CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Christoph Breuer Birthdate: 1971, Ludwigshafen/Rhine (Germany) Married: since 2004 to Ulrike Breuer Children: Till Niklas Office: German Sport University Institute of Sport Economics and Sport Management Carl Diem Weg 6 50927 COLOGNE Germany phone: +49-221-4982-6095 fax: +49-221-4982-8144 e-mail: [email protected] Education: Habilitation (post-doctoral degree, Sport Science), German Sport University Cologne, 2004 Dr. sportwiss. (Ph.D., Sport Science), German Sport University Cologne, 1999 Magister Artium (Sport Science, Economics and Pedagogy), Darmstadt University of Technology, 1995 Allgemeine Hochschulreife (Abitur), Geschwister-Scholl-Gymmasium, Ludwigshafen/Rhine, 1991 Career progression: Full Professor of Sport Management, German Sport University Cologne, November 2004 Visiting Scholar, Wingate Institute, Tel Aviv, Spring 2006 Chair of Sport Sociology and Sport Economics, Chemnitz University of Technology, April - October 2004 Visiting Scientist, DIW, July 2004 Assistant Professor of Sport Development Planning and Sport Policy Analysis (Vorgriffsjuniorprofessur), German Sport University Cologne, September 2002 - March 2004 Research Associate, Institut of Sport Sociology, German Sport University Cologne, September 1997 - August 2002 Peer Evaluation Experience: Sport & Society European Journal of Sport Science Sportwissenschaft Arbeitsgruppe Forschung der Eidgenössischen Sportkommission/ Bundesamt für Sport Magglingen Nomination for Scientific Committees: Scientific Committee “5th German Sport Economics Congress” 2006 Scientific Committee „2nd World Congress of Sociology of Sport“ 2003 Evaluation Committee Scientific Award „Active Citizenship” 2000-2002 Third-Party Funded Research Projects (Selection): Principal Investigator, Sozialberichterstattung des Deutschen Sports (BMI/BISp [Federal Ministry of the Interior/Federal Institute of Sport Science] Research Grant No. VF 08/09/02/2004-2006) Co-Principal Investigator, Situation der Schulsportstätten in Deutschland (together with Volker Rittner) (KMK/DSB [Kultusministerkonferenz/German Sport Association]) (2003-2004) Co-Principal Investigator, Soziale Bedeutung und Gemeinwohlorientierung des Sports (together with Volker Rittner) (BMI/BISp [Federal Ministry of the Interior/Federal Institute of Sport Science]) (1999-2004) Co-Principal Investigator, Datenquellen zur außerschulischen Bildung im Sport (together with Volker Rittner) (BMBF/DJI [Federal Ministry of Education and Research/German Youth Institute]) (2003) Co-Principal Investigator, Steuerungsgrundlagen der Sozialen Offensive im Sport Sports (together with Volker Rittner) (BMFSFJ/DSJ [Federal Ministry of Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth/German Sports Youth]) (20002002) Co-Principal Investigator, Entscheidungsprogramme und Entscheidungsgrundlagen einer intersektoralen Sportpolitik (together with Volker Rittner) (Ministry of Research of Northrhine-Westphalia) (1999-2001) Affiliations: International Association of Sports Economists (IASE), Deutsche Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft (dvs), Arbeitskreis Sportökonomie (AK Spooek), Deutscher Hochschulverband (DHV) Recent International Presentations (2006): International Concepts of Sports Economical Research. Conference Wingate Institute, TelAviv (23.4.2006) Constraints of Space – Really an economic Qualifier to Sports Activity? IASE-World Congress of Sport Economics, Bochum (4.-6.5.2006) Aging and the Demand on Sporting Goods (together with Torsten Schlesinger). IASE-World Congress of Sport Economics, Bochum ( Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Sponsorings im Sport. Congress of Swiss Olympic „Sport – eine Wirtschaftsmacht?!“. Bern (19.5.2005). Economics of Sport-for-All. Conference of the Goethe-Institute Kyoto, Kyoto (3.6.2006) Scientific Publications 9 books authored in German Language, 3 books edited Articles in English Language - Among more than 100 articles written in German Language Refereed Journals: Meyer, K., Rezny, L., Breuer, C., Lamprecht, M. & Stamm, H. (2005). Physical activity of adults aged 50 years and older in Switzerland. Social and Preventive Medicine 50, 218-229 (SCI-listed). Breuer, C. (2005). Cohort effects in physical inactivity – A neglected category and its health economical implications. Journal of Public Health 13 (4), 189-195. Breuer, C. (2004). Dynamics of life-span demand for sport. Sport and Society 1 (1), 50-72. Breuer, C. (2002). Sport and physical education in Germany. European Sport Management Quarterly 2 (2), 160-161. Breuer, C. (presented). Demo-economics of sport-for-all. Journal of Sport Economics (zur Publikation angenommen). Breuer, C. & Schlesinger, T. (presented). Ageing and the demand on sporting goods. Sport and Society Refereed Journals in German Language: Breuer, C. (1999). Neue Implikationen für bevölkerungsbezogene Strategien der Herz-Kreislauf-Prävention. Das Gesundheitswesen 61 ( 8/9), A52 (SSCI-listed). Breuer, C. (2006). Sportpartizipation in Deutschland – ein demoökonomisches Modell. Sportwissenschaft (zur Publikation angenommen). Breuer, C. (2006). Schulsportstätten in Deutschland – eine Situationsanalyse. Sportunterricht (zur Publikation angenommen). Breuer, C., Kusch, R. & Schlesinger, T. (2006). Sicherung öffentlich nutzbarer Sportstätten für den Schul- und Vereinssport – eine sportökonomische Problembetrachtung mit Lösungsintention. Sportunterricht (zur Publikation angenommen). Bös, K., Brehm, W., Breuer, C., Fehres, K., Hartmann, H., Pauly, P., Rühl, J. Schulke, H., Tiemann, M., Pahmeier, I. & von Troschke, J. (2005). Gesundheitsfördernde Lebenswelten in Turn- und Sportvereinen. Zeitschrift für Prävention (3), 81-86. Breuer, C. (2003). Entwicklung und Stabilität sportlicher Aktivität im Lebenslauf – Zur Rolle von Alters-, Perioden- und Kohorteneffekten. Sportwissenschaft 33 (3), 263-279. Breuer, C. (1998). Schnittstellenprobleme im kommunalen Herzsport. Zeitschrift für Gesundheitssport und Sporttherapie, 14 (5), 151-153. Breuer, C. & Singer, R. (1996). Trainerwechsel im Laufe der Spielsaison und ihr Einfluss auf den Mannschaftserfolg. Eine Analyse von 32 Jahren Fußball-Bundesliga. Leistungssport 26 (4), 41-46. Non-Refereed Articles (Selection): Breuer, C. (2005). Why nonprofit sports clubs do survive. JASFA - Journal of Asiania Sport For All 6 (1), 27-36. Breuer, C. (2004). Sport for all in aging societies – findings from Germany. JASFA - Journal of Asiania Sport For All 5 (1), 53-62. Breuer, C. (2004). Development of sports activity in the course of life. The role of age, period and cohort effects. In 8th annual congress of the European College of Sport Science. Book of abstracts. Clermont (CDRom). Breuer, C. (2004). Development of sports activity in the course of life. The role of age, period and cohort effects. In D. Steinbach, K. Petry & W. Tokarski (eds.), LEDU 2004 – International Conference on Leisure, Tourism & Sport: education, integration, innovation (p. 108). Cologne: Fischer & Bronowsky Breuer, C. (2003). ASMS – A model to improve the “sport for all”-quality of sport systems and sport organisations. JASFA - Journal of Asiania Sport For All 4 (1), 27-36. Breuer, C. (2003). Bringing innovations into social orders. A challenge for theory and practice. In I. Hartmann-Tews, B. Rulofs & S.A. Luetkens (eds.), Sport and social order. Challenges for theory and practice. 2nd World Congress of Sociology of Sport. Proceedings (p. 159). Cologne: Hundt. Breuer, C. (2003). Managerial turnover and team success in professional soccer. In 7th annual congress of the European College of Sport Science. Book of abstracts. Athens (CD-Rom). Breuer, C. (2003). New approaches to sport development planning – based on the concept of organisational viability. In M. Kawanishi (ed.), International Symposium on the Promotion of Community Sports Club and Club Life 2003 (pp. 100-112). Kanoya: National Institute of Fitness and Sport. Breuer, C. (2003). Social integration through sport? An analysis of the social Initiatives of the German sport system. In 7th annual congress of the European College of Sport Science. Book of abstracts. Athens (CDRom). Breuer, C., Herb, F. & Luetkens, A. (2001). Need for Action by the Governmental Sport Authorities. In J. Mester, G. King, H. Strüder, H. Tsoladikis & A. Osterburg (Eds.), Perspectives and Profiles. 6th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. Book of Abstracts (p. 922). Köln: Sport und Buch Strauß. Breuer, C., Herb, F. & Luetkens, A. (2001). Social Changes and Need for Action in the Sport System. In J. Mester, G. King, H. Strüder, E. Tsoladikis & A. Osterburg (Eds.), Perspectives and Profiles. 6th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. Book of Abstracts (p. 921). Köln: Sport und Buch Strauß. Gebel, K., Hess, R. & Breuer, C. (2001). Physical activity as a medium for health promotion in Australia and Germany – a cross-cultural comparison. In J. Mester, G. King, H. Strüder, E. Tsoladikis & A. Osterburg (Eds.), Perspectives and profiles. 6th annual congress of the European College of Sport Science. Book of abstracts (p. 345). Cologne: Sport und Buch Strauß. Breuer, C. (2000). Social changes and the pressure of change in the sport system. In J. Avela, P. V. Komi & J. Komulainen (Ed.), Proceedings of the 5th annual congress of The European College of Sport Science (p. 144). Jyväskylä: Gummerus Kirjapaino Oy.
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