Special Eurobarometer 422b EUROPEANS EXPERIENCE WITH USING SHIPS AND PERCEPTIONS OF MARITIME SAFETY REPORT Fieldwork: October 2014 Publication: March 2015 This survey has been requested by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE) and co-ordinated by Directorate-General for Communication (DG COMM). http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/index_en.htm Project title Special Eurobarometer 422b “European experience with using ships and perceptions of maritime safety” Linguistic Version EN Catalogue Number MI-02-15-101-EN-N ISBN 978-92-79-45650-3 DOI 10.2832/987714 © European Union, 2015 Special Eurobarometer 422b Europeans experience with using ships and perceptions of maritime safety Conducted by TNS Opinion & Social at the request of Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE) Survey co-ordinated by Directorate-General Communication (DG COMM “Strategy, Corporate Communication Actions and Eurobarometer” Unit) SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................ 4 1. EXPERIENCE WITH USING SHIP OR BOAT .............................................................. 5 1.1. Frequency of travels by ship or boat ................................................................ 5 1.2. Main purpose of travels by ship or boat ............................................................ 8 1.3. Importance of different aspects when planning a journey by ship or boat ..... 11 2. PERCEPTIONS OF THE QUALITY OF SEA OR RIVER TRANSPORT ........................... 18 3. THE MOST SERIOUS PROBLEMS AFFECTING SEA OR RIVER TRANSPORT .............. 20 4. PERCEPTIONS ABOUT SAFETY OF MARITIME TRANSPORT .................................... 24 4.1. Perceptions of safety when using different ships or boats ............................. 24 4.2. Suggestions for increasing the feeling of safety while onboard a ship ........... 30 CONCLUSIONS .......................................................................................................... 34 ANNEXES Technical specifications Questionnaire Tables 1 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” INTRODUCTION More than 400 million passengers per year move through European ports, making the maritime sector an important part of Europe’s transport system. The safety of maritime transport has been the focus of a number of different measures adopted by the EU over the past decade or more, ranging from directives setting out uniform safety requirements for passenger ships, and regulations relating to the safety of vehicle and passenger ferries. The commission is also currently undertaking a comprehensive review of passenger ship safety legislation, and has recently updated goals and recommendations for the EU Maritime Transport Policy until 20181. The results presented in this report are from a larger survey commissioned by the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport to investigate the opinions of Europeans about the quality of transport in their country. The results presented in this report focus on the quality of maritime transport in the EU, and in particular: The use of maritime transport in the EU The perceptions of the quality of sea and river transport over the last five years Europeans opinions about the most serious problems affecting sea or river transport Attitudes towards and opinions about maritime safety Ways to increase feelings of safety while on board a ship Results are presented first for the EU as a whole, then for individual countries, followed by socio-demographic analysis. This survey was carried out by TNS Opinion & Social network in the 28 Member States of the European Union between the 11th and 20th of October 2014. Some 27.868 respondents from different social and demographic groups were interviewed face-to-face at home in their mother tongue on behalf of Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport. The methodology used is that of Eurobarometer surveys as carried out by the Directorate-General for Communication (“Strategy, Corporate Communication Actions and Eurobarometer” Unit)2.. A technical note on the manner in which interviews were conducted by the Institutes within the TNS Opinion & Social network is appended as an annex to this report. Also included are the interview methods and confidence intervals3. 1 http://ec.europa.eu/transport/modes/maritime/safety/passenger_ships_en.htm; http://ec.europa.eu/transport/modes/maritime/index_en.htm 2 http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/index_en.htm 3 The results tables are included in the annex. It should be noted that the total of the percentages in the tables of this report may exceed 100% when the respondent has the possibility of giving several answers to the question. 2 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” Note: In this report, countries are referred to by their official abbreviation. The abbreviations used in this report correspond to: BE BG CZ DK DE EE EL ES FR HR IE IT CY LT ABBREVIATIONS LV LU HU MT NL AT PL PT RO SI SK FI SE UK Belgium Bulgaria Czech Republic Denmark Germany Estonia Greece Spain France Croatia Ireland Italy Republic of Cyprus*** Lithuania Latvia Luxembourg Hungary Malta The Netherlands Austria Poland Portugal Romania Slovenia Slovakia Finland Sweden The United Kingdom EU28 European Union – 28 Member States EU15 NMS13 EURO AREA BE, IT, FR, DE, LU, NL, DK, UK, IE, PT, ES, EL, AT, SE, FI* BG, CZ, EE, HR, CY, LT, LV, MT, HU, PL, RO, SI, SK** BE, FR, IT, LV, LU, DE, AT, ES, PT, IE, NL, FI, EL, EE, SI, CY, MT, SK * EU15 refers to the 15 countries forming the European Union before the enlargements of 2004, 2007 and 2013 ** The NMS13 are the 13 ‘new Member States’ which joined the European Union during the 2004, 2007 and 2013 enlargements *** Cyprus as a whole is one of the 28 European Union Member States. However, the ‘acquis communautaire’ has been suspended in the part of the country which is not controlled by the government of the Republic of Cyprus. For practical reasons, only the interviews carried out in the part of the country controlled by the government of the Republic of Cyprus are included in the ‘CY’ category and in the EU28 average. * * * * * We wish to thank the people throughout Europe who have given their time to take part in this survey. Without their active participation, this study would not have been possible. 3 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Almost one quarter (24%) had travelled by commercial ship or boat, with those living in Northern areas of the EU or the southern Mediterranean area the most likely to have done so. Most of those who had travelled by ship or boat had done so for holidays (70%) or other leisure activities (23%). The quality or age of the ship or boat, and the price of the trip (both 83%) were considered the most important factors when planning a journey by ship or boat, followed by the availability of destinations at the closest port (78%). The shipping line was least likely to be important. Just under one in five respondents (18%) said the quality of sea or river transport in their country had stayed the same over the last five years, while 14% said it had improved, and just 6% said it had deteriorated. Ticket prices were considered the most serious problem for sea or river transport (18%), followed by water pollution and reduced links (both 15%). Respondents were most likely to rate cruise ships and vehicle and passenger ferries as safe (both 68%), followed by a ship used for daily commuting (63%) and small ships for sightseeing (57%). Commercial sailing ships were rated as safe by only 48%. Crew competence, life-saving appliances (both 33%) and ship quality or age (29%) were the most likely to increase feelings of safety while on board a ship. 4 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” 1. EXPERIENCE WITH USING SHIP OR BOAT 1.1. FREQUENCY OF TRAVELS BY SHIP OR BOAT - Almost one quarter had travelled by commercial ship or boat - Most respondents had never travelled by commercial ship or boat as a passenger (74%)4. One in five respondents (20%) had travelled by boat once a year or less often, with only 4% travelling more frequently than this. Respondents living in EU15 countries were more likely than their NMS13 counterparts to have travelled by ship or boat at least once (26% vs. 14%). 4 Q17 How often do you travel by commercial ship or boat as a passenger? Daily; Several times per week; Once a week; Several times per month; Several times per year; Once a year or less often; Never; DK 5 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” Respondents living in Northern areas of the EU were the most likely to have travelled by ship or boat, as were those in the southern Mediterranean area. Respondents in Malta were the most likely to have travelled by ship or boat (78%), followed by those in Sweden (77%) and Finland (74%). This is a sharp contrast with those in Romania (8%), Bulgaria and Slovakia (both 6%). 6 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” Socio-demographic analysis showed that managers were more likely than other occupation groups to have travelled by ship or boat (38% vs. 18%-31%). QA17 How often do you travel by commercial ship or boat as a passenger? EU28 Total 'Has travelled by ship or boat' Never Don't know 24% 74% 2% Socio-professional category Self-employed 30% 69% 1% Managers 38% 60% 2% Other white collars 31% 68% 1% Manual workers 21% 77% 2% House persons 19% 80% 1% Unemployed 18% 80% 2% Retired 18% 80% 2% Students 29% 69% 2% Respondents who thought the quality of maritime transport had improved were more likely to have travelled by ship or boat (45%), compared to those who thought the quality had stayed the same (35%), or had deteriorated (31%). 7 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b 1.2. “Perceptions of maritime safety” MAIN PURPOSE OF TRAVELS BY SHIP OR BOAT - Most people travelled by ship or boat for a holiday - Respondents who had travelled by ship or boat were asked for the most frequent purpose of their travel using this mode5. Most had travelled this way for a holiday (70%), while 23% had done so for other leisure activities. Daily commuting or business trips were far less mentioned as purpose for having travelled by ship or boat (1% and 4% respectively). Base: respondents who travelled by commercial ship or boat as a passenger (N=6,700) 5 Q18 What is the most frequent purpose of your travels by ship or boat? (READ OUT – ONE ANSWER ONLY) Daily commuting; Business trips; Holidays ; Other leisure activities; Other (SPONTANEOUS); DK 8 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” In fact, amongst respondents who had made a boat trip, at least half in every Member State except Portugal (27%) said the reason was holidays. Those in Slovenia (90%), Cyprus (87%) and the Czech Republic (84%) were the most likely to say the main purpose of their trip(s) was holidays. It is worth saying that respondents in Portugal (12%) were the more likely to mention daily commuting as purpose for having travelled by boat or ship, and that respondents in Romania (20%) were the more likely to have travelled by boat or ship for business trips. Base: respondents who travelled by commercial ship or boat as a passenger (N=6,700) 9 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” Socio-demographic analysis did not reveal any notable differences across standard groups. However, the more frequently a respondent travelled by ship or boat, the more likely they were to travel for daily commuting or business trips, and the less likely they were to say their main purpose was holidays. For example 75% of those who travelled once a year or less often said the main reason for travelling by ship or boat was for holidays, compared to 35% of those who travelled once a week or more often. Base: respondents who travelled by commercial ship or boat as a passenger (N=6,700) 10 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b 1.3. “Perceptions of maritime safety” IMPORTANCE OF DIFFERENT ASPECTS WHEN PLANNING A JOURNEY BY SHIP OR BOAT - Quality and price were the most important factors when planning a journey by ship or boat Respondents who had travelled by ship or boat as passengers were asked how important a range of aspects were to them when planning their journey(s)6. Around three quarters of boat travellers said the available connections, amenities and timetable were important, while slightly more (78%) said the availability of destinations at the closest port was important. The shipping line was far less likely to be rated as important compared to the quality or age of the ships or the price of the journey (46% vs. 83%). In fact, the shipping line was the only element that was rated as important by fewer than half. Base: respondents who travelled by commercial ship or boat as a passenger (N=6,700) 6 Q19 How important is each of the following elements when planning a journey by ship or boat? (SHOW CARD WITH SCALE – ONE ANSWER PER LINE) Price; Timetable (frequency of service); Amenities on board; Shipping line; Published safety records of the company; Availability of the destinations at the closest port; Available connections; Quality/age of ships or boats. Very important; Fairly important; Fairly not important; Not important at all; DK 11 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” At least half of respondents in each country who made a maritime journey as a passenger said the quality or age of the ship or boat was important when planning their journey. Almost all respondents in Slovakia (98%), Greece (97%) and Cyprus (96%) said this, compared to 56% in Denmark. Base: respondents who travelled by commercial ship or boat as a passenger (N=6,700) There was less variation across the EU when it came to price. Almost all respondents in Greece (98%) and Cyprus (97%) said price was important, compared to 72% in the Netherlands and Denmark and 70% in Germany. Base: respondents who travelled by commercial ship or boat as a passenger (N=6,700) 12 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” A majority of respondents in each country who made a maritime journey as a passenger said the availability of the destinations at the closest port was important when planning their journey. Respondents in Croatia (91%) and Greece (90%) were the most likely to say this aspect was important, compared to 64% in Denmark, Belgium and Luxembourg and 55% in Finland. Base: respondents who travelled by commercial ship or boat as a passenger (N=6,700) Respondents in Croatia, along with those in Bulgaria, were also the most likely to say available connections were important (both 93%), followed by those in Italy and Portugal (both 92%). At the other end of the scale 54% of those in Luxembourg and 52% in Denmark said the same. Base: respondents who travelled by commercial ship or boat as a passenger (N=6,700) 13 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” There was a wider variation across the EU when it came to amenities on board. Almost maritime travellers in Bulgaria and Cyprus said this was an important element (both 96%), as did 91% of those in Italy. In contrast, 46% of respondents in the Netherlands and 39% in Denmark said the same. Base: respondents who travelled by commercial ship or boat as a passenger (N=6,700) The timetable was an important element to 95% of maritime travellers in Greece and 94% of those in Croatia, compared to 54% of those in Germany. Base: respondents who travelled by commercial ship or boat as a passenger (N=6,700) 14 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” There was a wide variation across the EU when it came to published safety records of the company. Respondents in Bulgaria (93%), Cyprus (89%), Italy (87%) and Slovakia (86%) were the most likely to say this aspect was important compared to 49% in Sweden, 48% in Slovenia and 47% in the Netherlands. Base: respondents who travelled by commercial ship or boat as a passenger (N=6,700) The shipping line had the greatest variation in importance across different Member States. It was an important element for at least three quarters of respondents in Bulgaria (83%), Cyprus (80%), Italy (79%) and Romania (75%). This is a sharp contrast to the Netherlands and Denmark where just 15% and 11% respectively said the shipping line is important. In fact, in ten Member States the majority of maritime travellers said the shipping line was not important. Base: respondents who travelled by commercial ship or boat as a passenger (N=6,700) 15 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” Socio-demographic analysis revealed a range of differences amongst respondents who had made a maritime journey: Women were more likely than men to say the amenities on board (79% vs. 71%) and the quality or age of the ships or boats were important elements when planning a journey by ship or boat (86% vs. 79%). The oldest respondents were the least likely to say the timetable (68% vs. 74%79%) or the available connections (71% vs. 75%-81%) were important. The longer a respondent remained in education, the less likely they were to say the amenities on board, the shipping line, the published safety records or the quality or age of the ships or boats were important elements when planning their journey. For instance, 87% of those with the lowest education levels said the amenities on board were important, compared to 69% of those with the highest levels. Housepersons were more likely than other occupation groups to say the quality or age of the ships or boats (89%), the published safety records (77%) or the amenities on board (88%) were important elements. Retired persons were the least likely to say the timetable was important (65%) . 16 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” Base: respondents who travelled by commercial ship or boat as a passenger (N=6,700) 17 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” 2. PERCEPTIONS OF THE QUALITY OF SEA OR RIVER TRANSPORT - Almost one in five said quality of sea or river transport had remained the same over the last five years Respondents were asked if they thought the quality of sea or river transport improved or deteriorated over the last five years7. Almost one in five respondents said the quality of sea or river transport in their country had stayed the same over the last five years (18%), while 14% said it had improved, and just 6% said it had deteriorated. However, it is important to note that the majority (62%) were unable to answer. This reflects the fact that most respondents had never travelled by commercial ship or boat (74%), as described in chapter 1.1. 7 QA8.4 In your opinion, has the quality of the following means of transport (services, connections, infrastructures, etc.) improved or deteriorated in (OUR COUNTRY) in the last 5 years? Sea or river transport 18 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” Malta and Greece were the only Member States where at least half said sea or river transport had improved in the last five years (54% and 50% respectively). In fact, at least one in five respondents in Malta said it had ‘improved a lot’ during this time (21%). This is in contrast to just 4% of those in Luxembourg and 5% in Bulgaria who said sea or river transport had improved. However, it is important to note that in both these countries more than three quarters were unable to answer. In fact, in 17 Member States at least half of all respondents said they did not know whether the quality of sea or river transport had improved or deteriorated. There was only one difference worth noting in the socio-demographic analysis: respondents who had taken a journey of at least 300km by boat in the last 12 months were more likely than those who used other modes to say the quality of sea or river transport had improved (48% vs. 15%-20%). 19 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” 3. THE MOST SERIOUS PROBLEMS AFFECTING SEA OR RIVER TRANSPORT - Ticket prices were considered the most serious problem affecting sea or river transport Respondents were asked what they considered the most serious problems affecting sea or river transport in their country8. As the chart below indicates, there was relatively little variation in responses and fewer than one in five mentioned ticket prices (18%), while water pollution or reduced links were the next most frequently mentioned problems (both 15%). Respondents were most likely to be unable to say what the most serious problems were (40%). The proportion of “don’t know” answers reflects the fact that most respondents had never travelled by commercial ship or boat (74%). 8 Q12 Which of Among the following, what do you think are the most serious problems affecting maritime sea or river transport in (OUR COUNTRY)? (READ OUT – ROTATE - MAX 3 ANSWERS POSSIBLE) Noise pollution; Water pollution; Safety; Reduced links of sea or river transport links; Ticket prices; Lack of frequent services; Accessibility; Others (SPONTANEOUS); None (SPONTANEOUS); DK 20 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” Respondents in nine Member States were most likely to say that ticket prices were the most serious problem for sea or river transport in their country. Greece was the only country where at least half said this (54%), followed by 41% in Cyprus and 39% in Croatia. In another nine Member states water pollution was the most mentioned problem, particularly by those in Finland (36%), Sweden (27%) and Belgium (21%). Water pollution was also mentioned by 23% of those in Austria, although this was not the most mentioned reason – respondents in Austria were actually most likely to mention reduced sea or river transport links (34%), as were respondents in five other Member States. It was respondents in Greece who were the most likely across the EU to mention not only reduced links (40%), but also a lack of frequent services (33%). In addition, a lack of frequent services was the most mentioned problem by those in Ireland (16%) and the UK (11%). Those in the Czech Republic (27%), Slovenia (23%), Latvia (20%) and Lithuania (18%) were most likely to mention accessibility, and this was also mentioned by 20% of those in Slovakia. Respondents in Italy were the most likely across the EU to mention security as a serious problem for sea and river transport (22%), while those in Austria were the most likely to mention noise pollution (6%). Across the EU it was respondents in Luxembourg who were the least likely to mention almost all of these problems, with the exceptions of accessibility (Finland 1%). 21 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” 22 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” Once again there were no socio-demographic differences worth noting. However, respondents who thought the quality of sea and river transport had deteriorated in the past five years were more likely to mention ticket prices (40% vs. 24%-29%) and security (25% vs. 11%-14%) as the most serious problems affecting sea and river transport, compared to those who thought quality had remained the same or had improved. 23 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” 4. PERCEPTIONS ABOUT SAFETY OF MARITIME TRANSPORT 4.1. PERCEPTIONS OF SAFETY WHEN USING DIFFERENT SHIPS OR BOATS - Most respondents had a good opinion of the safety of maritime transport vessels All respondents were asked their opinion about the safety of a range of maritime transport vessels9. Respondents were most likely to rate cruise ships and ferries as safe (both 68%), followed by a ship used for daily commuting (63%) and small ships for sightseeing (57%). Commercial sailing ships were rated as safe by only 48%. Small ships for sightseeing and commercial sailing ships were the most likely to be rated as unsafe (20% and 19% respectively). Respondents living in EU15 countries were more likely to rate each of these types of ships or boats as safe, compared to their NMS13 counterparts. For example 72% said cruise ships were safe, compared to 54% of those living in NMS13 countries. 9 Q20 In your opinion, how safe or not are the following ships or boats…?A cruise ship; A ship used for daily commuting; A ferry carrying both vehicles and passengers; A small ship for sightseeing/excursions; A (commercial) sailing ship. Very safe; Fairly safe; Not very safe; Not at all safe; DK 24 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” Respondents in Finland (94%), Greece (87%) and the Netherlands (81%) were the most likely to say cruise ships are safe, with those in Finland (49%) and Malta (47%) much more likely than respondents in other countries to say they are very safe. In contrast, fewer than half of all respondents in Slovakia (47%) and Bulgaria and Romania (both 41%) thought cruise ships were safe. However it is worth noting that around four in ten of respondents in each of these Member States were unable to answer. Almost one quarter of respondents in Latvia thought cruise ships were not safe (23%) – the largest proportion of any Member State. 25 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” Those in Finland were also the most likely to say that ferries carrying vehicles and passengers were safe (90%), followed by those in Denmark (87%) and Sweden (86%). At least four out of ten respondents in Malta and Denmark thought these ships are very safe (44% and 42% respectively). Once again respondents in Slovakia (43%), Romania (38%) and Bulgaria (37%) were the least likely to say these ships were safe and at least four in ten respondents were not able to give an answer. Once again respondents in Latvia were the most likely to say these ships were not safe (28%). Respondents in Sweden (83%), the Netherlands (82%) and Malta (79%) were the most likely to say that ships used for daily commuting were safe, compared to 37% of those in Romania and 36% in Bulgaria. In a familiar pattern, respondents in Latvia were the most likely to say these ships were not safe (26%). 26 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” Respondents in Finland (76%), the Netherlands (74%) and Germany (73%) were the most likely to say small sightseeing ships were safe, compared to 31% of those in Bulgaria and 35% in Estonia. At least three out of ten respondents in Italy (41%), Greece (36%), Cyprus, Latvia (both 35%) and Bulgaria (30%) said these kinds of ships were not safe. Respondents in Denmark (70%), Ireland (68%) and Greece (64%) were the most likely to say that commercial sailing ships were safe, compared to 29% of those in Estonia and Latvia and 24% in Bulgaria. Those in Italy (40%), Latvia (33%), and Portugal (30%) were the most likely to say these ships were not safe. 27 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” Socio-demographic analysis revealed a range of patterns in opinions about the safety of these maritime vessels: With the exception of sightseeing ships (where there was no major difference) those aged 55+ were less likely than younger age groups to say each kind of vessel was safe. For example 40% of the oldest respondents said sailing ships were safe, compared to 51%-53% of younger respondents. Respondents with the lowest education levels were the least likely to rate each kind of maritime vessel as safe. For instance, 61% said cruise ships were safe, compared to 69%-71% of those with higher education levels. 28 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” Perhaps not surprisingly, respondents who said that the quality of maritime safety in their country had improved were more likely to rate each time of maritime vessel as safe, compared to those who said safety had stayed the same or had deteriorated. For example, 85% of those who said maritime transport quality had improved said ferries carrying vehicles and cars were safe, compared to 79% who said quality had stayed the same, and 63% of those who said it had deteriorated. QA20 In your opinion, how safe or not are the following ships or boats? Total 'Safe' EU28 A cruise ship A ferry carrying both vehicles and passengers A ship used for daily commuting A small ship A for (commercial) sightseeing or sailing ship excursions 68% 68% 63% 57% 48% 85% 78% 69% 65% Quality of maritime transport… Improved 85% Deteriorated 65% 63% 62% 50% 47% Stayed the same 79% 79% 75% 64% 59% 29 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b 4.2. “Perceptions of maritime safety” SUGGESTIONS FOR INCREASING THE FEELING OF SAFETY WHILE ONBOARD A SHIP - Crew competence, life-saving appliances and ship quality or age are the keys to increasing feelings of safety while on board Respondents were asked to nominate up to two factors that would increase their confidence in the safety of a shipping line while on board10. One third said the competence of the captain and crew (33%), while the same proportion said the availability of life-saving appliances would increase their confidence in the shipping line’s safety. Almost as many (29%) mentioned the quality or age of the ship or boat. Information about safety and emergency drills were less likely to increase confidence, as was information on ship tracking or facilities for people with restricted mobility (8% and 6% respectively). 10 Q21 What would increase your confidence in the safety of a ship or company while being aboard a ship? (READ OUT – MAX 2 ANSWERS) Competence of the captain and the crew; Quality/ age of the ship; Information to passengers prior departure on safety measures; Organisation of an emergency exercise; Information session on emergencies; Facilities for people with restricted mobility; Availability of life-saving appliances; Information on ship tracking; Other (SPONTANEOUS); None (SPONTANEOUS); DK 30 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” Respondents in Finland (51%), Denmark (48%) and Sweden (45%) were the most likely to say the competence of the captain and crew would increase their confidence in the safety of a shipping line. This was the most mentioned factor in overall 11 Member States. The Czech Republic was the only country where less than one quarter said this would increase confidence in safety (18%). The availability of life-saving equipment on board would be a confidence booster for at least half of all respondents in Sweden (55%), the Netherlands (53%) and Estonia (51%), but only 17% of those in Bulgaria and 18% in Romania. It was also the most mentioned factor in ten Member States. The quality or age of the ship or boat would increase confidence in safety for 55% of respondents in Greece, 45% in Croatia and 43% in Cyprus. In fact the UK was the only country where fewer than one in five said this would increase confidence (19%). Respondents in Sweden were the most likely to say information on safety measures prior to departure would increase confidence in safety (33%), followed by those in the Netherlands (28%) and Finland (23%). This would be least effective in increasing confidence for those in Estonia (7%), Slovenia, Slovakia and Romania (both 10%). Respondents in Malta were the most likely across the EU to say organisation of an emergency exercise (20%), information session on emergencies (19%) or facilities for people with restricted mobility (9%, along with those in the Netherlands) would increase their confidence in a shipping line’s safety, while those in Poland were the most likely to mention information on ship tracking (16%). 31 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” 32 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” Apart from the fact that the youngest respondents were the most likely to say the availability of life-saving appliances would increase their confidence in safety (39% vs. 30%-34%), there were no differences between standard demographic groups. QA21 What would increase your confidence in the safety of a shipping line while being aboard a ship? (ROTATE – MAX. 2 ANSWERS) Availability Competence of lifeof the captain saving and the crew appliances EU28 Information to Organisation Quality or passengers of an age of the prior emergency ship or departure on exercise boat safety measures Information session on emergencies Facilities for Information people with on ship restricted tracking mobility 33% 33% 29% 17% 12% 10% 8% 6% 15-24 29% 39% 28% 17% 15% 12% 10% 5% 25-39 31% 34% 30% 19% 12% 10% 9% 5% 40-54 35% 33% 31% 19% 12% 10% 7% 6% 55 + 34% 30% 28% 15% 10% 8% 6% 6% Age However, the frequency of travelling by commercial boat did have an impact on responding. Occasional boat travellers (between several times per month and once a year or less) were more likely to say that the competence of the captain and the crew, the availability of life-saving appliances or the quality or age of the ship would increase confidence in the safety of a shipping line. For example 41% of those who travelled once a year or less often said the availability of life-saving appliances would increase confidence, compared to 31% of those who never travel by commercial boat, and 23% of those who travel once a week or more. On the other hand, those who travel once a week or more were more likely than less frequent travellers to say the organisation of an emergency exercise would increase their confidence (21% vs. 13%). QA21 What would increase your confidence in the safety of a shipping line while being aboard a ship? (ROTATE – MAX. 2 ANSWERS) EU28 Competence of the captain and the crew Availability of lifesaving appliances 33% 33% Information to Quality or Organisation passengers age of the of an prior ship or emergency departure on boat exercise safety measures 29% 17% 12% Information session on emergencies 10% Facilities for Information people with on ship restricted tracking mobility 8% 6% Frequency of traveling by commercial ship or boat Once a week or more often 29% 23% 20% 15% 21% 15% 9% 23% Several times per month/ year 38% 45% 34% 20% 13% 12% 9% 8% Once a year of less often 41% 41% 35% 23% 13% 11% 7% 7% Never 31% 31% 28% 16% 11% 9% 8% 5% 33 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” CONCLUSIONS Europeans were generally positive about the quality of sea and river transport, even though relatively few have travelled by ship or boat. Amongst those who had made a maritime journey, holiday and leisure were the most common reasons, although a small proportion did travel for business. Maritime travels are generally infrequent, with most of those who travel in this way doing so once a year or less. Overall, the quality and age of the ship or boat emerged as a key factor for quality and safety. It was (along with price) the most important factor when planning a maritime journey, and also a key factor in increasing respondent’s confidence about a shipping line while on board. The quality and age of the ship or boat was also more influential than published safety records, safety drills and safety information. Respondents were asked what they considered the most serious problems affecting sea or river transport in their country and the main problem identified was ticket prices. Furthermore, when planning a trip by ship price was one of the most important factors considered. In fact price, along with the quality or age of the ship were more important that the shipping line or published safety records. These results may be because respondents generally have a good image about the safety of maritime transport, even though most have not ever undertaken this type of travel. Respondents who thought the quality of maritime transport had improved were more likely to be positive about maritime transport safety, although interestingly it was infrequent travellers who were the most likely to say maritime travels are safe – more so than those who regularly travel by ship or boat. The results from this study show that although most Europeans have not travelled by ship or boat, they are generally positive about the quality and safety of maritime transport. 34 ANNEXES TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Europeans experience with using ships and perceptions of maritime safety” TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Between the 11th and the 20th of October 2014, TNS opinion & social, a consortium created between TNS political & social, TNS UK and TNS opinion, carried out the wave 82.2 of the EUROBAROMETER survey, on request of the EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Directorate-General for Communication, “Strategy, Corporate Communication Actions and Eurobarometer” unit. The Special Eurobarometer 422b is part of the wave 82.2 and covers the population of the respective nationalities of the European Union Member States, resident in each of the Member States and aged 15 years and over. The basic sample design applied in all states is a multi-stage, random (probability) one. In each country, a number of sampling points was drawn with probability proportional to population size (for a total coverage of the country) and to population density. In order to do so, the sampling points were drawn systematically from each of the "administrative regional units", after stratification by individual unit and type of area. They thus represent the whole territory of the countries surveyed according to the EUROSTAT NUTS II (or equivalent) and according to the distribution of the resident population of the respective nationalities in terms of metropolitan, urban and rural areas. In each of the selected sampling points, a starting address was drawn, at random. Further addresses (every Nth address) were selected by standard "random route" procedures, from the initial address. In each household, the respondent was drawn, at random (following the "closest birthday rule"). All interviews were conducted face-to-face in people's homes and in the appropriate national language. As far as the data capture is concerned, CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview) was used in those countries where this technique was available. For each country a comparison between the sample and the universe was carried out. The Universe description was derived from Eurostat population data or from national statistics offices. For all countries surveyed, a national weighting procedure, using marginal and intercellular weighting, was carried out based on this Universe description. In all countries, gender, age, region and size of locality were introduced in the iteration procedure. For international weighting (i.e. EU averages), TNS Opinion & Social applies the official population figures as provided by EUROSTAT or national statistic offices. The total population figures for input in this post-weighting procedure are listed below. TS1 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” Readers are reminded that survey results are estimations, the accuracy of which, everything being equal, rests upon the sample size and upon the observed percentage. With samples of about 1,000 interviews, the real percentages vary within the following confidence limits: Statistical Margins due to the sampling process (at the 95% level of confidence) various sample sizes are in rows various observed results are in columns 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% N=50 6,0 8,3 9,9 11,1 12,0 12,7 13,2 13,6 13,8 13,9 N=50 N=500 1,9 2,6 3,1 3,5 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,4 N=500 N=1000 1,4 1,9 2,2 2,5 2,7 2,8 3,0 3,0 3,1 3,1 N=1000 N=1500 1,1 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,5 2,5 N=1500 N=2000 1,0 1,3 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,1 2,1 2,2 2,2 N=2000 N=3000 0,8 1,1 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,8 1,8 N=3000 N=4000 0,7 0,9 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 N=4000 N=5000 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,3 1,4 1,4 1,4 N=5000 N=6000 0,6 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,3 1,3 N=6000 N=7000 0,5 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,2 N=7000 N=7500 0,5 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 N=7500 N=8000 0,5 0,7 0,8 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 N=8000 N=9000 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 N=9000 N=10000 0,4 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,0 1,0 N=10000 N=11000 0,4 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,8 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 N=11000 N=12000 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 N=12000 N=13000 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,9 0,9 N=13000 N=14000 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 N=14000 N=15000 0,3 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 N=15000 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% TS2 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” TS3 QUESTIONNAIRE SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” ASK ALL QA8 QA8.2: DO NOT ASK IN MT AND CY In your opinion, has the quality of the following means of transport (services, connections, infrastructures, etc.) improved or deteriorated in (OUR COUNTRY) in the last 5 years? (SHOW SCREEN – READ OUT – ONE ANSWER PER LINE) Impr Som Som Deter Stay oved ewha ewha iorat ed a lot t t ed a the impr deter lot same (SP.) oved iorat 1 2 3 4 Air transport Rail transport Road transport Sea or river transport 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 DK 6 6 6 6 NEW QA12 QA12: ROTATE ANSWERS 1 TO 7 QA12: CODE 9 IS EXCLUSIVE QA12: CODE 10 IS EXCLUSIVE QA12: MAX. 3 ANSWERS (1-8) Which of the following do you think are the most serious problems affecting sea or river transport in (OUR COUNTRY)? (SHOW SCREEN – READ OUT – MAX. 3 ANSWERS) Noise pollution Water pollution Safety Reduced sea or river transport links Ticket prices Lack of frequent services Accessibility Other (SP.) None (SP.) DK 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 10 NEW QA17 How often do you travel by commercial ship or boat as a passenger? (SHOW SCREEN – READ OUT – ONE ANSWER ONLY) Daily Several times per week Once a week Several times per month Several times per year Once a year or less often Never DK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NEW ASK QA18 AND QA19 IF "TRAVELED BY COMMERCIAL SHIP OR BOAT IN THE LAST YEAR", CODES 1 TO 6 IN QA17 – OTHERS GO TO QA20 QA18 What is the most frequent purpose of your travels by ship or boat? (READ OUT – ONE ANSWER ONLY) 1 Daily commuting 2 Business trips 3 Holidays 4 Other leisure activities 5 Other (SP.) 6 DK NEW Q1 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b QA19 “Perceptions of maritime safety” How important is each of the following elements when planning a journey by ship or boat? (SHOW SCREEN – READ OUT – ONE ANSWER PER LINE) Very important Fairly important Not very important Not at all important DK 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 1 2 Price 3 4 5 Amenities on board 6 Availability of the destinations at the closest port 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 Available connections 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 Timetable (frequency of service) Shipping line Published safety records of the company Quality or age of ships or boats NEW ASK ALL QA20 In your opinion, how safe or not are the following ships or boats? (SHOW SCREEN – READ OUT – ONE ANSWER PER LINE) 1 2 3 A cruise ship A ship used for daily commuting A ferry carrying both vehicles and passengers Very safe Fairly safe Not very safe Not at all safe DK 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 4 A small ship for sightseeing or excursions 1 2 3 4 5 5 A (commercial) sailing ship 1 2 3 4 5 NEW QA21 QA21: ROTATE ANSWERS 1 TO 8 QA21: CODE 10 IS EXCLUSIVE QA21: CODE 11 IS EXCLUSIVE QA21: MAX. 2 ANSWERS (1-9) What would increase your confidence in the safety of a shipping line while being aboard a ship? (SHOW SCREEN – READ OUT – MAX. 2 ANSWERS) 1, Competence of the captain and the crew 2, Quality or age of the ship or boat 3, Information to passengers prior departure on safety measures 4, Organisation of an emergency exercise 5, Information session on emergencies 6, Facilities for people with restricted mobility 7, Availability of life-saving appliances 8, Information on ship tracking 9, Other (SP.) 10 Nothing (SP.) 11 DK NEW Q2 TABLES SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” QA8.4 D'après vous, la qualité des moyens de transport suivants (services, connexions, infrastructures, etc.) s'est-elle améliorée ou s'est-elle détériorée en (NOTRE PAYS) au cours des 5 dernières années ? Le transport maritime ou fluvial QA8.4 In your opinion, has the quality of the following means of transport (services, connections, infrastructures, etc.) improved or deteriorated in (OUR COUNTRY) in the last 5 years? Sea or river transport QA8.4 Hat sich Ihrer Meinung nach die Qualität der folgenden Verkehrsmittel (Serviceleistungen, Verbindungen, Infrastrukturen usw.) in (UNSER LAND) in den letzten 5 Jahren verbessert oder verschlechtert? See- oder Flussfahrt Beaucoup amélioré Quelque S'est un peu peu détériorée améliorées Est resté le même (SP.) NSP Total 'S'est amélioré' Total 'S'est détérioré' Improved a lot Somewhat Somewhat Deteriorated Stayed the a lot same (SP.) improved deteriorated DK Total 'Improved' Total 'Deteriorated' Sehr verbessert Haben sich etwas verbessert Etwas verschlechtert Sehr verschlechtert Ist in etwa gleich geblieben (SP.) WN Gesamt 'Verbessert' Gesamt 'Verschlechtert' % EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EU 28 2 12 4 2 18 62 14 6 BE 1 11 4 1 20 63 12 5 BG 2 3 3 1 13 78 5 4 Beaucoup détérioré CZ 2 11 3 1 10 73 13 4 DK DE EE IE 2 1 6 10 14 7 25 15 12 2 1 3 4 0 1 1 23 24 18 14 45 66 49 57 16 8 31 25 16 2 2 4 EL 11 39 10 3 25 12 50 13 ES 3 16 3 0 14 64 19 3 FR 1 10 6 1 11 71 11 7 HR 4 32 16 2 11 35 36 18 IT 3 10 10 6 24 47 13 16 CY 5 18 3 2 22 50 23 5 LV 2 17 2 0 31 48 19 2 HU 1 8 3 2 21 65 9 5 NL 1 8 1 0 12 78 9 1 AT 6 20 4 1 33 36 26 5 PL 2 11 3 3 16 65 13 6 PT 2 22 6 3 22 45 24 9 RO 3 9 4 3 5 76 12 7 SI 3 12 5 1 19 60 15 6 SK 1 12 5 0 13 69 13 5 FI 3 20 2 1 45 29 23 3 SE 2 13 4 0 35 46 15 4 UK 3 13 4 0 10 70 16 4 T1 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” QA12 Parmi les problèmes suivants, quels sont d'après vous les problèmes les plus sérieux qui affectent le transport maritime ou fluvial en (NOTRE PAYS) ? (ROTATION – MAX. 3 REPONSES) QA12 Which of the following do you think are the most serious problems affecting sea or river transport in (OUR COUNTRY)? (ROTATE – MAX. 3 ANSWERS) QA12 Welche der folgenden Aspekte sind Ihrer Meinung nach die größten Probleme der See- oder Flussfahrt in (UNSER LAND)? (ROTIEREN – MAX. 3 NENNUNGEN) % La pollution sonore La pollution de l'eau La sécurité Noise pollution Water pollution Security Lärmbelastung Wasserverschmutzung Sicherheit EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 Des liaisons Le prix des réduites dans le billets transport maritime ou fluvial Reduced sea or river transport links Ticket prices Beschränkte Seeoder Flussverkehrs- Fahrpreise verbindungen EB 82.2 EB 82.2 L'absence d’un service fréquent L'accessibilité Lack of frequent services Accessibility Zu geringe Verkehrsfrequenz Zugänglichkeit/ Barrierefreiheit EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EU 28 2 15 9 15 18 14 10 BE 2 21 11 17 11 12 19 BG 1 18 17 13 14 9 14 CZ 2 13 9 23 15 12 27 DK DE EE IE 3 2 1 1 13 18 11 11 4 4 5 14 20 14 11 10 28 13 17 16 20 12 9 16 5 4 6 13 19 EL 2 20 14 40 54 33 ES 1 9 8 11 18 8 8 FR 2 19 7 16 18 12 13 HR 5 13 13 28 39 27 14 IT 3 16 22 19 32 22 15 CY 2 14 12 30 41 26 8 12 12 9 15 15 20 LV 1 HU 3 14 9 21 18 11 18 NL 1 19 7 8 10 16 12 AT 6 23 9 34 24 30 9 PL 4 11 9 17 16 15 4 13 PT 3 9 11 18 16 12 RO 3 14 10 12 12 11 5 SI 3 16 6 10 9 14 23 SK 2 12 6 24 9 8 20 FI 3 36 10 16 11 11 1 SE 5 27 9 13 10 17 19 UK 1 9 6 6 10 11 8 T2 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” QA12 Parmi les problèmes suivants, quels sont d'après vous les problèmes les plus sérieux qui affectent le transport maritime ou fluvial en (NOTRE PAYS) ? (ROTATION – MAX. 3 REPONSES) QA12 Which of the following do you think are the most serious problems affecting sea or river transport in (OUR COUNTRY)? (ROTATE – MAX. 3 ANSWERS) QA12 Welche der folgenden Aspekte sind Ihrer Meinung nach die größten Probleme der See- oder Flussfahrt in (UNSER LAND)? (ROTIEREN – MAX. 3 NENNUNGEN) Autre (SP.) Aucun (SP.) Other (SP.) None (SP.) NSP DK Sonstige (SP.) Nichts davon (SP.) WN % EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EU 28 3 9 40 BE 2 9 33 BG 1 2 48 CZ 3 4 35 DK DE EE IE 8 2 3 4 16 13 19 14 20 48 38 32 EL 4 5 5 ES 3 9 49 FR 6 5 39 HR 3 4 19 IT 2 4 24 CY 6 7 20 LV 4 9 30 HU 3 13 31 NL 6 13 35 AT 3 10 18 PL 3 8 42 PT 2 13 38 RO 3 5 54 SI 12 7 35 SK 7 5 38 FI 8 16 17 SE 6 13 24 UK 2 7 56 T3 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” QA17 A quelle fréquence voyagez-vous en bateau ou en navire sur des lignes commerciales en tant que passager ? QA17 How often do you travel by commercial ship or boat as a passenger? QA17 Wie häufig reisen Sie als Passagier mit einem Fahrgastschiff oder -boot? % Tous les jours Plusieurs fois par semaine Une fois par semaine Daily Several times a week Once a week Täglich Mehrmals pro Woche Einmal pro Woche EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 Plusieurs Plusieurs fois par fois par an mois Several times a month Several times a year Mehrmals Mehrmals pro Monat pro Jahr EB 82.2 EB 82.2 Une fois par an ou moins Jamais NSP Total 'A voyagé en bateau au cours de l'année écoulée' Once a year or less Never DK Total 'Has traveled by boat in the last year' Einmal pro Jahr oder seltener Niemals WN Gesamt 'Im letzten jahr mit einem boot gereist' EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EU 28 0 0 0 1 3 20 74 2 24 BE 0 1 1 1 1 11 85 0 15 BG 0 0 0 0 0 6 93 1 6 CZ 0 0 0 0 1 11 86 2 12 DK DE EE IE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 21 2 24 3 47 26 41 22 30 69 31 73 1 3 1 2 69 28 68 25 65 EL 0 0 0 0 7 58 35 0 ES 0 0 0 0 1 10 88 1 11 FR 0 0 0 0 2 16 82 0 18 HR 0 1 0 1 11 27 59 1 40 IT 0 1 1 0 3 16 78 1 21 CY 0 1 0 0 1 33 65 0 35 LV 0 0 0 0 5 29 65 1 34 HU 0 0 0 0 1 9 89 1 10 NL 1 0 0 0 10 30 59 0 41 AT 0 0 0 1 1 20 77 1 22 PL 0 0 1 0 2 11 84 2 14 PT 1 1 0 1 3 9 85 0 15 RO 0 0 1 1 1 5 90 2 8 23 SI 0 0 0 0 3 20 75 2 SK 0 0 0 0 1 5 93 1 6 FI 0 0 0 1 16 57 25 1 74 SE 0 0 0 1 22 54 23 0 77 UK 0 0 0 1 4 24 66 5 29 T4 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” QA18 Quelle est la raison la plus fréquente de vos voyages en bateau ou en navire ? QA18 What is the most frequent purpose of your travels by ship or boat? QA18 Was ist der häufigste Grund für Ihre Reisen mit dem Schiff oder Boot? Le trajet quotidien entre le domicile et le travail Pour des déplacements professionnels Des vacances D’autres activités de loisir Autre (SP.) NSP Daily commuting Business trips Holidays Other leisure activities Other (SP.) DK Tägliches Pendeln Für Dienstreisen Urlaub Andere Freizeitaktivitäten Sonstige (SP.) WN % EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EU 28 1 4 70 23 1 1 BE 2 8 67 18 0 5 BG 0 9 56 33 2 0 CZ 3 4 84 9 0 0 DK DE EE IE 0 0 7 0 7 2 8 4 68 57 55 74 23 37 29 21 2 2 1 0 0 2 0 1 EL 0 5 81 14 0 0 ES 0 6 77 15 2 0 FR 0 1 78 21 0 0 HR 0 5 60 34 1 0 IT 1 7 80 10 1 1 CY 0 2 87 11 0 0 LV 1 11 54 33 1 0 HU 2 3 56 39 0 0 NL 2 3 55 40 0 0 AT 0 1 63 35 1 0 PL 4 6 75 15 0 0 PT 12 3 27 52 4 2 RO 1 20 57 21 1 0 SI 1 1 90 7 1 0 SK 4 3 67 26 0 0 FI 1 1 72 26 0 0 SE 1 5 64 29 1 0 UK 0 4 83 11 0 2 T5 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” QA19.1 Dans quelle mesure les éléments suivants sont-ils importants lorsque l'on planifie un voyage en bateau ou en navire ? Le prix QA19.1 How important is each of the following elements when planning a journey by ship or boat? The price QA19.1 Wie wichtig ist jeder der folgenden Aspekte bei der Planung einer Reise mit dem Schiff oder Boot? Der Preis % Très important Plutôt important Plutôt pas important Pas du tout important NSP Total 'Important' Total 'Pas important' Very important Fairly important Not very important Not at all important DK Total 'Important' Total 'Not important' Sehr wichtig Eher wichtig Nicht sehr wichtig Überhaupt nicht wichtig WN Gesamt 'Wichtig' Gesamt 'Nicht wichtig' EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 15 EU 28 41 42 12 3 2 83 BE 38 38 14 3 7 76 17 BG 47 40 10 0 3 87 10 CZ 47 33 14 4 2 80 18 DK DE EE IE 29 23 40 63 43 47 40 27 21 22 14 6 5 6 4 3 2 2 2 1 72 70 80 90 26 28 18 9 EL 78 20 2 0 0 98 2 ES 51 37 9 2 1 88 11 FR 54 40 5 0 1 94 5 HR 54 39 4 2 1 93 6 IT 57 37 4 1 1 94 5 CY 73 24 2 1 0 97 3 15 LV 42 42 12 3 1 84 HU 33 47 11 9 0 80 20 NL 25 47 22 4 2 72 26 AT 50 30 13 5 2 80 18 PL 38 47 6 5 4 85 11 PT 63 30 5 2 0 93 7 RO 50 34 11 4 1 84 15 SI 46 35 15 3 1 81 18 SK 27 54 10 7 2 81 17 FI 31 51 14 2 2 82 16 SE 19 60 16 4 1 79 20 UK 42 45 8 3 2 87 11 T6 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” QA19.2 Dans quelle mesure les éléments suivants sont-ils importants lorsque l'on planifie un voyage en bateau ou en navire ? Les horaires (fréquence du service) QA19.2 How important is each of the following elements when planning a journey by ship or boat? Timetable (frequency of service) QA19.2 Wie wichtig ist jeder der folgenden Aspekte bei der Planung einer Reise mit dem Schiff oder Boot? Fahrplan (Häufigkeit der Verbindung) % Très important Plutôt important Plutôt pas important Pas du tout important NSP Total 'Important' Total 'Pas important' Very important Fairly important Not very important Not at all important DK Total 'Important' Total 'Not important' Sehr wichtig Eher wichtig Nicht sehr wichtig Überhaupt nicht wichtig WN Gesamt 'Wichtig' Gesamt 'Nicht wichtig' EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 23 EU 28 31 43 18 5 3 74 BE 26 35 27 5 7 61 32 BG 45 39 11 3 2 84 14 CZ 36 40 16 5 3 76 21 DK DE EE IE 22 14 34 51 51 40 47 38 21 31 13 9 4 10 4 1 2 5 2 1 73 54 81 89 25 41 17 10 EL 63 32 5 0 0 95 5 ES 29 44 19 6 2 73 25 20 FR 30 48 15 5 2 78 HR 49 45 5 1 0 94 6 IT 42 43 11 3 1 85 14 CY 49 39 12 0 0 88 12 LV 18 45 25 10 2 63 35 HU 30 50 14 6 0 80 20 NL 28 46 19 4 3 74 23 AT 36 33 18 9 4 69 27 PL 23 48 14 8 7 71 22 PT 53 36 9 2 0 89 11 RO 37 40 16 5 2 77 21 SI 37 34 18 7 4 71 25 SK 34 42 13 6 5 76 19 FI 19 50 22 7 2 69 29 SE 23 50 21 5 1 73 26 UK 38 43 13 4 2 81 17 T7 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” QA19.3 Dans quelle mesure les éléments suivants sont-ils importants lorsque l'on planifie un voyage en bateau ou en navire ? Les équipements à bord QA19.3 How important is each of the following elements when planning a journey by ship or boat? Amenities on board QA19.3 Wie wichtig ist jeder der folgenden Aspekte bei der Planung einer Reise mit dem Schiff oder Boot? Bequemlichkeit an Bord % Très important Plutôt important Plutôt pas important Pas du tout important NSP Total 'Important' Total 'Pas important' Very important Fairly important Not very important Not at all important DK Total 'Important' Total 'Not important' Sehr wichtig Eher wichtig Nicht sehr wichtig Überhaupt nicht wichtig WN Gesamt 'Wichtig' Gesamt 'Nicht wichtig' EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EU 28 30 45 20 3 2 75 23 BE 23 33 25 12 7 56 37 BG 81 15 2 0 2 96 2 CZ 31 37 29 2 1 68 31 DK DE EE IE 8 27 17 33 31 51 46 46 51 17 27 17 9 3 9 3 1 2 1 1 39 78 63 79 60 20 36 20 15 EL 49 36 13 2 0 85 ES 30 42 22 4 2 72 26 FR 23 45 26 4 2 68 30 HR 17 42 34 6 1 59 40 IT 45 46 8 0 1 91 8 CY 66 30 4 0 0 96 4 15 LV 33 51 14 1 1 84 HU 31 51 17 1 0 82 18 NL 15 31 44 9 1 46 53 AT 48 30 14 3 5 78 17 PL 27 49 13 6 5 76 19 PT 48 41 11 0 0 89 11 RO 23 51 16 7 3 74 23 SI 23 44 22 9 2 67 31 SK 33 54 10 3 0 87 13 FI 33 49 13 3 2 82 16 SE 21 47 26 4 2 68 30 UK 32 47 16 3 2 79 19 T8 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” QA19.4 Dans quelle mesure les éléments suivants sont-ils importants lorsque l'on planifie un voyage en bateau ou en navire ? La compagnie maritime ou fluviale QA19.4 How important is each of the following elements when planning a journey by ship or boat? Shipping line QA19.4 Wie wichtig ist jeder der folgenden Aspekte bei der Planung einer Reise mit dem Schiff oder Boot? Schifffahrtsgesellschaft % Très important Plutôt important Plutôt pas important Pas du tout important NSP Total 'Important' Total 'Pas important' Very important Fairly important Not very important Not at all important DK Total 'Important' Total 'Not important' Sehr wichtig Eher wichtig Nicht sehr wichtig Überhaupt nicht wichtig WN Gesamt 'Wichtig' Gesamt 'Nicht wichtig' EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 50 EU 28 15 31 33 17 4 46 BE 11 30 40 11 8 41 51 BG 45 38 13 0 4 83 13 CZ 26 35 26 2 11 61 28 DK DE EE IE 2 8 6 20 9 26 19 35 42 42 40 29 44 20 31 13 3 4 4 3 11 34 25 55 86 62 71 42 32 EL 31 37 24 8 0 68 ES 20 33 29 12 6 53 41 FR 20 32 32 13 3 52 45 HR 11 26 46 15 2 37 61 IT 31 48 18 3 0 79 21 CY 41 39 17 2 1 80 19 LV 12 39 31 13 5 51 44 HU 12 31 34 22 1 43 56 NL 3 12 46 35 4 15 81 AT 27 29 26 13 5 56 39 PL 13 46 21 8 12 59 29 PT 34 32 26 8 0 66 34 RO 19 56 15 7 3 75 22 SI 10 32 34 21 3 42 55 SK 28 44 22 3 3 72 25 FI 5 19 43 31 2 24 74 SE 5 21 38 31 5 26 69 UK 13 34 32 15 6 47 47 T9 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” QA19.5 Dans quelle mesure les éléments suivants sont-ils importants lorsque l'on planifie un voyage en bateau ou en navire ? L’historique publié de l'entreprise en matière de sécurité QA19.5 How important is each of the following elements when planning a journey by ship or boat? Published safety records of the company QA19.5 Wie wichtig ist jeder der folgenden Aspekte bei der Planung einer Reise mit dem Schiff oder Boot? Veröffentlichte Informationen zu Sicherheitsmaßnahmen des Unternehmens % Très important Plutôt important Plutôt pas important Pas du tout important NSP Total 'Important' Total 'Pas important' Very important Fairly important Not very important Not at all important DK Total 'Important' Total 'Not important' Sehr wichtig Eher wichtig Nicht sehr wichtig Überhaupt nicht wichtig WN Gesamt 'Wichtig' Gesamt 'Nicht wichtig' EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EU 28 28 40 19 9 4 68 28 BE 19 38 22 13 8 57 35 BG 65 28 3 0 4 93 3 CZ 28 39 16 10 7 67 26 DK DE EE IE 15 25 17 40 35 43 37 33 35 22 24 18 12 7 15 6 3 3 7 3 50 68 54 73 47 29 39 24 30 EL 32 34 21 9 4 66 ES 24 49 16 7 4 73 23 FR 22 44 19 10 5 66 29 HR 18 39 33 8 2 57 41 IT 45 42 9 3 1 87 12 CY 61 28 8 1 2 89 9 LV 23 40 24 7 6 63 31 HU 23 44 21 11 1 67 32 NL 15 32 35 15 3 47 50 AT 27 35 20 13 5 62 33 PL 26 44 14 7 9 70 21 PT 43 37 17 2 1 80 19 RO 27 46 15 9 3 73 24 SI 13 35 31 15 6 48 46 SK 56 30 6 6 2 86 12 FI 20 46 23 8 3 66 31 SE 17 32 24 20 7 49 44 UK 41 35 14 6 4 76 20 T10 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” QA19.6 Dans quelle mesure les éléments suivants sont-ils importants lorsque l'on planifie un voyage en bateau ou en navire ? Les destinations disponibles au port le plus proche QA19.6 How important is each of the following elements when planning a journey by ship or boat? Availability of the destinations at the closest port QA19.6 Wie wichtig ist jeder der folgenden Aspekte bei der Planung einer Reise mit dem Schiff oder Boot? Erreichbare Reiseziele vom nächsten Hafen % Très important Plutôt important Plutôt pas important Pas du tout important NSP Total 'Important' Total 'Pas important' Very important Fairly important Not very important Not at all important DK Total 'Important' Total 'Not important' Sehr wichtig Eher wichtig Nicht sehr wichtig Überhaupt nicht wichtig WN Gesamt 'Wichtig' Gesamt 'Nicht wichtig' EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 18 EU 28 34 44 13 5 4 78 BE 28 36 23 6 7 64 29 BG 52 36 10 0 2 88 10 CZ 43 43 6 5 3 86 11 DK DE EE IE 14 28 30 49 50 41 50 40 24 19 12 7 8 7 4 1 4 5 4 3 64 69 80 89 32 26 16 8 EL 51 39 7 2 1 90 9 ES 30 51 14 2 3 81 16 14 FR 34 48 11 3 4 82 HR 42 49 6 2 1 91 8 IT 47 41 9 1 2 88 10 CY 47 42 10 1 0 89 11 LV 29 49 14 4 4 78 18 HU 37 51 9 2 1 88 11 NL 26 45 18 7 4 71 25 AT 45 30 14 7 4 75 21 PL 28 54 6 5 7 82 11 PT 54 35 8 2 1 89 10 RO 26 48 17 7 2 74 24 SI 38 42 12 3 5 80 15 SK 51 38 5 4 2 89 9 FI 16 39 29 13 3 55 42 SE 28 47 15 7 3 75 22 UK 39 45 8 3 5 84 11 T11 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” QA19.7 Dans quelle mesure les éléments suivants sont-ils importants lorsque l'on planifie un voyage en bateau ou en navire ? Les connexions existantes QA19.7 How important is each of the following elements when planning a journey by ship or boat? Available connections QA19.7 Wie wichtig ist jeder der folgenden Aspekte bei der Planung einer Reise mit dem Schiff oder Boot? Verfügbare Reiseanschlüsse % Très important Plutôt important Plutôt pas important Pas du tout important NSP Total 'Important' Total 'Pas important' Very important Fairly important Not very important Not at all important DK Total 'Important' Total 'Not important' Sehr wichtig Eher wichtig Nicht sehr wichtig Überhaupt nicht wichtig WN Gesamt 'Wichtig' Gesamt 'Nicht wichtig' EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EU 28 34 42 14 6 4 76 20 BE 30 34 20 7 9 64 27 BG 60 33 5 0 2 93 5 CZ 41 45 8 3 3 86 11 DK DE EE IE 13 25 28 52 39 34 52 36 31 24 10 8 12 11 3 3 5 6 7 1 52 59 80 88 43 35 13 11 EL 50 41 7 2 0 91 9 ES 33 51 8 4 4 84 12 FR 18 46 22 9 5 64 31 HR 47 46 4 2 1 93 6 IT 55 37 6 1 1 92 7 CY 48 40 9 1 2 88 10 27 LV 23 45 22 5 5 68 HU 31 48 15 5 1 79 20 NL 31 51 12 4 2 82 16 AT 37 38 16 5 4 75 21 PL 35 52 4 4 5 87 8 PT 53 39 6 2 0 92 8 RO 29 50 14 3 4 79 17 SI 44 40 8 4 4 84 12 SK 39 45 12 4 0 84 16 FI 23 53 16 5 3 76 21 SE 28 46 16 8 2 74 24 UK 39 43 10 3 5 82 13 T12 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” QA19.8 Dans quelle mesure les éléments suivants sont-ils importants lorsque l'on planifie un voyage en bateau ou en navire ? La qualité ou l’âgedes bateaux ou des navires QA19.8 How important is each of the following elements when planning a journey by ship or boat? Quality or age of ships or boats QA19.8 Wie wichtig ist jeder der folgenden Aspekte bei der Planung einer Reise mit dem Schiff oder Boot? Qualität oder Alter der Schiffe oder Boote % Très important Plutôt important Plutôt pas important Pas du tout important NSP Total 'Important' Total 'Pas important' Very important Fairly important Not very important Not at all important DK Total 'Important' Total 'Not important' Sehr wichtig Eher wichtig Nicht sehr wichtig Überhaupt nicht wichtig WN Gesamt 'Wichtig' Gesamt 'Nicht wichtig' EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EU 28 45 38 12 3 2 83 15 BE 35 28 21 7 9 63 28 BG 82 13 3 0 2 95 3 CZ 57 34 5 3 1 91 8 DK DE EE IE 15 43 27 51 41 37 50 33 30 14 16 12 11 4 4 1 3 2 3 3 56 80 77 84 41 18 20 13 EL 75 22 3 0 0 97 3 ES 48 43 6 1 2 91 7 FR 50 32 13 2 3 82 15 HR 47 42 8 3 0 89 11 IT 59 34 5 1 1 93 6 CY 71 25 3 1 0 96 4 11 LV 56 32 9 2 1 88 HU 42 38 14 4 2 80 18 NL 27 41 23 7 2 68 30 AT 51 30 11 4 4 81 15 PL 42 47 4 2 5 89 6 PT 54 33 11 2 0 87 13 RO 35 47 12 3 3 82 15 SI 38 38 18 4 2 76 22 SK 85 13 2 0 0 98 2 FI 33 47 14 4 2 80 18 SE 38 46 10 4 2 84 14 UK 37 41 15 4 3 78 19 T13 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” QA20.1 Dans quelle mesure les bateaux et navires sont-ils sûrs ou pas ? Un bateau de croisière QA20.1 In your opinion, how safe or not are the following ships or boats? A cruise ship QA20.1 Wie sicher oder unsicher sind die folgenden Schiffe oder Boote Ihrer Meinung nach? Ein Kreuzfahrtschiff % Tout à fait en sécurité Plutôt en sécurité Pas très sûrs Pas du tout sûrs NSP Total 'Sûrs' Total 'Pas sûrs' Very safe Fairly safe Not very safe Not at all safe DK Total 'Safe' Total 'Not safe' Sehr sicher Ziemlich sicher Nicht sehr sicher Überhaupt nicht sicher WN Gesamt 'Sicher' Gesamt 'Nicht sicher' EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 10 EU 28 22 46 8 2 22 68 BE 23 47 10 3 17 70 13 BG 12 29 13 4 42 41 17 CZ 16 49 8 2 25 65 10 DK DE EE IE 37 22 17 35 37 51 44 40 3 6 4 5 1 3 1 1 22 18 34 19 74 73 61 75 4 9 5 6 9 EL 34 53 8 1 4 87 ES 24 45 6 2 23 69 8 FR 19 49 12 2 18 68 14 HR 17 50 13 2 18 67 15 IT 19 54 12 5 10 73 17 CY 26 51 13 2 8 77 15 LV 10 45 20 3 22 55 23 HU 15 41 7 6 31 56 13 NL 37 44 4 1 14 81 5 AT 30 47 9 3 11 77 12 6 PL 8 51 5 1 35 59 PT 19 53 6 2 20 72 8 RO 14 27 8 6 45 41 14 SI 26 45 9 1 19 71 10 SK 6 41 11 3 39 47 14 FI 49 45 1 0 5 94 1 SE 32 47 4 2 15 79 6 UK 30 33 5 2 30 63 7 T14 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” QA20.2 Dans quelle mesure les bateaux et navires sont-ils sûrs ou pas ? Un bateau utilisé pour effectuer les trajets quotidiens entre la maison et le travail QA20.2 In your opinion, how safe or not are the following ships or boats? A ship used for daily commuting QA20.2 Wie sicher oder unsicher sind die folgenden Schiffe oder Boote Ihrer Meinung nach? Ein Schiff, das im täglichen Pendelverkehr eingesetzt wird % Tout à fait en sécurité Plutôt en sécurité Pas très sûrs Pas du tout sûrs NSP Total 'Sûrs' Total 'Pas sûrs' Very safe Fairly safe Not very safe Not at all safe DK Total 'Safe' Total 'Not safe' Sehr sicher Ziemlich sicher Nicht sehr sicher Überhaupt nicht sicher WN Gesamt 'Sicher' Gesamt 'Nicht sicher' EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 10 EU 28 17 46 8 2 27 63 BE 16 47 7 2 28 63 9 BG 7 29 14 4 46 36 18 CZ 13 43 9 2 33 56 11 DK DE EE IE 28 20 10 30 41 55 50 45 4 5 5 3 0 2 2 1 27 18 33 21 69 75 60 75 4 7 7 4 16 EL 26 53 14 2 5 79 ES 11 37 14 5 33 48 19 FR 16 44 8 2 30 60 10 HR 18 55 12 1 14 73 13 IT 13 56 14 4 13 69 18 CY 15 47 18 3 17 62 21 LV 4 36 23 3 34 40 26 HU 9 42 10 6 33 51 16 NL 33 49 3 0 15 82 3 AT 24 54 8 1 13 78 9 PL 7 45 9 2 37 52 11 PT 11 54 12 3 20 65 15 RO 11 26 11 6 46 37 17 SI 17 46 9 1 27 63 10 13 SK 5 38 9 4 44 43 FI 20 39 1 0 40 59 1 SE 33 50 3 0 14 83 3 UK 24 37 4 1 34 61 5 T15 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” QA20.3 Dans quelle mesure les bateaux et navires sont-ils sûrs ou pas ? Un ferry transportant aussi bien des véhicules que des passagers QA20.3 In your opinion, how safe or not are the following ships or boats? A ferry carrying both vehicles and passengers QA20.3 Wie sicher oder unsicher sind die folgenden Schiffe oder Boote Ihrer Meinung nach? Eine Fähre, die sowohl Fahrzeuge als auch Passagiere transportiert % Tout à fait en sécurité Plutôt en sécurité Pas très sûrs Pas du tout sûrs NSP Total 'Sûrs' Total 'Pas sûrs' Very safe Fairly safe Not very safe Not at all safe DK Total 'Safe' Total 'Not safe' Sehr sicher Ziemlich sicher Nicht sehr sicher Überhaupt nicht sicher WN Gesamt 'Sicher' Gesamt 'Nicht sicher' EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 11 EU 28 19 49 9 2 21 68 BE 18 49 13 2 18 67 15 BG 9 28 17 5 41 37 22 CZ 19 42 10 2 27 61 12 DK DE EE IE 42 19 12 32 45 56 52 46 2 9 7 4 0 1 2 1 11 15 27 17 87 75 64 78 2 10 9 5 18 EL 23 58 15 3 1 81 ES 15 46 9 3 27 61 12 FR 19 52 10 2 17 71 12 HR 17 58 11 1 13 75 12 IT 13 58 13 5 11 71 18 CY 15 45 18 4 18 60 22 LV 7 43 23 5 22 50 28 HU 14 45 9 5 27 59 14 NL 32 52 5 1 10 84 6 AT 21 55 11 2 11 76 13 PL 8 50 8 1 33 58 9 PT 12 55 10 3 20 67 13 RO 12 26 10 6 46 38 16 SI 21 53 11 1 14 74 12 SK 6 37 12 4 41 43 16 FI 38 52 2 0 8 90 2 SE 31 55 6 1 7 86 7 UK 29 39 4 1 27 68 5 T16 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” QA20.4 Dans quelle mesure les bateaux et navires sont-ils sûrs ou pas ? Un petit bateau pour les visites touristiques ou les excursions QA20.4 In your opinion, how safe or not are the following ships or boats? A small ship for sightseeing or excursions QA20.4 Wie sicher oder unsicher sind die folgenden Schiffe oder Boote Ihrer Meinung nach? Ein kleines Schiff für Besichtigungstouren oder Ausflüge % Tout à fait en sécurité Plutôt en sécurité Pas très sûrs Pas du tout sûrs NSP Total 'Sûrs' Total 'Pas sûrs' Very safe Fairly safe Not very safe Not at all safe DK Total 'Safe' Total 'Not safe' Sehr sicher Ziemlich sicher Nicht sehr sicher Überhaupt nicht sicher WN Gesamt 'Sicher' Gesamt 'Nicht sicher' EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 20 EU 28 11 46 17 3 23 57 BE 13 49 17 3 18 62 20 BG 7 24 23 7 39 31 30 CZ 13 43 15 4 25 56 19 DK DE EE IE 13 14 4 18 44 59 31 45 22 11 17 15 1 1 3 2 20 15 45 20 57 73 35 63 23 12 20 17 36 EL 12 48 31 5 4 60 ES 8 36 21 6 29 44 27 FR 11 49 18 4 18 60 22 HR 10 47 24 2 17 57 26 IT 5 39 34 7 15 44 41 CY 11 38 28 7 16 49 35 LV 6 34 31 4 25 40 35 HU 12 45 10 6 27 57 16 NL 18 56 12 0 14 74 12 AT 15 53 18 3 11 68 21 PL 5 42 15 2 36 47 17 PT 6 52 17 4 21 58 21 RO 9 29 11 6 45 38 17 SI 17 52 14 1 16 69 15 17 SK 5 38 13 4 40 43 FI 19 57 6 0 18 76 6 SE 11 51 22 2 14 62 24 UK 16 44 8 2 30 60 10 T17 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” QA20.5 Dans quelle mesure les bateaux et navires sont-ils sûrs ou pas ? Un voilier (lignes commerciales) QA20.5 In your opinion, how safe or not are the following ships or boats? A (commercial) sailing ship QA20.5 Wie sicher oder unsicher sind die folgenden Schiffe oder Boote Ihrer Meinung nach? Ein (kommerzielles)Segelschiff Tout à fait en sécurité Plutôt en sécurité Pas très sûrs Pas du tout sûrs NSP Total 'Sûrs' Total 'Pas sûrs' Very safe Fairly safe Not very safe Not at all safe DK Total 'Safe' Total 'Not safe' Sehr sicher Ziemlich sicher Nicht sehr sicher Überhaupt nicht sicher WN Gesamt 'Sicher' Gesamt 'Nicht sicher' % EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EU 28 10 38 15 4 33 48 19 BE 9 41 17 5 28 50 22 BG 3 21 19 7 50 24 26 CZ 10 34 18 4 34 44 22 DK DE EE IE 30 9 4 23 40 43 25 45 4 13 17 7 0 2 5 1 26 33 49 24 70 52 29 68 4 15 22 8 24 EL 13 51 21 3 12 64 ES 7 34 18 6 35 41 24 FR 7 37 17 5 34 44 22 HR 8 45 21 3 23 53 24 IT 6 34 30 10 20 40 40 CY 12 36 18 5 29 48 23 LV 4 25 26 7 38 29 33 HU 6 32 17 10 35 38 27 NL 12 48 14 1 25 60 15 AT 16 47 16 4 17 63 20 PL 5 42 10 2 41 47 12 PT 6 40 23 7 24 46 30 RO 11 26 9 6 48 37 15 SI 14 46 14 2 24 60 16 25 SK 3 28 17 8 44 31 FI 14 33 5 1 47 47 6 SE 11 39 15 1 34 50 16 UK 21 36 5 1 37 57 6 T18 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” QA21 Qu'est ce qui augmenterait votre confiance dans la sécurité d'une compagnie maritime ou fluviale lors de votre présence sur un bateau ou un navire ? (ROTATION – MAX. 2 REPONSES) QA21 What would increase your confidence in the safety of a shipping line while being aboard a ship? (ROTATE – MAX. 2 ANSWERS) QA21 Was würde Ihr Vertrauen in die Sicherheit einer Schifffahrtsgesellschaft während Ihres Aufenthalts an Bord eines Schiffs erhöhen? (ROTIEREN – MAX. 2 NENNUNGEN) Une session d'information sur les situations d'urgence Des équipements pour les personnes à mobilité réduite Organisation of an emergency exercise Information session on emergencies Facilities for people with restricted mobility Organisation einer Notfallübung Informationsveranstaltung zu Notfällen Einrichtungen für Menschen mit eingeschränkter Mobilität EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 6 Les La qualité ou L'information aux L'organisation compétences du l’âge des passagers avant le d'un exercice bateaux ou départ sur les capitaine et de d'évacuation des navires mesures de sécurité l’équipage Information to Competence of Quality or age passengers prior the captain and of the ship or departure on safety boat the crew measures Kompetenz des Kapitäns und der Mannschaft Qualität oder Alter des Schiffs oder Boots % EB 82.2 EB 82.2 Passagiere werden vor der Abfahrt über Sicherheitsvorkehrungen informiert EB 82.2 EU 28 33 29 17 12 10 BE 32 25 21 15 15 6 BG 35 35 18 6 8 3 CZ 18 29 18 9 7 4 DK DE EE IE 48 34 41 32 23 29 25 29 17 22 7 14 12 15 5 12 17 11 16 13 5 5 3 7 EL 38 55 20 10 6 7 ES 27 32 18 9 13 5 FR 30 34 21 15 7 7 HR 42 45 11 6 6 7 IT 41 34 15 14 10 8 CY 41 43 22 14 8 5 5 LV 34 38 17 5 12 HU 34 22 14 9 12 4 NL 34 20 28 11 16 9 AT 35 39 15 16 14 6 PL 25 23 13 7 6 3 PT 29 27 17 11 14 8 RO 27 25 10 8 7 4 SI 38 40 10 8 8 4 SK 26 35 10 5 6 3 FI 51 30 23 8 12 5 SE 45 32 33 5 9 4 UK 31 19 11 11 8 6 T19 SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 422b “Perceptions of maritime safety” QA21 Qu'est ce qui augmenterait votre confiance dans la sécurité d'une compagnie maritime ou fluviale lors de votre présence sur un bateau ou un navire ? (ROTATION – MAX. 2 REPONSES) QA21 What would increase your confidence in the safety of a shipping line while being aboard a ship? (ROTATE – MAX. 2 ANSWERS) QA21 Was würde Ihr Vertrauen in die Sicherheit einer Schifffahrtsgesellschaft während Ihres Aufenthalts an Bord eines Schiffs erhöhen? (ROTIEREN – MAX. 2 NENNUNGEN) Des informations La disponibilité d’équipements de sur le suivi du sauvetage bateau ou navire Autre (SP.) Availability of life- Information on Other (SP.) saving appliances ship tracking Rien (SP.) NSP Nothing (SP.) DK Verfügbarkeit von Rettungsgeräten Information zur Position des Schiffes Sonstige (SP.) Nichts (SP.) WN % EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EB 82.2 EU 28 33 8 1 6 13 BE 32 6 1 8 8 BG 17 6 0 8 23 CZ 36 12 1 9 15 DK DE EE IE 39 41 51 28 5 3 7 7 5 1 1 2 5 5 3 11 4 11 12 9 EL 40 8 3 2 0 ES 31 12 1 7 10 9 FR 30 10 2 5 HR 30 14 1 3 7 IT 36 8 2 2 8 CY 34 6 1 6 2 LV 43 5 2 5 7 HU 34 10 2 14 9 NL 53 2 1 2 6 AT 34 6 2 6 6 PL 24 16 1 8 22 PT 33 9 2 11 8 RO 18 4 2 9 30 SI 21 7 8 9 8 SK 28 4 3 7 22 4 FI 36 7 1 3 SE 55 2 1 1 2 UK 25 4 1 9 23 T20
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