CV - Max-Planck-Institut für Steuerrecht und Öffentliche Finanzen

Kai A. Konrad
July 11, 2016
Date of birth
Place of birth
Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance
Marstallplatz 1, D - 80539 Munich
[email protected]
March 11, 1961
(graduate education)
Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich
Economics 1986-1990
Ruprecht-Karls-University, Heidelberg
Physics 1980-1982
Economics 1982-1986
Grammar School
Kurfürst-Friedrich-Gymnasium, Heidelberg
Academic Qualifications
Doctor rer.pol.habil.
and venia legendi in Economics,
Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, July 28, 1993.
Thesis: Selbstbindung und die Logik kollektiven
Handelns (Self Commitment and the Logic of Collective
Doctor oec.publ.
Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, June 20, 1990.
Thesis: Risikoproduktivität und Besteuerung
(Risk Productivity and Taxation)
(equiv. Ph.D. in Economics)
(equiv. MA)
Ruprecht-Karls-University, Heidelberg,
December 18, 1985.
Diploma-Thesis: Die Behandlung von Zeit in der
Allgemeinen Gleichgewichtstheorie (The Role of Time in
Models of General Equilibrium Theory)
Principal Current Position (since January 2011)
Director at the Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and
Public Finance and since 2009 Scientific Member of the
Max Planck Society
January 2015 – December 2016 - Managing Director at
the Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance
Past Full or Part Time Positions
Aug. 2009 – Dec. 2010
Director at the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual
Property, Competition and Tax Law, Department of
Public Economics
Jan. 2001 – July 2009
Director (Unit Market Processes and Governance),
Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB),
Germany and Full Professor of Economics, Institute of
Public Finance, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Aug. 1994 – July 2000
Professor (II) of Economics, Department of Economics,
University of Bergen, Norway
July 1994 – Dec. 2000
Full Professor of Economics, Institute of Public Finance,
Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
April 1994 – June 1994
Visiting Professor, Department of Economics,
Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Oct. 1993 – March 1994 Research Fellow, Department of Economics,
University of Bonn, Germany
Dec. 1990 – Dec. 1991
Lecturer, Department of Economics,
University of California, Irvine, U.S.A.
Sep. 1990 – June 1994 Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics,
Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany
(on leave 12/1990-12/1991 and 10/1993-6/1994)
March 1986 – Aug. 1990 Research and Teaching Fellow, Department of
Economics, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich,
Duncan Black Prize 2011 together with Wolfgang
Gossen-Prize 2000, Verein für Socialpolitik
University of Munich, prize for habilitation
1990, 1992, 1994
Research Fellowships NAVF, Norway
University of Munich, prize for doctoral dissertation
Research Visits
June 11 – 15, 2001
NAKE, University of Amsterdam
May 10 – June 1, 1997
University of California, Department of Economics, Irvine,
March 15 – 19, 1997
Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
Aug. – Sep. 1994
University of Bergen, Department of Economics, Norway
April – June 1994
stand-in professor, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Oct. 1993 – March 1994 University of Bonn, SFB 303, Germany
August 1993
University of California, Department of Economics, Irvine,
U.S.A. (Focussed Public Choice Program)
Sep. – Oct. 1992
University of Bergen, Department of Economics, Norway
April 1992
University of Bergen, Department of Economics, Norway
March 1992
London School of Economics
(STICERD European Visitors Scheme)
Dec. 1990 – Dec. 1991
University of California, Department of Economics, Irvine,
March – April 1990
University of Bergen, Department of Economics, Norway
Fields of Interest
Political Economy
Politics and Time Consistency, Lobbying, Rent-Seeking,
Contest Theory, Provision of Property Rights
Public Finance
Theory of Public Goods, Risk Taking and Taxation, Time
Consistency and Taxation, Efficiency and Redistribution,
Fiscal Federalism
Economic Policy
Economics of Status, Economics of the Family, the
Welfare Society, Insurance Economics, Natural Resource
and Environmental Economics, Strategic Trade Policy
Activities and Memberships
since 2015
Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts
since 2015
Distinguished Affiliate Professor at the ESMT, European
School of Management and Technology
since 2014
Member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences
and Humanities (BBAW)
since 2013
Member of Academia Europaea
since 2013
Member of the German National Academy of Sciences
since 2012
Member of the National Academy of Science and
Engineering (acatech)
since 2011
Honorary Professor, School of Business and Economics,
Freie Universität Berlin
since 2009
Honorary Professor, Department of Economics,
Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich
2009 - 2012
Research Professorship at the Social Science Research
Center Berlin (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für
2011 - 2014
Chairman of the Council of Scientific Advisors to the
Ministry of Finance (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat beim
Bundesministerium der Finanzen)
2007 – 2010
Vice Chairman of the Council of Scientific Advisors to the
Ministry of Finance (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat beim
Bundesministerium der Finanzen)
since 1999
Member of the Council of Scientific Advisors to the
Ministry of Finance (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat beim
Bundesministerium der Finanzen)
since 2014
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board, Kiel Institute for
the World Economy (IfW), Kiel
since 2012
Bruegel, Member of the Scientific Council
since 2011
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board, RheinischWestfälisches Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung e.V.
2009 – 2012
Member of the Scientific Advisory Council on the “Munich
Center of Governance, Communication, Public Policy and
Law” (MCG)
since 2000
Member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the ZEW,
Verein für Socialpolitik, Council
(elected member, 1999 – 2002, 2007 – 2010)
since 2013
Fellow at the Social Science Research Center Berlin
(Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung)
since 2009
Member of MaxNetAging
since 2009
International Research Fellow, Oxford University Center
for Business Taxation
since 2004
CESifo Area Director,
Research Area ‘Employment and Social Protection’
since 2002
Research Professor, Ifo Institute Munich
since 2003
International Affiliate,
Center for the Study of Democracy at UCI
since 1999
IZA Research Fellow
since 1999
CESifo Research Network Fellow
since 1994
CEPR Research Fellow
since 2012
Member of the Board of Trustees, ECONWATCH
since 2011
Wirtschaftsdienst, Member of the Scientific Council of the
since 2010
Founding member of the Ökonomenstimme
2011 – 2012
Member of the Project Management AG
“Anpassungsstrategien in der Klimapolitik”, National
Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
2010 – 2014
Board member of the research program “Strengthening
Efficiency and Competitiveness in the European
Knowledge Economies” (SEEK) of the ZEW, Mannheim
2009 – 2011
Member of the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz-Prize Committee
2005 – 2010
Member of the Committee at the Alexander von
2004 – 2014
Member of the E.ON Ruhrgas Scholarship Committee
Editorial Services
since 2007
2000 – 2007
1998 – 2000
Co-editor, Journal of Public Economics
Editor, Economics of Governance
Managing Editor, Economic Policy
Beiträge zur Finanzwissenschaft (Verlag Mohr Siebeck,
Co-editor, 2013- 2015)
German Economic Review (Editorial Board, since 2012)
World Tax Journal (Editorial Board, since 2010)
Regional Science and Urban Economics (Associate
Editor, 2005 – 2010)
Journal of Conflict Resolution (Editorial Board, since
European Journal of Political Economy (Editorial Board,
1997 – 1998, 2007 – 2009)
Economics of Governance (Associate Editor, since 2008)
Journal of Public Economics (Associate Editor, 2003 –
The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Review
(Associate Editor, since 2005)
The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory
(Associate Editor, 1995 – 2004)
Finanzwissenschaftliche Schriften (Peter Lang Verlag,
Co-editor, since 2002)
Journal of Population Economics (Associate Editor,
since 2001)
CESifo Economic Studies (Associate Editor, since 2001)
Economic Policy (Panel Member, 1998, 2001)
Ad-hoc Refereeing
American Economic Review, American Political Science
Review, British Journal of Political Science, Canadian
Journal of Economics, CESifo Economic Studies,
Defence and Peace Economics, Economic Inquiry,
Economic Journal, Economic Theory, Economica,
Economics and Politics, European Economic Review,
European Journal of Political Economy, Finanzarchiv,
Public Finance/Finances Publiques, Games and
Economic Behavior, The Geneva Papers on Risk and
Insurance Theory, German Economic Review,
International Economic Review, International Journal of
the Economics of Business, International Journal of
Industrial Organization, The International Journal of
Research and Progress in Management Economics,
International Review of Law and Economics, International
Tax and Public Finance, Jahrbücher für
Nationalökonomie und Statistik, Journal of Conflict
Resolution, Journal of Economics/Zeitschrift für
Nationalökonomie, Journal of Economics and Business,
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics,
Journal of International Economics, Journal of Political
Economy, Journal of Population Economics, Journal of
Public Economics, Journal of Risk and Insurance,
Journal of Theoretical Politics, Journal of Urban
Economics, Managerial and Decision Economics,
Management Science, Oxford Economic Papers,
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, Public Choice, RAND
Journal of Economics, Regional Science and Urban
Economics, Review of Economic Studies, Review of
Economics of the Households, Scandinavian Journal of
Economics, Schmollers Jahrbuch, Social Choice and
Welfare, Theory and Decision, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsund Sozialwissenschaften.
Kai A. Konrad
July 13, 2016
Bargaining with incomplete information: Evolutionary stability in finite populations (with Florian
Morath), Journal of Mathematical Economics, forthcoming.
The Prince - or better no prince? The strategic value of appointing a successor (with Vai Lam
Mui), Journal of Conflict Resolution, forthcoming.
Compliance with endogenous audit probabilities (with Tim Lohse und Salmai Qari),
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, forthcoming.
Evolutionary determinants of war (with Florian Morath), Defence and Peace Economics, 2015,
27(4), 520-534.
Affection, speed dating and heart breaking, Journal of Population Economics, 28(1), 2015, 159172.
Endogenous group formation in experimental contests (with Luisa Herbst and Florian Morath),
European Economic Review, 74, 2015, 163-189.
Alliances in the shadow of conflict (with Changxia Ke and Florian Morath), Economic Inquiry,
53(2), 2015, 854-871.
Search duplication in research and design spaces - exploring the role of local competition,
International Journal of Industrial Organization, 37, 2014, 222-228.
Deception choice and self-selection - the importance of being earnest. (with Tim Lohse and
Salmai Qari), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 107, 2014, 25-39.
Hanging together or hanged separately: the strategic power of coalitions where bargaining
occurs with incomplete information (with Thomas R. Cusack), Journal of Conflict Resolution
58(5), 2014. 920-940
Climate policy negotiations with incomplete information (with Marcel Thum), Economica,
18(322), 2014, 244-256.
The role of economic policy in climate change adaptation (with Marcel P. Thum), CESifo
Economic Studies, 60(1), 2014, 32-61. Blog post on the article: What is the role of governments
in climate change adaptation? (with Marcel P. Thum), Oxford University Press‘s blog, (23.07.2014).
Taxation and market power (with Florian Morath and Wieland Müller), Canadian Journal of
Economics, 47(1), 2014, 173-202.
Brothers in arms - An experiment on the alliance puzzle, (with Changxia Ke and Florian
Morath), Games and Economic Behavior, 77(1), 2013, 61-76.
The last refuge of a scoundrel? Patriotism and tax compliance (with Salmai Qari), Economica,
79(315), 2012, 516-533.
The market for protection and the origin of the state (with Stergios Skaperdas), Economic
Theory, 50(2), 2012, 417-443.
Introduction - symposium on advances in the theory of contests and its applications (with Dan
Kovenock), Economic Theory, 2012, 51(2), 241-245.
The lifeboat problem (with Dan Kovenock), European Economic Review, 56(3), 2012, 552-559.
Evolutionarily stable in-group favoritism and out-group spite in intergroup conflict (with Florian
Morath), Journal of Theoretical Biology, 306, 2012, 61-67.
Fighting multiple tax havens (with May Elsayyad), Journal of International Economics, 86(2),
2012, 295-305.
Dynamic contests and the discouragement effect, Revue d’Economie Politique, 122(2), 2012,
Patriotism, taxation and international mobility (with Benny Geys and Salmai Qari), Public
Choice, 151(3-4), 2012, 695-717.
Information alliances in contests with budget limits, Public Choice, 151(3-4), 2012, 679-693.
Search costs and corporate income tax competition, Economics Letters, 112(2), 2011, 213-215.
Self-enforcing norms and efficient non-cooperative collective action in the provision of public
goods (with Wolfgang Leininger), Public Choice, 146(3-4), 2011, 501-520.
Love and taxes – and matching institutions (with Kjell Erik Lommerud), Canadian Journal of
Economics, 43(3), 2010, 919-940.
Nation brands and foreign direct investment (with Margarita Kalamova), Kyklos, 63(3), 2010,
Contests with stochastic abilities (with Dan Kovenock), Economic Inquiry, 48(1), 2010, 89-103.
Competition for FDI with vintage investment and agglomeration advantages (with Dan
Kovenock), Journal of International Economics, 79(2), 2009, 230-237.
The alliance formation puzzle and capacity constraints (with Dan Kovenock), Economics
Letters, 103(2), 2009, 84-86.
Non-binding minimum taxes may foster tax competition, Economics Letters, 102(2), 2009, 109111.
Multi-battle contests (with Dan Kovenock), Games and Economic Behavior, 66(1), 2009, 256274.
Federalism, weak institutions and the competition for foreign direct investment (with Sebastian
G. Kessing and Christos Kotsogiannis), International Tax and Public Finance, 16(1), 2009, 105123.
Mobile tax base as a global common, International Tax and Public Finance, 15(4), 2008, 395414.
Fragmented property rights and incentives for R&D (with Derek J. Clark), Management Science,
54(5), 2008, 969-981.
Time consistency and bureaucratic budget competition (with Sebastian G. Kessing), Economic
Journal, 118(525), 2008, 1-15.
The generalized Stackelberg equilibrium of the all-pay auction with complete information (with
Wolfgang Leininger), Review of Economic Design, 11(2), 2007, 165-174.
Succession rules and leadership rents (with Stergios Skaperdas), Journal of Conflict Resolution,
51(4), 2007, 622-645.
Asymmetric conflict: weakest link against best shot (with Derek J. Clark), Journal of Conflict
Resolution, 51(3), 2007, 457-469.
Foreign direct investment and the dark side of decentralisation (with Sebastian G. Kessing und
Christos Kotsogiannis), Economic Policy, 22(49), 2007, 5-70.
Contests with multi-tasking (with Derek J. Clark), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 109(2),
2007, 303-319.
The merger paradox and why aspiration levels let it fail in the laboratory (with Steffen Huck,
Hans-Theo Normann and Wieland Müller), Economic Journal, 117(522), 2007, 1073-1095.
Federal tax autonomy and the limits of cooperation (with Sebastian G. Kessing and Christos
Kotsogiannis), Journal of Urban Economics, 59(2), 2006, 317-329.
Silent interests and all-pay auctions, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 24(4),
2006, 701-713.
Education, redistributive taxation and confidence (with Amedeo Spadaro), Journal of Public
Economics, 90(1-2), 2006, 171-188.
Union strategy and optimal direct taxation (with Sebastian G. Kessing), Journal of Public
Economics, 90(1-2), 2006, 393-402.
Moral cost, commitment, and committee size (with Steffen Huck), Journal of Institutional and
Theoretical Economics, 161(4), 2005, 575-588.
Easy targets and the timing of conflict (mit Helmut Bester), Journal of Theoretical Politics, 17(2),
2005, 199-215.
Bidding in hierarchies, European Economic Review, 48(6), 2004, 1301-1308.
The investment problem in terrorism, Economica, 71(283), 2004, 449-459.
Delegation in first-price all-pay auctions (with Wolfgang Peters and Karl Wärneryd), Managerial
and Decision Economics, 25(5), July/August 2004, 283-290.
Merger profitability and trade policy (with Steffen Huck), Scandinavian Journal of Economics,
106(1), 2004, 107-122.
Inverse campaigning, Economic Journal, 114(492), 2004, 69-82.
Delay in contests (with Helmut Bester), European Economic Review, 48(5), 2004, 1169-1178.
Profitable horizontal mergers without cost advantages: the role of internal organization,
information and market structure (with Steffen Huck and Wieland Müller), Economica, 71(284),
2004, 575-587.
Altruism and envy in contests: an evolutionary stable symbiosis, Social Choice and Welfare,
22(3), 2004, 479-490.
Strategic trade policy and the home bias in firm ownership structure (with Steffen Huck), Japan
and the World Economy, 15(3), 2003, 299-305.
Globalization and risky human capital investment (with Fredrik Andersson), International Tax
and Public Finance, 10(3), 2003, 211-228.
Human capital investment and globalization in extortionary states (with Fredrik Andersson),
Journal of Public Economics, 87(7-8), 2003, 1539-1555.
Geography of the family (with Harald Künemund, Kjell Erik Lommerud and Julio Robledo),
American Economic Review, 92(4), 2002, 981-998.
Merger and collusion in contests (with Steffen Huck and Wieland Müller), Journal of Institutional
and Theoretical Economics, 158(4), 2002, 563-575.
Investment in the absence of property rights: the role of incumbency advantages, European
Economic Review, 46(8), 2002, 1521-1537.
Big fish eat small fish: on merger in Stackelberg markets (with Steffen Huck and Wieland
Müller), Economics Letters, 73(2), 2001, 213-217.
Divisionalization in contests (with Steffen Huck and Wieland Müller), Economics Letters, 70(1),
2001, 89-93.
Privacy and time-consistent optimal labor income taxation, Journal of Public Economics, 79(3),
2001, 503-519.
Foreign direct investment, intra-firm trade and ownership structure (with Kjell Erik Lommerud),
European Economic Review, 45(3), 2001, 475-494.
Sabotage in rent-seeking contests, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 16(1), 2000,
The bargaining family revisited (with Kjell Erik Lommerud), Canadian Journal of Economics,
33(2), 2000, 471-487.
Trade contests, Journal of International Economics, 51(2), 2000, 317-334.
Spatial contests, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 18(6), 2000, 965-974.
Orchestrating rent seeking contests (with Mark Gradstein), Economic Journal, 109(458), 1999,
536-545. Reprinted in: A. Lockard and G. Tullock (eds.), 2001, Efficient Rent Seeking, Boston,
Kluwer, 361-369.
Fortress building in global tax competition (with Guttorm Schjelderup), Journal of Urban
Economics, 46(1), 1999, 156-167.
Taxation of rent seeking activities (with Amihai Glazer), Journal of Public Economics, 72(1),
1999, 61-72.
The electoral politics of extreme policies (with Amihai Glazer and Mark Gradstein), Economic
Journal, 108(451), 1998, 1677-1685.
Bandwagon effects and two-party majority voting (with Chew Soo Hong), Journal of Risk and
Uncertainty, 16(2), 1998, 165-172.
Extortion (with Stergios Skaperdas), Economica, 65(260), 1998, 461-477.
Local public goods and central charities, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 28(3), 1998,
Backing up words with deeds: information and punishment in organized crime (with Stergios
Skaperdas), Nordic Journal of Political Economy, 24(1), 1997, 51-63.
Risk aversion in rent-seeking and rent-augmenting games (with Harris Schlesinger), Economic
Journal, 107(445), 1997, 1671-1683.
Stackelberg leadership and transfers in private provision of public goods (with Wolfgang
Buchholz and Kjell Erik Lommerud), Review of Economic Design, 3(1), 1997, 29-43.
Dynamic incentives and term limits in bureaucracy regulation (with Gaute Torsvik), European
Journal of Political Economy, 13(2), 1997, 261-279.
Credible threats in extortion (with Stergios Skaperdas), Journal of Economic Behavior and
Organization, 33(1), 1997, 23-39.
A signaling explanation for private charity (with Amihai Glazer), American Economic Review,
86(4), 1996, 1019-1028.
Capital income taxation and risk spreading with adverse selection (with Wolfram F. Richter),
Canadian Journal of Economics, 28(3), 1995, 617-630.
Family policy with non-cooperative families (with Kjell Erik Lommerud), Scandinavian Journal of
Economics, 97(4), 1995, 581-601. Reprinted in: Torben M. Anderson, Karl O. Moene and Agnar
Sandmo (eds.), The Future of the Welfare State, Blackwell, Oxford, 1995, 113-133.
Fiscal federalism and intergenerational redistribution, Finanzarchiv, N.F., 52(2), 1995, 166-181.
Social security and strategic inter-vivos transfers of social capital, Journal of Population
Economics, 8(3), 1995, 315-326.
Strategic transfers and private provision of public goods (with Wolfgang Buchholz), Journal of
Public Economics, 57(3), 1995, 489-505.
Strategic lobbying by potential industry entrants (with Amihai Glazer), Economics and Politics,
7(2), 1995, 167-179.
Global environmental problems and the strategic choice of technology (with Wolfgang
Buchholz), Journal of Economics, 60(3), 1994, 299-321.
Too much conformity? A Hotelling model of local public goods supply (with Bolko Hohaus and
Marcel Thum), Economics Letters, 44(3), 1994, 295-299.
Intertemporal commitment problems and voting on redistributive taxation (with Amihai Glazer),
Journal of Urban Economics, 36(3), 1994, 278-291.
Resource extraction and the threat of possible expropriation: the role of Swiss bank accounts
(with Trond Olsen and Ronnie Schöb), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,
26(1), 1994, 149-162.
The strategic advantage of being poor: private and public provision of public goods, Economica,
61(241), 1994, 79-92.
Drug policy and federalism, Public Choice, 80(1-2), 1994, 55-68.
Fundamental standards and time consistency (with Marcel Thum), Kyklos, 46(4), 1993, 545568.
Self insurance and self protection, a non-expected utility analysis (with Stergios Skaperdas),
Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory, 18(2), 1993, 131-146.
Private provision of public goods, limited tax deductibility, and crowding out (with Amihai
Glazer), Finanzarchiv, N.F., 50(2), 1993, 203-216.
Ameliorating congestion by income redistribution (with Amihai Glazer), Regional Science and
Urban Economics, 23(5), 1993, 579-584.
Two-moment decision models and rank-dependent utility, Journal of Economics/Zeitschrift für
Nationalökonomie, 57(1), 1993, 95-101.
Relative standing comparisons, risk taking and safety regulations (with Kjell Erik Lommerud),
Journal of Public Economics, 51(3), 1993, 345-358.
The evaluation of risky projects by voters (with Amihai Glazer), Journal of Public Economics,
52(3), 1993, 377-390.
Wealth seeking reconsidered, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 18(2), 1992,
The decision to go public, accrued capital gains and taxation, Economics Letters, 37(4), 1991,
Capital formation, risk taking and taxation, Public Finance/Finances Publiques, 46(2), 1991,
Risk taking and taxation in complete capital markets, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance
Theory, 16(2), 1991, 167-177.
The Domar-Musgrave phenomenon and adverse selection, European Journal of Political
Economy, 7(1), 1991, 41-53.
Depreciation allowances, taxation and risk-taking, Finnish Economic Papers, 3(2), 1990, 161165.
Statuspräferenzen: soziobiologische Ursachen, Statuswettrüsten und seine Besteuerung
(Status preferences: sociobiological foundations, arms races for status, and taxation), Kyklos,
43(2), 1990, 249-272.
Kapitaleinkommensteuern und beschleunigte Abschreibungen bei Unsicherheit (Capital income
taxes and accelerated depreciation), Finanzarchiv, N.F., 47, 1989, 404-427.
Intergenerationelle Gerechtigkeit bei bestandsabhängigen Extraktionskosten (Intergenerational
equity in the case of stock-dependent extraction costs), Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und
Statistik, 205, 1988, 400-409.
Schulden ohne Sühne?: Was Europas Krise uns Bürger kostet (with Holger Zschäpitz), dtv,
Schulden ohne Sühne? Warum der Absturz der Staatsfinanzen uns alle trifft (with Holger
Zschäpitz), C.H. Beck, 2010.
Strategy and Dynamics in Contests, Oxford University Press, 2009.
Selbstbindung und die Logik kollektiven Handelns (Self Commitment and the Logic of Collective
Action), Habilitation Thesis, 1993.
Risikoproduktivität (Risk productivity), Contemporary Studies in Economics, Springer,
Heidelberg, Berlin, 1992.
Die Zukunft der Wohlfahrtsgesellschaft-Festschrift für Hans-Werner Sinn (with Ronnie Schöb,
Marcel Thum and Alfons Weichenrieder), Campus Verlag, 2013.
Fundamentals of International Transfer Pricing in Law and Economics-Volume 1 (with Wolfgang
Schön), Springer, 2012.
Einnahmen- und Steuerpolitik in Europa: Herausforderungen und Chancen (co-edited with Tim
Lohse), Peter Lang Verlag, 2009.
40 Years of Research on Rent Seeking (Vol. 1: Theory of Rent Seeking and Vol. 2:
Applications: Rent Seeking in Practice) (co-edited with Roger D. Congleton and Arye L.
Hillman), Springer, 2008.
Föderalismuskommission II: Neuordnung von Autonomie und Verantwortung (co-edited with
Beate Jochimsen), Peter Lang Verlag, 2008.
Der Föderalstaat nach dem Berlin-Urteil (co-edited with Beate Jochimsen), Peter Lang Verlag,
Finanzkrise im Bundesstaat (co-edited with Beate Jochimsen), Peter Lang Verlag, 2006,
2. Edititon 2007.
Institutions and Norms in Economic Development (co-edited with Mark Gradstein), MIT Press,
Conflict and Governance (co-edited with Amihai Glazer), Springer, 2003.
Licht für Europa – Eine Stromsteuer für den Haushalt der Europäischen Union, Die Zukunft der
EU-Finanzen, Arbeitspapiere im Rahmen des BMF-Forschungsvorhabens fe 1/14, FiFo
Berichte, Nr. 22, 2016, 155-168.
Die Europäische Schuldenkrise – Die Rolle von Freiheit und Verantwortung. Schriftenreihe des
Instituts für Ökonomie der Zukunft, Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch, Frankfurt am Main, 2015, 84
Strategic aspects of fighting in alliances, in: Karl Wärneryd (ed.), The Economics of Conflict,
CESifo Seminar Series, The MIT Press, Cambridge & London, 2014, 1-22.
The theory of international tax competition and coordination (with Michael Keen), in: Alan J.
Auerbach, Raj Chetty, Martin Feldstein and Emmanuel Saez (eds.), Handbook of Public
Economics, Volume 5, Elsevier, Amsterdam & Oxford, 2013, 257-328.
Die Rolle von nationaler Identität für die öffentliche Wirtschaft, in: Konrad, Kai A., Ronnie
Schöb, Marcel Thum and Alfons Weichenrieder (eds.), Die Zukunft der Wohlfahrtsgesellschaft.
Festschrift für Hans-Werner Sinn, Campus, Frankfurt a. M., 2013, 217-231.
Ursachen der Schuldenkrise und Konzepte zu ihrer Bewältigung, in: Başaran Yavaşlar, F. (ed.),
Finanzkrise in der Europäischen Union und ihre Einflüsse auf die Türkei (Avrupa Birliğinde Mali
Kriz ve Türkiye'ye Etkileri), Seçkin, Ankara, 2013, 65-74.
Haushaltsdisziplin in Deutschland unter der Perspektive des Bremen-Syndroms, in: Markus
Heintzen (eds.), Auf dem Weg zu nachhaltig ausgeglichenen öffentlichen Haushalten, Nomos
Verlag, Baden-Baden, 2013, 45-57. Reprinted in Dagmar Gesmann-Nuiss, Ronald Hartz und
Marcus Dittrich (eds.): Perspektiven der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Springer Gabler Verlag,
Wiesbaden, 2014, 109-122.
Reforming the European welfare state (with Martin Werding), in: Thiess Büttner and Wolfgang
Ochel (eds.), The Continuing Evolution of Europe, CESifo Seminar Series, The MIT Press,
Cambridge & London, 2012, 71-118.
Federalism and optimal allocation across levels of governance (with Benny Geys), in: Henrik
Enderlein, Sonja Wälti and Michael Zürn (eds.), Handbook on Multi-Level Governance, Edward
Elgar, Cheltenham & Massachusetts, 2010, 32-46.
Merger profitability in industries with brand portfolios and loyal customers, The Korean
Economic Review, 26(1), 2010, 5-26.
Einnahmen- und Steuerpolitik in Europa: Herausforderungen und Chancen- Eine Einführung, in:
Kai A. Konrad and Tim Lohse (eds.), Einnahmen- und Steuerpolitik in Europa:
Herausforderungen und Chancen, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2009, 7-10.
Suchkosten und das Körperschaftssteuerparadox, in: Kai A. Konrad und Tim Lohse (eds.),
Einnahmen- und Steuerpolitik in Europa: Herausforderungen und Chancen, Peter Lang Verlag,
Frankfurt am Main, 2009, 119-131.
Investing in regimes with stationary or roving bandits, in: Gregory D. Hess (ed.), Guns and
Butter: The Economic Causes and Consequences of Conflict, MIT Press, 2009, 99-121.
Mergers without cost advantages (with Steffen Huck and Wieland Müller), in: Wayne Dale
Collins (ed.), Issues in Competition Law and Policy, American Bar Association, 2008, 15751587.
An overview (with Roger D. Congleton and Arye Hillman), in: Roger D. Congleton, Arye L.
Hillman and Kai A. Konrad (eds.): 40 Years of Research on Rent Seeking (Vol. 1 and Vol. 2),
Springer, 2008, 1-42.
Überlegungen zur "Goldenen Regel" zur Schuldenbegrenzung, in: Kai A. Konrad and Beate
Jochimsen (eds.), Föderalismuskommission II: Neuordnung von Autonomie und Verantwortung,
Peter Lang Verlag, 2008, 77-89.
The development puzzle (with Mark Gradstein), in: Kai A. Konrad and Mark Gradstein (eds.),
Institutions and Norms in Economic Development, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2007, 3-18.
Ein Ausweg aus der bundesstaatlichen Haftungsverflechtung, in: Kai A. Konrad and Beate
Jochimsen (eds.), Der Föderalstaat nach dem Berlin-Urteil, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt, 2007,
Fiskalische Handlungsfähigkeit und globaler Wettbewerb, in: Jürgen Kocka (ed.),
Zukunftsfähigkeit Deutschlands, Sozialwissenschaftliche Essays, WZB Jahrbuch 2006, 113130.
Anreize statt Haushaltsnotlagen (with Beate Jochimsen), in: Kai A. Konrad and Beate
Jochimsen (eds.), Finanzkrise im Bundesstaat, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt, 2006, 11-28.
Bildung, Besteuerung und internationale Mobilität (with Frederik Andersson), in: Ulrich Becker
und Wolfgang Schön (eds.), Steuer- und Sozialstaat im europäischen Systemwettbewerb, Mohr
Siebeck, Tübingen, 2005, 75-92.
Mobilität in mehrstufigen Ausbildungsturnieren, in: Wolfgang Franz, Hans Jürgen Ramser and
Manfred Stadler (eds.), Bildung, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2004, 67-81.
Soll Europa mit einer Stimme sprechen? in: Klaus Adam and Wolfgang Franz (eds.),
Instrumente der Finanzpolitik: Grundlagen, Staatsaufgaben, Reformvorschläge, F.A.Z.-Institut,
Frankfurt, 2003, 156-164, reprinted as: Föderalismus und Governance: Soll Europa mit einer
Stimme sprechen?, in: Edgar Grande and Stefan May (eds.), Perspektiven der GovernanceForschung, Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2009, 21-29.
Fiscal federalism and risk sharing in Germany: the role of size differences (with Helmut Seitz),
in: Sijbren Cnossen and Hans-Werner Sinn (eds.), Public Finance and Public Policy in the New
Century, MIT Press, 2003, 469-489.
Taxation and education investment in the tertiary sector (with Fredrik Andersson), in: Torben
Andersen and Per Molander (eds.), Alternatives for Welfare Policy, Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press, 2003, 311-333. Swedish translation: Beskattning och inveteringar i högre
utbilding (with Fredrik Andersson), in: Per Molander and Torben M. Andersen (eds.), Alternativ i
Välfärdspolitiken, 2002, 181-195.
Reform of the public pension system in Germany (with Gert Wagner), in: Toshihiro Ihori and
Toshiaki Tachibanaki (eds.), Social Security Reform in Advanced Countries, Routledge, 2002,
Unternehmensfusionen und strategische Außenhandelspolitik (with Steffen Huck), in: Wolfgang
Franz, Hans-Jürgen Ramser and Manfred Stadler (eds.), Fusionen, Mohr-Siebeck, 2002, 181199.
Besteuerung und Humankapitalinvestitionen im tertiären Bildungssektor, in: Lars-Hendrik Röller
and Christian Wey (eds.), Die Soziale Marktwirtschaft in der neuen Weltwirtschaft, WZB
Jahrbuch 2001, edition sigma, 91-107.
Risiko und Steuern (with Wolfgang Buchholz), in: Norbert Andel (ed.), Probleme der
Besteuerung III, Duncker und Humblot, Berlin, 2000, 63-139.
Unvollkommene Information, zeitkonsistente optimale Einkommensbesteuerung und
Ausbildungsinvestitionen, Beiheft der Konjunkturpolitik, 48, 1999, 25-32.
Wie sinnvoll ist der klimapolitische Alleingang Deutschlands? – Kommentar zum Vortrag von
Joachim Weimann, Symposium „Die Zukunft der Energieversorgung: Atomausstieg,
Versorgungssicherheit und Klimawandel, 24 and 25 January 2012 in Munich, ifo – Institut für
Wirtschaftsforschung, ifo Schnelldienst, 65(12), 2012, 40-41. Other publication: Rundgespräche
der Kommission für Ökologie, Die Zukunft der Energieversorgung, 41, 2012, 165-168.
Bewertungen der Ergebnisse der Föderalismusreformkommission II – Ergebnisse einer Tagung
Helmut Seitz zum Andenken, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 11(3), 2010, 223-225.
Einnahmen- und Steuerpolitik in Europa: Herausforderungen und Chancen- Eine Einführung, in:
Kai A. Konrad and Tim Lohse (eds.), Einnahmen- und Steuerpolitik in Europa:
Herausforderungen und Chancen, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2009, 7-10.
Comment on: C.C. von Weizsäcker, Re-regulierung der liberalisierten Energiemärkte in Europa,
in: Wolfgang Franz, Hans Jürgen Ramser and Manfred Stadler (eds.), Umwelt und Energie,
Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2006, 285-289.
Sufficient consensus (comment), Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 159, 2003,
The wide importance of conflict (with Amihai Glazer), in: Amihai Glazer and Kai A. Konrad
(eds.), Conflict and Governance, Springer-Verlag, 2003, 2-6.
Comment on: Anatomy of employment growth, Economic Policy, 17(34), 2002, 106-108.
Comment on: The political economy of direct legislation: direct democracy and local decision
making, Economic Policy, 33, 2001, 363-364.
Comment on ‘Chancengleichheitspolitik’ by H.P. Grüner, in: Wolfgang Franz, Helmut Hesse,
Hans Jürgen Ramser and Manfred Stadler (eds.), Ökonomische Analyse von Verträgen, Mohr
Siebeck, 2000, 361-366.
Editors’ introduction (with Amihai Glazer), Economics of Governance, 1(1), 2000, 1-2.
Comment on: Retailer power: recent developments and policy implications, Economic Policy,
28, 1999, 156-158.
Editors' introduction (with David Begg and Charles Wyplosz), Economic Policy, 28, 1999, 7-12.
Comment on the paper by Vito Tanzi, in: Horst Siebert (ed.), Globalization and Labor, MohrSiebeck, Tübingen, 1999, 308-311.
Strategic Voting: Comment on ‘Political economy of social welfare reform: 1996 parliamentary
election in Czech Republic’, in: Irvin Collier, Herwig Roggemann, Oliver Scholz and Horst
Tomann (eds.), Welfare States in Transition: East and West, MacMillan Press, 1999, 137-139.
Comment on: Siegfried F. Franke, Wege der skandinavischen Drogenpolitik: Das Beispiel
Schweden, in: Mathias Erlei (ed.), Mit dem Markt gegen Drogen, Lösungsansätze für das
Drogenproblem aus ökonomischer Sicht, Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart, 1995, 310-314.
R.H. Frank, Passions within reasons: the strategic role of the emotions, Economic Journal,
100(4), 1990, 1339-1341.
C.G. Krouse, Capital markets and prices, valuing uncertain income streams, Journal of
Economics/Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, 48, 1988, 205-207.
Macht und Ohnmacht der EZB, in: Corinne Michaela Flick (ed.), Die Ohnmacht der Macht Die
Macht der Ohnmacht, Convoco Edition, Göttingen, 2016, 117-124.
Deadline auf Rädern. Der Hauptstadtbrief, 130(17), June 2015, 6-7.
Reformbedarf beim öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk (with Marcel Thum and Christian Waldhoff),
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 44(6), June 2015, 295.
Lehren aus den Luxemburg-Leaks, Die Wirtschaftsprüfung, 68(10), May 2015, Editorial, I.
Verzicht auf Wachstum?, in: Corinne Michaela Flick (ed.), Tun oder Nichttun - Zwei Formen des
Handelns, Convoco Edition, München and Frankfurt am Main, 2015, 137-146.
Fracking in Deutschland – eine Option für die Zukunft! (with Ronnie Schöb), Wirtschaftsdienst,
94(9), September 2014, 645-650. Further publications of the paper: Umwelt & Aktiv,
Naturschutz-Tierschutz-Heimatschutz, 1/2015, 15-17.
Staatsverschuldung: Privilegien des Staates auf dem Prüfstand (with Thiess Büttner and Jörg
Rocholl), Wirtschaftsdienst, 94(8), August 2014, 560-563.
Der Traum eines Finanzministers ist die Entschuldung im Schlaf, Der Hauptstadtbrief Informations- und Hintergrund-Dienst aus Berlin, 122(16), 2014, 28-31.
Balancing austerity and strategies for growth, CFA Institute Conference Proceedings Quarterly,
Second Quarter 2014, 1-8.
„Lackmustest“ zur Stabilitätsunion, Wirtschaftsdienst, 94(3), March 2014, 154-155.
Gefährliche Wetten, in: Corinne Michaela Flick (ed.), Rechnen mit dem Scheitern: Strategien in
ungewissen Zeiten, Convoco Edition, Göttingen, 2014, 115-122. English translation: Dangerous
wagers, in: Corinne Michaela Flick (ed.), Dealing with Downturns: Strategies in Uncertain
Times, 2014, 123-133.
Wer hat Angst vorm bösen Wort?, Der Hauptstadtbrief - Informations- und Hintergrund-Dienst
aus Berlin, 120(16), 2014, 30-32.
Haftungsrisiken und Fehlanreize aus ESM und OMT-Programm, Wirtschaftsdienst, 93(7), July
2013, 431-439.
Steuerflucht und Steueroasen - Lässt sich der Kampf gegen die Steueroasen gewinnen?,
Wirtschaftsdienst, 93(6), June 2013, 359-376.
Der Staat entschuldet sich, der Sparer zahlt die Zeche, Der Hauptstadtbrief - Informations- und
Hintergrund-Dienst aus Berlin, 113(15), 2013, 7-11.
Den Euro retten, Europa preisgeben?, Der Hauptstadtbrief - Informations- und HintergrundDienst aus Berlin, 108(14), 2012, 9-12.
Dorforchester und Superstars – Wem gehört die Musik (with Corinne Michaela Flick), in:
Corinne Michaela Flick (ed.), Wem gehört das Wissen der Welt, Convoco Edition, München and
Frankfurt am Main, 2011, 163-172.
The future of the eurozone (with Holger Zschäpitz), CESifo Forum, 12(2), 2011, 46-49.
Published first at VOX: (10.06.2011).
Further publications of the paper:
Vigonianae, Deutsch-italienische Halbjahresschrift - Rivista semestrale italo-tedesca, 1/2010/2,
69-76, 2011.
Website of the Max Planck Society: (23.08.2011).
German translation at Ökonomenstimme: (11.07.2011).
Unsichere Klimafolgen und rationale Klimapolitik (with Heike Auerswalde and Marcel Thum),
Ökonomenstimme: (08.06.2011). Further publications of the paper:
ifo Schnelldienst, 64(18), 2011, 40-42.
Umdenken in der Klimapolitik nach dem Gipfel von Cancún! (with Lars P. Feld and Marcel
Thum), ifo Schnelldienst, 64(5), 2011, 8-11.
Robuste Finanzmärkte – eine sichere Bank, Max Planck Forschung, 1, 2011, 12-17.
Die Zukunft der Eurozone, in: Corinne Michaela Flick (ed.), Staatsfinanzierung und
Wirtschaftsfinanzierung am Scheideweg, Convoco Edition, Munich and Frankfurt am Main,
2010, 165-187. English translation: The future of the Eurozone (with Holger Zschäpitz), in:
Corinne Michaela Flick (ed.), Can’t pay, won’t pay? Sovereign debt and the challenge of growth
in Europe, 2013, 93-106.
Wege aus der europäischen Staatsschuldenkrise – Eine Frage der Glaubwürdigkeit,
Wirtschaftsdienst, 90(12), 2010, 783-786.
Fiskalregeln und Zeitkonsistenz in: Die neuen Schuldenregeln im Grundgesetz – Zur
Fortentwicklung der bundesstaatlichen Finanzbeziehungen, Schriften zur öffentlichen
Verwaltung und öffentlichen Wirtschaft, (Eds.) Christian Kastrop, Gisela Meister-Scheufelen und
Margaretha Sudhof, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2010, 153-154.
Geld oder Liebe? – Die Bedeutung von Steuern und Matching-Institutionen für das Eheglück
(with Kjell Erik Lommerud), WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 119, 2008, Ökonomenstimme 22.03.2010 and
beziehungsweise – Informationsdienst des Österreichischen Instituts für Familienforschung,
September 2010.
Schuldenkrise in der Europäischen Union - Rettung durch eine beschränkte Garantie,
Wirtschaftsdienst, 90(3), 2010, 143-147.
Gegen den Trend: Dr. Thilo Sarrazin ist ’Steuermann des Jahres’ – Preisträger für
herausragendes strategisches Finanz- und Beteiligungsmanagement, Der Neue Kämmerer, 3,
2009, 1.
Stellungnahme zur öffentlichen Anhörung zum Gesetzentwurf der Fraktionen der CDU/CSU und
SPD für die Kommission von Bundestag und Bundesrat zur Modernisierung der Bund-LänderFinanzbeziehungen, (04.05.2009).
Verschuldungsautonomie und Schuldenselbstverantwortung, Kritische Vierteljahreszeitschrift
für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft, 91, 2008, 157-170.
Föderalismusreform: Effizienz oder Verteilung?, Ifo-Schnelldienst, 61, September 2008, 5-6.
Vorschläge zur wirksamen Verschuldungsbegrenzung der Länder, Wirtschaftsdienst, 87(9),
September 2007, 581-585.
Föderalismusreform II – Kommissionsdrucksache K-Drs. 020: Stellungnahme zur öffentlichen
Anhörung zu den Finanzthemen (22.06.2007).
Wann sind öffentliche Haushalte überschuldet, und wie lassen sich Haushaltsnotlagen
bewältigen? (with Beate Jochimsen), Orientierungen zur Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftspolitik,
108, Juni 2006, 12-16.
Symbolische Entflechtungspolitik. Das Ende der geteilten Finanzierung würde der Grundlagenforschung schaden, WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 112, 2006, 11-12.
Konjunkturpolitik kann Strukturpolitik nicht ersetzen (with Sebastian Kessing), WeltTrends, 47,
13, 2005, 111-114.
Zur Berücksichtigung von Kindern bei umlagefinanzierter Alterssicherung (with Wolfram
Richter), Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 6(1), 2005, 115-130.
Kein Konsens für das Klima, Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft &
Wissenschaft, März 2004, 38-39.
Bürgerversicherung nicht sinnvoll. Zur Finanzreform der GKV, WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 102, 2003,
Europäische Verfassungsreform: Wider ein Zuviel an Entscheidungskompetenzen, in: Klaus F.
Zimmermann (ed.), Reformen - jetzt! So geht es mit Deutschland wieder aufwärts,
Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag Dr. Th. Gabler, 2003, 161-169.
Human capital and the "New Enterprise", in: Gerhard Schröder (ed.), Progressive Governance
for the XXI Century, C.H. Beck, 2002, 171-180.
Petersberger Erklärung: Anstöße für eine zukunftsgerichtete Arbeitsmarktpolitik (with Klaus F.
Zimmermann, Michael C. Burda, Friedrich Schneider, Jürgen von Hagen and Gert G. Wagner),
Wirtschaftsdienst, 78, 1998, 652-653, reprinted in: IZA Compact, die Zukunft der Arbeit denken,
April 1999, 4-5, reprinted in: IZA Standpunkte, 1, 2009.