REFERENCES PUK-SOLAR KG – YOUR PARTNER FOR PV SYSTEMS PRODUKTGRUPPE REFERENCES PUK-SOLARLINE Lauenförde The assembly system for photovoltaic system support constructions is based on the use of various standard profiles. The simplicity of the coaction of the profiles, the module clamping, the functionality and flexibility in use easily prove that our system is very assembly-friendly. According to the given parameters for the erection of a photovoltaic plant or system we offer statically tested and inexpensive solutions. REFERENCE OBJECTS GERMANY BULGARIA ROMANIA Adelebsen 10,0 MWp Diethensdorf 1,0 MWp Heidenau 1,7 MWp Merseburg 4,0 MWp Tietelsen 4,4 MWp Straldja 1,0 MWp Babeni 0,1 MWp (roof system) Ahlhorn 33,0 MWp Eberswalde 1,9 MWp Hirschfelde 2,4 MWp Neuenhagen 0,5 MWp Vierraden 6,4 MWp ITALY Talmaciu 0,7 MWp Arnstadt 7,5 MWp Eckolstädt 2,0 MWp Husum 2,5 MWp Niedersachswerfen 1,0 MWp Weimar 1,0 MWp Abruzzo, Latina 6,9 MWp Husasau 1,0 MWp Barby 4,3 MWp Eckstedt 1,9 MWp Immenreuth 6,0 MWp Nordenham 5,8 MWp Westheim 3,0 MWp Anagni, Ripi 7,0 MWp Moara Vlasiei 1,0 MWp Bellenberg 0,5 MWp Eldena 1,2 MWp Kluis 3,5 MWp Rathenow 2,2 MWp Wismar 1,0 MWp Paciano 1,0 MWp CZECHIA Bernburg 3,7 MWp Ellrich 1,9 MWp Krakow am See 2,3 MWp Recke 1,2 MWp Wittgensdorf 3,3 MWp Servigliano 1,0 MWp Suchdol 1,0 MWp Büren 1,4 MWp Falkenberg 0,2 MWp Kreuzebra 1,3 MWp Rothenschirmbach 2,0 MWp ZernitzLohm 2,7 MWp LITHUANIA Varnsdorf 1,5 MWp Calbe 0,7 MWp Freyburg 1,0 MWp Landstuhl 0,3 MWp Rügen 2,1 MWp Vilnius 1,0 MWp UAE Chemnitz 0,5 MWp Fürstenwalde 3,5 MWp Lauenförde 2,1 MWp Seifersbach 1,0 MWp MALTA Abu Dhabi 0,2 MWp (roof system) Debstedt 1,5 MWp Gotha 6,0 MWp Löbnitz 10,0 MWp Sollstedt 2,0 MWp Marsa 0,3 MWp (carport) Demmin 1,4 MWp Grischow 3,0 MWp Magdeburg 3,8 MWp Staffelstein 0,2 MWp (carport) Demmin 1,6 MWp (Dach) Haßlau 1,0 MWp Mellinghausen 1,3 MWp Stetten 0,3 MWp PUK-SOLAR GMBH & Co. KG 2 REFERENCES PUK-SOLARLINE Kluis Rathenow Kreuzebra Varnsdorf Paciano Neuenhagen PUK-SOLAR GMBH & Co. KG 3 PUK-Solar GmbH & Co. KG | Nobelstr. 45-55 | 12057 Berlin | Phone: +49 30 68283-241 | [email protected] PUK-SOLAR GMBH & Co. KG (UURUVDQGWHFKQLFDOPRGL¿FDWLRQVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHUHSURGXFWLRQDVZHOODVHOHFWURQLFGXSOLFDWLRQRQO\ZLWKRXUZULWWHQSHUPLVVLRQ :LWKDSSHDUDQFHRIWKLVSULQWDOOSUHFHGLQJGRFXPHQWVORVHWKHLUYDOLGLW\ © PUK-WERKE KG · PUK-FLY SOL-REF EN · FALARM · 100 · 2013-11-08 REFERENCES PUK-SOLARLINE Fürstenwalde Servigliano 4
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