécurité exclusive et complète au Luxembourg. N’hésitez pas à demander une offre personnalisée auprès de votre agent ou contactez directement notre service clientèle au téléphone: 4761-1. lalux – meng Versécherung LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE · 9, rue Jean Fischbach · L-3372 Leudelange · Tél. : 4761-1 · [email protected] · www.lalux.lu FordStore www.colle.lu [email protected] Route de Bascharage L-4513 Differdange +352 58 48 42 – 1 +352 58 48 60 Votre FordStore au Sud du pays: distributeur Ford, Ford Focus RS, Ford MUSTANG et Ford VIGNALE.
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