Time reference kanji

Before, present, future and every.
To start you have your four basic time slots which will help
you group and remember the kanji for the day or time you
日(にち)、週(しゅう)、月(つき/げつ)、and 年(ねん/とし)
To begin simply we have日which we all use as a day
reference. 週 we use as week reference, 月 as a month
reference and 年 as a year reference.
So from here on out when you see these you will be able to
firstly pick out what time unit anyone actually uses.
Psst ! It’s in the pasta..
 先週~せんしゅう
 先月~せんげつ
 去年~きょねん
Okay so jumping right in we have some past
words .Although we have basic time units for all of
them , much of this part you will just need to learn
as is, because they each vary. The following are a
few simple ways I remembered these by:
1. You know(きのう), yesterday you were kind of cranky. ( “You know”
is close enough for me to remember it :P ) as for the kanji I
2. Last week , I heard laughing in class could get’chu(しゅう) sent
(せん)to the office= せんしゅう
3. Last month , my company sent(せん)me pamphlets which say that
I get(げつ) a free trip to Italy = せんげつ
4. For this kanji I learned it by remembering that when I wrote it ,it
had the kanji 土 from 土曜日(どようび)as well as it had ム(mu). And
きょねん I just forced myself to remember.
Random fact: The term karaoke means "empty orchestra" in Japanese
 今週~こんしゅう
 今月~こんげつ
 今年~ことし
In my opinion we are on the easiest kanji’s
to learn. I think it’s so simple because if
you look closely , in front of each of the
kanji you have 今(いま) which means now、
So if anything you see contains that symbol
then you know it means in a present tense.
Now to put the two together. We already know the basic symbols for year,
day, week etc. and we know that each have a present tense symbol .
So knowing what the kanji looks like, you just need to remember the
words. :3
1.Today I went to Kyoto(きょ)= きょう
2.This week I had to pick out the cons(こん) between shoe(しゅう)designs = こんしゅう
3.This month I had to convert(こん) miles to get(げつ) kilometres= こんげつ
4.This year I needed a new coat(こと) because she(し) ruined my last one = ことし
Random fact : Japan's literacy rate is almost 100%.
 来週~らいしゅう
 来月~らいげつ
 来年~らいねん
In order:
Tomorrow. Next week.
Next month. Next year.
Lets get raight down to it shall we? A big
part of learning these kanji and names is
the来(らい) If you can recall that then all
you need to do is ,once again , put in your
time units and you should be good to go.
One of the ones that usually confuses
most people is (あした) . So I have two
ways for you to get it. 1. You can
remember that the sun will rise
tomorrow morning. ( If you look at the
kanji for tomorrow we have明. Think of
the日 in front of the月 as a sun and its
simple) 2. Tomorrow, the teacher is going
to lecture us. “Aw , she talks too much”=
Random fact: Geisha means "person of the arts" and the first geisha were actually men.
 毎週~まいしゅう
 毎月~まいつき
 毎年~まいとし
Mai, mai, mai, what do we have here? We have
everyday titles ! To begin lets look at the kanji.
Every one of these begin with symbol Mai so
that’s nothing to difficult to remember and we
already know the other kanji’s so what else is
there to learn? Well looking through the list
there are probably two that might mess you up,
まいつき and まいとし so lets focus on those.
So to make毎月 an easier thing to remember lets pick it apart. Looking
at the second kanji in it we have月 or つき. つき literally translated
means moon in Japanese so you can remember: Every month , the moon
is in a new phase.
Now to remember every year. Here we are not using ねんbut we are
using とし.One example that might help you would be : Every year
my(まい) dad buys something new for his Toshiba (とし). = まいとし
Random fact: The average life expectancy in Japan is one of the highest in the world.
ごせん+ごご= ??
For some reason I could not wrap my head around these two little
time references. And as miniscule as they are , they really aren’t
that hard to get.
Firstly we look at ごせん(午前)~Gozen which is a time reference to the
morning. How I simply reminded myself of this was a little catch phrase:
“Mom I have to get to school!” “Well Go then!” Using go then is close
enough for me to remember that I could use it as *gozen* in the morning.
Another way you can remember gozen is the second kanji in gozen is 前、
which is mae or translated means in front of. So to start your day you can
either use the kanji to remember that mae is before your day or by using a
catch phrase.
Secondly by using another word association I remembered ごご(午後)~gogo
as : After a long day of work you have to go to the bathroom and someone
shouts at you “ Go! Go!”. And that is simply how I remember that this is
used for in the afternoon and PM times.
A picture for comic relief
Because you learned a lot :D