第1講 (1) 動詞と文型 〈準備〉 動 詞 と 品詞の一つ (述語)動詞 He walks fast. S V(述語)動詞 動語 walk, run, desk, good, well He can walk fast. S V 動詞 V1 V2 He can not walk fast. S V 動詞 学年・氏名 学習日 第1講 (2) 1 自動詞と他動詞(1) He jogs. / She scolded her children. 自 他 ○ ○ 1 ○ He looked (at a monkey). in surprise 前置詞句 → 形容詞句・副詞句 She read the lettering on a chair. with his friends when he visited the zoo 形容詞/副詞 3 ○ a cheerful boy The boy is cheerful. He watched a dancing monkey. in surprise with his friends She walks very slowly. 学年・氏名 学習日 第1講 (3) 1 自動詞と他動詞(2) (for the monkey) (after the monkey) 1 ○ He looked S V (at a monkey) (look 完全自動詞) (up) (to his coach) (down) (on his opponent) (forward) (to meeting her) 3 ○ He watched a dancing monkey. S V O (watch 完全他動詞) 学年・氏名 学習日 第1講 (4) 2 不完全自動詞(第2文型) (1) cf. ○ 1 He looked (at a monkey). S V He looked a monkey. S V C 補語 complement (for〈after〉the monkey) kind sleepy like a monkey 3 He watched〈a dancing monkey.〉 ○ S V He climbed the tree (like a monkey). V 学年・氏名 学習日 第1講 (5) 2 不完全自動詞(第2文型) (2) 2 What does this towel feel like? 2 ○ This towel feels silky.〈like silk〉 S V C C 1 How does this towel feel? 健康・天候・感覚の一時的な状態を尋ねる 副詞だが、補語として用いる。 How are you (feeling)? ・不完全自動詞〔be〕 They are twins〈alike〉 . 1.五感型 look(視覚的), seem(主観的), appear(客観的) sound, smell, taste, feel / prove, turn out 2.変化型 become, get, grow, turn, go, come You are feeling S V . C 3.継続型 keep, remain 学年・氏名 学習日
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