Solar Evolution and Extrema (SEE) under VarSITI Scientific Program Takeru Suzuki1, Taro Sakao2, Kanya Kusano3 (1: Physics, Nagoya U., 2: ISAS/JAXA, 3: STEL, Nagoya U.) and P. C. Martens, D. Nandi, V. N. Obridko, K. Shiokawa, and K. Georieva Acknowledgements • I borrowed many slides and slide materials from – Prof. Kazuo Shiokawa (Nagoya U.) Co-leader of international VarSITI program • Overview of VarSITI program – Dr. Piet Martens (Montana State U./CfA-Harvard) Co-leader of international SEE element • Outline of SEE activity element – Dr. Taro Sakao (ISAS/JAXA) Japanese Co-operation Partner of SEE Four Elements of VarSITI • Solar Evolution and Extrema (SEE) 太陽進化と極端現象 • International Study of Earth-Affecting Solar Transients (ISEST)/MiniMax24 地球に影響を及ぼす太陽の短期変動に関する国際研究 • Specification and Prediction of the Coupled Inner-Magnetospheric Environment (SPeCIMEN) 内部磁気圏における多圏間相互作用環境の理解と予測 • Role Of the Sun and the Middle atmosphere/thermosphere/ionosphere In Climate (ROSMIC) 地球気候に対する太陽・中層大気・熱圏・電離圏の役割 Science Questions driving SEE: 1. Are we at the verge of a new grand minimum? If not, what is the expectation for cycle 25? 2. Does our current best understanding of the evolution of solar irradiance and mass loss resolve the "Faint Young Sun" paradox? 3. For the next few decades, what can we expect in terms of extreme solar flares and storms, and also absence of activity? Goals & Objectives of SEE: 1. Reproduce past solar magnetic activity with dynamo simulations, including grand/ extended minima. Solar Cycle Activities 2. Establish solar spectral and wind output over the Earth’s history. Habitability 3. Determine size and frequency of extreme solar events. Extreme events SEE Research Structure Understand planetary (Earth) habitability Understand solar cycle activities Dynamo modeling Nandi Faint Young Sun Martens Prediction from polar fields Muñoz-Jaramillo Dynamo-climate coupling Gibson et al. Long-term sunspot database ROB; Clette - solar cycle dependence - flux accumulation for extreme events? (As I understand...) - radiation & SW particles v.s. atmos. response Evolution of the solar system environment in terms of habitability Austrian PatH program Modeling atmospheric erosion & evolution Modeling evolution of cosmic-ray environment Drake Understand extreme solar events Relationship btwn. extreme events and solar cycle activity Obridko The Faint Young Sun Paradox The Faint Young Sun Paradox (Sagan and Mullen 1972) (Martens): Solar luminosity predicted - The Sun was about 30% lessby stellar evolution model(s) luminous when life developed on Freezing point of water Earth, Yet geological and biological evidence points to a warm young Earth, 60 to 70 degC. - What can be the solution? - Physical status/composition of (Kasting, Toon, and Pollack 1988, the atmosphere? Sci. Am. 258) - Initial solar mass larger by a few %, losing the mass by strong Presence of life wind? (Suzuki et al., 2013) Birthsolar of Solar System Liquid ocean present Present SOC: 今田晋亮(宇宙研) 鈴木建(名大) 宮原ひろ子(宇宙研) 常田佐久(国立天文台) さいごに • 太陽そのものを研究する「太陽物理学」 • 恒星としての太陽 – 天体現象の詳細観測 – 長時間(数10億年)進化⇔太陽型星の天文観測 • 母なる太陽 ー惑星系の中心星として – 惑星環境進化⇒生命居住可能惑星 – 太陽系外惑星研究の礎(いしずえ) VarSITIが我々に何かをしてくれる訳ではない. – 自らアクションを起こしてアクセスする. VarSITI Committee Members Japanese POCs VarSITI International Co-Leaders SEE Solar Evolution and Extrema ISEST International Studies of Earthaffecting Solar Transients SPeCIMEN Specification and Prediction of the Coupled InnerMagnetospheric Environment ROSMIC Role Of the Sun and the Middle atmosphere/thermosphere/io nosphere In Climate International Co-Leaders K. Georgieva (Bulgaria) Kazuo Shiokawa (Nagoya U.) T. Sakao (ISAS/JAXA) T. Suzuki (Nagoya U.) K. Kusano (Nagoya U.) P. Martens (USA) V. Obridko (Russia) D. Nandi (India) T. Shimizu (ISAS/JAXA) A. Asai (Kyoto U.) R. Kataoka (NIPR) J. Zhang (USA) M. Temmer (Austria) N. Gopalswamy (USA) Y. Miyoshi (Nagoya U.) Y. Omura (Kyoto U.) Y. Kato (Tohoku U.) J. Bortnik (USA) C. Rodger (New Zealand) T. Nakamura (NIPR) Y. Takahashi (Hokkaido U.) Y. Otsuka (Nagoya U.) F. –J. Lubken (Germany) A. Seppala (Finland) W. Ward (Canada) SEE Research Structure (As I understand...) Understand planetary (Earth) habitability Understand solar cycle activities Dynamo modeling Nandi Faint Young Sun Martens Prediction from polar fields Muñoz-Jaramillo Dynamo-climate coupling Gibson et al. - radiation & SW particles v.s. atmos. response Evolution of the solar system environment in terms of habitability Austrian PatH program Participation welcomed! Long-term sunspot database ROB; Clette - solar cycle dependence - flux accumulation for extreme events? Modeling atmospheric erosion & evolution Modeling evolution of cosmic-ray environment Drake Understand extreme solar events Relationship btwn. extreme events and solar cycle activity Obridko Backup Slides IMS STEP SRAMP CAWSES VarSITI CAWSES-II is the cause of the declining solar activityPSMOS in recent years? EPIC is its consequence on the Earth and the ISCS nearby space What What environment? MAP SEE: White Paper Team International contributing scientists • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sarah Gibson, High Altitude Observatory (NCAR), USA, Katja Matthes, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany, Manuel Gudel, University of Vienna, Austria, Laurene Jouve, University of Toulouse, France, Steve Saar, Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA, Aline Vidotto, University of St Andrews, UK, Andrés Muñoz-Jaramillo, Montana State University, USA, Ilya Usoskin: University of Oulu, Finland, Kanya Kusano, Nagoya University, Japan, Jeremy Drake, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Frederic Clette, Royal Observatory of Belgium, Belgium, Vladimir Obridko, IZMIRAN, Russia, Dibyendu Nandi, IISER Kolkata, India, International co-leaders Piet Martens, Montana State University, USA • Please join our group! SEE Research Structure Understand planetary (Earth) habitability Understand solar cycle activities Dynamo modeling Nandi Faint Young Sun Martens Prediction from polar fields Muñoz-Jaramillo Dynamo-climate coupling Gibson et al. Long-term sunspot database ROB; Clette - solar cycle dependence - flux accumulation for extreme events? (As I understand...) - radiation & SW particles v.s. atmos. response Evolution of the solar system environment in terms of habitability Austrian PatH program Modeling atmospheric erosion & evolution Modeling evolution of cosmic-ray environment Drake Understand extreme solar events Relationship btwn. extreme events and solar cycle activity Obridko How well can we predict Sun’s activity? Predictions of sunspot cycle 24 Understand Solar Cycle Activities Dynamo Modeling (Nandi): - - - - Turbulent flux pumping: can it replace single cell meridional circulation? Full 3D kinematic simulations: Yeates & Munoz, MNRAS 2013, Jouve & Nandi, in progress. The “memory” of the solar cycle: how far ahead can we predict? The physics of Grand Minima. Are we going in to a Maunder minimum? Polar flux measurements and activity predictions (Munoz-Jaramillo): - - Polar flux (as an indicator of the solar axial dipole moment) is crucial for determining solar wind conditions at solar minimum. Polar flux is predictor for next cycle. Our dynamo and surface flux transport simulations will yield a self-consistent picture of the evolution of this baseline during long time-scales. SEE Research Structure Understand planetary (Earth) habitability Understand solar cycle activities Dynamo modeling Nandi Faint Young Sun Martens Prediction from polar fields Muñoz-Jaramillo Dynamo-climate coupling Gibson et al. Long-term sunspot database ROB; Clette - solar cycle dependence - flux accumulation for extreme events? (As I understand...) - radiation & SW particles v.s. atmos. response Evolution of the solar system environment in terms of habitability Austrian PatH program Modeling atmospheric erosion & evolution Modeling evolution of cosmic-ray environment Drake Understand extreme solar events Relationship btwn. extreme events and solar cycle activity Obridko Pathways to Habitability: An Austrian National Key Science Program University of Vienna, Austrian Academy of Sciences, University of Graz ~40 team members, +40 int’l co-operation partners funding 2012-2016 ongoing, 2016-2020 after review co-operation with other groups & networks being established, and welcome! Principal Questions and Goals: - What are the astrophysical conditions for planetary habitability? - How are environments becoming habitable in forming planetary systems? - How and when in habitability established under extreme conditions? - What was different in the young solar system compared to the present? ASA Dynamo Modeling: Nandi Research Projects: - Turbulent flux pumping: can it replace single cell meridional circulation? - Full 3D kinematic simulations: Yeates & Munoz, MNRAS 2013, Jouve & Nandi, in progress - The “memory” of the solar cycle: how far ahead can we predict? - The physics of Grand Minima. Are we going in to a Maunder minimum? Polar Flux Measurements (Munoz, MSU) Muñoz-Jaramillo et al. 2012 • Polar flux (as an indicator of the solar axial dipole moment) is crucial for determining solar wind conditions at solar minimum. Polar flux is predictor for next cycle. • Our dynamo and surface flux transport simulations will yield a self-consistent picture of the evolution of this baseline during long time-scales. The Faint Young Sun Paradox: Martens The Sun was about 30% less luminous when life developed on Earth, yet geological and biological evidence points to a warm young Earth, 60 to 70 C SEE Research Structure Understand planetary (Earth) habitability Understand solar cycle activities Dynamo modeling Nandi Faint Young Sun Martens Prediction from polar fields Muñoz-Jaramillo Dynamo-climate coupling Gibson et al. Long-term sunspot database ROB; Clette - solar cycle dependence - flux accumulation for extreme events? (As I understand...) - radiation & SW particles v.s. atmos. response Evolution of the solar system environment in terms of habitability Austrian PatH program Modeling atmospheric erosion & evolution Modeling evolution of cosmic-ray environment Drake Understand extreme solar events Relationship btwn. extreme events and solar cycle activity Obridko Modeling Cosmic Rays Through Time Drake, SAO • Cosmic ray environment depends primarily on – Solar surface magnetic field and wind – Solar rotation rate • Model young solar analogs using observed B field maps – Observed Prot vs time – Compute CR transport AB Doradus K0 V P=0.5d Parker Spiral at 75 Myr Cohen et al (2010) Modeling Evolution of Cosmic Ray Environment (Drake) Parker Spiral at 75 Myr GCR flux at Earth Local ISM P=25d P=4d Cohen et al (2012) • Cosmic ray environment depends primarily on – Solar surface magnetic field and wind – Solar rotation rate • Model young solar analogs using observed B field maps – Observed Prot vs time – Compute CR transport Cohen et al (2010) AB Doradus K0 V P=0.5d Extreme Events (Obridko) Much progress is being made by other scientists already on this issue (e.g. the Shibata group in Kyoto) Prof. Obridko’s subgroup will focus on the following: - Really large solar flares and storms, e.g. the Carrington event and the 1921 magnetic superstorm occur in smaller solar cycles. (Press release figure by Can that be confirmed from larger data Kyoto U.; 2014) samples? - If so, what is the expectation value for such super large storms during the upcoming era of less strong solar cycles? Are we in fact facing a larger risk? • Seek for relationship between “productivity” of extreme events and solar cycle activity. • What about the upcoming weak cycle activities? Extreme Events: Obridko Much progress is being made by other scientists already on this issue (e.g. the Shibata group in Kyoto) Prof. Obridko’s subgroup will focus on the following: - Really large solar flares and storms, e.g. the Carrington event and the 1921 magnetic superstorm occur in smaller solar cycles. Can that be confirmed from larger data samples? - If so, what is the expectation value for such super large storms during the upcoming era of less strong solar cycles? Are we in fact facing a larger risk? VarSITI委員 国内委員 VarSITI国際Co-Leader SEE 太陽進化と極端現象 ISEST 地球に影響を及ぼす太陽の短 期変動に関する国際研究 SPeCIMEN 内部磁気圏における多圏間相 互作用環境の理解と予測 ROSMIC 地球気候に対する太陽・中層 大気・熱圏・電離圏の役割 国際Co-Leader K. Georgieva (Bulgaria) 塩川和夫 (名大STE研) 坂尾太郎 (JAXA宇宙研) 鈴木建 (名大理) 草野完也 (名大STE研) P. Martens (USA) V. Obridko (Russia) D. Nandi (India) 清水敏文 (JAXA宇宙研) 浅井歩 (京大宇宙ユニット) 片岡龍峰 (極地研) J. Zhang (USA) M. Temmer (Austria) N. Gopalswamy (USA) 三好由純 (名大STE研) 大村善治 (京大生存圏) 加藤雄人 (東北大理) J. Bortnik (USA) C. Rodger (New Zealand) 中村卓司 (極地研) 高橋幸弘 (北大理) 大塚雄一 (名大STE研) F. –J. Lubken (Germany) A. Seppala (Finland) W. Ward (Canada)
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