Daniel Adriano 1st period Sensei Thomas Adame FUKU, dress European clothes FUKU, good fortune FUN; kona, ko, powder BETSU, distinction, exception; different, particular; waka(reru), to part (from) HEN, odd; disturbance, accident, change; ka(waru), to change, to be uncommon, to move; ka(eru), to change to reform BEN, convenience, bodily waste; BIN, mail HOU; tsutsu(mu), to wrap, to cover HOU; hana(su), to let go, to release; hana(tsu), to set free, to send forth, to shoot HOU[POU],law, doctrine, reason, method BOU, MOU; nozo(mi), desire, wish; nozo(mu), to desire, to expect, to see MATSU; sue, end, future, youngest child, trifle MI;aji, taste, relish experience MYAKU, pulse, hope, range MIN; tami, people, subjects MEI, order, command; MYOU; inochi, life MON;to(u), to ask, to question, to care, to accuse YAKU;kusuri, medicine, chemicals YU; abura, oil YUU, U; a(ru), to exist, to have, to measure, to have experience, to happen, to consist of YUU; isa(mashii), brave YO(previous) YOU, ocean YOU(positive, male principle in nature) RI, advantage, profit, interest(on money) RIKU, land RYOU; yo(i), good, well, fine, right, satisfactory RYOU(charge, materials) RYOKU, ROKU; midori, green RIN; wa, ring, circle, wheel RUI, a kind, a variety REI; tsume(tai), cold; hi(eru), to grow cold, feel chilly; hi(yasu), to cool REKI(to pass, to travel about) RETSU, row, line REN, a ream(of paper), a group;~ren, suffix for “group”;tsu(reru), to take along; tsu(ranaru), to range; ~zure, suffix for “companion” REN; ne(ru), to polish (one’s style), to discipline(one’s mind), to parade, to knead (a dough) RO(road, route, path); ~ji, suffix denoting “way” ROU, old age; o(i), old age, the aged; o(iru), to grow old ROU, labor, service, trouble ROKU(to copy, to write down) ATSU(pressure) I(easy); EKI, divination I, stomach I; utsu(ru), to move (to a place, into a house), to change, to sink into, to be infectious; utsu(su), to remove, to infect IN, cause; yo(ru), to be due to, to be based on EI, honor; saka(e), prosperity; saka(eru), to prosper EI(long, eternal, perpetual) EI(to protect, to defend) EKI, liquid, fluid, juice EN; en(zuru), to act, to perform a play, to create( a comic scene), to commit( a blunder OU(center, middle) OU(to go; ancient times) OU, ou(zuru) OKU, one hundred million ON, favor, kindness KA, KE; kari, temporary, false KA, fruit, result; hate, end result; hata(su), to carry out, to realize, to fulfill KA, river KA; su(giru), to elapse, to pass, to exceed; su(gosu), to pass (a day), to go to excess KA; atai, price, value KA, sesction, lesson GA (congratulations) KAI; kokoroyo(i), pleasant, refreshing KAI (explanation); to(ku), to solve, to untie, to dissolve KAKU; ono-ono, each, every KAKU, status, case(in grammar) KAKU; tashi(ka), sure, accurate, reliable; tashi(kameru), to ascertain, to confirm KAN(end, completion) KAN (China); ~kan, suffix for “man” KAN(to control, to administer); kuda, tube, pipe KAN; na(reru), to get accustomed(to), to become inured (to) KI(rare; desire) KI; yo(ru), to approach, to drop in , to gather; yo(seru), to draw up (a chair), to push (a desk) aside KI(compass) KI(history, chronicle) GI(art, skill) GI, justice, morality, loyalty, relationship; prefix for “in-law,” “artificial” GI(discussion) KYUU, KU; hisa(shii), long (time), lasting; hisa(shiku), for a long time KYUU; moto(me), request, demand; moto(meru), to request, to search for, to buy, to wish for KYUU; suku(i), rescue, help; suku(u), to rescue, to help KYUU(to supply) KYO(dwelling place); i(ru), to be, to be present, to dwell KYO; yuru(shi), permission, pardon, approval; yuru(su), to permit, to forgive, to approve GYO; RYOU, fishing KYOU, interest; KOU; oko(ru), to prosper; oko(su), to restore KIN(level, equality) KU, ward, section KU, clause, phrase, verse, line GUN, army, military authorities GUN; mu(re), group, flock, herd; mu(reru), mura(garu), to throng KEI; kata, type, model, mold, conventionality KEI, circles of longitude; KYOU, the sutras,(law, reason, way, ordinary course of things); he(ru), to pass, to pass through KETSU(lack, absence); ka(keru), to be broken off, to lack; ka(ku), to lack, to want KEN, matter KEN; suko(yaka), healthy, sound KEN(effect; toexamine) GEN; kagi(ri), limit, end, as far as possible; kagi(ru), to limit, to restrict GEN(present, now); ara(wareru), to show oneself, to come into sight, to be found (out); ara(wasu), to manifest, to expose, to express KO(individual), suffix for enumeration GO(to protect, to defend
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