Alignment and beam position study contents - primary vertex distribution - alignment in Z direction - beam position study Hidemitsu Asano primary yvtx vs zvtx yvtx zvtx primary xvtx vs zvtx xvtx zvtx tangent-like structure case 1 entire rotation of barrel case 2 misalignment in x direction xoffset? x x z(=beam axis) y z y Shimomura-sanのnDST • The East center is -190 micron shifted. x v t x zvtx yvtx zvtx 次のexternal alignmentで治ると期待 alignment in Z direction • - change central arm geometry - vtx measurement supposedly more accurate and precise than central arm measurement - therefore this is the cleanest way - however: this requires touching legacy code と,いうことをanalysis meetingでは議論されたらしい。 - alignment of VTX in Z direction 1.先にVTX west –VTX east offsetを合わせる 2.pixel はsurvey dataが入ってる。pixel基準で1のwest east offsetを決めてしまい。 stripをpixel layerに合うように調整する。 3. ladder by ladder alignment ( ただし細かい方法については要検討) VTX west east offset (SvxPriVertexSeedFinderを改造) measurement of ….. -seedz by pixel -seedz by strip -seedz by pixel west -seedz by pixe east analysis setup -run 349369 -seedz by strip west -|bbcz|<15cm -no bbc charge cut -seedz by strip east -applied hot dead map seedpixel_west – seedpixel_east seedpixel_west – seedpixel_east (rebin) seedpixel_west – seedpixel_east vs BBCZ seedpixel_west - seedpixel pixelseed_east - pixelseed stripseed_west – pixel seed_west stripseed_east – pixel seed_east で、どうするか -とりあえず、測ったmeanをz_offsetとして採用 -strip layerもpixelに合うように動かす。 -もう一度external alignment (primary_zの位置 が変わるから) -segmentのクラスターを使ってladder by ladder にzvtxを組んで、zvtx_meanに合わせて見る (思いつき) beam position study start of fill run 349160 – 0000,0001(prdf segment #) start 2011-06-16 18:20:26 Fill:16075 end of fill run 349168 – 0070,0071 start 2011-06-16 21:21:54 Fill:16075 beam center • run 349160 run 349160 (x,y)=(0.0594,-0.0591) (cm) run 349168 (x,y)=(0.0590,-0.0583) (cm) mean,sigmaともに数μm程度の違い back up variables ・(central arm west – central arm east) Z offset ・(central arm west - svx west )Z offset ・(svx west – svx east )Z offset ・ladder by ladder z position in svx coordinate. (written in svxPISA.par ,should not be changed by access) Z 21 • ところで VTX のアライメントどうしよう? (1mm以下のスケールで) Lei さんのスライドより vtx west east gap 今CNTを使うとカオスに なりはしまいか? 秋元君から(seed –seed ) east west bbcz – svx primary (Z) RUN# 349369 Au+Au 200 GeV date : Jun,18th 2011 This is a difference btw bbcz and primary z_vertex position calculated by VTX. bbcz mean is in good agreement with VTX_Z after Jun. 7th unit:cm padvtx[2]-svx primary z but,in the same run, Z_vertex calculated from pad chamber is off from VTX_Z (~1 cm) There is a discrepancy between pad chamber coordinate and VTX coordinate in z-direction. unit:cm padvtx is obtained from vtxout PC3 PC1 search window from bbcz padvtx padvtx_west bbcz pc1,3 clusters associated with CNT track 2. straight line projection to (x,y)=(0,0) 3. cut z_vertex far from bbcz (>4cm) 4. calculate mean of zvtx from 3. on east and west arm individually event by event. pc3dz PC3 PC1 CNT track bbcz There is also a discrepancy btw EAST arm and WEST arm. This plot is pc3dz for west arm only(blue) and pc3dz for east arm only (red). (bbc charge <200 cut is applied.) The difference is ~1cm. 2.4m 2.5m pc3dz= (cluster position – CNT projected point) blue:west pc3dz red:east pc3dz unit:cm EMCal cluster PC1 CNT track bbcz There is another evidence of EAST-WEST discrepancy. This plot is emcdz for west arm only(blue) and emcdz for east arm only (red). The difference is ~2,3cm. blue:west emcdz red:east emcdz Summary and outlook - Our original plan is to align VTX ladders in the central arm coordinate. In x-y plane, all ladders are aligned in DCH coordinate. - In z direction, there is a large (~1cm) discrepancy between VTX coordinate and central arm coordinate , and between west arm and east arm also. - We don’t think actual location of VTX is off around 1cm from the center of central magnet. - We need to match central arm coordinate system and VTX coordinate system for the alignment and global tracking . - We will discuss with central arm detector experts about this coordinate problem.
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