XML Validation in SAP Netweaver PI 7.10 Sam Raju SAP Netweaver RIG Americas SAP Labs, LLC Overview Syntax Validation Configuration Error Handling Summary Introduction XML Validation allows you to check the structure of a PI message payload Required by Industry Standards (RosettaNet, CIDX, …) Demanded by Customers Completion of PI functionality Used for … internal integration (A2A) external integration (B2B) Validate incoming messages against their XML schemata Validate outgoing messages against their XML schemata SAP AG 2008,KHNC – XML Validation in SAP Netweaver PI 7.10 / Sam Raju / 040208/ 3 SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.10 Major New Capabilities XML Validation XML Validation is one of the major new Capabilities of SAP Netweaver PI 7.10 Validate incoming/outgoing messages against XML schema Forward/Backward error handling SAP AG 2008,KHNC – XML Validation in SAP Netweaver PI 7.10 / Sam Raju / 040208/ 4 Overview Central Central Monitoring Monitoring Integration Integration Server Server Integration Integration Directory Directory Business Business Process Process Engine Engine Integration Integration Engine Engine XML XML Validation Validation System System Landscape Landscape Directory Directory Adapter Adapter Engine Engine XML XML Validation Validation XI Protocol IDoc HTTP RFC… RosettaNet, … Local Local Integration Integration Engine Engine Proxy Proxy Runtime Runtime Proxy Proxy SAP Web AS SAP SAP or or Non-SAP Non-SAP System System 6.20 SAP AG 2008,KHNC – XML Validation in SAP Netweaver PI 7.10 / Sam Raju / 040208/ 5 SAP SAP System System File File DB DB JMS JMS SOAP SOAP 3rd 3rd Party Party Apps Apps Apps Apps of of Business Business Partner Partner XI Protocol Partner Partner Connectivity Connectivity Kit Kit Apps Apps of of (small) (small) Business Business Partner Partner Architecture INTEGRATION ENGINE Adapter Engine Sender Adapter BUSINESS BUSINESS PROCESS PROCESS ENGINE ENGINE Adapter Engine Receiver Adapter XML XML VALIDATION VALIDATION INBOUND INBOUND OUTBOUND OUTBOUND XML Schema Administration XML XML VALIDATION VALIDATION Cache Sender / Receiver Agreement Integration Directory File System Runtime Workbench/ NWA Cache XML Schema SAP AG 2008,KHNC – XML Validation in SAP Netweaver PI 7.10 / Sam Raju / 040208/ 6 Integration Engine Monitor Overview Syntax Validation Configuration Error Handling Summary Syntax Validation Asynchronous messages Outbound Validation (Sender) Validation in the Adapter Engine Validation in the Integration Engine Inbound Validation (Receiver) Validation in the Integration Engine Synchronous messages Both request and response payloads can be validated against syntax Validation is done in the Adapter Engine for Outbound (Sender) Validation is done in the Integration Engine for Inbound (Receiver) SAP AG 2008,KHNC – XML Validation in SAP Netweaver PI 7.10 / Sam Raju / 040208/ 8 Setting up Schemas in the File System Prerequisite: RFC destination for AI_VALIDATION_JCOSERVER on AS ABAP and AS Java must be created For Validation on the Integration Server The Schemas from the ES Repository must be saved under /validation/schema/<GUID of software component version to which Service Interface is assigned>/<Repository Namespace of Service Interface> under the directory <sysdir>/xi/runtime_server For Validation on the Central AE or Non-central AE The Schemas from the ES Repository must be saved under /validation/schema/<GUID of software component version to which Service Interface is assigned>/<Repository Namespace of Service Interface> under the directory <sap installation directory>/<system id>/<instance number>/j2ee/cluster/server0 for a non clustered installation of J2EE Engine SAP AG 2008,KHNC – XML Validation in SAP Netweaver PI 7.10 / Sam Raju / 040208/ 9 Syntax Validation: Adapter Engine Adapter Engine Integration Builder Directory Sender Adapter XML XML VALIDATION VALIDATION SAP / Non-SAP Receiver Adapter Configuration cache http IDoc BPE File System Receiver Determination Runtime Workbench/ NWA SAP AG 2008,KHNC – XML Validation in SAP Netweaver PI 7.10 / Sam Raju / 040208/ 10 Mapping Syntax Validation: Integration Engine Integration Server Adapter Engine Sender Agreement Configuration cache Sender Adapter http IDoc BPE Runtime Workbench/ NWA XML XML VALIDATION VALIDATION SAP / Non-SAP Receiver Adapter Receiver Agreement Receiver Determination Mapping File System ID Receiver Agreement SAP AG 2008,KHNC – XML Validation in SAP Netweaver PI 7.10 / Sam Raju / 040208/ 11 ID Sender Agreement Overview Syntax Validation Configuration Error Handling Summary Configuration Components Design time Runtime ES Builder / Integration Builder Runtime Workbench Integration Server SAP Application Business Process Engine ES Repository Integration Directory 3rd Party Application Integration Engine XML XML Validation Validation Schemata XML XML Validation Validation +/+/- Schemata Adapter Adapter Engine Engine XML XML Validation Validation System Landscape Directory (SLD) SAP AG 2008,KHNC – XML Validation in SAP Netweaver PI 7.10 / Sam Raju / 040208/ 13 Marketplace / Business Partner 3rd Party Middleware Component Sender Configuration Define (Software Component Version, Interface & Namespace) XML Validation at … … Adapter with Backward-Error handling … IE-Pipeline with Forward-Error handling SAP AG 2008,KHNC – XML Validation in SAP Netweaver PI 7.10 / Sam Raju / 040208/ 14 Receiver Configuration Define (Software Component Version, Interface & Namespace) XML Validation at IE-Pipeline with Forward-Error handling SAP AG 2008,KHNC – XML Validation in SAP Netweaver PI 7.10 / Sam Raju / 040208/ 15 Overview Syntax Validation Configuration Error Handling Summary Error Handling Backward-Error handling The sender is directly informed (adapter dependent) The message is not persisted An alert can be raised Forward-Error handling (at the Integration Server Pipeline) The message is set into an error-state The sender is not directly informed The message is persisted The message can be re-started An alert can be raised SAP AG 2008,KHNC – XML Validation in SAP Netweaver PI 7.10 / Sam Raju / 040208/ 17 Administration Message Monitoring can be done in Runtime Workbench/NWA SXMB_MONI Messages that have error status Can be processed further by an Administrator in the RWB Messages can be resent skipping the validation step SAP AG 2008,KHNC – XML Validation in SAP Netweaver PI 7.10 / Sam Raju / 040208/ 18 Overview Syntax Validation Configuration Error Handling Summary Summary XML Validation allows you to check the structure of a PI message payload XML Validation is required by many Industry Standards Validation can be done on XSDs and DTDs It can be used for A2A and B2B Integration Validation can be done at Integration Engine or Adapter Engine Monitoring and administration takes place in message monitoring of the Runtime Workbench/NWA and in the Integration Engine SAP AG 2008,KHNC – XML Validation in SAP Netweaver PI 7.10 / Sam Raju / 040208/ 20 Questions? Q&A SAP AG 2008,KHNC – XML Validation in SAP Netweaver PI 7.10 / Sam Raju / 040208/ 21 Copyright 2008 SAP AG. All Rights Reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. Microsoft, Windows, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. IBM, DB2, DB2 Universal Database, OS/2, Parallel Sysplex, MVS/ESA, AIX, S/390, AS/400, OS/390, OS/400, iSeries, pSeries, xSeries, zSeries, System i, System i5, System p, System p5, System x, System z, System z9, z/OS, AFP, Intelligent Miner, WebSphere, Netfinity, Tivoli, Informix, i5/OS, POWER, POWER5, POWER5+, OpenPower and PowerPC are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation. 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