P2P video broadcast based on per-peer transcoding and its evaluation on PlanetLab Naoki Shibata, † Keiichi Yasumoto, Masaaki Mori Shiga University, †Nara Institute of Sci. and Tech. 1 Motivation Watching TV on various devices Screen resolution of mobile phone : 96x64 ~ Screen resolution of Plasma TV : ~ 1920x1080 Video delivery method for wide variety of devices Screen resolution Computing power Available bandwidth to Internet Popularization of P2P video delivery Joost Zattoo 2 Overview of this presentation Improvement to our previously proposed video delivery method named MTcast Features of (previous) MTcast Video delivery method based on P2P video streaming Serves requests with different video qualities Scalable with number of users New improvement Reduced backbone bandwidth for further scalability Evaluation of performance on PlanetLab Implementation in Java language Evaluation in PlanetLab environment 3 Outline Background Related works MTcast overview Implementation overview Evaluation 4 Multiversion method request 200k deliver 300k request 400k … deliver 500k 300k 500k Minimum delay No need of transcoding Low user satisfaction : # of served video qualities = # of versions High network load G. Conklin, G. Greenbaum, K. Lillevold and A. Lippman : ``Video Coding for Streaming Media Delivery on the Internet,’’ IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 11(3), 2001. 5 Online transcoding method Server Proxies 1000k 1000k 1000k Transcode 300k 500k 700k Higher user satisfaction Additional cost for proxies # of qualities is restricted by capacity of proxies S. Jacobs and A. Eleftheriadis : ``Streaming Video using Dynamic Rate Shaping and TCP Flow Control,’’ Visual Communication and Image Representation Journal, 1998. 6 Layered multicast method 200k … 200k+300k 200k 300k Base layer 2nd layer 200k+300k+500k Low computation load on server User satisfaction depends on # of layers Limitation on # of layers … High CPU usage to decode many layers J. Liu, B. Li and Y.-Q. Zhang : ``An End-to-End Adaptation Protocol for Layered Video Multicast Using Optimal Rate Allocation,’’ 7 IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2004. Outline Background Related works MTcast overview Implementation overview Evaluation 8 Service provided by MTcast Network environment Wide Number of users 500 area network across multiple domains to 100,000 Kind of contents Simultaneous broadcast of video - same as TV broadcast New user can join to receive delivered video from the scene currently on broadcast Kind of request by users Each user can specify bit rate of video We assume resolution and frame rate are decided from bit rate 9 Idea of MTcast Server request 800k reply 800k Transcode reply 500k Transcode request 500k Transcode 1000k request 300k reply 300k 10 Building transcode tree Transcode tree is video delivery tree User nodes User nodes Bit rate request 2000k Bit rate request 2000k Bit rate request 800k Bit rate request 2000k Bit rate request 300k Bit rate request 1920k Bit rate request 1200k Bit rate request 1500k Sort Bit rate request 1850k Bit rate request 1830k 11 Building transcode tree A constant value decided on each video broadcast User nodes • Make groups of k user nodes from the top • Each group is called a layer • Minimum requested bit rate for each layer is actually delivered to the layer Bit rate request 2000k Bit rate request 2000k Bit rate request 1920k Bit rate request 1850k Bit rate request 1830k Delivered bit rate for each layer Bit rate request 1800k Bit rate request 1800k Bit rate request 1780k 12 Building transcode tree • Put each layer at the place of nodes in a binary tree • In the order of depth first search • Construct a modified binary tree Video server 2000k 1800k 1500k 1100k 1300k 900k 700k 13 Advantages of building tree in this manner Video server 2000k 1800k 1500k 1300k 900k 700k Videos in many qualities can be served 1100k Number of qualities = Number of layers Each node is required to perform only one transcoding Length of video delivery delay is O(log(# of nodes)) Tolerant to node failures 14 Recovery from node failure No increase in number of video transcoding on each node • Degree of tolerance of node failure depends on : • Number of nodes in each layer If there are many nodes in layer, it has greater tolerance of failure • Available bandwidth on each node • Buffered video data is played back during recovery • Users never notice node failures 15 Extension for real world usage Each link is an overlay link Traffic may go back and forth many times between ASs Precious bandwidth between ASs is consumed Idea of extension Nodes in a same AS should connect in priority Priority of connection is decided according to hop count and available bandwidth Nodes in service provider A Nodes in service provider B Nodes in service provider 17 C Outline Background Related works MTcast overview Implementation overview Evaluation 18 Design policy Usable on PlanetLab Usable in many similar projects Easily modifiable Good performance, if possible Why not use JMF? It’s not maintained Huge buffering delay 19 Modular design We designed many classes for video delivery Transcoder Transmitter and receiver to/from network Buffer etc. Each node is a set of instances of these classes Each node instantiate these classes and connects the instances according to the command from a central server Workings of each node can be flexibly changed by changing commands from the central server 20 Outline Background Related works MTcast overview Implementation overview Evaluation 21 Results of evaluation published in [9] Computation load of transcoding Computation load of making transcode tree Measured computation load when video playback and transcoding are simultaneously executed Measured on desktop PC, notebook PC and PDA Result : All processing can be performed in real time 1.5 secs of computation on Pentium 4 2.4GHz Time complexity: O( n log n ) Network load : Practical if the computation node of transcode tree has enough bandwidth User satisfaction Satisfaction degree is defined as to [3] Made a network with 6000 node using Inet 3.0 Satisfaction with our method was at least 6% higher than layered multicast method Satisfaction becomes better as the number of nodes increases 23 Video quality degradation by transcoding Video quality may degrade by multiple transcoding We measured PSNR value when video is transcoded in our method We compared : A video transcoded only once A video transcoded multiple times 24 Effectiveness of bandwidth reduction(1/2) Compared physical hop count in transcode tree By our method By randomly selecting node to connect Comparison by simulation Number of user nodes : 1000 333 nodes has bandwidth between 100 and 500kbps 333 nodes has bandwidth between 2 and 5Mbps 334 nodes has bandwidth between 10 and 20Mbps Result of simulation Hop count by the random method : 4088 Hop count by our method : 3121 25% reduction of hop count by our method 25 Effectiveness of bandwidth reduction(2/2) Compared physical hop count in transcode tree By our method By randomly selecting node to connect Comparison on PlanetLab 20 user nodes on 7 countries Result Random selection : hop count 343, 361, 335 Our method : hop count 314, 280, 277 16% reduction of hop count by our method 26 Time to start up the system on PlanetLab Measured time to the following events since beginning All nodes complete establishing connection All nodes receive the first one byte of data Comparison on PlanetLab 20 user nodes on 7 countries Nodes are cascaded, not connected in tree Result of evaluation Observation Most of time is consumed to establish connections All operations are performed in parallel, and thus the observed time is the time for the slowest node to establish connection 27 Time to recover from node failure on PlanetLab Measured following time since a node failure Establishing connection to a new node Receiving data from the new node Comparison on PlanetLab 20 user nodes on 7 countries Nodes are cascaded, not connected in tree Result of evaluation Observation These are practical values During recovery time, buffered data is played back, and thus user never notices node failure 28 Conclusion Improved MTcast Bandwidth usage between ASs is reduced Made a prototype system in Java Evaluation on PlanetLab Ongoing works include Serving request of many parameters including picture size, framerate and audio channels Further reduction of bandwidth between nodes 29 Thank you! Any questions? 30 Devices to reduce buffering delay 前記の各インスタンスはそれぞれ一つのスレッドに対応 各スレッドは,上流のインスタンスの出力データを(ファイルを 読み出すように) readし,加工し,write することを繰り返す 本実装では write メソッドが読み出されたとき,下流のインス タンスがそのデータを全て read するまでブロックする ブロックしないと,スレッドが切替わるまでデータの受渡しが行われない 最悪,スレッドの切替え時間 x インスタンス数分のバッファリング遅延が発生 マルチコアプロセッサの性能を有効活用 各クラスの実装が容易 31 多数のノードで評価するための工夫 PlanetLab のノードの状況は刻々と変化する 突然オフラインになったり,また戻ったり 各ノードのファイルのインストール状況の調査およびインス トール作業を自動化 上記のため,いくつかのスクリプトを用意 各ノードにスクリプトをコピーして実行するスクリプト この作業は,ノード毎に並列に行う ノード毎にインストール作業を行うスクリプト 作業は並列に行われるので,高速 数十のノードに Sun JRE をインストールするだけなら,30分 もかからない 32
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