13th Apr. 2016 6th High Power Targetry Workshop @Merton College Present Status of Muon Production Target at J-PARC/MLF/MUSE J-PARC Center, MLF Division, Muon Section (KEK) Shunsuke Makimura ([email protected]) Contents 1. Introduction 2. Muon Fixed & Rotating Target 3. Quality Assurance, case of rotating target 4. Bad & Stupid examples 5. Summary Instruction in 2003, 2004 Gerd Heidenreich (Meson/ PSI) Jack Beveridge (Kaon/ TRIUMF) Recent collaborations and discussions FNAL, BNL, PNNL, MSU, ORNL, ISIS , CERN,,, Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility & MUON TARGET S-Line; MuSR H-line; G-2 experiment, MuSEUM, DeeMe 3GeV-RCS 1MW in future 500kW at present Muon Target Neutron Target U-Line; Ultra Slow Muon D-line; MuSR, Mu X-Ray Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) The most intense pulsed muon beam all over the world PSI; 1MW Rotating Target Rotating Target Installation ISIS/RAL; 200kW Fixed Target Country LINAC Upgrade New RCS schedule We are here MR New PS Earth quake Japan Hadron Acc. U.K. 5Switzerland Facilityat J-PARCJ-PARC MUSEused forRAL PSI The fixed target had been fiveISIS years without replacement. P Intensity [MW] 1.0(Goal) 0.16 1.3 The fixed target was replaced with rotating target in Sep. of 2014. Surface target Mu+ [/s] x 107used (U)@0.2MW 6 xwithout 105 3 x 107 The rotating has 6been for two years replacement. DC / Pulse Pulse (25Hz) Pulse (50Hz) DC Muon Fixed Target (~2014 Sep.) Isotropic Graphite IG-430U (Toyo Tanso) Diameter; 70mm Thickness; 20mm P-Beam diameter; 16 mm (2s) 4kW heat @ 1MW proton beam 70 mm 20 mm Stainless steel pipe (Water) Copper frame Hot Iso-static Press method Titanium layer as stress absorber Silver brazing method It has been used for five years without replacements. (accum. Beam 2500 MWh) Muon Rotating Target (2014 Sep.~) Learning from Paul Scherrer Institute, Rotating target method is applied to disperse the irradiation damage of graphite to a wider area. Solid lubricant; Disulfide tungsten Aiming lifetime; 10 years Rotating Target was successfully installed on 16th September of 2014. Stable operation for two years!! (Accumulated Beam power; 1000 MWh) Proton beam Fixed target Rotating target Remote handling of Muon Target Residual radiation dose of muon target; 5 Sv/hour @surface Non-destructive measurement of thermal conductivity for 3-GeV p-irradiated muon target at J-PARC/MUSE Thermal conductivity 70 Horizontal pitch1mm 60 Themal conductivity (W/m/K) Vertical Pitch1mm Transfer of Target by Shielding vessel, cask 0.002dpa80℃ 50 40 30 horizontal 20 vertical 10 0.25dpa200℃ 0 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 distance from center (mm) Un-irradiated 170W/m/K 30 40 Journal of Nuclear Materials 450 (2014) 110-116 Th. Cond. of beam spot; < 10 % of un-irradiated Replacement in Hot cell SiC/SiC and SiC coated graphite (Near-Future development) Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research KAKENHI Kiban B (16H03994) Approved this April Replacement of graphite with SiC/SiC composite MuSIC/RCNP at Osaka COMET Phase-I at Hadron Facility/ J-PARC (Muon Gr., G-2, DeeMe at MLF/J-PARC) NITE-SiC/SiC composite material By OASIS, Muroran Institute of Technology CVD-SiC coated graphite COMET Experiment by Dr. Mihara; MuSIC/RCNP at Osaka Univ. by Dr. Sato . Target is also located in capture solenoid. Aiming Purpose Tritium barrier for simple maintenance High oxidation resistance for air introduction to beam line Active vs Passive oxidation BLIP-Irradiation at RaDIATE collaboration Supported by US-JP collaboration of KEK Representative; T. Ishida, and P.Hurf Quality Assurance, case of rotating target J-PARC has no in-house manufacturing division. In general, a large apparatus is fabricated by a vendor. To fabricate the apparatus, we must know “what specification we actually need” with consideration for performance (design, mechanics, material,,,) facility (utilities, environment, handling device,,) feasibility, maintenance, cost, schedule, manpower,,,,, Impossible to mimic conditions of proton irradiation Muon Group Conceptual Design and mock-up test Conceptual design Detailed design & fabrication of mock-up Test by mock-up Fabrication of actual target Vendor, Manufacturer Specification Document for bidding Subcontractor On-site inspection Subcontractor Durability tests by mock-up Heating & Rotating tests 750 degC max. (650 degC @B.L.) 300 r.p.m. (15 r.p.m. @B.L.) 330 mm Proton beam Heating test (x 10 %) torque モータートルク(×10%) 6 モータートルク Motor torque (x 10 %) 5 4 Bearings was damaged very quickly even with disulfide tungsten lubricants. 3 2 1 0 -1 03/04 7:12 03/05 19:12 03/07 7:12 03/08 19:12 03/10 7:12 03/11 19:12 Difference of thermal expansion between vertical shaft and shaft support One-sided damage was observed on the disassembled bearing (Fixed bearing). coupling Spline nut Magnetic coupling Coupling Transmission of rotation, but free motion in axial direction, THK co., LTD. Fixed bearing (axial dir.) Pass-through bearing Motor torque (x 10 %) Operation for 4 days 9 days with 300 r.p.m. (4800h @15 r.p.m.) Operation for 5 days It will work at least for 1 year!! Actually, it has been used for two years. The other testing by mock-up and modification Appearance test of surface of bevel gears by SEM Modification of up-down motion system Distortion check by dimensional test before and after heating Introduction of radiation-hard grease to magnetic coupling Bad & Stupid examples of quality assurance 2007; Disassembling of cask and measurement of dimension again Skip of on-site inspection for dimensional check 2006; Scratch on pillowseal Forgetting of distortion of vacuum duct by air-pressure load 2006~2015; Unprecise measurement of temperature on scraper Forgetting of thermal radiation from rotating target In 2014, we found it. 1.5 Sv/h replacement Matoba will report it. Summary Since 2008, stable operation by fixed target and rotating target has been performed. It has been achieved on continuous upgrade against many failures. We must keep the spiral upgrade continuously. Matoba will give a talk in session 5 tomorrow, for our Monitoring (temperature, sounds,,) Thank you for your attention and see you again in next HPTW. Bearing & Solid lubricants For our target, the bearing is used under 100 MGy/year, 400 Kelvins, 10-5 Pa Type Temp. (Kelvins) Pressure (Pa) Radiation Speed (rpm) Storage Lifetime @15rpm (hour) MoS2 coating <570 105 to 10-5 general <500 air 1100 Ag coating <600 10-3 to 10-10 general <500 vacuum 5800 WS2 Separator <600 105 to 10-5 few <210 air 110000 Retainer, balls, & rings, coated by MoS2 or Silver Separator made of sintered compact of WS2 Great amount of Lubricant Captured from JTEKT(KOYO) Catalog Evaluation by the formula of the JTEKT Catalog Disulfide Tungsten is used for MUSE target. Anticipated Lifetime is 20 years!! Radiation resistance of WS2 should be confirmed. Radiation Resistance of WS2 Electron beam irradiation JAEA, Takasaki, 2MV, 1mA, 20hours, 100MGy Durability tests with load & heat 4.5 million revolutions, 1year@ beam line No irradiation effect was observed. Analysis of rotating target Analysis of ordinal operation by FEM on ANSYS & Finite Difference Method on Microsoft Excel Maximum temp. 920 Kelvins, Difference; 80 Kelvins Thermal stress ;3MPa Rotation speed at beam line should be 15 rpm. 30th July, 2014 Replacement of the used Fixed target M2 line M1 line Radiation dose; 750μSv/h @12 m (150mSv/h @30cm) To neutron source Remote-controlled camera No crack was observed. 400 mSv/h @20cm Dose-meter & Digital camera 10cm gap 7th July, 2014 FL4m Transportation to tentative storage vessel Cooling Jacket Operation of muon rotating target 300-kW & 400-kW operation for 3 months 600-kW operations for 1 hour on 8th Apr./2015 Continuous 500-kW operation Motor torque has been remaining constant. Trial tests for interlock in case of beam stopping Horizontal shaft Bearing Proton beam Thermocouples for shaft temp. Graphite wheel Graphite temperature by thermal radiation 300kW 500kW 1MW Shaft (Simulation) 71 degC 84 degC 112 degC Shaft (Measurement) 78 degC 95 degC - Graphite (Simulation) 400 degC 475 degC Th. radiation (Measurement) 45 degC 60 degC 620 degC - The Others Bevel gear for rotation of target Bearing of rotation F.T. Thermal expansion To-be-installed Rotating Target Rotation shaft Heavy shielding Bearing of which inner ring is fixed to shaft. Target rod Bearing (not fixed) Top coupling THK spline nuts DP15 Coupling Absorption of thermal expansion of the long shaft Completed!! Spline nut Remote-controlled commissioning at Hot cell Regular maintenance for Rotating Target Aiming lifetime; 10 years, Possibilities of breakdown Lifetime of some components in maintenance area; Several years (Replacement by regular maintenance) 1. Components, which can not be replaced easily. Most of Bearings in vacuum & Coupling Target itself Lifetime; > 10 years 2. Components, which can be replaced in maintenance area (out of vacuum) Motor for rotation, motor for up-down Timing belt for up-down motion Lifetime; 2~3years 3. Components, which can be replaced in maintenance area (in vacuum) Magnetic coupling FT for Rotation introduction into vacuum Coupling. Bearing with the heaviest load Lifetime; 2~3years Rotating Target Suppression of thermal conduction from Graphite to bearings 3 Pieces of graphite are integrated to a wheel by centrifugal rings. Thin flat bars will absorb the thermal expansion between CF ring and outer ring of target support. They must support weight and inertia of the graphite. Items to be considered for multi-MW target Maximum temperature of bearing, graphite Thermal stress on graphite and the flat bars Target support Cooling jacket (Cu) Graphite Bearing Chamber Temperature & Thermal stress on graphite Adiabatic heating by pulsed beam Thermal stress; 0.8MPa @1MW Strength; 10 MPa (assumption) 10 MW can be accepted. Beam spot Diameter; 16mm Beam loss; 3500W (1MW) Temperature & Thermal stress by quasi-static heating on graphite (With rotation) Temperature difference VS Thermal stress on graphite 3MPa @100 degC 10MPa @330 degC Limitation of temp. difference (assumption); 330 degC Temp. difference; 80 degC @1MW, 120 degC @2MW, 280 degC @5MW Simulation by FEM & finite difference method 5 MW can be accepted. Limitation of temp. 1600 degC (Evaporation rate in Vac.) 650 degC @1MW, 840 degC @2MW, 1150 degC @5MW 5 MW can be accepted. Fatigue property of IG-110 JAERI-M-84-148 Thermal stress on bearing & flat bar Temperature at bearing Limitation of temp. (assumption); Space between rings and balls; 150 degC By Re-design of bearing, limitation will be 300 degC. 120 degC @1MW, 155 degC @2MW, 235 degC@5MW 2MW can be accepted by the current target. 5MW can be accepted by a replaced target with re-design of bearings. Thermal stress on flat bar Limitation of temp. difference(assumption); 200MPa @350 degC, inconel strength 110 degC @1MW, 125 degC @2MW, 135 degC@5MW 5MW can be accepted by the current target. As far as the target itself is concerned, 2MW can be accepted by the current target. And 5MW can be also, with re-design of bearing. Detection of cracks Analysis of severe crack model Max. temp.; 1480 degC Actually, the sensitive monitoring has been achieved. The offset of the beam position can be monitored by the unbalance of the diagonal temperature . Cracks can be observed, through observation of diagonal thermo-couples, ① right left Temperature difference at T.C. ; 7.2 degC It is larger than the actual temp. difference. 49 47 45 43 left 41 right 39 ③ 37 35 0 5 ⑦ 3 ⑤ 2 Actual temperature difference at T.C.@ RUN47 ; 2.2 degC 4mm offset; Beam position Down-Left 10 15 20 T1-T5 with calibration T3-T7 with caribration 1 0 -1 -2 -3 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 1mm/month Isotropic Graphite 0.001mm/month Isotropic graphite (polycrystalline graphite) 2000 degC 1600 degC ⇔Highly Ordered Pyrolytic Graphite (HOPG) 140 thermal conductivity(W/mK) For accelerator, nuclear reactor Low density High resistance to heat Low Young’s modulus High strength Low residual radiation IG-430U (Toyo Tanso); Muon Target (IG-110; irradiation data obtained systematically) Evaporation rate of graphite (M.S. Avilov et al., Nuclear Instruments and Methods, A618 (2010) 1) 0.02dpa 200℃ 0.25dpa 200℃ 0.82dpa 400℃ unirradiated 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 temperature(℃) Neutron irradiation effect to thermal conductivity (T. Maruyama et al., Journal of Nuclear Materials 195 (1992) 44-50.) Irradiation effect to thermal conductivity Dimensional change by proton irradiation HOPG (Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite) c-axis; expansion, a-axis; shrinkage (expansion > shrinkage) (B. T. Kelly et al., Phil. Trans. A, 260 (1966) 37-49.) Isotropic Graphite Pore closure, Pore growth, Crystal growth No effect was observed under 2300 K without irradiation. (G. B. Neighbour, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 33 (2000) 2966-2972) Gradient; Dimensional change rate (%/dpa) Dimensional change (%) temp. dependence Expansion (< 300 degC <), Shrinkage http://www.toyotanso.co.jp/Products/Pruduct_j.pdf Radiation damage (dpa) Proportional to rad. damage in our case. Dimensional change rate (%/dpa) depends on temperature. G. B. Neighbour Radiation damage (dpa) – Dimensional change(%) Measurement for thermal conductivity of graphite Thermal diffusivity are measured instead of Th. conductivity. l=Drc (l; Th. Conductivity(W/m/K), D; Th. diffusivity(m2/s), r; Density (kg/m3), c; Th. Capacity (J/kg/K)) Conventional Method (Laser-flash technique) New method for this experiment Laser Spot Heating technique 2-dimensional thermo-meter Cutting of specimen Measurement Temp.@ Heated spot time Temp. @ Mating surface time Delay of transmission The target must be destroyed. We must consider transportation and the scattered radioactive powders. The spatial resolution is limited by sample size. Periodic heating Diode Laser Non-destructively Target can be used again. Decreasing nucl. wastes High spatial resolution Modified Thermal Imaging Scope (Bethel. Co. LTD.) Comparison of Amplitude Temp. variation @ Heated spot time Temp. variation @distant position from heated spot time Delay of transmission; q (H. Kato et al., Meas. Sci. Technol. 12 (2001) 2074-2080) Theoretical Background of this technique Thermal transport equation D; Th. diffusivity(m2/s), r; Density (kg/m3), c; Th. Capacity (J/kg/K)) P T (r , t ) exp( kr i ( wt kr)) 4Drc q Amplitude k 2D f D l -1 Carslaw H S and Jaeger J C 1959 Conduction of Heat in Solids (Oxford: Clarendon)p 263 q r q r Periodic heating on Point Pexp(it) gradient f Thermo-meter Distribution of Th. Cond. must be measured. D Amplitude includes given heat by laser, P r Comparison of Amplitude Temp. variation @ Heated spot time Temp. variation @distant position from heated spot time Delay of transmission; q Feasibility of Apparatus DT; about 5 K 2-dimensional infrared thermo-meter Expensive!! Evaluation by Delay High quantitative performance Evaluation by Amplitude Low quantitative per., but low costs Relative measurements based on an exact Th. Cond., obtained by other technique (Laser flash method). Un-irradiated Th. Cond. 170W/m/K Measuring Apparatus of thermal conductivity Vicinity of Muon Target; 5Sv/h, 5Gy/h for organic material (by Kawamura) Assumption; Lifetime of measuring device, 100Gy, this means 20 hours 50mm iron shielding decreases the dose to 20 %. Extended Lifetime; 100 hours Measurements with mirror reflection Laser spot heating apparatus Integrated measuring apparatus is set on a three-dimensional movable stage, which is set on plug stand. Relative position is confirmed by laser displacement meter. Muon Target will set on the plug stand mirror Laser displacement meter; resolution 1mm CCD camera Shielding for radiation 2-dimensional Thermo-meter Periodic Heating LD Laser spot heating apparatus Indirect measurement through mirror reflection The devices are set on the 3dimensional motion stage. Position resolution; 10mm Beam Profile and Anticipated Th. Conductivity The variation of thermal conductivity irradiated by neutrons 20mm x 16mm Map pitch2mm Horizontal pitch1mm Vertical Pitch1mm Beam density(MWh/mm^2) Distribution of Beam density (~RUN39) -20 8 Max. 0.25dpa 6 thermal conductivity(W/mK) Annealing effect 140 0.02dpa 200℃ 120 0.25dpa 200℃ 100 0.82dpa 400℃ 80 unirradiated 60 40 20 0 0 4 Vertical 2 Horizontal 0 -10 0 10 Distance from center (mm) 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 temperature(℃) Data for IG110 T.Maruyama et al., Journal of Nuclear Materials 195 (1992) 44-50. 20 0.002 dpa If decrement of conductivity is proportional to radiation dose, the distribution for the thermal conductivity corresponds to the beam profile. From Simulation Th. Conductivity can be anticipated, 0.25dpa on center 200degC; 5W/m/K 0.002dpa on edge 80degC; 10W/m/K Measurement in Hot cell 20mm x 16mm Map pitch2mm Results We could observe an annealing effect on the center of beam spot because of high temperature. The beam profile for horizontal/vertical could be observed. Thermal conductivity was higher than the prediction. Total (Horizontal) Total (Vertical) -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Thermal conductivity 70 0.002dpa80℃ Themal conductivity (W/m/K) 60 50 40 30 horizontal 20 10 vertical 0.25dpa200℃ 0 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 distance from center (mm) Un-irradiated 170W/m/K 30 40 Vertical Pitch1mm Rad. Dose (dpa) Th.Cond. Prediction Th.Cond. Results Center of target 0.25 5 W/m/K 15 W/m/K Edge of target 0.002 Ellipse shape Beam Loss (a.u.) Total Beam Loss on Target Horizontal pitch1mm (200 degC) (80 degC) 15W/m/K 50 W/m/K Results (Mapping) Ellipse shape Beam Loss (a.u.) Total Beam Loss on Target -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 Total (Horizontal) Total (Vertical) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 2-dimensional map of thermal conductivity 20mm x 16mm Map pitch2mm 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 Horizontal - distance from center (mm) Vertical - distance from center (mm) 8 54-56 50-54 46-50 42-46 38-42 34-38 30-34 26-30 22-26 18-22 14-18 10-14 Muon/Pion Production Target for proton accelerator in Japan MuSIC at Osaka/RCNP J-PARC New DC muon source, 392MeV, 400 W Ref. A. Sato @Osaka Univ. MLF/Muon 3 GeV, 1MW by S. Makimura COMET Phase 1 (Plan) 8 GeV, 3.2 kW Ref. S. Mihara G10 mock-up Neutrino (T2K) 30 GeV, 1 MW Ref. T. Nakadaira Graphite Target in general From t2k experiment.org Polycrystalline Graphite Conventional material for High Power Proton Target Not only Japan but also, PSI, ISIS,,,, Low density~ Low Beam loss Large disperse of muon/pion production High-temperature resistance Low Young’s modulus~ Low thermal stress High thermal-shock resistance Loss by Oxidation Tritium Production SiC/SiC composite material Candidate of new target material with High Performance Advantage of SiC with regard to Physics requirements COMET Experiment; Pion Production Target Capture Solenoid These information were supplied by Dr. Mihara. Muon-Electron Conversion Hadron Experimental Facility at J-PARC Phase-I; 8 GeV-MR, 3.2 kW, Graphite target Phase-II; 8 GeV-MR, 56 kW, High-Z target Muon Transport Section is designed for Phase-II. To reduce the disperse of muon production in the solenoid, SiC target is preferable to graphite for Phase-I. Under discussion, with Dr. Mihara. MuSIC/RCNP at Osaka Univ. by Dr. Sato Target is also located in capture solenoid. Advantage of SiC with regard to Physics requirements DeeMe Experiment; These information were supplied by Dr. Aoki in Osaka Univ.. Si nucleus → DeeMe Graphite (C) → Si: 11-times larger overlap μ- reaction ε: 8%(C)→67%(Si) C nucleus Muon-Electron Conversion Materials and Life Science Facility at J-PARC Sensitivity of DeeMe; 10 -14 (Sensitivity of COMET Phase-I; 10-15, Phase-II; 10-17 ) Better to replace graphite with SiC. μ-(Si) μ-(C) r/aBohr Silicon Carbide Eff. of Muon Reaction: 6 times larger than graphite. Concept of DeeMe, simple, quick and low-cost. Collaboration with Muroran Institute of Technology R&D for J-PARC/MLF Target is in progress. Talk by Dr. Kishimoto Interest in RaDIATE Information sharing about proton & neutron irradiation of SiC and SiC/SiC composite. Irradiation test by BLIP? (Budget is limited, because the actual collaboration is just started now.) “Silicon Carbide” vs “Graphite” Density (Beam loss) Young’s modulus Bending Strength Graphite (IG-430) 1.82 g/cc (4kW) 11 GPa 45 MPa SiC (SC1000, Kyocera) 3.2 g/cc (8 kW) 440 GPa 450 MPa Comparison with graphite (Very rough discussion) Thermal stress depends on Product of temperature (2 times) and Young’s modulus (40 times). “Thermal stress; 80 times” VS “Strength; 10 times” SiC has 8 times larger risk than graphite about thermal stress. Thermal stress by quasi-static temperature distribution (DC beam) Thermal stress by adiabatic pulsed-heating “Material Properties of Silicon Carbide” (In parentheses, Graphite) Density; 3.2 g/cc (1.82 g/cc) Heat generation by proton beam; 8kW (4kW), 2 times larger than Graphite Thermal Conductivity; 200W/m/K @ R.T. (130W/m/K @R.T., 50W/m/K @1000℃) In our case, radiation damage must be considered; 20W/m/K (15 W/m/K) Upper temperature limit; 2000℃ (1700 ℃) on the viewpoint of vacuum, 1300℃ in the air 1000 ℃ on the v.p. of heavy radiation damage, dislocation loop Bending Strength; 450MPa (45MPa), 10 times larger than Graphite. (By radiation damage; 350MPa @4dpa 500 degC 280MPa @25dpa 800 degC for typical sintering material [1]) Young’s Modulus; 440GPa (11GPa), 40 times larger than Graphite. Emissivity;0.8-0.9 (0.94; calibrated by T.C.) [1] G.W. Hollenberg et al. Journal of Nuclear Materials 219 (1995) 70-86 Thermal stress depends on Young’s modulus x Heat “10 times Strength” vs “80 times Thermal stress” For thermal stress, 8 times larger risk than Graphite. Thermal stress by temperature distribution Mises stress; 109 MPa Max. temp.; 1050 K Heating test on Aug. 6th Tensile stress; 190 MPa 108 MPa due to releasing the constraint by removing outer SiC. Improvements to reduce the thermal stress are in progress. Thermal stress by adiabatic pulsed-heating Thermal stress is generated by adiabatic pulsed heating with constant volume. Assumption 8 kW, 25Hz, Beam diameter; 14 mm (uniform) Beam spot E; Young’s modulus 440 GPa Α; Th. Expansion 4.3 ppm/K Ρ; Poisson ratio 0.16 C; 700 ( J/kg/K) @300K 1300 @1300K DT; 93 K @300 K, 50 K @1300 K 25Hz, 15000 hours (1.3×109 ) thermal stress; 220 MPa @300 K, 170 MPa @1300 K (Bending strength; 450 MPa) Severe conditions on the viewpoint of Fracture toughness, brittleness Developments of material itself are required. SiC/SiC composite material by OASIS Gr. in Muroran Institute of Technology SiC Development History as a Nuclear Material Development of SiC as a nuclear material started in 80s. SiC/SiC is the most potential candidate of structural material of fusion reactors in future. Radiation damages on SiC have been researched using fission reactors and many kinds of ion accelerators. Especially, synergistic effects • ‘Blackof spots’ are probably small displacement damages loops or SIA cluster as loop embryo. and gas atoms have been • Perfect loops develop into dislocation network at high revealed byT dual-ion and high doses. • Microstructural developmentresearches. in irradiation the high-T & high-dose regime is to some of fccreinforced metals. similarSiC/SiC by highly crystallized SiC fibers Fluence (dpa) represents excellent Ion irradiation researches and microstructural characterization revealed the irradiation damage tolerance of SiC as a fusion irradiation resistance Irradiation Temperature (°C) HPCFI: High Performance Composite Materials for Future Industries AMG: Advanced Materials Gas-Generator CREST-ACE: Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology-Advanced materials for Conversion of Energy IVNET: Innovative Nuclear Energy Technology development SIPSAM: Support Industry Program/SiC/SiC for Al Die-Casting Machine by Hot-Chamber Method SIRIUS: SiC Integration Research for Innovative Utilization of Geothermal Energy Source SCARLET: SiC Fuel Cladding/Assembly Research Launching Extra-Safe Technology 1 1 INSPIRE: Innovative SiC Fuel-Pin Research i i i i FIAT: LWR Fuel with Increased Accident Tolerance 1400 i 1 Larger Loops Dislocation Network Voids 1 1200 i i 3 3 i 1000 i 1 i 800 1 600 i 1 1 n n i BSD + Small Loops 5 1 i i 2 i material 1 2 n : This work, neutron i : This work, self ion 1: Price (1973) 2: Yano (1998) 3: Senor (2003) 4: Iseki (1990) BSD n Advanced SiC/SiC (red line) keeps flexural strength after neutron irradiation in fission reactor i Frank Loops i 400 200 i 10 100 Black Spot Defects (BSD) Small / Frank Loops Large Loops Dislocation Network Voids SiC/SiC Composite (NITE & NIC SiC) SiC/SiC claddings Possibility to introduce SiC/SiC for muon target Advanced materials developed for nuclear & fusion reactor by OASIS Group of Muroran Institute of Technology. Collaboration is in progress. Irradiation tests in FEEMA Project at OASIS Halden reactor, Norway Support program at KEK (Kasokuki Shien Jigyo) (2014, 2015) Workshop at J-PARC last September SiC workshop at J-PARC (J-PARC News No. 126) High thermal conductivity (controllable) Large and Complex Shapes Excellent Mechanical Properties (Strength or Pseudo-ductility, Young’s modulus) Excellent Radiation Resistance anticipated 1/3 model for muon target It can be also applied for accelerator field.
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